May 2021
MathJax demonstration
\frac{\pi}{2} =
\left( \int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{\sin x}{\sqrt{x}} dx \right)^2 =
\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{(2k)!}{2^{2k}(k!)^2} \frac{1}{2k+1} =
\prod_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{4k^2}{4k^2 - 1}
- [2105.12768] Mirror-symmetry-protected dynamical quantum phase transitions in topological crystalline insulators (Okugawa, Oshiyama, Ohzeki)
- [2105.13162] Tunneling spin current in a system with spin degeneracy (Yuta Suzuki)
- [2105.13246] Strong and almost strong modes of Floquet spin chains in Krylov subspaces (Yates, Aditi Mitra)
- [2105.13030] Few-body perspective on fermionic pairing in one spatial dimension, pair correlation (Sowinski)
- [2105.12913] Correlation effects on non-Hermitian point-gap topology in zero dimension: reduction of topological classification (Yoshida, Hatsugai)
- [2105.13352] Entanglement Domain Walls in Monitored Quantum Circuits and the Directed Polymer in a Random Environment (Vijay, Matthew Fisher)
- [2105.13269] Entanglement and ground-state statistics of free bosons (Luca Dell'Anna
- [2105.13350] The Complexity of Approximating Critical Points of Quantum Phase Transitions (James D. Watson, Bausch)
- [2105.12877] Qudit circuits with SU(d) symmetry: Locality imposes additional conservation laws (Marvian)
- [2105.13068] Diffusive Hydrodynamics of Inhomogenous Hamiltonians (De Luca, De Nardis, Doyon)
- [2105.13349] The Staircase Model: Massless Flows and Hydrodynamics (Castro-Alvaredo, Ravanini)
- [2105.12751] The Ultraviolet Structure of Quantum Field Theories. Part 3: Gauge Theories, lattice (Radicevic)
- [2105.10250] Tunable zero modes and symmetries in flat-band topological insulators, Creutz ladder (Zurita, Creffield, Platero)
- [2105.10346] Isoparity: The Meaning of Spin, BHZ, topo. ins. (Beugeling)
- [2105.10004] Orbital-selective Peierls phase in the metallic dimerized chain MoOCl2 (Moreo, Dagotto)
- [2105.10182] Two-impurity scattering in quasi-one-dimensional systems (Ioselevich, Peshcherenko)
- [2105.10408] The phase of a degenerate Fermi gas, flux, ring (Minguzzi, Amico)
- [2105.10456] (Review) Statistical Mechanics of Floquet Quantum Matter: Exact and Emergent Conservation Laws (Asmi Haldar, Arnab Das)
- [2105.10244] Form factors of the Heisenberg spin chain in the thermodynamic limit: dealing with complex Bethe roots (Kitanine, Giridhar Kulkarni)
- [2105.10240] Fusion in the periodic Temperley-Lieb algebra and connectivity operators of loop models (Ikhlef, Morin-Duchesne)
- [2105.09960] Optimal Frobenius light cone in spin chains with power-law interactions (Chi-Fang Chen, Andrew Lucas)
- [2105.10161] Wick rotation and the positivity of energy in quantum field theory (Kontsevich)
- [2105.09334] Exchange interactions, Jahn-Teller coupling, and multipole orders in pseudospin one-half \(5\boldsymbol{d}^\mathbf{2}\) Mott insulators (Khaliullin, Hae-Young Kee)
- [2105.09504] # MagneticTB: A package for tight-binding model of magnetic and non-magnetic materials, Mathematica (Zeying Zhang)
- [2105.09752] Topological phases of the dimerized Hofstadter butterfly (Benalcazar)
- [2105.09336] Phenomenology of spectral functions in finite disordered spin chains (Bonca, Marcin Mierzejewski)
- [2105.09345] Analytical approach for the Mott transition in the Kane-Mele-Hubbard model (Le Hur)
- [2105.09568] Higher-Order Topological Mott Insulator on the Pyrochlore Lattice (Otsuka, Yoshida, Kudo, Yunoki, Hatsugai)
- [2105.09694] Topologically ordered time crystals (Wahl)
- [2105.09324] Holographic dynamics simulations with a trapped ion quantum computer (Chertkov)
- [2105.09853] # PT symmetry and the evolution speed in open quantum systems (Brody)
- [2105.09793] Entanglement Entropy of Non-Hermitian Free Fermions (Tao Xiang)
- [2105.09479] p-star models, mean field random networks and the heat hierarchy, e Burgers hierarchy (Moro)
- [2105.09342] A Unitary Matrix Model for q-deformed Plancherel Growth, Gross-Witten-Wadia (Debangshu Mukherjee)
- [2105.09622] Topological quantum field theories from Hecke algebras (Fock, Tatitscheff, Thomas)
- [2105.08858] (Review) Strong Coupling Theory of Magic-Angle Graphene: A Pedagogical Introduction (Ledwith, Khalaf, Vishwanath)
- [2105.09237] Design strong anomalous Hall effect via spin canting in antiferromagnetic nodal line materials (Congcong Le, Felser, Yan Sun)
- [2105.08888] Flat Band Induced Negative Magnetoresistance in Multi-Orbital Kagome Metal (H. Miao)
- [2105.09102] Observation of fractional edge excitations in nanographene spin chains, BLBQ (Shantanu Mishra)
- [2105.09239] Origin of insulating ferromagnetism in iron oxychalcogenide Ce2O2FeSe2 (Moreo, Dagotto)
- [2105.08733] Non-Abelian braiding of phonons in layered silicates (Bo Peng, Slager)
- [2105.08833] Nonperturbative Waveguide Quantum Electrodynamics (Ashida, Imamoglu, Demler)
- [2105.08895] Universal Entanglement Transitions of Free Fermions with Long-range Non-unitary Dynamics (Xiao Chen)
- [2105.08828] # Exact solution of a quantum asymmetric exclusion process with particle creation and annihilation, Lindblad (Jacob Robertson, Essler)
- [2105.08922] The Cuboidal Lattices and their Lattice Sums, Bessel function (Shaun Cooper)
- [2105.08636] Triple Andreev dot chains in semiconductor nanowires (Frolov)
- [2105.08228] Theory of thermoelectric effect in insulators (Yugo Onishi, Naoto Nagaosa)
- [2105.08413] Thermal Properties and Instability of a U(1) Spin Liquid on the Triangular Lattice (Qi-Rong Zhao, Zheng-Xin Liu)
- [2105.08711] Effective theory of lattice electrons strongly coupled to quantum electromagnetic fields, AHE (Eckstein)
- [2105.08074] Nonreciprocal electron hydrodynamics under magnetic fields: applications to nonreciprocal surface magnetoplasmons (Toshio, Kawakami)
- [2105.08221] Arrested phase separation in double-exchange models: machine-learning enabled large-scale simulation (Gia-Wei Chern)
- [2105.08579] Neural-network Quantum States for Spin-1 systems: spin-basis and parameterization effects on compactness of representations, AKLT (Pei, Clark)
- [2105.08303v1] Curvature-dimension conditions for symmetric quantum Markov semigroups, inequalities (Melchior Wirth)
- [2105.08184] # Thermodynamics of \(T \bar{T}\) perturbations of sinh-Gordon, free boson, and Liouville field theories, TBA (LeClair)
- [2105.08596] Symmetry resolved relative entropies and distances in conformal field theory (Capizzi, Calabrese)
- [2105.08220] Thermal Casimir effect for the scalar field in flat spacetime under a helix boundary condition (Aleixo, Mota)
- [2105.08207] Half-wormhole in SYK with one time point, Pffafian (Mukhametzhanov)
- [2105.05857] Kekule spiral order at all nonzero integer fillings in twisted bilayer graphene, Ising-XY (Soejima, Zaletel, Steven Simon, Parameswaran, Bultinck)
- [2105.05869] # Thermal anyon interferometry in phonon-coupled Kitaev spin liquids (Klocke, Joel Moore, Alicea, Halasz)
- [2105.05886] Coherent spin-wave transport in an antiferromagnet (Hortensius)
- [2105.05906] Phase transitions of the ferroelectric \((\mathrm{ND}_4)_2\mathrm{FeCl}_5\cdot\mathrm{D}_2\mathrm{O}\) under a magnetic field (Shaozhi Li, Fishman)
- [2105.06140] Quantum transport of topological spin solitons in a one-dimensional organic ferroelectric (Tokunaga, Kindo, Horiuchi, Kagawa)
- [2105.06372] Benchmarking a novel efficient numerical method for localized 1D Fermi-Hubbard systems on a quantum simulator (Bloch, Aidelsburger)
- [2105.06327] Detecting positive quantum capacities of quantum channels, determinant identity (Nilanjana Datta)
- [2105.05851] # Fractal Quantum Phase Transitions: Critical Phenomena Beyond Renormalization, 3-spin int. (Frank Pollmann, Yizhi You)
- [2105.06119] A bipartite variant of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model from a strained Kitaev honeycomb model (Fritz)
- [2105.05820] Altermagnetism: a third magnetic class delimited by spin symmetry groups (Sinova, Tomas Jungwirth)
- [2105.05293] Strength of effective Coulomb interaction in two-dimensional transition-metal Halides MX2 and MX3 (M=Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni; X=Cl, Br, I) (Mertig)
- [2105.05271] Quantum Monte Carlo simulations in the the trimer basis: first-order transitions and thermal critical points in frustrated trilayer magnets (Honecker, Normand, Corboz, Mila, Wessel)
- [2105.05625] Adiabatic Construction of Hierarchical Quantum Hall States (Greiter, Wilczek)
- [2105.05554] Nonequilibrium RIXS study of an electron-phonon model (Philipp Werner, Eckstein)
- [2105.05654] Charge pumping in one dimensional quasiperiodic systems from Bott index (Yoshii, Kitamura, Morimoto)
- [2105.05448] Prime number factorization using a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate inspired topological quantum computer (Tapio Simula)
- [2105.05411] Emergent fractional vortices and inter-layer Ising order in a bilayer of XY models, 1D quantum (Guang-Ming Zhang)
- [2105.04094] Role of Majorana fermions in spin transport of anisotropic Kitaev model (Yuta Murakami, Koga, Nasu)
- [2105.03769] (Review) From Majorana fermions to topological quantum computation in semiconductor/superconductor heterostructures (Jay Sau, Sumanta Tewari)
- [2105.04531] # Magnon-phonon interactions open a gap at the Dirac point in the spin-wave spectra of CrI3 2D magnets (Gorni)
- [2105.03615] # Flat band and \(\eta\)-pairing states in one-dimensional Moire Hubbard model (R. Wang, Z. Song)
- [2105.04391] Quantum magnetism of iron-based ladders: blocks, spirals, and spin flux (Dagotto)
- [2105.04127] Experimental signature of parity anomaly in semi-magnetic topological insulator (Nagaosa, Kawasaki, Tokura)
- [2105.04317] Quantum Variational Learning of the Entanglement Hamiltonian, corner? (Dalmonte, Zoller)
- [2105.03445] Entanglement generation in QED scattering processes, staggered fermion (Rigobello)
- [2105.04130] # Boltzmann machines as two-dimensional tensor networks (Sujie Li, Feng Pan, Pengfei Zhou, Pan Zhang)
- [2105.04326] A Spin 1/2 Fermions Chain with $XY$ Interaction (Francica)
- [2105.04359] # Supersymmetry and multicriticality in a ladder of constrained fermions (Chepiga, Schoutens)
- [2105.03470] Microscopic Origins of Macroscopic Behavior (Lebowitz)
- [2105.04018] Integrable structure of BCD conformal field theory and boundary Bethe ansatz for affine Yangian (Litvinov, Vilkoviskiy)
- [2105.02891] Gate-defined wires in twisted bilayer graphene: from electrical detection of inter-valley coherence to internally engineered Majorana modes (Nadj-Perge, Alicea)
- [2105.03113] Field-angle dependence of thermal Hall conductivity in magnetically ordered Kitaev-Heisenberg system (Nasu)
- [2105.03016] Low Temperature Domain Wall Freezing and Non-Equilibrium Dynamics in the Transverse-Field Ising Model Material CoNb2O6 (K.A.Ross)
- [2105.03104] Two-wire Junction of Inequivalent Tomonaga-Luttinger Liquids (Oshikawa, Ying-Jer Kao, Pochung Chen)
- [2105.03302] Dimerized non-Hermitian quasicrystal, 1D (Longwen Zhou, Wenqian Han)
- [2105.02888] Kramers' degeneracy for open systems in thermal equilibrium, Kondo-Akagi-Katsura cited (Nigel Cooper, Gorshkov)
- [2105.02967] Spectrum statistics in the integrable Lieb-Liniger model (Sekkouri)
- [2105.03326] The Space of Integrable Systems from Generalised \(T\bar{T}\)-Deformations (Doyon, Durnin, Yoshimura)
- [2105.02909] Anomalies in bosonic SPT edge theories: connection to F-symbols and a method for calculation (Kyle Kawagoe, Michael Levin)
- [2105.03208] An SYK-inspired model with density-density interactions: spectral & wave function statistics, Green's function and phase diagram (Dieplinger)
- [2105.03276] Digital quantum simulation for screening and confinement in gauge theory with a topological, spin chain term (Honda, Itou, Okuda)
- [2105.02673] Versatility of spiral spin liquid in frustrated van der Waals magnets (Gang Chen)
- [2105.02244] Effects of spin-phonon coupling in frustrated Heisenberg models (Valenti, Federico Becca)
- [2105.02514] Unifying the Anderson Transitions in Hermitian and Non-Hermitian Systems (Kawabata, Ohtsuki, Shindou)
- [2105.02251] Near-unit efficiency of chiral state conversion via hybrid-Liouvillian dynamics, exceptional point (Snizhko, Yuval Gefen)
- [2105.02563] Complex Hubbard models in quantum simulators with programmable optical lattices (C. MacCormick)
- [2105.02252] An integrable spin chain with Hilbert space fragmentation and solvable real time dynamics, Bariev (Pozsgay, Yunfeng Jiang, Vernier)
- [2105.02437] The Yang-Baxter paradox (Jon Links)
- [2105.02257] Factorization in the multirefined tangent method, Aztec diamond, ASM (Philippe Ruelle)
- [2105.02229] Thermalization and Hydrodynamics of Two-Dimensional Quantum Field Theories, \(T{\bar T}\) (Delacretaz)
- [2105.01694] Non-local magnon transport in a magnetic domain wall wave guide (Rembert A. Duine)
- [2105.02128] Field-temperature phase diagram of the enigmatic Nd2(Zr{1-x}Ti{x})2O7 pyrochlore magnets (Lhotel)
- [2105.01872] d- and p-wave quantum liquid crystal orders in cuprate superconductors, \(\kappa\)-(BEDT-TTF)2X, and coupled chain Hubbard models: functional-RG (Tazai, Yamakawa, Tsuchiizu, Kontani)
- [2105.02032] Casimir energy with chiral fermions on a quantum computer (McGuigan)
- [2105.02058] The Feshbach-Schur map and perturbation theory, rigorous (Dusson, Sigal, Stamm)
- [2105.02148] Emergent Supersymmetry on the Edges, WZW, CFT (Jin-Beom Bae, Sungjay Lee)
- [2105.02129] Wormholes in Quantum Mechanics (Herman Verlinde)
- [2105.02142] Deconstructing the Wormhole: Factorization, Entanglement and Decoherence (Herman Verlinde)
- [2105.01080] Tunable Feshbach resonances and their spectral signatures in bilayer semiconductors (Kuhlenkamp)
- [2105.01653] Topologically-driven three-spin chiral exchange interactions treated from first principles (Mankovsky, Svitlana Polesya, Hubert Ebert)
- [2105.01197] Non-Hermitian skin effect as an impurity problem (Roccati)
- [2105.01307] # Disorder lines, modulation, and partition function zeros in free fermion models (Chitov)
- [2105.01088] Quantum impurity models using superpositions of fermionic Gaussian states: Practical methods and applications (Bela Bauer)
- [2105.01394] Directed percolation in non-unitary quantum cellular automata, Domany-Kinzel (Nigmatullin, Wagner, Brennen)
- [2105.01087] # Crystallography of Hyperbolic Lattices (Gorshkov, Maciejko, Thomale)
- [2105.01352] T-W relation and free energy of the Heisenberg chain at a finite temperature (Junpeng Cao, Yupeng Wang)
- [2105.01645] Refection Matrices for the (n+1)(2n+1)- Vertex Models: Diagonal Solutions (Lima-Santos)
- [2105.01600] Torsion, energy magnetization and thermal Hall effect, CFT (Ze-Min Huang, Bo Han, Xiao-Qi Sun)
- [2105.00168] (Review) Towards Kitaev Spin Liquid in 3d Transition Metal Compounds (Huimei Liu)
- [2105.01062] Light-Induced Control of Magnetic Phases in Kitaev Quantum Magnets (Adithya Sriram, Martin Claassen)
- [2105.00750] First ESR Detection of Higgs Amplitude Mode and Analysis with Extended Spin-Wave Theory in Dimer System KCuCl3 (Uwatoko, Hidekazu Tanaka)
- [2105.00920] The Hubbard model on triangular N-leg cylinders: chiral and non-chiral spin liquids (Tocchio, Montorsi, Becca)
- [2105.01055] Non-linear optical processes in cavity light-matter systems (Markus Lysne, Philipp Werner)
- [2105.00926] Multiple quantum scar states and emergent slow-thermalization in the flat-band system (Kuno, Mizoguchi, Hatsugai)
- [2105.01059] Shape effects of localized losses in quantum wires: dissipative resonances and nonequilibrium universality (Diehl, Chiocchetta)
- [2105.01054] Role of stochastic noise and generalization error in the time propagation of neural-network quantum states (Carleo)
- [2105.00841] (Review) Theory and Simulation of the Ising Model, python codes (Ashkan Shekaari, Mahmoud Jafari)
- [2105.00014] Bloch oscillations and the lack of the decay of the false vacuum in a one-dimensional quantum spin chain (Zarand, Takacs)
- [2105.00010] Tensor Renormalization Group for interacting quantum fields (Sierra)
- [2105.00021] Gaudin Models and Multipoint Conformal Blocks: General Theory (Quintavalle, Schomerus)
- [2104.14876] Berry curvature generation detected by Nernst responses in ferroelectric Weyl semimetal (Cheng-Long Zhang, Tokura)
- [2104.14816] Symmetry-Enforced Nodal Chain Phonons (Lifa Zhang)
- [2104.14578] Conductivity in the Hubbard model: orbital effects of magnetic field (Vucicevic, Zitko)
- [2104.15026] Magnetic impurities at quantum critical points: large-N expansion and SPT connections (Shang Liu, Shapourian, Vishwanath, Metlitski)
- [2104.15093] Dynamical route to ergodicity and quantum scarring in kicked coupled top, SYK cited (Sudip Sinha)
- [2104.15054] Accurate simulation and thermal tuning by temperature-adaptive boundary interactions on quantum many-body systems (Ding-Zu Wang, Lewenstein)
- [2104.14869] Many-Body Quantum States with Exact Conservation of Non-Abelian and Lattice Symmetries through Variational Monte Carlo (Tom Vieijra, Jannes Nys)
- [2104.14940] Eigenstate Thermalisation on Average (Short)
- [2104.14924] # Entanglement in the Quantum Game of Life, quantum blinker, PXP? (Giovanna Morigi)
Hosho Katsura's arXiv