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October 2021
MathJax demonstration
- [2110.14713] Competing magnetic energy scales in the topological flat-band ferrimagnet TbMn6Sn6 (Riberolles)
- [2110.15088] Curved Magnetism in CrI3 (Edstrom)
- [2110.14651] Topologically localized insulators (Lapierre, Neupert, Trifunovic)
- [2110.14643] Quantum oscillations in interaction-driven insulators (Cooper)
- [2110.14663] Superfluid weight bounds from symmetry and quantum geometry in flat bands (Schindler, Huber, Bernevig)
- [2110.14841] Magnetic suppression of non-Hermitian skin effects (Franz)
- [2110.15303] Universal out-of-equilibrium dynamics of 1D critical quantum systems perturbed by noise coupled to energy (Le Doussal, Bernard, De Luca)
- [2110.14705] Discrete time-crystalline response stabilized by domain-wall confinement, PXP, PYP? (De Luca)
- [2110.15085] Exact solution of the Rule 150 reversible cellular automaton (Prosen, Garrahan)
- [2110.14654] Gravitational anomaly of 3+1 dimensional Z_2 toric code with fermionic charges and fermionic loop self-statistics (Fidkowski, Haah, Hastings)
- [2110.15166] Bulk area law for boundary entanglement in spin network states: entropy corrections and horizon-like regions from volume correlations (Colafranceschi)
- [2110.15164] (Review) Two Dimensional Conformal Field Theory and a Primer to Chiral Algebras (Liniado)
- [2110.15009] Coulomb gas integrals, classical conformal blocks and Richardson-Gaudin models (Piatek)
- [2110.14666] Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz past turning points: the (elliptic) sinh-Gordon model (Negro)
- [2110.14670] de Sitter Microstates from TˉT+Λ2 and the Hawking-Page Transition (Soni)
- [2110.09061] Air Stable and Layer Dependent Ferromagnetism in Atomically Thin van der Waals CrPS4 (Jieun Lee)
- [2110.08304] # Nonlinear Landauer Formula: Nonlinear Response Theory of Disordered and Topological Materials (Kohei Kawabata, Masahito Ueda)
- [2110.08742] Quantum Monte Carlo Method without Hubbard-Stratonovich Transformation for Many-body Systems (J.Wang, W.Pan, D.Y.Sun)
- [2110.08798] Winding Numbers and Topology of Aperiodic Tilings (Akkermans)
- [2110.08332] Topological Quantum Critical Points in Strong Coupling limits: Global Symmetries and Strongly Interacting Majorana Fermions (Fei Zhou)
- [2110.09472] Quenches and confinement in a Heisenberg-Ising spin ladder (Kormos, Calabrese)
- [2110.09259] Connections between the Open-boundary Spectrum and Generalized Brillouin Zone in Non-Hermitian Systems (Jiao Xie)
- [2110.09435] Mean-field solution of the dissipative transverse Ising model (Minjae Jo)
- [2110.08283] Effects of Quantum Pair Creation and Annihilation on a Classical Exclusion Process: the transverse XY model with TASEP (Dooley, Slingerland, Kells)
- [2110.08292] Hidden quasi-conservation laws in fracton hydrodynamics (Andrew Lucas, Nandkishore)
- [2110.09512] # Building models of topological quantum criticality from pivot Hamiltonians (Tantivasadakarn, Thorngren, Vishwanath, Verresen)
- [2110.08819] A geometric approach to Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorem without translation symmetry under inversion or rotation symmetry (Yuan Yao, Akira Furusaki)
- [2110.09372] Scaling limits and universality of Ising and dimer models (Giuliani)
- [2110.09465] An elementary proof of phase transition in the planar XY model (Marcin Lis)
- [2110.09498] Depinning in the integer-valued Gaussian Field and the BKT phase of the 2D Villain model (Aizenman)
- [2110.03139] Topological study of a Bogoliubov-de Gennes system of pseudo spin-1/2 bosons with conserved magnetization in a honeycomb lattice (Hong Y.Ling, Ben Kain)
- [2110.03186] Unraveling higher-order corrections in the spin dynamics of RIXS spectra, t-J (Umesh Kumar)
- [2110.02988] Statistical Mechanics Model for Clifford Random Tensor Networks and Monitored Quantum Circuits (Vasseur, Fisher, Ludwig)
- [2110.02995] Detecting quantum phase transitions in nonintegrable and long-range Ising chains using spatially minimal measurements (McCulloch)
- [2110.02972] Boundary theories of critical matchgate tensor networks (Eisert)
- [2110.03008] # Numerical evidence for a Haagerup conformal field theory (Ohmori, Tachikawa, Tezuka)
- [2110.03532] # A critical lattice model for a Haagerup conformal field theory (Osborne, Haegeman, Verstraete)
- [2110.03444] Symmetry classification and universality in non-Hermitian many-body quantum chaos by the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model (Garcia-Garcia, Verbaarschot)
- [2110.03521] The missing label of su3 and its symmetry, E6 (Vinet)
- [2109.15297] Signatures of quartic asymmetric exchange in a class of two dimensional magnets (Titov)
- [2109.14914] Fractional hinge and corner charges in various crystal shapes with cubic symmetry (Watanabe, Murakami)
- [2109.15202] Optomagnonic Josephson effect in antiferromagnets (Kouki Nakata)
- [2109.14866] Nonreciprocal optical response in parity-breaking superconductors (Watanabe, Daido, Yanase)
[2109.14874] Nonreciprocal Meissner response in parity-mixed superconductors (Watanabe, Daido, Yanase)
- [2109.14629] Classification of intrinsic topological superconductors jointly protected by time-reversal and point-group symmetries in three dimensions (Jie Ren)
- [2109.15219] Band representation, band connectivity and atomic limit (Jing Zhang)
- [2109.15305] Real-Time Evolution in the Hubbard Model with Infinite Repulsion, Kumar's mapping (Tartaglia, Calabrese, Bertini)
- [2109.15028] Exact result for the polaron mass in a one-dimensional Bose gas, Yang-Gaudin (Ristivojevic)
- [2109.14890] The Weingarten Calculus (Collins, Matsumoto, Novak)
Hosho Katsura's arXiv