July 2020
MathJax demonstration
\frac{\pi}{2} =
\left( \int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{\sin x}{\sqrt{x}} dx \right)^2 =
\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{(2k)!}{2^{2k}(k!)^2} \frac{1}{2k+1} =
\prod_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{4k^2}{4k^2 - 1}
- [2007.15558] One-dimensional moiré superlattices and flat bands in collapsed chiral carbon nanotubes (Chico)
- [2007.15288] Realization of the square-root higher-order topological insulator in electric circuits, experiment (Huanhuan Yang)
- [2007.15200] Higher-order Topological Anderson Insulators (Yan-Bin Yang, Kai Li, L.-M. Duan, Yong Xu)
- [2007.15512] Electron-magnon spin conversion and magnonic spin pumping in antiferromagnet/heavy metal heterostructure (Xi-guang Wang)
- [2007.15605] # Correlated Fragile Topology: a Parton Approach, featureless Mott (Katherine Latimer, Chong Wang)
- [2007.15138] Sufficient conditions for adiabaticity in open quantum systems, Lindblad (Santos, Sarandy)
- [2007.15371] Quantum Cellular Automata, Tensor Networks, and Area Laws (Piroli, Cirac)
- [2007.15298] On Representing (Anti)Symmetric Functions, fermion (Marcus Hutter)
- [2007.15396] A systematic 1/c-expansion of form factor sums for dynamical correlations in the Lieb-Liniger model (Granet, Fabian H. L. Essler)
- [2007.15049] Exactly solvable single-trace four point correlators in \(\chi\)-CFT4, fishnet (Derkachov, Olivucci)
- [2007.14379] Critical behavior of ferromagnets CrI3, CrBr3, CrGeTe3, and anti-ferromagnet FeCl2: a detailed first-principles study (Sabyasachi Tiwari)
- [2007.13738] Spin-orbit quantum impurity and quantization in a topological magnet (Zahid Hasan)
- [2007.13785] Gapless state of interacting Majorana fermions in a strain-induced Landau level (Knolle, Moessner)
- [2007.13759] Z2 parton phases in the mixed-dimensional t-Jz model (Lode Pollet)
- [2007.14338] # Quantifying the efficiency of state preparation via quantum variational eigensolvers (Papic)
- [2007.13753] Hydrodynamics in lattice models with continuous non-Abelian symmetries (Xiao Chen, Nandkishore, Andrew Lucas)
- [2007.13940] Stochastic process emerged from lattice fermion systems by repeated measurements and large-time limit (Yamaga)
- [2007.14309] # Electron-phonon interaction in Kondo lattice systems, reflection positivity (Tadahiro Miyao, Hayato Tominaga)
- [2007.14315] 3D Ising Model: a view from the Conformal Bootstrap Island (Rychkov)
- [2007.13837] Sparse Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model, quantum chaos and gravity duals (Garcia-Garcia, Verbaarschot)
- [2007.12818] Accessing new magnetic regimes by tuning the ligand spin-orbit coupling in van der Waals magnets, CrI3 (Faranak Bahrami)
- [2007.12822] # Controlling the helicity of magnetic skyrmions by electrical field in frustrated magnets, KNB (Xiaoyan Yao, Jun Chen, Shuai Dong)
- [2007.12774] Voltage control of magnon spin currents in antiferromagnetic Cr2O3 (Bhattacharya)
- [2007.13433] Probing thermal magnon current via nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond (Ken-ichi Uchida)
- [2007.12715] Amplitude Mode in Quantum Magnets via Dimensional Crossover, sine-Gordon (Kai Sun, Starykh, Zi Yang Meng)
- [2007.13142] Fractionalized Spin Excitations in the Edge Ferromagnetic State of Graphene: Signature of the Ferromagnetic Luttinger Liquid (Zhao-Yang Dong)
- [2007.12945] Non-linear edge dynamics of an Integer Quantum Hall fluid, shock waves (Alberto Nardin, Iacopo Carusotto)
- [2007.07000] Inferring Hidden Symmetries of Exotic Magnets from Learning Explicit Order Parameters, non-local order (Lode Pollet)
- [2007.13128] Integrable active atom interferometry (Michael Kastner)
- [2007.13607] # Finite-size scaling analysis of two-dimensional deformed Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki states (Pochung Chen)
- [2007.13327] Fibonacci topological phase in arrays of anyonic chains, CFT (Hiromi Ebisu)
- [2007.11692] Theoretical realization of rich magnon topology by symmetry-breaking in honeycomb bilayer ferromagnets (Ghader)
- [2007.11719] # Density Wave Mediated Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interactions (Sudip Chakravarty)
- [2007.11791] Spin-waves in 2D honeycomb lattice XXZ-type van der Waals antiferromagnet CoPS3 (Chaebin Kim)
- [2007.11585] Topological Crystalline Phases in a Disordered Inversion-Symmetric Chain (Bradlyn, Hughes)
- [2007.12044] Dissipative flow equations, Lindblad (Iemini, Mazza)
- [2007.11602] # Many-body physics in the NISQ era: quantum programming a discrete time crystal (Moessner, Sondhi, Khemani)
- [2007.11582] The importance of the spectral gap in estimating ground-state energies (Deshpande, Gorshkov,)
- [2007.11905] Fermionic quantum cellular automata and generalized matrix product unitaries, Majorana-shift (Piroli, Cirac)
- [2007.12122] Hidden Symmetries, the Bianchi Classification and Geodesics of the Quantum Geometric Ground-State Manifolds (Liska, Gritsev)
- [2007.11711] Quantum hypothesis testing in many-body systems, CFT, measurement (Jan de Boer)
- [2007.11145] Adiabatic pumping driven by moving kink and quantum standard ampere in buckled graphene nanoribbon (Rycerz)
- [2007.11214] Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation Time near Compensation Temperature in Ferrimagnetic Insulator (Michiyasu Mori)
- [2007.11215] Interaction Induced Topological Charge Pump (Kuno, Hatsugai)
- [2007.11200] (Review) Review on ferroelectric/polar metals (W. X. Zhou, A. Ariando)
- [2007.11329] DSQSS: Discrete Space Quantum Systems Solver (Motoyama, Yoshimi, Masaki-Kato, Kato, Kawashima)
- [2007.11174] Improved thermal area law and quasi-linear time algorithm for quantum Gibbs states (Kuwahara, Alhambra, Anshu)
- [2007.11287] Mixing time and simulated annealing for the stochastic cellular automata (Akira Sakai)
- [2007.11158] Algebraic derivation of Kramers-Pasternack relations based on the Schrodinger factorization method (Freericks)
- [2007.11539] # The action of the Virasoro algebra in the two-dimensional Potts and loop models at generic Q. Koo-Saleur (Jacobsen, Hubert Saleur)
- [2007.11555] Conformal field theory complexity from Euler-Arnold equations (Mario Flory, Michal P. Heller)
- [2007.10398] # Stacking Domain Wall Magnons in Twisted van der Waals Magnets (Chong Wang)
- [2007.10414v1] Topology of many-body edge and extended quantum states in an open spin chain: 1/3--plateau, Kosterlitz-Thouless transition, and Luttinger liquid (Montenegro-Filho, Coutinho-Filho)
- [2007.10815] Mesoscopic conductance fluctuations and noise in disordered Majorana wires (Antonenko)
- [2007.10448] # Symmetry classes of open fermionic quantum matter, non-Markov (Altland, Diehl)
- [2007.10380] # Quasi-symmetry groups and many-body scar dynamics (Jie Ren, Chenguang Liang, Chen Fang)
- [2007.10917] Deep Variational Quantum Eigensolver: a divide-and-conquer method for solving a larger problem with smaller size quantum computers (Fujii, Mitarai)
- [2007.10666] Graded Off-diagonal Bethe ansatz solution of the SU(2|2) spin chain model with generic integrable boundaries (Junpeng Cao, Yupeng Wang)
- [2007.10886] Refined Cauchy identity for spin Hall-Littlewood symmetric rational functions (Petrov)
- [2007.10654] Hearing Euler characteristic of graphs (Sirko)
- [2007.10562] A (Dummy's) Guide to Working with Gapped Boundaries via (Fermion) Condensation (Jiaqi Lou, Ce Shen, Chaoyi Chen, Ling-Yan Hung)
- [2007.08887] Current-induced second harmonic generation in inversion-symmetric Dirac and Weyl semimetals (Takasan, Morimoto, Orenstein, Moore)
- [2007.08870] Abelian topological order of \(\nu\)=2/5 and 3/7 fractional quantum Hall states in lattice models (Andrews, Madhav Mohan, Neupert)
- [2007.08730] Bulk-edge correspondence of classical diffusion phenomena (Tsuneya Yoshida, Hatsugai)
- [2007.08825] Non-Hermitian lattices with binary-disorder (Economou)
- [2007.08938] Out-of-equilibrium steady states of a locally driven lossy qubit array, Lindblad (Dutta, Cooper)
- [2007.09113] Free energy fluxes and the Kubo-Martin-Schwinger relation, hydro, TBA (Doyon, Durnin)
- [2007.08990] Kibble-Zurek mechanism in the Ising Field Theory, TCSA (Kormos)
- [2007.09041] Dynamics after quenches in one-dimensional quantum Ising-like systems, Lindblad (Rossini, Vicari)
- [2007.07912] # Local Probes for Charge-Neutral Edge States in Two-Dimensional Quantum Magnets, magnon-Hall, Kitaev (Knolle)
- [2007.08482] # Majorana end states in an interacting quantum wire (Ren-Bo Wang, Furusaki, Starykh)
- [2007.08468] Two-dimensional ferromagnetism with long-range interactions in the layered magnetic topological insulator MnBi2Te4 (Bing Li)
- [2007.07896] Non-Fermi liquids as ersatz Fermi liquids: general constraints on compressible metals (Else, Thorngren, Senthil)
- [2007.08245] Finite frequency backscattering current noise at a helical edge, Lindblad (Goldstein, Burmistrov)
- [2007.08372] Deformation of graphene sheet: Interaction of fermions with phonons (Ara Sedrakyan, Ziegler)
- [2007.08365] Measurement of one-dimensional matter-wave quantum breather, Lie-Liniger (Sacha)
- [2007.08195] Radiative heat flux through a topological Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chain of plasmonic nanoparticles (Annika Ott, Svend-Age Biehs)
- [2007.07928] The six-vertex model on random planar maps revisited, Kostov (Paul Zinn-Justin)
- [2007.07894] Type-II fractons from coupled spin chains and layers (Devakul)
- [2007.07611] # Relativistic exchange interactions in CrX3 (X=Cl, Br, I) monolayers, DM, XYZ (Lichtenstein, Katsnelson)
- [2007.07509] Spin wave theory of one-dimensional generalized Kitaev model (Nocera, Affleck)
- [2007.07259] The Heart of Entanglement: Chiral, Nematic, and Incommensurate Phases in the Kitaev-Gamma Ladder in a Field (Hae-Young Kee)
- [2007.07503] Analysis of Magnetoacoustic Quadrupole Resonance and Application to Probe Quadrupole Degrees of Freedom in Quantum Magnets (Masashige Matsumoto, Mikito Koga)
- [2007.07258] # Realizing and Probing Baryonic Excitations in Rydberg Atom Arrays (Lundgren, Gorshkov)
- [2007.07754] # One-dimensional translationally-invariant free-fermionic theories with dissipation, Kitaev chain (Gritsev)
- [2007.07872] Sampling random quantum circuits: a pedestrian's guide (Sean Mullane)
- [2007.07439] Quantum annealing in a disordered Ising chain with tuned inhomogeneous transverse field, inequalities (Tatsuhiko Shirai, Shu Tanaka)
- [2007.07667] Local iterative block-diagonalization of gapped Hamiltonians: a new tool in singular perturbation theory (Froehlich, Pizzo)
- [2007.07262] 6D SCFTs, 4D SCFTs, Conformal Matter, and Spin Chains (Heckman)
- [2007.07159] Anisotropic magnetocaloric effect and critical behavior in CrCl3 (Petrovic)
- [2007.06757] Thermodynamic evidence for field-angle dependent Majorana gap in a Kitaev spin liquid (Fujimoto, E.-G. Moon, Shibauchi)
- [2007.07239] Electric and heat transport in a charge two-channel Kondo device (Mitchell, Fritz)
- [2007.06817] # Disorder-induced Thouless pumping of ultracold atoms in an optical lattice (Shuta Nakajima, Yoshiro Takahashi)
- [2007.06874] # The quantum sine-Gordon model with quantum circuits (Roy, Schuricht, Hauschild, Pollmann, Saleur)
- [2007.06621] Non-probabilistic fermionic limit shapes (Jean-Marie Stephan)
- [2007.06595] Crystallographic Interacting Topological Phases and Equvariant Cohomology: To assume or not to assume (Sheinbaum, Camarena)
- [2007.07165] Operator growth bounds in a cartoon matrix model, Majorana (Andrew Lucas, Andrew Osborne)
- [2007.04680] Competing orders in a frustrated Heisenberg model on the Fisher lattice, hollandite (Maity, Iqbal, Mandal)
- [2007.04323] Nonlinear spectroscopy of random quantum magnets (Parameswaran, Gopalakrishnan)
- [2007.04636] Photoinduced eta-pairing at finite temperatures (Ejima, Yunoki, Fehske)
- [2007.04332] # Partial flux ordering and thermal Majorana metals in (higher-order) spin liquids (Trebst)
- [2007.04329] # Exceptional Spin Liquids, Shibata-Katsura cited (Bergholtz)
- [2007.04966] Magnetic impurities along the edge of a quantum spin-Hall insulator: realizing a one-dimensional AIII insulator (Fritz)
- [2007.04676] Training Restricted Boltzmann Machines with Binary Synapses using the Bayesian Learning Rule (Xiangming Meng)
- [2007.04318] Observing Quasiparticles through the Entanglement Lens (Pollmann, Sondhi)
- [2007.04326] Spectral Transitions and Universal Steady-States in Random Kraus Maps and Circuits (Prosen)
- [2007.04562] # Revisiting the Mazur bound and the Suzuki equality (Abhishek Dhar, Kundu, Saito)
- [2007.04861] Thermalisation of a trapped one-dimensional Bose gas via diffusion (Bastianello, De Luca, Doyon, De Nardis)
- [2007.04533] Double Grothendieck polynomials and colored lattice models, Motegi-Sakai (Buciumas, Scrimshaw)
- [2007.00519] # Fermion-boson many-body interplay in a frustrated kagome paramagnet (Shumiya, Hasan)
- [2007.00134] Hybrid Wannier Chern bands in magic angle twisted bilayer graphene and the quantized anomalous Hall effect (Hejazi, Xiao Chen, Balents)
- [2007.00025] Topological Surface-plasmon-polaritons on Corrugated Metal-dielectric Surfaces (Benjamin Smith)
- [2007.00633] Magnetic phase transitions and spin density distribution in the molecular multiferroic GaV4S8 system (Vanderbil)
- [2007.00575] Z2-projective translational symmetry protected topological phases (Y. X. Zhao,)
- [2007.00206] Evading Anderson localization in a one-dimensional conductor with correlated disorder, dephasing? (Narayan, Mathur)
- [2007.00129] # Null-eigenvalue localization of quantum walks on real-world complex networks (Bueno, Hatano)
- [2007.00355] A Mapping of Distinct Phase Transitions to a Neural Network (Bachtis, Aarts, Lucini)
- [2007.00369] # Inhomogeneous XX spin chains and quasi-exactly solvable models (Finkel, Gonzalez-Lopez)
- [2007.00154] Approaching the Self-Dual Point of the Sinh-Gordon model (Konik, Mussardo)
- [2006.16799] Digital quantum groups (Majid, Pachol)
- [2007.00004] Building Bulk Geometry from the Tensor Radon Transform (Xiao-Liang Qi, Swingle, Eugene Tang)
- [2006.16310] # Bosonic Bott Index and Disorder-Induced Topological Transitions of Magnons (X. S. Wang, Brataas, Troncoso)
- [2006.16256] # Unification of parton and coupled-wire approaches to quantum magnetism in two dimensions (Leviatan, Mross)
- [2006.16987] Emergent moments and random singlet physics in a Majorana spin liquid (Damle, Chalker, Moessner)
- [2006.16253] Strong Coupling Limit of the Holstein-Hubbard Model (Kivelson, Hong Yao)
- [2006.16488] Dynamical Spectral Function From Numerical Renormalization Group: A Full Excitation Approach (Ke Yang, Ning-Hua Tong)
- [2006.16575] Supersymmetric spin-phonon coupling prevents odd integer spins from quantum tunneling (Schmidt, Schnack)
- [2006.16890] Real Edge Modes in a Floquet-modulated PT-symmetric SSH model (Harter, Hatano)
- [2006.16691] Distribution of entanglement Hamiltonian spectrum in free fermion models (Pouranvari)
- [2006.16304] Realizing the Frenkel-Kontorova model with Rydberg-dressed atoms (Sawant)
- [2006.16269] Reinforcement Learning for Digital Quantum Simulation (Adrien Bolens, Markus Heyl)
- [2006.16914] Relation between Statics and Dynamics in the Quench of the Ising Model to below the Critical Point (Fierro)
- [2006.16826] Multi-solitons of the half-wave maps equation and Calogero-Moser spin-pole dynamics, \(s^2=0\) (Langmann)
Hosho Katsura's arXiv