January 2021
demonstration \[ \frac{\pi}{2} = \left( \int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{\sin x}{\sqrt{x}} dx \right)^2 = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{(2k)!}{2^{2k}(k!)^2} \frac{1}{2k+1} = \prod_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{4k^2}{4k^2 - 1} \]
[2101.12199] Unusual heat transport of the Kitaev material Na2Co2TeO6: putative quantum spin liquid and low-energy spin excitations (Xiaochen Hong)
[2101.11737] Linearized theory of the fluctuation dynamics in 2D topological lasers (Aurelian Loirette--Pelous)
[2101.12065] Critical Level Statistics at the Many-Body Localization Transition Region (Wen-Jia Rao)
[2101.11744] # On the mapping between Hopfield networks and Restricted Boltzmann Machines (Matthew Smart, Anton Zilman)
[2101.12140] # Exactly solvable spin-1/2 XYZ models with highly-degenerate, partially ordered, ground states (Owen Benton)
[2101.12096] Exact densities of loops in O(1) dense loop model and of clusters in critical percolation on a cylinder (Povolotsky)
[2101.11638] (Review) Flag manifold sigma models: spin chains and integrable theories (Affleck, Bykov, Wamer)
[2101.12119] The SL(2,R) Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten spin-chain \(\sigma\)-model (Roberto Ruiz)
[2101.11609] Stability of a topological superconductor in two-dimensional space protected by time-reversal and reflection symmetries against contact interactions (Ryu, Furusaki, Mudry)
[2101.11412] Rydberg quantum simulator of topological insulators (Khazali)
[2101.11099] Neural networks in quantum many-body physics: a hands-on tutorial (Carrasquilla)
[2101.11236] # Renyi Entropy Dynamics and Lindblad Spectrum for Open Quantum System (Hui Zhai)
[2101.11238] Page Curve from Non-Markovianity (Hui Zhai)
[2101.11065] Inhomogeneous mean-field approach to collective excitations in disordered interacting bosons, Bogoliubov tr. (Vojta)
[2101.11464] Dimerization in quantum spin chains with O(n) symmetry (Nachtergaele, Ueltschi)
[2101.11029] Holographic entanglement negativity and replica symmetry breaking (Xiao-Liang Qi)
[2101.10949] Linear and nonlinear Hall conductivity in presence of interaction and disorder (Resta)
[2101.10798] Mirror Chern numbers in the hybrid Wannier representation (Vanderbilt)
[2101.10971] The Loschmidt Index (Gritsev)
[2101.10354] On factorized overlaps: Algebraic Bethe Ansatz, twists, and Separation of Variables (Pozsgay)
[2101.10647] # Bundled string solutions of the Bethe ansatz equations in the non-hermitian spin chain (Ishiguro, Jun Sato, Nishinari)
[2101.10566] Isolated Skyrmions in the CP2 nonlinear \(\sigma\)-model with a Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya type interaction (Akagi, Amari, Sawado, Shnir)
[2101.10358] Scaling of disorder operator at (2+1)d U(1) quantum criticality (Zi Yang Meng)
[2101.10299] Discovery of an insulating ferromagnetic phase of electrons in two dimensions (Kivelson)
[2101.10131] Twisted light-induced spin-spin interaction in a chiral helimagnet (Hajime Ishihara, Yokoshi)
[2101.10045] Terahertz detection of in-situ switching between antiferromagnetic domains in the multiferroic Ba2CoGe2O7 (Tokura, Kezsmarki, Penc)
[2101.09944] A new form of transcorrelated Hamiltonian inspired by range-separated DFT (Giner)
[2101.09344] Quench dynamics and relaxation of a spin coupled to interacting leads (Pereira)
[2101.10236] Degenerated Liouvillians and Steady-State Reduced Density Matrices (Manzano)
[2101.09432] Machine learning the dynamics of quantum kicked rotor (Tomohiro Mano, Tomi Ohtsuki)
[2101.10119] A Mapping between the Spin and Fermion Algebra (Meier)
[2101.10057] Localization in the Kicked Ising Chain (Waltner, Braun)
[2101.10211] Virasoro algebra from modular Hamiltonians (Suchetan Das)
[2101.08645] Finite temperature fluctuation-induced order and responses in magnetic topological insulators ( van den Brink)
[2101.09280] Rotational Resonances and Regge Trajectories in Lightly Doped Antiferromagnets (Demler)
[2101.08799] (Review) How spectrum-wide quantum criticality protects surface states of topological superconductors from Anderson localization: Quantum Hall plateau transitions (almost) all the way down (Foster)
[2101.08787] Broken-Symmetry Ground States of the Heisenberg model on the Pyrochlore Lattice (Carleo, Neupert)
[2101.08870] Information Scrambling in Computationally Complex Quantum Circuits (Kitaev)
[2101.08848] Entanglement detection in quantum many-body systems using entropic uncertainty relations (Garttner)
[2101.08807] Topological Frustration can modify the nature of a Quantum Phase Transition (Franchini, Giampaolo)
[2101.09226] Skew localizer and Z2-flows for real index pairings (Schulz-Baldes)
[2101.08507] Optical manipulation of electronic dimensionality in a quantum material (Wentao Zhang)
[2101.08274] Filling anomaly for general 2D and 3D C4 symmetric lattices (Jennifer Cano)
[2101.08273] Flat bands with fragile topology through superlattice engineering on single-layer graphene (Neupert)
[2101.08277] Nonlinear orbital response across topological phase transition in centrosymmetric materials (Serbyn, Hiroaki Ishizuka)
[2101.08363] Topological bands in the continuum using Rydberg states (Weber)
[2101.08591] Machine learning time-local generators of open quantum dynamics (Lesanovsky)
[2101.08279] # Constructing Integrable Lindblad Superoperators (Pozsgay)
[2101.08343] ZN Symmetries, Anomalies, and the Modular Bootstrap (Ying-Hsuan Lin, Shu-Heng Shao)
[2101.07943] Charge-4e superconductivity from multi-component nematic pairing: Application to twisted bilayer graphene (Liang Fu)
[2101.07805] Stiefel liquids: possible non-Lagrangian quantum criticality from intertwined orders (Liujun Zou, Yin-Chen He, Chong Wang
[2101.08229] Magnetic properties of alternating Hubbard ladders (Jeckelmann)
[2101.08148] Anomalous Dynamical Scaling of Roughness in Disordered Fermion Models (Fujimoto, Ryusuke Hamazaki, Yuki Kawaguchi)
[2101.08089] Generalization properties of restricted Boltzmann machine for short-range order (Timirgazin)
[2101.07896] The Ghost-Box-Ball System: A Unified Perspective on Soliton Cellular Automata, the RSK Algorithm and Phase Shifts (Ercolani)
[2101.07807] # Continuum approach to real time dynamics of 1+1D gauge field theory: out of horizon correlations of the Schwinger model (Kukuljan)
[2101.08082] Matrix Kesten Recursion, Inverse-Wishart Ensemble and Fermions in a Morse Potential (Bouchaud, Le Doussal)
[2101.07454] Phase diagram of the anisotropic triangular lattice Hubbard model (Motruk)
[2101.07275] Angle-dependent thermodynamics of \(\alpha\)-RuCl3 (Loidl)
[2101.07300] Quantum fluctuation effects on the ordered Moments in a two dimensional frustrated ferrimagnet (Mahanti)
[2101.07767] Reconfigurable magnonic mode-hybridisation and spectral control in a bicomponent artificial spin ice (Kurebayashi)
[2101.07478] Josephson effect of superconductors with J=3/2 electrons (Shingo Kobayashi, Asano)
[2101.07285] Scalable Neural Decoder for Topological Surface Codes (Trebst)
[2101.07283] Robust measurement of wave function topology on NISQ quantum computers (Freericks)
[2101.07276] Absence of local order in topologically frustrated spin chains (Giampaolo, Franchini)
[2101.07045] The phase diagram of the Hubbard model by Variational Auxiliary Field quantum Monte Carlo (Sorella)
[2101.06739] Discontinuous quantum and classical magnetic response of the pentakis dodecahedron (Konstantinidis)
[2101.07016] SU(N) to SU(2) symmetry breaking in quantum antiferromagnets (Kolezhuk)
[2101.06526] Motion of an impurity in a two-leg ladder (Alessandro Silva)
[2101.06420] Localization Dynamics and Gauge Theories from Mobile Quantum Impurities, bosonic ladder (Le Hur)
[2101.07243] Gauge Invariant Autoregressive Neural Networks for Quantum Lattice Models (Zhuo Chen)
[2101.07065] Rigorous Bounds on the Heating Rate in Thue-Morse Quasiperiodically and Randomly Driven Quantum Many-Body Systems (Takashi Mori, Hongzheng Zhao, Florian Mintert, Johannes Knolle, Roderich Moessner)
[2101.06330] Multiscale Invariants of Floquet Topological Insulators, rigorous (Massatt)
[2101.06528] (Review) Hydrodynamic Equations for the Toda Lattice (Spohn)
[2101.06264] Bose Metal via Failed Insulator: A Novel Phase of Quantum Matter, frustrated lattice (Wei Ku)
[2101.05842] Terahertz detection based on nonlinear Hall effect without magnetic field (Liang Fu)
[2101.05959] Topological Nematic Phase Transition in Kitaev Magnets Under Applied Magnetic Fields (Yamada, Mizushima, Fujimoto)
[2101.06081] Linear and Nonlinear Optical Responses in Kitaev Spin Liquids (Ikeda, Masahiro Sato)
[2101.05864] Overcoming the asymmetry of the electron and hole doping for magnetic transitions in bilayer CrI3 (Sukanya Ghosh)
[2101.06245] Measurement-induced criticality as a data-structure transition (Xhek Turkeshi)
[2101.06198] Bethe strings in the spin dynamical structure factor of the Mott-Hubbard phase in one-dimensional fermionic Hubbard model (Carmelo)
[2101.05427] Topological Euler insulators (Ezawa)
[2101.05448] # Realization of supersymmetry and its spontaneous breaking in quantum Hall edges (Kun Yang)
[2101.05505] Localization and topological transitions in non-Hermitian quasiperiodic lattices (Dan-Wei Zhang)
[2101.05431] The Bose-Einstein Condensate of G-wave Molecules and Its Intrinsic Angular Momentum (Tin-Lun Ho)
[2101.05742] Quantum annealing initialization of the quantum approximate optimization algorithm (Serbyn)
[2101.05579] Fastest local entanglement scrambler, multistage thermalization, and a non-Hermitian phantom (Znidaric)
[2101.05289] Wilson Loops and Area Laws in Lattice Gauge Theory Tensor Networks (Erez Zohar)
[2101.05297] Driven-dissipative Ising Model: An exact field-theoretical analysis (Paz)
[2101.05708] # Full spectrum of the Liouvillian of open dissipative quantum systems in the Zeno limit (Popkov)
[2101.05432] Exact Symmetries and Threshold States in Two-Dimensional Models for QCD (Klebanov)
[2101.05058] # Fractional corner magnetization of collinear antiferromagnets (Watanabe, Kato, Hoi Chun Po, Motome)
[2101.05120] Quasi-one-dimensional magnetism in the spin-1/2 antiferromagnet BaNa2Cu(VO4)2 (Y.Furukawa, R.Nath)
[2101.05015] Deformations, relaxation and broken symmetries in liquids, solids and glasses: a unified topological field theory (Baggioli)
[2101.04685] Functional renormalization group study of the Kitaev-\(\Gamma\) model on the honeycomb lattice and emergent incommensurate magnetic correlations (Yong Baek Kim)
[2101.05164] Heisenberg spin chains with additional isotropic three-site exchange interactions (N.B.Ivanov)
[2101.05109] Bose-Hubbard models with on-site and nearest-neighbor interactions: Exactly solvable case, bound states? (Kholmatov)
[2101.04717] Asymptotic behaviour of the lattice Green function (Emmanuel Michta, Gordon Slade)
[2101.05121] The general structure of the Decoherence-free subalgebra for uniformly continuous Quantum Markov semigroups (Sasso)
[2101.04759] Hydrodynamics of spin currents (Gursoy)
[2101.05230] Brief lectures on duality, integrability and deformations (Ctirad Klimcik)
[2101.02795] Reentrance of spin-driven ferroelectricity through rotational tunneling of ammonium (Lei Ding)
[2101.04135] # Towards a Topological Quantum Chemistry description of correlated systems: the case of the Hubbard diamond chain (Heinsdorf, Pollmann, Neupert)
[2101.04405] Temperature dependence of the mean magnon collision time in a spin Seebeck device (Basso)
[2101.04501] (Review) Twistronics: A turning point in 2D quantum materials (Hennighausen)
[2101.04322] General corner charge formula in two-dimensional C_n-symmetric higher-order topological insulators (Murakami)
[2101.04126] Local integrals of motion and the quasiperiodic many-body localization transition (Ware, Vasseur, Gopalakrishnan)
[2101.04186] Fractional solitons in non-Euclidian elastic plates (Kai Sun, Xiaoming Mao)
[2101.04670] # Quantum sensing and many-body scars (Dooley)
[2101.04320] Quantum criticality in non-unitary dynamics of 2+1d free fermions (Xiao Chen)
[2101.04138] Large deviations at level 2.5 for Markovian open quantum systems: quantum jumps and quantum state diffusion (Garrahan)
[2101.04115] Yang-Lee edge singularity triggered entanglement transition (Xiao Chen)
[2101.04634] Quantum Algorithmic Measurement (Dorit Aharonov, Jordan Cotler, Xiao-Liang Qi)
[2101.04140] # Conformal Floquet dynamics with a continuous drive protocol, SSD (K.Sengupta)
[2101.04580] From dual-unitary to quantum Bernoulli circuits: Role of the entangling power in constructing a quantum ergodic hierarchy (Aravinda)
[2101.04505] Inozemtsev System as Seiberg-Witten Integrable system (Argyres)
[2101.03471] Optical magnons with dominant bond-directional exchange interactions in a honeycomb lattice iridate \(α\)-Li2IrO3 (Sae Hwan Chun)
[2101.03352] Quarter-filled Kane-Mele Hubbard model: Dirac half-metals (Mellaerts)
[2101.03794] Flatband generator in two dimensions (Maimaiti, Andreanov, Flach)
[2101.03819] Hubbard models and state preparation in an optical Lieb lattice (Flannigan)
[2101.03511] Invariant Neural Network Ansatz for weakly symmetric Open Quantum Lattices, Lindblad (Davide Nigro)
[2101.03674] Continuous entanglement renormalization on the circle (Ling-Yan Hung, Guifre Vidal)
[2101.03935] # Generating Function for Tensor Network Diagrammatic Summation (Schuch, Kawashima)
[2101.03345] Typical relaxation of perturbed quantum many-body systems (Lennart Dabelow, Peter Reimann)
[2101.03282] The landscape law for tight binding Hamiltonians (Filoche, Mayboroda)
[2101.03370] Trace formulas for time periodic complex Hamiltonians on lattice, det. inequalities (Korotyaev)
[2101.02769] Quantum annealing simulation of out-of-equilibrium magnetization in a spin-chain compound (Batista, Hao Zhang)
[2101.03123] Permutable SOS (Symmetry Operational Similarity) (Sang-Wook Cheong)
[2101.02871] Realizing Su-Schrieffer-Heeger topological edge states in Rydberg-atom synthetic dimensions (Kanungo)
[2101.02998] Entanglement-enhanced sensing with an always-on nearest-neighbor interaction between qubits, PXP? (Yoshinaga, Tatsuta, Matsuzaki)
[2101.03075] Critical points in the \(RP^{N-1}\) model (Delfino)
[2101.02411] Microwave directional dichroism resonant with spin excitations in the polar ferromagnet GaV4S8 (Seki, Tokura)
[2101.02440] Abnormal Critical Fluctuations Revealed by Magnetic Resonance in the Two-Dimensional Ferromagnetic Insulators (Zefang Li)
[2101.02389] Quantum Field Theory of Correlated Bose-Einstein condensates: I. Basic Formalism (Takafumi Kita)
[2101.02339] #(Review) Dyson's disordered linear chain from a random matrix theory viewpoint (Forrester)
[2101.02213] Probing the spin structure of the fractional quantum Hall magnetoroton with polarized Raman scattering (Dam Thanh Son)
[2101.02218] Global Anomalies on the Hilbert Space (Gaiotto)
[2101.01780] Introduction to Solid State Physics (Frank Göhmann)
[2101.02197] Bose-Luttinger Liquids (Senthil, Vishwanath)
[2101.02135] Dimerization and spin-decoupling in two-leg Heisenberg ladder with frustrated trimer rungs (Tsvelik)
[2101.01724] Fractonic critical point proximate to a higher-order topological insulator: How UV blend with IR?(Hughes, Pollmann)
[2101.01911] Quantitative analysis of interaction effects in generalized Aubry-Andŕe-Harper models (Schoeller, Meden)
[2101.01720] A Z3 quantum double in a superconducting wire array (Dmitry Green, Chamon)
[2101.01189] Nonlinear quantum magnetophononics in SrCu2(BO3)2 (Bruce Normand)
[2101.01258] Spontaneous fractional Chern insulators in transition metal dichalcogenides Moire superlattices (Kai Sun)
[2101.01716] Numerical evidence for marginal scaling at the integer quantum Hall transition (Dresselhaus, Sbierski, Gruzberg)
[2101.01180] Majorana corner states in square and Kagome quantum spin liquids (Haoran Wang, Alessandro Principi)
[2101.01475] Quantum Adiabatic Doping for Atomic Fermi-Hubbard Quantum Simulations (Xiaopeng Li)
[2101.01316] Tunable Single-Ion Anisotropy in Spin-1 Models Realized with Ultracold Atoms (Ketterle)
[2101.01690] Efficient Mitigation of Depolarizing Errors in Quantum Simulations (Knolle)
[2101.01651] # Soliton-like behaviour in non-integrable systems (Manas Kulkarni)
[2101.01672] ## The effective potential of an $M$-matrix (Filoche, Mayboroda, Terence Tao)
[2101.01605] Colored Fermionic Vertex Models and Symmetric Functions (Aggarwal, Borodin, Wheeler)
[2101.00721] Higher-Order Spin-Hole Correlations around a Localized Charge Impurity (Demler)
[2101.00804] # Thermal charge-density-wave transition and trion formation in the attractive SU(3) Hubbard model on a honeycomb lattice (Xiang Li, Han Xu, Yu Wang)
[2101.00999] Lifshitz point at commensurate melting of 1D Rydberg atoms (Chepiga, Mila)
[2101.00022] On Dynamical Phase Error in Interacting Topological Quantum Memories (Dooley, Kells)
[2101.00985] Geometry and superfluidity of the flat band in a non-Hermitian optical lattice (Peng He)
[2101.00282] # \(U_q(\mathfrak{sl}_n)\) web models and Zn spin interfaces (Gainutdinov, Jesper Lykke Jacobsen)
[2101.00426] A \(H^{3}(G,{\mathbb T})\)-valued index of symmetry protected topological phases with on-site finite group symmetry for two-dimensional quantum spin systems (Ogata)
[2101.00801] An index for two-dimensional SPT states (Sopenko)
Hosho Katsura's arXiv