May 2020
MathJax demonstration
\frac{\pi}{2} =
\left( \int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{\sin x}{\sqrt{x}} dx \right)^2 =
\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{(2k)!}{2^{2k}(k!)^2} \frac{1}{2k+1} =
\prod_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{4k^2}{4k^2 - 1}
- [2005.13836] Observation of a gapless spin liquid in a diluted Kitaev honeycomb material (Vojta)
- [2005.13683] Microscopic Models for Kitaev's Sixteenfold Way of Anyon Theories (Vojta, Hong-Hao Tu)
- [2005.14096] Moire magnons in twisted bilayer magnets with collinear order (Yu-Hang Li, Ran Cheng)
- [2005.13637] Magnon antibunching in a nanomagnet (Rembert A. Duine)
- [2005.13729] Nonreciprocal Magnon by Symmetric Anisotropic Exchange Interaction in Honeycomb Antiferromagnet (Hayami)
- [2005.14119] Fantastic flat bands and where to find them: The CoSn-type compounds (Satoshi Okamoto)
- [2005.13677] Extraction of many-body Chern number from a single wave function (Barkeshli)
- [2005.13543] Many-body Chern number from statistical correlations of randomized measurements (Barkeshli, Zoller,)
- [2005.13772] # Observation of E8 Particles in an Ising Chain Antiferromagnet (Zhao Zhang)
- [2005.14162] # Non-linear soliton confinement in weakly coupled antiferromagnetic spin chains (S.-W. Cheong)
- [2005.14059] Quantum Sampling Algorithms for Near-Term Devices, frustration-free (Lukin)
- [2005.13592] Three-dimensional isometric tensor networks (Tepaske, Luitz)
- [2005.14142] Dirac-type nodal spin liquid revealed by machine learning (Yusuke Nomura, Masatoshi Imada)
- [2005.13556] # Persistent dark states in anisotropic central spin models (Claeys, Polkovnikov, Chandran)
- [2005.13546] Hydrodynamics of non-integrable systems from relaxation-time approximation (Gopalakrishnan, Vasseur)
- [2005.13843] Note on Fock space dualities, Howe duality (Neergard)
- [2005.13544] Introduction to Lightcone Conformal Truncation: QFT Dynamics from CFT Data (Walters)
- [2005.13801] Holographic Pseudo Entropy (Yoshifumi Nakata, Takayanagi, Zixia Wei)
- [2005.12768] Unconventional free charge in the correlated semimetal Nd2Ir2O7 (Armitage, Nakatsuji)
- [2005.12399] # Dynamical signatures of quasiparticle interactions in quantum spin chains (Keselman, Balents, Starykh)
- [2005.12288] Strong zero modes from geometric chirality in quasi-one-dimensional Mott insulators (Raul A. Santos)
- [2005.12294] Topological Inversion-Asymmetric Hinge States Protected by the Intrinsic Inversion Symmetry (Murakami)
- [2005.12608] Systematic construction of square-root topological insulators and superconductors (Motohiko Ezawa)
- [2005.12635] Fate of fractional quantum Hall states in open quantum systems: characterization of correlated topological states for the full Liouvillian (Yoshida, Kudo, Katsura, Hatsugai)
- [2005.12350] The fractal geometry and the mapping of Efimov states to Bloch states (Ehoud Pazy)
- [2005.12382] Persistent many-body quantum echoes, XXX (Peter Reimann)
- [2005.12488] Is deeper better? It depends on locality of relevant features (Takashi Mori, Masahito Ueda)
- [2005.12313] Lack of a genuine time crystal in a chiral soliton model, NLSE (Sacha)
- [2005.12825] Constructive approach for frustration-free models using Witten's conjugation (Wouters, Katsura, Schuricht)
- [2005.12274] Group-algebraic characterization of spin particles: semi-simplicty, SO(2N) structure and Iwasawa decomposition (Hounkonnou)
- [2005.12454] AGT basis in SCFT for c=3/2 and Uglov Polynomials (Vladimir Belavin)
- [2005.12809] Fock space localization in the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model (Tezuka, Altland)
- [2005.12491] Remarks on Black Hole Complexity Puzzle (Beni Yoshida)
- [2005.12629] Effective Seiberg-Witten gauge theory of noncollinear magnetism (Fabian R. Lux)
- [2005.08996] Topological terms on topological defects: a quantum Monte Carlo study (Tarun Grover, McGreevy, Assaad)
- [2005.08973] Critical theory of non-Fermi liquid fixed point in multipolar Kondo problem, CFT (Patri, Yong Baek Kim)
- [2005.09073] Dynamical Superconductivity in a Frustrated Many-Body System, quasi-eta pair (Cavalleri, Sentef, Jaksch)
- [2005.09121] Pair correlations in the attractive Hubbard model (Koehl)
- [2005.09549] Spin transport in a tunable Heisenberg model realized with ultracold atoms (Wen Wei Ho, Demler, Ketterle)
- [2005.09000] Recovering quantum correlations in optical lattices from interaction quenches (Gluza, Eisert)
- [2005.09455] Minimally entangled typical thermal states algorithm with Trotter gates (Goto, Danishita)
- [2005.09424] Minimax formula for the replica symmetric free energy of deep restricted Boltzmann machines (Genovese)
- [2005.09286] Universality of random matrix dynamics, deep linear network (Burda)
- [2005.09268] Correlation functions of integrable O(n) spin chains (Ribeiro)
- [2005.09072] # Symmetry protected topological phases beyond groups: The q-deformed AKLT model (Quella)
- [2005.08951] Quantum Probabilistic Spaces on Graphs for Topological Evolutions (Radhakrishnan Balu)
- [2005.09500] New BCH-like relations of the su(1, 1), su(2) and so(2, 1) Lie algebras (Tibaduiza)
- [2005.09103] # Quantum crystals, Kagome lattice and plane partitions fermion-boson duality (Araujo, Domenico Orlando, Reffert)
- [2005.08991] Many-body level statistics of single-particle quantum chaos (Galitski)
- [2005.06574] # Chiral topologically ordered insulating phases in arrays of interacting integer quantum Hall islands (Ebisu, Tsvelik, Yuval Oreg)
- [2005.06501] An Operational Definition of Topological Order (Jamadagni, Weimer)
- [2005.06572] Computing classification of interacting fermionic symmetry-protected topological phases using topological invariants (Zheng-Cheng Gu, Yang Qi)
- [2005.06729] DMFT reveals the non-Hermitian topology in heavy-fermion systems (Nagai, Isobe, Liang Fu)
- [2005.07052] Counterdiabatic control of transport in a synthetic tight-binding lattice (Meier)
- [2005.07048] Chaos and quantum scars in coupled top model (Mondal)
- [2005.06829] Thermal Pure Quantum Matrix Product States (Iwaki, Shimizu, Hotta)
- [2005.06757] Upper bound on the second derivative of the quenched pressure in spin-glass models: weak Griffiths second inequality (Okuyama, Ohzeki)
- [2005.06481] Unconventional critical exponents at dynamical quantum phase transitions in a random Ising chain (Markus Heyl)
- [2005.06836] GUE corners process in boundary-weighed six-vertex models (Dimitrov, Rychnovsky)
- [2005.06961] Degenerate Sklyanin algebras, Askey-Wilson polynomials and Heun operators (Tsujimoto, Vinet, Zhedanov)
- [2005.06486] On N=2 supersymmetric Ruijsenaars-Schneider models (Krivonos, Lechtenfeld)
- [2005.06096] Topological quantum switch and controllable quasi 1D wires in antimonene (Lambrecht)
- [2005.06073] Impact of the lattice on magnetic properties and possible spin nematicity in the S=1 triangular antiferromagnet NiGa2S4, random DM (Broholm, Nakatsuji)
- [2005.05984] Spin crossovers and superdiffusion in the one-dimensional Hubbard model (Gopalakrishnan, Vasseur, Parameswaran
- [2005.06120] Few-body physics of one-dimensional ultracold atoms with spin-exchange interaction, Kondo (Cheng Peng, Xiaoling Cui)
- [2005.05986] # Squaring the fermion: The threefold way and the fate of zero modes (Cobanera, Viola, Ortiz)
- [2005.06414] Shape-preserving beam transmission through non-Hermitian disordered lattices, Wadati potential (Economou)
- [2005.06351] Continuos-time quantum walks in the presence of a quadratic perturbation, graph (Candeloro,)
- [2005.06379] Test of Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis Based on Local Random Matrix Theory (Sugimoto, Hamazaki, Ueda)
- [2005.06242] # Algebraic construction of current operators in integrable spin chains (Pozsgay)
- [2005.06030] Analytic continuation of Bethe energies and application to the thermodynamic limit of the SL(2,C) non-compact spin chains (Jacobsen, Saleur)
- [2005.06076] Discrete Bessel functions and transform (Uriostegui, Wolf)
- [2005.05971] The infinite-dimensional HaPPY code: entanglement wedge reconstruction and dynamics (Elliott Gesteau, Monica Jinwoo Kang)
- [2005.03399] Topological insulator in Kitaev spin liquids (M.G.Yamada)
- [2005.03561] Spin caloritronics in a CrBr3-based magnetic van der Waals heterostructure (Tian Liu )
- [2005.03493] Ultrafast All Optical Magnetization Control for Broadband Terahertz Spin Wave Generation ( Zanjani)
- [2005.03097] Multiple-scattering approach for multi-spin chiral magnetic interactions: Application to the one- and two-dimensional Rashba electron gas (Samir Lounis)
- [2005.03033] # Quench dynamics of topological Euler class in optical lattices (Robert-Jan Slager)
- [2005.03015] Vortices and Fractons (Andrey Gromov)
- [2005.03643] # The low-energy physics of isotropic spin-1 chains in the critical and Haldane phases, pure dimer (Thomas Barthel)
- [2005.03036] # The random quantum comb: from compact localized states to many-body scars (Castelnovo)
- [2005.03104] Quantum quench dynamics in the transverse-field Ising model: A numerical expansion in linked rectangular clusters, scars (Richter)
- [2005.03131] Confinement in the spectrum of a Heisenberg-Ising spin ladder (Kormos, Calabrese)
- [2005.03145] Confinement and bound states of bound states in a transverse-field two-leg Ising ladder (Xavier, Pereira)
- [2005.03138] # Condensed Matter Physics in Time Crystals (Lingzhen Guo, Pengfei Liang)
- [2005.03052] Measurement-Driven Phase Transition within a Volume-Law Entangled Phase (Vijay)
- [2005.03014] Active Learning a One-dimensional Density Functional Theory, lattice model (Neupert)
- [2005.03568] # Exact representations of many body interactions with RBM neural networks, citing YAK (Rrapaj, Roggero)
- [2005.03284] Bounds for nonadiabatic transitions (Hatomura, Go Kato)
- [2005.03203] U(1) spin Chern-Simons theory and Arf invariants in two dimensions, CFT (Takuya Okuda)
- [2005.03064] The Chern-Simons Origin of Superstring Integrability (Costello)
- [2005.02396] Unquantized thermal Hall effect in quantum spin liquids with spinon Fermi surfaces (Sachdev)
- [2005.02406] Transport across twist angle domains in moire graphene (Neupert, Ryu)
- [2005.02582] Understanding the Curious Magnetic State of Sr3OsO6 (Saha-Dasgupta)
- [2005.02491] Can magnetic field transform a superconductor into a Bose metal? (Ren, Tsvelik)
- [2005.02476] Liquid-crystal-based topological photonics (Fruchart)
- [2005.02999] # Particle density mobility edge, correlated hopping (Abanin, Serbyn)
- [2005.02399] Creating and manipulating a Laughlin-type \(\nu=1/3\) fractional quantum Hall state on a quantum computer with linear depth circuits (Rahmani)
- [2005.02705] Statistical properties of eigenvalues of the non-Hermitian Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model with random hopping terms (Mochizuki, Hatano, Feinberg, Obuse)
- [2005.02871] Geometrical bounds of the irreversibility in classical and open quantum systems, Lindblad (Yoshihiko Hasegawa)
- [2005.02421] Spoofing Linear Cross-Entropy Benchmarking in Shallow Quantum Circuits, Ising (Chi-Ning Chou)
- [2005.02607] Towards quantum advantage for topological data analysis (Gyurik)
- [2005.02422] The Prime state and its quantum relatives (Latorre, Sierra)
- [2005.02403] Quantum advantage in simulating stochastic processes (Korzekwa, Lostaglio)
- [2005.02467] Universality and exact finite-size corrections for spanning trees on cobweb and fan networks (Izmailian, Kenna)
- [2005.02382] # Equilibrium mean-field-like statistical models with KPZ scaling, area-weighted Dyck paths (Gorsky, Nechaev, Valov)
- [2005.02708] \(B_k\) Spin Vertex Models and Quantum Algebras (Gepner)
- [2005.02415] Complexity and Conformal Field Theory (Flory, Heller)
- [2005.02394] Lessons from the Ramond sector, c=33/2 CFT (Benjamin, Ying-Hsuan Lin)
- [2005.01718] High-Order Nonlinear Optical Response of a Twisted Bilayer Graphene (Ikeda)
- [2005.01990] Quantum criticality of magnetic catalysis in two-dimensional correlated Dirac fermions (Tada)
- [2005.01719] Exact lattice-model calculation of boundary modes for Weyl semimetals and graphene (Cristina Bena)
- [2005.02364] Dimensional crossover and phase transitions in coupled chains: DMRG results (Laflorencie)
- [2005.01755] Twisted Schwinger Effect: Pair Creation in Rotating Fields (Takayoshi, Jianda Wu, Oka)
- [2005.02104] # Probing Criticality in Quantum Spin Chains with Neural Networks (Biamonte)
- [2005.01763] Entangled quantum cellular automata, physical complexity, and Goldilocks rules (Yunger Halpern, Carr)
- [2005.01758] # Prime Suspects in a Quantum Ladder (Mussardo, Trombettoni)
- [2005.02117] (Review) Solving holographic defects, integrable boundary states (Linardopoulos)
- [2005.01893] JT Supergravity, Minimal Strings, and Matrix Models, Altland-Zirnbauer (Clifford V. Johnson)
- [2005.00798] Sample dependence of the half-integer quantized thermal Hall effect in a Kitaev candidate \(\alpha\)-RuCl3 (Yamashita, Kurita, Tanaka)
- [2005.01029] Quantum coherent spin-electric control in molecular nanomagnets (Ardavan)
- [2005.01105] Berry curvature for coupled waves of magnons and electromagnetic waves (Okamoto, Shindou, Murakami)
- [2005.01390] (Review) Beyond skyrmions: Review and perspectives of alternative magnetic quasiparticles (Mertig)
- [2005.01439] # Quantum Magnetism in Wannier-Obstructed Mott Insulators, Mielke (Yi-Zhuang You)
- [2005.00604] Nonunitary Scaling Theory of Non-Hermitian Localization (Kawabata, Shinsei Ryu)
- [2005.01704] Nonnormality-protected Hermitian zero modes: application of pseudospectra (Okuma, Masatoshi Sato)
- [2005.01044] Non-Hermitian Aharonov-Bohm Cage (S.M.Zhang, L.Jin)
- [2005.00824] # Liouvillian Skin Effect: Slowing Down of Relaxation Processes without Gap Closing (Haga, Nakagawa, Hamazaki, Ueda)
- [2005.01547] An atomic Boltzmann machine capable of on-chip learning (Khajetoorians)
- [2005.01560] A Dynamical Mean-Field Theory for Learning in Restricted Boltzmann Machines, Ising (Opper)
- [2005.00721] Learning What a Machine Learns in a Many-Body Localization Transition (Xin Wan)
- [2005.01104] Probing thermalization in quenched (non-)integrable Fermi-Hubbard models (Stolze, Uhrig)
- [2005.00607] # Kink dynamics and quantum simulation of supersymmetric lattice Hamiltonians (van Voorden, Schoutens)
- [2005.01679] Relaxation of the order-parameter statistics and dynamical confinement (Calabrese)
- [2005.01334] Correlation functions by Separation of Variables: the XXX spin chain (Niccoli, Terras)
- [2005.00620] The stochastic telegraph equation limit of the stochastic higher spin six vertex model (Yier Lin)
- [2005.01392] Integrable boundary states in D3-D5 dCFT: beyond scalars (Kristjansen, Zarembo)
Hosho Katsura's arXiv