October 2022
- [2210.04577] # Topological invariants based on generalized position operators and application to the interacting Rice-Mele model (Aligia)
- [2210.03922] Reconstruction of classical skyrmions from Anderson towers: quantum Darwinism in action Mila, Mazurenko)(
- [2210.04163] Particle and thermal transport through one dimensional topological systems via Lindblad formalism (Yan He, Chih-Chun Chien)
- [2210.04412] Non-Bloch bands in two-dimensional non-Hermitian systems (Yokomizo, Murakami)
- [2210.04093] Dynamical quantum phase transitions in SYK Lindbladians (Kawabata, Kulkarni, Li, Numasawa, Ryu)
- [2210.03946] A Concrete Example of Fractional Chern Insulator (Koma)
- [2210.04809] Topology vs localization in synthetic dimensions (Domenico Monaco)
- [2210.04454] The Generalized Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick Model and the Modified Algebraic Bethe Ansatz (Skrypnyk)
- [2210.03965] Yang-Baxter algebra, higher rank partition functions and $K$-theoretic Gysin map for partial flag bundles (Motegi)
- [2210.04237] DMRG study of the higher-charge Schwinger model and its 't Hooft anomaly (Honda, Itou, Tanizaki)
- [2210.02459] Scattering theory of delicate topological insulators (Hughes)
- [2210.02530] (Review) Fractional Statistics (Greiter, Frank Wilczek)
- [2210.02901] Disorder effects in the Z3-Fock parafermion chain (Schuricht, Karrasch)
- [2210.02947] Many-body localization of Z3 Fock parafermions (Gritsev, Kurlov)
- [2210.02485] Topological invariants for SPT entanglers (Carolyn Zhang)
- [2210.02470] # Dipole condensates in tilted Bose-Hubbard chains (Ethan Lake, Hyun-Yong Lee, Jung Hoon Han, Senthil)
- [2210.02453] The Anatomy of Dynamical Quantum Phase Transitions (Papic, Halimeh)
- [2210.02469] Exact solution for the filling-induced thermalization transition in a 1D fracton system (Huse)
- [2210.02483] No invariant perfect qubit codes (Mansuroglu, Sahlmann)
- [2210.03038] # From area law to volume entanglement in a quantum bicolor six-vertex model (Zhao Zhang, Klich)
- [2210.02609] Scattering theory and an index theorem on the radial part of SL(2,R) (H. Inoue, S. Richard)
- [2210.02474] Krylov complexity in large-q and double-scaled SYK model (Pratik Nandy)
- [2210.02148] # Spin current and chirality degrees of freedom inherent in localized electron orbitals (Shintaro Hoshino, Michi-To Suzuki, Hiroaki Ikeda)
- [2210.01996] A quantum spin liquid phase in the Kitaev-Hubbard model (Lixin He)
- [2210.02320] Particle zoo in a doped spin chain: Correlated states of mesons and magnons (Greiner, Grusdt)
- [2210.02322] Dichotomy of heavy and light pairs of holes in the t-J model (Demler, Grusdt)
- [2210.02321] Pairing of holes by confining strings in antiferromagnets (Grusdt, Demler)
- [2210.02440] Quantifying hole-motion-induced frustration in doped antiferromagnets by Hamiltonian reconstruction (Bloch, Grusdt, Bohrdt)
- [2210.02050] (Review) Thouless pumping and topology (Citro, Aidelsburger)
- [2210.02429] Hilbert space fragmentation and weak thermalization in Bose-Hubbard diamond necklaces, scars (Dias)
- [2210.02380] Entropy and Temperature in finite isolated quantum systems (Haque)
- [2210.02162] # Domain wall melting across a defect, Eisler (Calabrese)
- [2210.01847] Dualities between fermionic theories and the Potts model (Narovlansky)
- [2210.02230] Integrable crosscaps in classical sigma models (Gombor)
- [2210.02427] Absence of Operator Growth in the Sachdev--Ye--Kitaev Model for Average Equal-Time Observables (Uhrich, Hauke)
Hosho Katsura's arXiv