December 2021
MathJax demonstration
\frac{\pi}{2} =
\left( \int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{\sin x}{\sqrt{x}} dx \right)^2 =
\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{(2k)!}{2^{2k}(k!)^2} \frac{1}{2k+1} =
\prod_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{4k^2}{4k^2 - 1}
- [2112.14504] Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Induced Spin-Transfer Torques in Kagome Antiferromagnets (Rodrigues)
- [2112.13950] Persistence of Ising-like easy-axis spin correlations in the paramagnetic state of the spin-1 chain compound NiTe2O5 (Seung-Ho Baek)
- [2112.13854] # Equipartition of Entanglement in Quantum Hall States, irrelevant perturbation (Oblak, Regnault, Estienne)
- [2112.14027] Two-dimensional Paired Topological Superfluids of Rydberg Fermi Gases (Ching-Yu Huang)
- [2112.14077] # Spatial, spin, and charge symmetry projections for a Fermi-Hubbard model on a quantum computer, Yoshida-Katsura (Seki, Yunoki)
- [2112.14524] Automatic quantum circuit encoding of a given arbitrary quantum state (Shirakawa, Hiroshi Ueda, Yunoki)
- [2112.14688] Algorithms for Gibbs state preparation on noiseless and noisy random quantum circuits (Shtanko, Movassagh)
- [2112.14762] # Onset of many-body quantum chaos due to breaking integrability, Iyoda-Katsura-Sagawa (Bulchandani, Huse, Gopalakrishnan)
- [2112.14475] A finite temperature version of the Nagaoka--Thouless theorem in the SU(n) Hubbard model (Miyao)
- [2112.14274] Bootstrap approach to 1+1 dimensional integrable quantum field theories: the case of the Sinh-Gordon model (Kozlowski)
- [2112.13883] Jordan blocks and the Bethe ansatz I: The Eclectic Spin chain (Nieto GarcĂa, Leander Wyss)
- [2112.14235] Cospectral quantum graphs (Chernyshenko, Vyacheslav Pivovarchik)
- [2112.13913] Some mathematical aspects of Anderson localization: boundary effect, multimodality, and bifurcation, Filochea-Mayboroda inequality (Chen Jia)
- [2112.14323] Duality Defects in E8, Kramers-Wannier (Kulp)
- [2112.14388] # Non-Equilibrating a Black Hole with Inhomogeneous Quantum Quench, SSD, SL(2,R) (Goto, Nozaki, Tamaoka, Tan, Ryu)
- [2112.14593] Chaos by Magic (Goto, Nosaka, Nozaki)
- [2112.14130] Can the energy bound \(E \geq 0\) imply supersymmetry? N=1 SCFT (Jin-Beom Bae)
- [2112.14736] A definition of primary operators in \(J\bar T\)-deformed CFTs (Monica Guica)
- [2112.13092] (Review) Fragmentation in Frustrated Magnets -- A review (Jaubert, P.C.W. Holdsworth)
- [2112.13184] TeNeS: Tensor Network Solver for Quantum Lattice Systems (Motoyama, Okubo, Yoshimi, Morita, Kato, Kawashima)
- [2112.13411] Quantum Entanglement of Non-Hermitian Quasicrystals (Peng Ye)
- [2112.13688] Variational Approach to Quantum Spin Liquid in a Rydberg Atom Simulator (Hui Zhai)
- [2112.13797] Emulating twisted double bilayer graphene with a multiorbital optical lattice (Pixley)
- [2112.12827] Quantum dynamics in 1D lattice models with synthetic horizons (van den Brink)
- [2112.13382] Exotic correlation spread in free-fermionic states with initial patterns (Sierra)
- [2112.13550] Temporal evolution of one-dimensional fermion liquid with particle loss (Wei-Zhu Yi)
- [2112.13765] Beyond Qubits: Building Quantum Refrigerators in Higher Dimensions, XYZ, BLBQ (Tanoy Kanti Konar)
- [2112.12824] Exact weak Majorana-type zero modes in a spin/fermion chain (Jianlong Fu)
- [2112.13764] # The spectral gap of a fractional quantum Hall system on a thin torus (Warzel, Amanda Young)
- [2112.12866] Quantum nonequilibrium dynamics from Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations (Sedrakyan, Babujian)
- [2112.13489] SYK Lindbladian (Anish Kulkarni, Numasawa, Shinsei Ryu)
- [2112.12828] Gravity and the Crossed Product, TFD (Witten)
- [2112.12308] Electric-field-induced parametric excitation of exchange magnons in a CoFeB/MgO junction (Otani)
- [2112.12556] DyOCl: a rare-earth based two-dimensional van der Waals material with strong magnetic anisotropy (Feihao Pan)
- [2112.12776] Trions in Twisted Bilayer Graphene (Schindler, Vafek, Bernevig)
- [2112.12153] Constructing quantum many-body scar Hamiltonians from Floquet automata (Rozon)
- [2112.12788] Topological pumping in a Floquet-Bloch band (Minguzzi, Esslinger)
- [2112.12467] # Universal properties of dissipative Tomonaga-Luttinger liquids: A case study of a non-Hermitian XXZ spin chain (Kazuki Yamamoto, Nakagawa, Tezuka, Ueda, Kawakami)
- [2112.12408] Husimi-driven many-body systems realised with ultracold Bose gases (Bromley)
- [2112.12161] # Classical vertex model dualities in a family of 2D frustrated quantum antiferromagnets, RK, Baxter-Wu (Balasubramanian, Galitski, Vishwanath)
- [2112.12757] Mapping between Morita equivalent string-net states with a constant depth quantum circuit (Lootens, Schuch, Verstraete)
- [2112.12738] Positive maps from the Walled Brauer Algebra, Jucys-Murphy (Balanzo-Juando)
- [2112.12730] Almost everywhere ergodicity in quantum lattice models (Ampelogiannis, Doyon)
- [2112.12747] Ergodicity and hydrodynamic projections in quantum spin lattices at all frequencies and wavelengths (Ampelogiannis, Doyon)
- [2112.12735] Higher-Form Subsystem Symmetry Breaking: Subdimensional Criticality and Fracton Phase Transitions (Rayhaun)
- [2112.12213] Boundary states in the SU(2)k WZW model from open string field theory (Kudrna)
- [2112.12198] Engineering holographic flat fermionic bands (Salazar Landea)
- [2112.10924] A family tree of two-dimensional magnetic materials with tunable topological properties (Huisheng Zhang)
- [2112.11346] # Range of biquadratic and triquadratic Heisenberg effective couplings deduced from multiorbital Hubbard models (Moreo, Dagotto)
- [2112.11003] Driven Hubbard model on a triangular lattice -- tunable Heisenberg antiferromagnet with three-spin chiral term (Diptiman Sen)
- [2112.10790] # Bulk and Boundary Quantum Phase Transitions in a Square Rydberg Atom Array (Melko, Lukin, Sachdev)
- [2112.10789] Machine learning discovery of new phases in programmable quantum simulator snapshots (Sachdev, Lukin, Greiner, Eun-Ah Kim)
- [2112.10188] Formation of bound states and BCS-BEC crossover near a flat band: the sawtooth lattice (Giuliano Orso)
- [2112.10810] Holographic simulation of correlated electrons on a trapped ion quantum processor (Garnet Chan, Andrew Potter)
- [2112.11017] Exceptional Topological Surface Laser (Sone, Ashida, Sagawa)
- [2112.11426] Lower bounds for Ramsey numbers as a statistical physics problem (Wouters, Giotis, Kang, Schuricht, Fritz)
- [2112.11434] A new method for exact results on Quasinormal Modes of Black Holes, TBA (Fioravanti, Gregori)
- [2112.10676] Low energy structure of spiral spin liquids (Han Yan, Johannes Reuther)
- [2112.10710] Directional scrambling of quantum information in helical multiferroics (Mishra, J. Berakdar)
- [2112.10266] Prediction and theoretical study for the experimental detectable Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev physics in multilayered type-II Weyl semimetal WTe2 through optical SHG technique, Richardson-Gaudin (Chen-Huan Wu)
- [2112.10210] Exact matrix product state representation and convergence of a fully correlated electronic wavefunction in the infinite basis limit (Friesecke)
- [2112.10512] Dynamic transition from insulating state to eta-pairing state in a composite system (X.M.Yang, Z.Song)
- [2112.10421] Phase diagram of Rydberg-dressed atoms on two-leg square ladders: Coupling supersymmetric conformal field theories on the lattice (Tsitsishvili, Nersesyan)
- [2112.09787] Topological transitions with continuously monitored free fermions (Graham Kells)
- [2112.10205] Bulk-edge correspondence and trapping at a non-Hermitian topological interface (Longhi)
- [2112.09892] Explicit R-matrices for inhomogeneous 3D chiral Potts models: Integrability and the action formulation, 2d quantum (Sedrakyan)
- [2112.09736] The \(SU(3)\supset SO(3)\) missing label problem and the analytical Bethe ansatz (Crampe, Vinet)
- [2112.10238] When cold, dense quarks in 1+1 and 3+1 dimensions are not a Fermi liquid (Konik, Pisarski, Tsvelik)
- [2112.10438] Integrable domain walls in ABJM theory, MPS (Kristjansen, Zarembo)
- [2112.08621] Thermal Conductivity due to Spins in the Two-Dimensional Spin System Ba2Cu3O4Cl2 (Kawamata)
- [2112.08990] Complex magnetic phase diagram with a small phase pocket in a three-dimensional frustrated magnet CuInCr4S8 (Tokunaga, Kindo, Kohama)
- [2112.08815] Photocontrol of spin scalar chirality in centrosymmetric itinerant magnets (Atsushi Ono, Yutaka Akagi)
- [2112.08785] Revealing the topological nature of the bond order wave in a strongly correlated quantum system (Lewenstein)
- [2112.08763] Topological Lifshitz Transitions, Orbital Currents, and Interactions in Low-dimensional Fermi Gases in Synthetic Gauge Fields (Chen-How Huang, Tezuka, Cazalilla)
- [2112.08394] Efficient Simulation of Dynamics in Two-Dimensional Quantum Spin Systems with Isometric Tensor Networks (Sheng-Hsuan Lin, Zaletel, Pollmann)
- [2112.09102] (Review) Entanglement entropy and localization in disordered quantum chains (Laflorencie)
- [2112.08387] Kinetically constrained quantum dynamics in a circuit-QED transmon wire, East model (Valencia-Tortora)
- [2112.09091] # Category-theoretic recipe for dualities in one-dimensional quantum lattice models (Ortiz, Verstraete)
- [2112.08623] Local invariants identify topological metals (Loring)
- [2112.09000] Generalized entanglement entropies in two-dimensional conformal field theory (Murciano, Calabrese, Konik)
- [2112.09049] Hamiltonian Truncation with Larger Dimensions, TCSA (Joan Elias Miro, James Ingoldby)
- [2112.07915] Spin Waves and Dirac Magnons in a Honeycomb Lattice Zig-zag Antiferromagnet BaNi2(AsO4)2 (Bin Gao)
- [2112.07695] Twist-resilient and robust ferroelectric quantum spin Hall insulators driven by van der Waals interactions (Marrazzo, Gibertini)
- [2112.07781] # Order Fractionalization in a Kitaev-Kondo model (Tsvelik, Coleman)
- [2112.08158] Multiple relaxation times in perturbed XXZ chain (Herbrych)
- [2112.07748] Flow of (higher) Berry curvature and bulk-boundary correspondence in parametrized quantum systems (Xueda Wen, Vishwanath, Hermele)
- [2112.07923] Effects of bond-randomness and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions on the specific heat at low temperatures of a spherical kagome cluster in W{72}V{30} (Katsuhiro Morita, Fukumoto, Hiroki Nakano)
- [2112.07926] Bridging three-dimensional coupled-wire models and cellular topological states: Solvable models for topological and fracton orders (Fuji, Furusaki)
- [2112.07964] # Floquet-engineered pair and single particle filter in the Fermi Hubbard model (Eggert, Corinna Kollath,)
- [2112.08119] Two-level Quantum Walkers on Directed Graphs I: Universal Quantum Computing (Asaka, Kazumitsu Sakai, Ryoko Yahagi)
- [2112.07756] Quantitatively improved finite-size criteria for spectral gaps (Lemm)
- [2112.06107] Thermal Hall Effect in the Kitaev-Heisenberg System with Spin-Phonon Coupling (Satoshi Okamoto)
- [2112.05961] Optical excitation of electromagnons in hexaferrite (Tsuyoshi Kimura)
- [2112.06680] Spin-transfer and Topological Hall Effects as Novel Probes for Magnetic Disclinations in Frustrated Magnets, Shankar skyrmion (Zarzuela, Sinova)
- [2112.06387] Antisymmetric Thermopolarization by Electric Toroidicity (Nasu, Satoru Hayami)
- [2112.06766] (Review) Majorana zero modes induced by superconducting phase bias (Omri Lesser, Yuval Oreg)
- [2112.06890] Anderson localization at the boundary of a two-dimensional topological superconductor, sigma model (Skvortsov)
- [2112.06391] Critical region of topological trivial and nontrivial phases in interacting Kitaev chain with spatially varying potentials (Yao Yao)
- [2112.06575] Ingappability Index for Quantum Many-Body Systems (Yuan Yao, Masaki Oshikawa, Akira Furusaki)
- [2112.06139] # Sign Problem Finds Its Bounds (Zi Yang Meng)
- [2112.05886] Extract low-lying entanglement spectrum from quantum Monte Carlo simulation (Zi Yang Meng)
- [2112.05898] Itinerant ferromagnetism of a dipolar Fermi gas with Raman-induced spin-orbit coupling (Xue-Jing Feng)
- [2112.06422] # Achievable Three-dimensional Quantum Ising Model Simulated with a Mixture of Ultracold Neutral Atoms (Ren Liao)
- [2112.06124] Towards a complete classification of non-chiral topological phases in 2D fermion systems (Zheng-Cheng Gu)
- [2112.06885] # Hypergrid subgraphs and the origin of scarred quantum walks in the many-body Hilbert space (Papic)
- [2112.06573] Extreme many-body scarring in a quantum spin chain via weak dynamical constraints (Dooley, Kells)
- [2112.06895] # Disordered impenetrable two-component fermions in one dimension (Gritsev, Altshuler, Shlyapnikov)
- [2112.06627] Mobile impurity in a one-dimensional quantum gas: Exact diagonalization in the Bethe Ansatz basis, TSA (Burovski, Gamayun, Lychkovskiy)
- [2112.06715] Symmetry and topological classification of Floquet non-Hermitian systems (C.-H.Liu, H.Hu, S.Chen)
- [2112.06682] (Review) Quantum simulation using noisy unitary circuits and measurements (Lunt, Richter, Pal)
- [2112.06900] Bounds on quantum adiabaticity in driven many-body systems from generalized orthogonality catastrophe and quantum speed limit (Jyong-Hao Chen, Vadim Cheianov)
- [2112.05699] Low-energy excitations and magnetic anisotropy of the layered van der Waals antiferromagnet Ni2P2S6 (Kataev)
- [2112.05708] Non-Majorana zero energy modes in diluted spin chains proximitized to a superconductor (Loss, Parkin, Klinovaja)
- [2112.05624] Microwave susceptibility observation of interacting many-body Andreev states (Fatemi)
- [2112.05731] # Quantum Algorithms for Ground-State Preparation and Green's Function Calculation, citing Wouters-Katsura-Schricht (Keen, Yan Wang)
- [2112.05688] Simulating the Mott transition on a noisy digital quantum computer via Cartan-based fast-forwarding circuits (Keen, Kemper, Yan Wang)
- [2112.05180] Out-of-equilibrium quantum dynamics of fermionic gases in the presence of localized particle loss, Shibata-Katsura (Tarantelli, Vicari)
- [2112.05349] Cooper quartet correlations in infinite symmetric nuclear matter (Hiroyuki Tajima, Haozhao Liang)
- [2112.05616] # Boundary driven XYZ chain: Exact inhomogeneous triangular matrix product ansatz, phantom (Popkov, Xin Zhang, Prosen)
- [2112.05490] The sinh-Gordon model beyond the self dual point and the freezing transition in disordered systems (Bernard, LeClair)
- [2112.05462] Generalised Hydrodynamics of Particle Creation and Decay (Castro-Alvaredo, Fazio, Doyon, Ziolkowska)
- [2112.05541] Quantum integrability of a massive anisotropic SU(N) fermionic model (Melikyan, Weber)
- [2112.05726] Interacting Fractons in 2+1-Dimensional Quantum Field Theory (Andreas Karch)
- [2112.02216] Vanishing and non-vanishing persistent currents of various conserved quantities (Hirokazu Kobayashi, Haruki Watanabe)
- [2112.02551] Revisiting Anderson-Higgs mechanism: application of Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorem (Tada)
- [2112.02112] Quantum criticality and confinement in weak Mott insulators, coupled wire (Leviatan, Mross)
- [2112.02946] Unified formulation of interfacial magnonic pumping from non-collinear magnets (Guemard, Manchon)
- [2112.02113] Neutral Excitations of Quantum Hall States: a Density Matrix Renormalization Group Study, GMP (Kumar, Haldane)
- [2112.02901] A measurable fractional spin for quantum Hall quasiparticles on the disk (Polychronakos, Leonardo Mazza)
- [2112.03061] # Efficiently preparing GHZ, topological and fracton states by measuring cold atoms (Verresen, Tantivasadakarn, Vishwanath)
- [2112.02630] # Mott insulators with large local Hilbert spaces in quantum materials and ultracold atoms (Gang Chen, Congjun Wu)
- [2112.02764] Hybrid quantum--classical algorithm for computing imaginary-time correlation functions (Shinaoka)
Hosho Katsura's arXiv