June 2021
MathJax demonstration
\frac{\pi}{2} =
\left( \int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{\sin x}{\sqrt{x}} dx \right)^2 =
\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{(2k)!}{2^{2k}(k!)^2} \frac{1}{2k+1} =
\prod_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{4k^2}{4k^2 - 1}
- [2106.12775] Magnonics vs. Ferronics (Bauer, Ping Tang, Iguchi, Uchida)
- [2106.12853] Magnon Transport in the Presence of Antisymmetric Exchange in a Weak Antiferromagnet (Ross)
- [2106.13057] General construction of flat bands with and without band crossings based on the wave function singularity (Bohm-Jung Yang)
- [2106.12724] Superconductivity-Induced Spectral Weight Transfer due to Quantum Geometry (Junyeong Ahn, Nagaosa)
- [2106.12757] Voltage Controlled Hubbard Spin Transistor (Sougato Bose, Bayat)
- [2106.12654] Bulk topological signatures of a 1D quasicrystal (Gautam Rai)
- [2106.12685] Efficient ab initio many-body calculations based on sparse modeling of Matsubara Green's function, integral eq. (Shinaoka, Otsuki, Yoshimi)
- [2106.13180] Diffusion and Thermalization in a Boundary-Driven Dephasing Model (Schiro)
- [2106.12777] Quantum hydrodynamics from local thermal pure states (Tsutsui, Hongo, Sato, Sagawa)
- [2106.13185] Correlation Energy of a Weakly Interacting Fermi Gas with Large Interaction Potential, high-D bosonization (Seiringer)
- [2106.12577] # Fusion Category Symmetry II: Categoriosities at c = 1 and Beyond, Ginsparg (Thorngren, Yifan Wang)
- [2106.12610] Mean string field theory: Landau-Ginzburg theory for 1-form symmetries (Iqbal, McGreevy)
- [2106.12126] Quantum critical phenomena in a spin-1/2 frustrated square lattice with spatial anisotropy, TL (Okubo, Hagiwara)
- [2106.12451] Field-Induced Spin Excitations in the Spin-1/2 Triangular-Lattice Antiferromagnet CsYbSe2, grand-canonical DMRG (Nishimoto)
- [2106.11982] Can we realize Kitaev quantum spin liquids in the \(j_{\rm eff}=1/2\) honeycomb cobaltates? (Paramekanti)
- [2106.12473] High-temperature Majorana zero modes (Sahoo, Franz)
- [2106.11985] High-throughput Investigations of Topological and Nodal Superconductors (Feng Tang, Ono, Haruki Watanabe)
- [2106.12222] # Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorem in higher dimensions from approximate magnetic translation symmetry (Tada)
- [2106.11997] Emergent dissipative quasi-particle picture in noninteracting Markovian open quantum systems (Alba)
- [2106.11672] Solving correlation clustering with QAOA and a Rydberg qudit system: a full-stack approach (Schoutens)
- [2106.12094] Weakly-supervised learning on Schrodinger equation (Okabe, Hiroyuki Mori)
- [2106.12557] Stable spin Hall-Littlewood symmetric functions, combinatorial identities, and half-space Yang-Baxter random field (Kailun Chen, Xiangmao Ding)
- [2106.11999] # On Factorizable S-matrices, Generalized TTbar, and the Hagedorn Transition (Negro, Zamolodchikov)
- [2106.08651] Non-Abelian statistics in light scattering processes across interacting Haldane chains (Lake)
- [2106.08528] Spin-Torque-driven Terahertz Auto Oscillations in Non-Collinear Coplanar Antiferromagnets (Ankit Shukla)
- [2106.08354] Superconducting-like response in driven systems near the Mott transition (Patrick A. Lee)
- [2106.08606] Quantum spin compass models in 2D electronic topological matasurfaces (Iorsh)
- [2106.08373] Absence of thermalization of free systems coupled to gapped interacting reservoirs (Ljubotina, Dibyendu Roy, Prosen)
- [2106.08359] Out-of-equilibrium dynamics of the XY spin chain from form factor expansion (Granet, Dreyer, Essler)
- [2106.08442] Numerical transfer matrix study of frustrated next-nearest-neighbor Ising models on square lattices (Charbonneau)
- [2106.08632] Scattering matrix for current-current deformations of the (2,2s+1) RSOS models (Pugai, Shabetnik)
- [2106.08449] Dynamical Spin Chains in 4D N=2 SCFTs, 6, 8 vertex model (Pomoni, Rabe, Zoubos)
- [2106.07828] # Cavity magnon-polaritons in cuprate parent compounds, KNB (Demler)
- [2106.07937] A quantum Monte Carlo method on asymptotic Lefschetz thimbles for quantum spin systems: An application to the Kitaev model in a magnetic field ( Mishchenko, Kato, Motome)
- [2106.07839] Density-potential functional theory for fermions in one dimension (Englert)
- [2106.07668] Disentangling (2+1)d Topological States of Matter with the Entanglement Negativity, Ishibashi (Teo, Michael Mulligan)
- [2106.07686] # Tri-unitary quantum circuits (Jonay, Khemani, Ippoliti)
- [2106.08324] How smooth is quantum complexity? (Bulchandani, Sondhi)
- [2106.07673] Unpredictability and entanglement in open quantum systems (Kazemi, Weimer)
- [2106.08092] The one-dimensional Bose gas with strong two-body losses: dissipative fermionisation and the harmonic confinement (Leonardo Mazza)
- [2106.07965] # Two-dimensional spin models with macroscopic degeneracy (Dmitriev, Krivnov)
- [2106.08116] Duality Relations for Overlaps of Integrable Boundary States in AdS/dCFT (Kristjansen, Zarembo)
- [2106.07792] Anisotropic Kondo line defect and ODE/IM correspondence (Jingxiang Wu)
- [2106.08016] Constraints for the spectra of generators of quantum dynamical semigroups, inequality (Gen Kimura)
- [2106.07223] Universal scaling of the specific heat in S=1/2 quantum kagome antiferromagnet herbertsmithite (Kimchi, Y.Matsuda)
- [2106.07290] Excitonic Tonks-Girardeau and charge-density wave phases in monolayer semiconductors (Oldziejewski)
- [2106.07339] # Kubo's response theory and bosonization with a background gauge field and irrelevant perturbations (Fukusumi, Barisic)
- [2106.07517] Topological Phases and Anderson Localization in Off-Diagonal Mosaic Lattices (Qi-Bo Zeng, Rong Lu)
- [2106.06879] Spectrum of the tight-binding model on Cayley Trees and comparison with Bethe Lattices (Ostilli)
- [2106.07522] Quantum Computing by Cooling, XXX (Jiajin Feng, Biao Wu, Wilczek)
- [2106.07147] Nonlinear Anderson localization in Toda lattices (Ezawa)
- [2106.06732] Dressed energy of the XXZ chain in the complex plane (Faulmann, Gohmann, Kozlowski)
- [2106.07600] On the origin of the correspondence between classical and quantum integrable theories, XXZ (Fioravanti, Marco Rossi)
- [2106.07498] The Spectrum of the Berezin transform for Gelfand pairs, eigenvalues (Shmoish)
- [2106.05899] Magnetic field effect on topological spin excitations in CrI3 (Lebing Chen)
- [2106.05290] Pseudoscalar U(1) spin liquids in $α$-RuCl3 (Inti Sodemann Villadiego)
- [2106.05272] # General Construction and Topological Classification of All Magnetic and Non-Magnetic Flat Bands (Regnault, Bernevig)
- [2106.05287] # Catalogue of Flat Band Stoichiometric Materials (Regnault, Yazdani, Parkin, Felser, Ong, Cava, Bernevig)
- [2106.05936] Photoinduced Floquet topological magnons in a ferromagnetic checkerboard lattice (Bing Tang)
- [2106.05270] Band manipulation and spin texture in interacting moire helical edges, Luther-Emery (Cano, Pixley)
- [2106.05518] Emergent Rokhsar-Kivelson point in realistic quantum Ising models (Zheng Zhou)
- [2106.05893] Supersolid-Superfluid phase separation in the extended Bose-Hubbard model, SPT (Lewenstein)
- [2106.05371] Long-Range Order and Quantum Criticality in a Dissipative Spin Chain (Butcher, Pixley, Nevidomskyy)
- [2106.05297] Quantum Non-Hermitian Topological Sensors (Budich)
- [2106.05451] A New Model for Fractons, Fluxons, and Freeons (Jintae Kim, Jung Hoon Han)
- [2106.05749] Competing topological orders in three dimensions, 3D toric (K.P.Schmidt,)
- [2106.05263] # Local Raman Spectroscopy of Chiral Majorana Edge Modes in Kitaev Spin Liquids and Topological Superconductors, Bolens (James Jun He, Nagaosa)
- [2106.05246] Optical Responses of Chiral Majorana Edge States in Two-Dimensional Topological Superconductors (James Jun He, Yukio Tanaka, Nagaosa)
- [2106.04931] Berry connection polarizability tensor and third-order Hall effect (Huiying Liu)
- [2106.04981] Raman spectroscopic evidence for multiferroicity in rare earth nickelate single crystals (van der Marel)
- [2106.04698] Edge Disorder in Bottom-Up Zigzag Graphene Nanoribbons: Implications for Magnetism and Quantum Electronic Transport, Lieb thm. (Pizzochero)
- [2106.04874] Topological control of quantum states in non-Hermitian spin-orbit-coupled fermions (Gyu-Boong Jo)
- [2106.05044] Topology of Quantum Gaussian States and Operations (Zongping Gong)
- [2106.05014] Full counting statistics for interacting trapped fermions (Le Doussal, Majumdar, Schehr)
- [2106.05171] (Review) Pseudo-hermitian random matrix theory: a review (Joshua Feinberg, Roman Riser)
- [2106.05243] Analytic Langlands correspondence for PGL(2) on P^1 with parabolic structures over local fields (Etingof, Frenkel, Kazhdan)
- [2106.02178] Magnon spin transport around the compensation magnetic field in easy-plane antiferromagnetic insulators (Ka Shen)
- [2106.02211] # Giant Biquadratic Exchange in 2D Magnets and its Role in Stabilizing Ferromagnetism of NiCl2 Monolayer (J.Y.Ni)
- [2106.02437] Frustration enhanced by Kitaev-exchange in a \(\boldsymbol{ ilde{j}_{ ext{eff}}=\frac12}\) triangular antiferromagnet (van den Brink, Kataev)
- [2106.02063] Correlated insulators, semimetals, and superconductivity in twisted trilayer graphene (Sachdev, Scheurer)
- [2106.02115] Abelian SU(N)1 Chiral Spin Liquids on the Square Lattice (Totsuka, Hong-Hao Tu, von Delft, Poilblanc)
- [2106.02539] # Quantum critical systems with dissipative boundaries, Shibata-Katsura (Vicari)
- [2106.02477] Curving the space by non-Hermiticity, curved (Chenwei Lv)
- [2106.02152] Many-body excitations in trapped Bose gas: A non-Hermitian view, non-unitary (Sorokanich)
- [2106.02098] Arctic curves of the Reflecting Boundary Six Vertex and of the Twenty Vertex models (Di Francesco)
- [2106.02145] Classification of equivariant approximately locality-preserving unitaries on spin chains (Bols)
- [2106.02410] Baby-Skyrmions dressed by fermions, an analytic sector, Heun (Barsanti)
- [2106.02069] A unified view on symmetry, anomalous symmetry and non-invertible gravitational anomaly (Wenjie Ji, Xiao-Gang Wen)
- [2106.00800] Relating the topology of Dirac Hamiltonians to quantum geometry: When the quantum metric dictates Chern numbers and winding numbers (Goldman)
- [2106.00709] Topological Materials Discovery from Nonmagnetic Crystal Symmetry (Neupert, Regnault, Bernevig)
- [2106.00710] Locally accurate tensor networks for thermal states and time evolution (Alhambra, Cirac)
- [2106.00863] # Bose-Einstein Condensation for Lattice Bosons (Koma)
- [2106.01292] # Reversible Cellular Automata as Integrable Interactions Round-a-Face: Deterministic, Stochastic, and Quantized (Prosen)
- [2106.00696] A Yang-Baxter integrable cellular automaton with a four site update rule (Pozsgay)
- [2106.01238] ODE/IQFT correspondence for the generalized affine sl(2) Gaudin model, Kondo (Kotousov, Lukyanov)
- [2106.01267] Dynamical regimes of finite temperature discrete nonlinear Schrödinger chain (Kulkarni, Kundu)
- [2106.01117] Dynamics of Disordered Mechanical Systems with Large Connectivity, Free Probability Theory, and Quasi-Hermitian Random Matrices (Feinberg)
- [2106.01291] Marginal CFT perturbations at the integer quantum Hall transition (Zirnbauer)
Hosho Katsura's arXiv