October 2020
MathJax demonstration
\frac{\pi}{2} =
\left( \int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{\sin x}{\sqrt{x}} dx \right)^2 =
\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{(2k)!}{2^{2k}(k!)^2} \frac{1}{2k+1} =
\prod_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{4k^2}{4k^2 - 1}
- [2010.15342] 2D correlations in the van der Waals ferromagnet CrBr3 using high frequency electron spin resonance spectroscopy (Saiz)
- [2010.15340] # Quantum Kinetic Theory of Nonlinear Nernst Effect (Hongchao Li)
- [2010.15747] Experimental realisation of multipartite entanglement via quantum Fisher information in a uniform antiferromagnetic quantum spin chain (George Mathew)
- [2010.15127] The Fractonal Quantum Hall Effect: Fracton Phases from Chiral Layers (Thomas Iadecola)
- [2010.15192] Exact Self-Consistent Effective Hamiltonian Theory (Liqin Ke)
- [2010.15137] Visualizing Quasiparticles from Quantum Entanglement for general 1D phases (Pollmann, Sondhi, Yizhi You)
- [2010.15548] Localized dynamics following a quantum quench in a non-integrable system: An example on the sawtooth ladder (Rishabh Khare, Sayan Choudhury)
- [2010.15304] Hierarchical classical metastability in an open quantum East model (Lesanovsky, Garrahan)
- [2010.15387] Open quantum systems at finite temperature (Richert, Khalil)
- [2010.15337] # Quasi-Locality Bounds for Quantum Lattice Systems. Part II. Perturbations of Frustration-Free Spin Models with Gapped Ground States (Nachtergaele, Sims, Young)
- [2010.15813] # Thermal transport in \(T \bar{T}\)-deformed conformal field theories: from integrability to holography (Medenjak, Policastro, Yoshimura)
- [2010.15733] \(T{\overline T}\) deformations and the width of fundamental particles (Cardy, Doyon)
- [2010.15161] # Efimov effect at the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang roughening transition (Yu Nakayama, Yusuke Nishida)
- [2010.15518] Bosonic and fermionic Gaussian states from Kähler structures, squeezed (Lucas Hackl, Eugenio Bianchi)
- [2010.15783] On construction of finite averaging sets for SL(2, C) via its Cartan decomposition (Markiewicz)
- [2010.14511] Flux crystals, Majorana metals, and flat bands in exactly solvable spin-orbital liquids (Matthias Vojta, Hong-Hao Tu)
- [2010.14514] U(1) symmetric recurrent neural networks for quantum state reconstruction (Carrasquilla, Melko)
- [2010.14862] Point-gap topology with complete bulk-boundary correspondence in dissipative quantum systems (Jian-Song Pan, Linhu Li, Jiangbin Gong)
- [2010.14513] Correspondence between non-Hermitian topology and directional amplification in the presence of disorder (Nunnenkamp)
- [2010.14682] Matrix Product Density Operators: when do they have a local parent Hamiltonian? (Kohtaro Kato, Brandao)
- [2010.14468] The p-Airy distribution, Dyck paths (Sergio Caracciolo, Vittorio Erba, Andrea Sportiello)
- [2010.14994] Large deviations of the Lyapunov exponent in 2D matrix Langevin dynamics with applications to one-dimensional Anderson Localization models, SUSY (Monthus)
- [2010.14515] The Integrable (Hyper)eclectic Spin Chain (Changrim Ahn, Staudacher)
- [2010.13512] (Review) Spin Insulatronics (Brataas)
- [2010.13012] (Review) Multifunctional Oxides for Topological Magnetic Textures by Design (Lim, A. Ariando)
- [2010.12823] Topological bands in two-dimensional orbital-active bipartite lattices (Huan Wang, Jing Wang)
- [2010.13090] Kagome lattice is not a "Holy Grail" for the spin liquid from the perspective of crystal chemistry, DM? (Volkova, Marinin)
- [2010.13445] # Magnetic excitations in an ionic spin-chain system with a non-magnetic ferroelectric instability, TTF-BA (Horiuchi, Kanoda)
- [2010.13353] Resonating dimer-monomer liquid state in a magnetization plateau of a spin-1/2 kagome-strip Heisenberg chain (Morita, Sota, Tohyama)
- [2010.13255] High-harmonic generation in one-dimensional Mott insulator (Yuta Murakami, Takayoshi,Koga, Philipp Werner)
- [2010.12965] # Observing non-ergodicity due to kinetic constraints in tilted Fermi-Hubbard chains (Pollmann, Bloch, Aidelsburger)
- [2010.13236] Automatic Learning of Topological Phase Boundaries (Kerr)
- [2010.13345] A formula for boundary correlations of the critical Ising model (Galashin)
- [2010.12819] # The action of the Virasoro algebra in quantum spin chains. I. The non-rational case, Koo-Saleur (Grans-Samuelsson, Jacobsen, Saleur)
- [2010.13738] Adiabatic formation of bound states in the 1d Bose gas (Caux)
- [2010.12053] Topological Invariants of a Filling-Enforced Quantum Band Insulator (Vishwanath, Hoi Chun Po)
- [2010.12255] Hubbard model vs. Kondo model: Strong coupling limit (Ivantsov)
- [2010.12289] Collective spin and orbital excitations in a canonical orbital system KCuF3, 1D (van den Brink)
- [2010.12179] Continuous phase transition between Neel and valence bond solid phases in a J-Q-like spin ladder system (Ogino, Kaneko, Morita, Furukawa, Kawashima)
- [2010.11956] Anatomy of Z2 fluxes in anyon Fermi liquids and Bose condensates (Sodemann)
- [2010.12542] Existence and stability of one-dimensional nonlinear topological edge states (Y.-P.Ma, Susanto)
- [2010.12275] Particles, conformal invariance and criticality in pure and disordered systems, Lindblad (Lesanovsky, Olmos)
- [2010.12431] Unraveling the Non-Hermitian Skin Effect in Dissipative Systems (Longhi)
- [2010.12275] Particles, conformal invariance and criticality in pure and disordered systems (Delfino)
- [2010.12494] Chaos and Ergodicity in Extended Quantum Systems with Noisy Driving (Bertini, Prosen)
- [2010.12486] Liouville chains: new hybrid vortex equilibria of the 2D Euler equation (Krishnamurthy)
- [2010.12386] Quantum Calculus of Fibonacci Divisors and Infinite Hierarchy of Bosonic-Fermionic Golden Quantum Oscillators (Pashaev)
- [2010.11149] Electric activity at magnetic moment fragmentation in spin ice (Khomskii)
- [2010.11164] # Dynamics, Entanglement, and the Classical Point in the Transverse-Field XXZ Chain Cs2CoCl4, Mueller-Shrock (Satoshi Okamoto, Radu Coldea,)
- [2010.10536] Topological correspondence between magnetic space group representations (Robert-Jan Slager)
- [2010.10523] Strange metals as ersatz Fermi liquids (Else, Senthil)
- [2010.10920] Surface critical behaviors of coupled Haldane chains (Wenan Guo)
- [2010.10535] # The fate of quantum many-body scars in the presence of disorder (Mondragon-Shem, Ivar Martin)
- [2010.10954] Numerical Simulation of Critical Quantum Dynamics without Finite Size Effects (Lesanovsky)
- [2010.10515] Finite-size corrections in critical symmetry-resolved entanglement (Benoit Estienne, Ikhlef, Morin-Duchesne)
- [2010.11184] Low-density limit of dynamical correlations in the Lieb-Liniger model (Granet)
- [2010.11052] # Love--Lieb integral equations: applications, theory, approximations, and computation (Guillaume Lang)
- [2010.10603] Equilibrium density matrices for the 2D black hole sigma models from an integrable spin chain (Bazhanov, Kotousov, Lukyanov)
- [2010.10613] Scaling limit of the Z2 invariant inhomogeneous six-vertex model (Bazhanov, Kotousov, Koval, Lukyanov)
- [2010.10615] Some algebraic aspects of the inhomogeneous six-vertex model (Bazhanov, Kotousov, Koval, Lukyanov)
- [2010.11121] Scaling limits of lattice quantum fields by wavelets, Daubechies' wavelets (Yoh Tanimoto)
- [2010.09180] # (Review) Magnetic texture based magnonics (Haiming Yu, Jiang Xiao, Schultheiss)
- [2010.09537] Momentum-space Berry curvature in a canted ferromagnet: spin-orbit coupling versus spin non-coplanarity (Kindo, Arita, Tokunaga, Tokura)
- [2010.08621] Insights on magnon topology in Heisenberg-Kitaev models for bilayer quantum magnets with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and broken inversion symmetry (Ghader)
- [2010.09052] Diagrammatic study of optical excitations in correlated systems (Takayoshi, Werner)
- [2010.09244] # Twisted boundary condition and Lieb-Schultz-Mattis ingappability for discrete symmetries (Yuan Yao, Oshikawa)
- [2010.09251] Imbalance for a family of one-dimensional incommensurate models with mobility edges (Kulkarni)
- [2010.09375] A 1d lattice realization of chiral fermions with a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian (Wenjie Xi, Wei-Zhu Yi, Yong-Shi Wu, Wei-Qiang Chen)
- [2010.08699] Bosonic quantum error correction codes in superconducting quantum circuits, Lindblad (W.Wang)
- [2010.09287] Sharp estimates for the integrated density of states in Anderson tight-binding models (Mayboroda, Filoche)
- [2010.09261] # On Choosing a Physically Meaningful Topological Classification for Non-Hermitian Systems and the Issue of Diagonalizability (Max Lein)
- [2010.09675] Universal Baxter TQ-relations for open boundary quantum integrable systems (Tsuboi)
- [2010.08552] Yangian Bootstrap for Massive Feynman Integrals (Loebbert)
- [2010.07670] Kagome quantum anomalous Hall effect with high Chern number and large band gap (Gang Su)
- [2010.07762] Topological Invariant for Bosonic Bogoliubov-de Gennes Systems with Disorder (Yutaka Akagi)
- [2010.07844] Unitary Symmetry-Protected Non-Abelian Statistics of Majorana Modes (Xiong-Jun Liu)
- [2010.07917] One-dimensional model for deconfined criticality with Z3 x Z3 symmetry, pure biquadratic (Motrunich)
- [2010.07327] Statistics tuned entanglement of the boundary modes in coupled Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chains (Santra)
- [2010.07730] # Observation of antiferromagnetic correlations in an ultracold SU(N) Hubbard model (Taie, Kuno, Takahashi)
- [2010.07825] Emergent Bloch oscillations in a kinetically constrained Rydberg spin lattice, facilitated constraint (Magoni, Mazza, Lesanovsky)
- [2010.07325] Kondo line defects and affine Gaudin models, CFT (Gaiotto, Ji Hoon Lee, Vicedo, Jingxiang Wu)
- [2010.07478] Diagnosing First and Second Order Phase Transitions with Probes of Quantum Chaos, spin models (Kazuki Ikeda,)
- [2010.06745] Weakly-coupled alternating $S=1/2$ chains in the distorted honeycomb-lattice compound Na2Cu2TeO6, J1-J2 (Dagotto, Andrew D. Christianson, Matthew B. Stone)
- [2010.07102] Topological properties of the long-range Kitaev chain with Aubry-Andre-Harper modulation (Lewenstein,)
- [2010.07005] Generalized diagonalization scheme for many-particle systems (Sykora, Huebsch, Becker)
- [2010.07265] # Eigenstate entanglement scaling for critical interacting spin chains (Qiang Miao, Thomas Barthel)
- [2010.07257] Stationary States of the One-dimensional Facilitated Asymmetric Exclusion Process, Fredkin? (Lebowitz, Speer)
- [2010.07232] Semi-classical quantisation of magnetic solitons in the anistoropic Heisenberg quantum chain (Yuan Miao, Ilievski, Gamayun)
- [2010.06592] Quantum operator growth bounds for kicked tops and semiclassical spin chains (Chao Yin, Andrew Lucas)
- [2010.06733] On \(\beta=6\) Tracy-Widom distribution and the second Calogero-Painlevé system (Alexander Its)
- [2010.04915] Coherent Helicity-Dependent Spin-Phonon Oscillations in the Ferromagnetic van der Waals Crystal CrI3 (P.Padmanabhan, Paramekanti)
- [2010.05062] Controlling the anisotropy of a van der Waals antiferromagnet with light (Afanasiev,)
- [2010.04986] Ferroelectricity and ferromagnetism in VOI$_2$ monolayer: the role of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (Shuai Dong)
- [2010.05182] Interfacial Ferroelectricity by van-der-Waals Sliding (Watanabe, Taniguchi, Eran Sela)
- [2010.05410] Topological Hall effect and the magnetic states of Nowotney chimney ladder compound Cr{11}Ge{19} (Yu Li,)
- [2010.04772] Staggered spin Hall conductivity (Fei Xue, Paul Haney)
- [2010.05598] Optical response and nonlinear Hall response of twisted bilayer graphene in the insulating state, Berry dipole (Hui Yang, Fa Wang)
- [2010.05402] Quantum Monte Carlo study of higher-order topological spin phases (Xingchuan Zhu)
- [2010.05022] Kondo signatures in Dirac spin liquids: Non-Abelian bosonization after Chern-Simons fermionization (Rui Wang)
- [2010.04572] Nevanlinna Analytical Continuation (Emanuel Gull)
- [2010.05703] Neural Monte Carlo Renormalization Group (Jui-Hui Chung, Ying-Jer Kao)
- [2010.05550] Controlling and exploring quantum systems by algebraic expression of adiabatic gauge potential (Hatomura, Kazutaka Takahashi)
- [2010.05839] Experimental Measures of Topological Sector Fluctuations in the F-Model, Bethe ansatz (Arroo, Bramwell)(
- [2010.02956] Theory of optical responses in clean multi-band superconductors (Junyeong Ahn, Nagaosa)
- [2010.03515] Interplay of Pairing Correlation and Coulomb Correlation in Boson Exchange Superconductors (Koushik Mandal, Ranjan Chaudhury)
- [2010.02999] Bond-bond correlations, gap relations and thermodynamics of spin-1/2 chains with spin-Peierls transitions and bond-order-wave phases (Soos)
- [2010.03441] Lattice regularisation and entanglement structure of the Gross-Neveu model, mass (Bultinck, Verstraete, Haegeman)
- [2010.03137] # The AKLT models on the singly decorated diamond lattice and two degree-4 planar lattices are gapped (Pomata, Tzu-Chieh Wei)
- [2010.02981] The periodic Lieb-Thirring inequality, integrable (Rupert Frank, Gontier, Lewin)
- [2010.03553] Non-Equilibrium Steady State of the Lieb-Liniger model: multiple-integral representation of the time evolved many-body wave-function (Sotiriadis)
- [2010.03381] Finite-dimensional representations of the symmetry algebra of the dihedral Dunkl--Dirac operator, Cherednik algebra (Van der Jeugt)
- [2010.02898] A search for non-reciprocal magnons in MnPS3 (A.R.Wildes, S.Okamoto, D.Xiao)
- [2010.02851] # (Review) Topological phases of amorphous matter (Grushin)
- [2010.02228] Non-adiabatic topological energy pumps with quasiperiodic driving (Chandran)
- [2010.02253] Classification of interacting Floquet phases with $U(1)$ symmetry in two dimensions (Michael Levin)
- [2010.02915] Hidden Wave Function of Twisted Bilayer Graphene: Flat Band as a Landau Level (Popov, Milekhin)
- [2010.02708] Entanglement spreading after local fermionic excitations in the XXZ chain (Eisler)
- [2010.02496] The hidden symmetry of the asymmetric quantum Rabi model (Mangazeev, Batchelor, Bazhanov)
- [2010.02277] Loewner equations and reductions of dispersionless hierarchies, conformal, integrable (Akhmedova, Takebe, Zabrodin)
- [2010.02290] Chiral Lattice Theories From Staggered Fermions (Catterall)
- [2010.02221] Witten effect, anomaly inflow, and charge teleportation (Fukuda, Yonekura)
- [2009.14827] Soft modes in magic angle twisted bilayer graphene (Khalaf, Bultinck, Vishwanath, Zaletel)
- [2009.14200] # TBG V: Exact Analytic Many-Body Excitations In Twisted Bilayer Graphene Coulomb Hamiltonians: Charge Gap, Goldstone Modes and Absence of Cooper Pairing (Bernevig, Biao Lian, Aditya Cowsik, Fang Xie, Nicolas Regnault)
- [2009.14650] Elastic backscattering of quantum spin Hall edge modes from Coulomb interactions with non-magnetic impurities (Nigel Cooper)
- [2009.14203] The Quantum Hall Effect in the Absence of Disorder (Kyung-Su Kim, Kivelson)
- [2009.14492] A quantum magnetic analogue to the critical point of water (Wessel, Honecker, Normand, Corboz, Mila)
- [2009.14777] Helping restricted Boltzmann machine with quantum-state representation by restoring symmetry (Yusuke Nomura)
- [2009.14513] How coordinate Bethe ansatz works for Inozemtsev model (Lamers)
- [2009.14638] Counting monster potentials, Bazhanov-Lukyano-Zamolodchikov (Conti, Masoero)
- [2009.14273] Quantum SU(2|1) supersymmetric \(\mathbb{C}^N\) Smorodinsky--Winternitz system, de Alfaro-Fubini-Furlan (Sidorov)
- [2009.14710] Fun with \(F_{24}\), c=12 SCFT (Paquette)
- [2009.13660] Spin-orbit coupling and linear crossings of dipolar magnons in van der Waals antiferromagnets (Jie Liu, Lin Wang, Ka Shen)
- [2009.14189] Duality and domain wall dynamics in a twisted Kitaev chain (Cava, Ribhu Kaul, Armitage)
- [2009.13530] TBG IV: Exact Insulator Ground States and Phase Diagram of Twisted Bilayer Graphene (Regnault, Yazdani, Bernevig)
- [2009.14159] # Quantum phase transitions in the spin-1 Kitaev-Heisenberg chain, PXP (Wen-Long You, Oles)
- [2009.13527] To heat or not to heat: time crystallinity, scars, and finite-size effects in clean Floquet systems (Knolle, Nunnenkamp)
- [2009.13932] Proof of a nonequilibrium pattern-recognition phase transition in open quantum multimode Dicke models (Lesanovsky)
- [2009.13535] # Detection of Kardar-Parisi-Zhang hydrodynamics in a quantum Heisenberg spin-1/2 chain (Dupont, Moore, Tennant)
- [2009.14077] Sum rules for the supersymmetric eight-vertex model (Hagendorf)
Hosho Katsura's arXiv