February 2022
- [2202.12315] Magnetic-field Induced Topological Transitions and Thermal Conductivity in a Generalized Kitaev Model (Yong Baek Kim, Hae-Young Kee)
- [2202.12757] # The role of correlated hopping in many-body physics of flat-band systems: Nagaoka ferromagnetism (Katsnelson)
- [2202.12638] Local multiplet formation around a single vacancy in graphene: an effective Anderson model analysis based on the block-Lanczos DMRG method (Shirakawa, Yunoki)
- [2202.12543] Emergent O(4) symmetry at an one-dimensional deconfined quantum tricritical point (Ning Xi, Rong Yu)
- [2202.12880] One-dimensional SPT phases protected by frieze symmetries (Haegeman, Verstraete)
- [2202.12355] Symmetric Mass Generation in the 1+1 Dimensional Chiral Fermion 3-4-5-0 Model (Juven Wang, Yi-Zhuang You)
- [2202.12675] Non-Hermitian Many-Body Localization of Coupled Hatano-Nelson Chains (Kuldeep Suthar)
- [2202.12655] Emergent quantum correlations and collective behavior in non-interacting quantum systems subject to stochastic resetting (Lesanovsky)
- [2202.12306] # Emergent quantum state designs and biunitarity in dual-unitary circuit dynamics (Claeys, Lamacraft)
- [2202.12483] Negative Energetic Elasticity of Lattice Polymer Chain in Solvent (Nobu C. Shirai, Sakumichi)
- [2202.12402] Near-exact treatment of seniority-zero ground and excited states with a Richardson-Gaudin mean-field (Faribault, Paul A.Johnson)
- [2202.12870] Correlation functions for open XXZ spin 1/2 quantum chains with unparallel boundary magnetic fields (Niccoli, Terras)
- [2202.12815] Out-of-Time-Order correlators in driven conformal field theories, SSD (Arnab Kundu, K.Sengupta)
- [2202.11947] Quantized and unquantized thermal Hall conductance of Kitaev spin-liquid candidate \(\alpha\)-RuCl3 (Kasahara, Matsuda)
- [2202.12149] Phonon thermal Hall effect in a metallic spin ice (Udagawa, Nakatsuji, Yo Machida)
- [2202.12151] Magnon corner states in twisted bilayer honeycomb magnets, Kondo-Akagi-Katsura cited (Dong-Hui Xu)
- [2202.11992] Magnetic resonance probing of ferroelectricity and magnetism in metal-organic frameworks (Bertaina)
- [2202.12010] (Review) Theoretical methods for excitonic physics in two-dimensional materials: A tutorial (Peres)
- [2202.12207] A real-space many-body marker for correlated Z2 topological insulators (Becca)
- [2202.11873] Real Non-Hermitian Energy Spectra Without Any Symmetry (Ching Hua Lee)
- [2202.12068] Quantum Lifshitz transitions generated by order from quantum disorder in strongly correlated Rashba spin-orbital coupled systems, spinor boson (Jinwu Ye)
- [2202.11728] Symmetry-resolved entanglement entropy in critical free-fermion chains (Nick G.Jones)
- [2202.11520] Bounding the Frobenius norm of a q-deformed commutator ( Gen Kimura)
- [2202.12061] On tetrahedron type equations associated with B3,C3, F4 and H3 (Kuniba)
- [2202.11810] NSR singular vectors from Uglov polynomials (Bershtein)
- [2202.11872] # Position and momentum operators for a moving particle in bulk, SSD (Wu-zhong Guo)
- [2202.11717] # Berry phases, wormholes and factorization in AdS/CFT, SSD (Dorband)
- [2202.12075] Chaotic spin chains in AdS/CFT (McLoughlin, Spiering)
- [2202.09984] Experimental signatures of versatile Weyl semimetal in pyrochlore iridate with spin-ice like magnetic orders (Ishizuka, Arima, Kawasaki, Tokura)
- [2202.10176] Twisted chiral superconductivity in photodoped frustrated Mott insulators (Lauchli, Werner)
- [2202.09431] Rashba-induced spin texture and spin-layer-locking effects in antiferromagnetic CrI3 bilayer (Sukanya Ghosh)
- [2202.09744] Effective spin model in momentum space: Toward a systematic understanding of multiple-Q instability by momentum-resolved anisotropic exchange interactions (Yambe, Hayami)
- [2202.09760] The strong-interaction limit of density functional theory (Friesecke)
- [2202.09369] # Exact bistability and time pseudo-crystallization of driven-dissipative fermionic lattices (Alaeian, Buca)
- [2202.09372] Quantum Optimization of Maximum Independent Set using Rydberg Atom Arrays (Sachdev, Greiner, Lukin)
- [2202.09925] Tuning the entanglement growth in matrix-product-state evolution of quantum systems by nonunitary similarity transformations (Kai T. Liu)
- [2202.09660] The heat flow conjecture for random matrices (Brian C. Hall, Ching-Wei Ho)
- [2202.09401] # Density Matrices of Seniority-Zero Geminal Wavefunctions, Richardson-Gaudin (Paul A.Johnson)
- [2202.07102] Investigation of the magnetoelastic coupling anisotropy in the Kitaev material \(\alpha\)-RuCl$3 (Valenti)
- [2202.07182] Unconventional dual 1D-2D quantum spin liquid revealed by ab initio studies on organic solids family (Ido, Yoshimi, Misawa, Imada)
- [2202.07594] Vortex Excitations of Dirac Bose-Einstein Condensates (Balatsky)
- [2202.07576] Accuracy of Restricted Boltzmann Machines for the one-dimensional J1-J2 Heisenberg model (Becca)
- [2202.07009] Realizing exceptional points of any order in the presence of symmetry (Kunst)
- [2202.07060] Scrambling Dynamics and Out-of-Time Ordered Correlators in Quantum Many-Body Systems: a Tutorial (Swingle)
- [2202.07207] Purity of thermal mixed quantum states (Iwaki, Hotta)
- [2202.07042] Tensor Network Renormalization Study on the Crossover in Classical Heisenberg and \(\mathrm{RP^2}\) Models in Two Dimensions (Atsushi Ueda, Masaki Oshikawa)
- [2202.07597] Contrasting pseudo-criticality in the classical two-dimensional Heisenberg and \(\mathrm{RP}^2\) models: zero-temperature phase transition versus finite-temperature crossover (Verstraete, Vanderstraeten)
- [2202.07647] # Can a spin chain relate combinatorics to number theory? (Kun Hao, Salberger, Korepin)
- [2202.06989] # Slow dynamics and large deviations in classical stochastic Fredkin chains (Causer, Garrahan, Lamacraft)
- [2202.07657] Mobile impurity in a one-dimensional gas at finite temperatures, McGuire, BA (Gamayun, Panfil)
- [2202.07637] (Review) Review of a Simplified Approach to study the Bose gas at all densities, math-phys (Jauslin)
- [2202.07195] Exact Hopfions in a 3D Heisenberg Ferromagnet (Saxena)
- [2202.06957] A new measure of quantum state complexity, SSD? (Balasubramanian, Magan)
- [2202.05450] Evidence for magnetic fractional excitations in a Kitaev quantum-spin-liquid candidate $α$-RuCl3 ( Jinsheng Wen)
- [2202.05513] Supercooled Jahn-Teller Ice (Mitsumoto, Chisa Hotta, Hajime Yoshino)
- [2202.05442] Three-dimensional quantum cellular automata from chiral semion surface topological order and beyond (Tantivasadakarn)
- [2202.05379] Theory of perturbatively nonlinear quantum transport I: general formulation and structure of the retarded correlator (Bonbien, Aurelien Manchon)
- [2202.05378] Theory of perturbatively nonlinear quantum transport II: Hilbert space truncation, gauge invariance, and second order transport in a spatially uniform, time-varying electric field (Bonbien, Aurelien Manchon)
- [2202.05361] (Review) Lieb's most useful contribution to density functional theory? (Burke)
- [2202.05285] Pre-thermalization via self-driving and external driving of extensive subsystems (Buessen, Hyun-Yong Lee, Tarun Grover, Yong Baek Kim)
- [2202.05309] Dynamics of charge-imbalance-resolved entanglement negativity after a quench in a free-fermion model (Calabrese)
- [2202.05280] Engineered Dissipation for Quantum Information Science (Murch)
- [2202.05203] Field theoretical approach to open quantum systems and the Lindblad equation (Fogedby)
- [2202.05527] Extended Anderson Criticality in Heavy-Tailed Neural Networks (Asem Wardak, Pulin Gong)
- [2202.05304] Spin conductivity of the XXZ chain in the antiferromagnetic massive regime (Gohmann, Kozlowski, Sirker, Junji Suzuki)
- [2202.05351] Bootstrapping PT symmetric Hamiltonians (Sakil Khan)
- [2202.04730] Cavity-Enhanced Linear Dichroism in a van der Waals Antiferromagnet (Huiqin Zhang)
- [2202.05087] From SU(2)5 to SU(2)3 Wess-Zumino-Witten transitions in a frustrated spin-5/2 chain (Chepiga, Ian Affleck, Frédéric Mila)
- [2202.04668] Spinless fermions in a Z2 gauge theory on the triangular ladder (Brenig)
- [2202.04902] Composite Spin Approach to the Blockade Effect in Rydberg Atom Arrays, scar (Hui Zhai)
- [2202.04948] Many-body localization in a tilted potential in two dimensions (Doggen, Gornyi, D.G.Polyakov)
- [2202.05183] Discovering Quantum Phase Transitions with Fermionic Neural Networks (Cassella)
- [2202.04925] Decomposing neural networks as mappings of correlation functions (Kirsten Fischer)
- [2202.05045] (Review) Entanglement Hamiltonians: from field theory, to lattice models and experiments (Dalmonte)
- [2202.04652] Experimental observation of thermalisation with noncommuting charges (Nicole Yunger Halpern)
- [2202.04673] # Algebraic Bethe Circuits (Sopena, Sierra)
- [2202.05213] Exact solution of the macroscopic fluctuation theory for the symmetric exclusion process (Mallick, Moriya, Sasamoto)
- [2202.05116] (Review) Holographic entanglement in spin network states: a focused review (Colafranceschi, Adesso)
- [2202.01394] Magnetic domain engineering in bilayer CrI3 by applying external electric fields (Vishkay, Reza Asgari)
- [2202.01648] Nonequilibrium dynamics of \(\alpha\)-RuCl3 -- a time-resolved magneto-optical spectroscopy study (Loidl,)
- [2202.01224] Pair-density-wave superconductor from doping Haldane chain and rung-singlet ladder (Ya-Hui Zhang, Ashvin Vishwanath)
- [2202.01611] # On the Divergence of the Ferromagnetic Susceptibility in the SU(N) Nagaoka-Thouless Ferromagnet, Katsura-Tanaka cited (Singh, Oitmaa)
- [2202.01204] Tweezer-programmable 2D quantum walks in a Hubbard-regime lattice (Aaron W. Young, Andrew M. Childs)
- [2202.01669] High-temperature thermalization implies the emergence of quantum state designs (Wilming, Roth)
- [2202.01704] # Investigating network parameters in neural-network quantum states (Yusuke Nomura)
- [2202.01606] Graph Coloring with Physics-Inspired Graph Neural Networks (Schuetz, Katzgraber)
- [2202.01760] (Review) Statistical mechanics of Coulomb systems: From electrons and nuclei to atoms and molecules, Lieb (Lebowitz)
- [2202.01538] Bose-Einstein condensation on hyperbolic spaces (Marius Lemm, Oliver Siebert)
- [2202.01591] Form-factors and complete basis of observables via separation of variables for higher rank spin chains (Nikolay Gromov, Nicolo Primi, Paul Ryan)
- [2202.01392] The Madelung Constant in N Dimensions, RAmanujan, Deligne (Burrows)
- [2202.01626] Target Space Entanglement in Quantum Mechanics of Fermions and Matrices (Sotaro Sugishita)
- [2202.01633] Universal Dynamics of Heavy Operators in Boundary CFT2 (Numasawa, Tsiares)
- [2202.00581] Signatures of non-Loudon-Fleury Raman scattering in the Kitaev magnet \(\beta\)-Li2IrO3 (Analytis, Perkins)
- [2202.00030] Unique Signatures of Topological Phases in Two-Dimensional THz Spectroscopy (Gerken)
- [2202.00205] Ferrimagnetically ordered states in the Hubbard model on the hexagonal golden-mean tiling (Koga, Coates)
- [2202.00426] A critical look into Luttinger's theorem (Skolimowski, Fabrizio)
- [2202.00669] Superfluidity in the 1D Bose-Hubbard Model, MPS (Thomas G. Kiely, Erich J. Mueller)
- [2202.00330] # (Review) The Jaynes-Cummings model and its descendants (Larson, Mavrogordatos)
- [2202.00271] Thermalization of locally perturbed many-body quantum systems (Dabelow, Vorndamme, Reimann)
- [2202.00214] (Review) The combinatorics of hopping particles and positivity in Markov chains, ASEP (Williams)
- [2202.00040] Spin Impurities, Wilson Lines and Semiclassics (Cuomo, Komargodsk)
- [2201.12399] (Review) Topological magnetic excitations, Kondo-Akagi-Katsura cited (Malki, Uhrig)
- [2201.13369] Schwinger Boson Theory of the Magnetic Spectrum of Ba3CoSb2O9 (Kamiya, Trumper, Batista)
- [2201.13139] Three-body problem in a multiband Hubbard model (Iskin)
- [2201.12517] Thermally enhanced Majorana-mediated spin transport in the Kitaev model, TPQ (Murakami, Koga)
- [2201.13306] Deep learning for disordered topological insulators through entanglement spectrum (Uria-Alvarez)
- [2201.12653] # Symmetry breaking and spectral structure of the interacting Hatano-Nelson model (Neupert)
- [2201.13090] Many-body localization in a quantum gas with long-range interaction and linear external potential, tilted optical lattice (Sotnikov)
- [2201.12889] The eightfold way to dark states in SU(3) cold gases with two-body losses (Mazza)
- [2201.12704] Measurement-Induced Entanglement Phase Transition in Random Bilocal Circuits (Xiao-Liang Qi)
- [2201.13126] # Current correlations, Drude weights and large deviations in a box-ball system (Kuniba, Misguich, Pasquier)
- [2201.13135] # Nambu-Goldstone Modes for Superconducting Lattice Fermions (Koma)
- [2201.12866] Exact Results for Interacting Hard Rigid Rotors on a d-Dimensional Lattice (Deepak Dhar)
- [2201.13142] Alternating sign matrices and totally symmetric plane partitions (Aigner, Fischer)
- [2201.12778] The tensor Harish-Chandra--Itzykson--Zuber integral II: detecting entanglement in large quantum systems (Collins, Gurau, Lionni)
- [2201.12689] Hyperbolic band theory through Higgs bundles (Elliot Kienzle, Steven Rayan)
- [2201.13310] (Lecture) Lectures on entanglement in quantum field theory (Horacio Casini, Marina Huerta)
Hosho Katsura's arXiv