April 2020
MathJax demonstration
\frac{\pi}{2} =
\left( \int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{\sin x}{\sqrt{x}} dx \right)^2 =
\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{(2k)!}{2^{2k}(k!)^2} \frac{1}{2k+1} =
\prod_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{4k^2}{4k^2 - 1}
- [2004.14179] Non-reciprocal magnons in a two dimensional crystal with off-plane magnetization (Costa)
- [2004.13928] Detection of multipolar orders in the spin-orbit-entangled 5d Mott insulator Ba2MgReO6 (Gang Chen, Arima, Zenji Hiroi)
- [2004.14313] Featureless quantum paramagnet with frustrated criticality and competing spiral magnetism on spin-1 honeycomb lattice magnet (Gang Chen)
- [2004.14123] # Perpendicular space accounting of localized states in a quasicrystal, localized states (Oktel)
- [2004.13746] Berry connection induced anomalous drift velocity in non-Hermitian systems (Moshe Goldstein)
- [2004.13727] # Eta-Pairing in Hubbard Models: From Spectrum Generating Algebras to Quantum Many-Body Scars (Moudgalya, Regnault, Bernevig)
- [2004.13800] # Eta-pairing states as true scars in an extended Hubbard Model, Hirsch (Mark, Motrunich)
- [2004.14370] # Entanglement Hamiltonian of the 1+1-dimensional free, compactified boson conformal field theory (Ananda Roy, Pollmann, Saleur)
- [2004.13906] Laurent skew orthogonal polynomials and related symplectic matrices (Hiroshi Miki)
- [2004.13744] The Tensor Track VI: Field Theory on Random Trees and SYK on Random Unicyclic Graphs (Delporte, Rivasseau)
- [2004.13047] Nonreciprocal directional dichroism induced by a temperature gradient as a probe for mobile spin dynamics in quantum magnets (Ying Ran)
- [2004.13030] Microscopic Study of the Coupled-Wire Construction and Plausible Realization in Spin-Dependent Optical Lattices (Estienne, Regnault)
- [2004.13072] Entanglement dynamics of a many-body localized system coupled to a bath, dephasing (Pollmann)
- [2004.13412] Superconducting-like heat current: Effective cancellation of current-dissipation trade off by quantum coherence, bounds (Tajima, Funo)
- [2004.13034] Bistability and time crystals in long-ranged directed percolation (Knolle)
- [2004.13210] # Spin-Ruijsenaars, q-deformed Haldane-Shastry and Macdonald polynomials (Lamers, Pasquier, Serban)
- [2004.13697] # Scrambling in Random Unitary Circuits: Exact Results (Bertini, Piroli)
- [2004.13222] Dissipative dynamics of non-interacting fermion systems and conductivity, Kubo formula (Yamaga)
- [2004.13093] Approximate symmetries and conservation laws in topological insulators and associated $\mathbb{Z}$-invariants (Schulz-Baldes)
- [2004.13052] Chaotic solitons (Nugaev)
- [2004.13234] Quantum simulation of quantum field theories as quantum chemistry, TCSA (Junyu Liu, Yuan Xin)
- [2004.13399] Limiting directions for random walks in classical affine Weyl groups, Ballot number (Ayyer)
- [2004.12954] Comprehensive study of the phase diagram of the spin-1/2 Kitaev-Heisenberg-Gamma chain (Nocera, Affleck)
- [2004.12840] Topological Magnetoelectric Effect: Nonlinear Time-Reversal-Symmetric Response, Witten Effect, and Half-Integer Quantum Hall Effect (Zirnstein, Rosenow)
- [2004.12426] Metastable solitonic states in the strained itinerant helimagnet FeGe (Tokura, Arima)
- [2004.12284] Enhanced Superconductivity in Quasi-periodic Crystals (Gia-Wei Chern)
- [2004.11959] Towards temperature-induced topological phase transition in SnTe: A first principles study (Querales-Flores)
- [2004.12291] # Nature of Protected Zero Energy States in Penrose Quasicrystals (Kamenev)
- [2004.11957] # Measurement-induced quantum criticality under continuous monitoring (Fuji, Ashida)
- [2004.12883] Entanglement dynamics in dissipative photonic Mott insulators (Ciuti)
- [2004.11928] Many-Body Flatband Localization (Andreanov, Flach)
- [2004.11987] Integrable atomtronic interferometry (Foerster, Links)
- [2004.12556] Phase diagram reconstruction of the Bose-Hubbard model with a Restricted Boltzmann Machine wavefunction (Vargas-Calderon)
- [2004.12928] Continuous matrix product operator approach to finite temperature quantum states (Hong-Hao Tu, Lei Wang)
- [2004.12757] Guide to Exact Diagonalization Study of Quantum Thermalization (Jae Dong Noh)
- [2004.12796] # Duality and hidden symmetry in transport models (Frassek, Giardina, Kurchan)
- [2004.12456] Casimir forces on deformed fermionic chains, rainbow (Rodríguez-Laguna)
- [2004.11950] (History?) Etudes of the resolvent (Takhtajan)
- [2004.09742] Quantum theory of the nonlinear Hall effect (Hai-Zhou Lu, X.C.Xie)
- [2004.09893] Magnetization plateaux cascade in the frustrated quantum antiferromagnet Cs2CoBr4 (Zheludev)
- [2004.09622] Ground State Properties of the K-\(\Gamma\) Model on a Honeycomb Lattice (Suzuki, Suga)
- [2004.09577] # Emergent conformal symmetry in non-unitary random dynamics of free fermions (Xiao Chen, Matthew Fisher, Lucas)
- [2004.09560] # Entanglement phase transitions in measurement-only dynamics (Gopalakrishnan, Huse, Khemani)
- [2004.09509] Measurement Protected Quantum Phases (Shengqi Sang, Timothy Hsieh)
- [2004.09973] Supersolid behavior in one-dimensional self-trapped Bose-Einstein condensate, NLSE (Panigrahi)
- [2004.09972] Exactly solvable Gross-Pitaevskii type equations, NLSE (Wu-Sheng Dai)
- [2004.09517] Rayleigh edge waves in two-dimensional chiral crystals (Benzoni, Moroz)
- [2004.09550] Relaxation and entropy generation after quenching quantum spin chains (Takacs)
- [2004.09924] # A combinatorial description of certain polynomials related to the XYZ spin chain (Hietala)
- [2004.09514] Non-perturbative Defect One-Point Functions in Planar N=4 Super-Yang-Mills, integrability (Komatsu, Yifan Wang)
- [2004.09414] (Review) Quantum phase transitions in Dirac fermion systems (Maciejko)
- [2004.08445] Signatures of multiple charge excitations in RIXS spectra of metals (Tsvelik, Konik, Prokof'ev)
- [2004.09332] Topological Quantum Walk with Discrete Time-Glide Symmetry (Mochizuki, Obuse)
- [2004.09303] Many-body effects on second-order phase transitions in spinor Bose-Einstein condensates and breathing dynamics (Mistakidis)
- [2004.08695] Universal subdiffusion in strongly tilted many-body systems (Pengfei Zhang)
- [2004.08681] Effective gaps are not effective: quasipolynomial classical simulation of obstructed stoquastic Hamiltonians, graph theory (Bringewatt, Jarret)
- [2004.08986] Phase interference effect in dissipative quantum tunneling (Xiao-Xiao Zhang, Naoto Nagaosa)
- [2004.09280] Towards a theory of machine learning (Vitaly Vanchurin)
- [2004.08971] Integrability of Limit Shapes of the Inhomogeneous Six Vertex Model (Reshetikhin)
- [2004.08386] Exact local correlations in kicked chains at light cone edges, Prosen (Gutkin)
- [2004.08679] New family of symmetric orthogonal polynomials and a solvable model of a kinetic spin chain, Glauber (Kalvoda, Stampach)
- [2004.09035] Halperin states can produce any filling fractions (En-Jui Kuo)
- [2004.09284] The effective impedances of infinite ladder networks and Dirichlet problem on graphs, Feynman (Muranova)
- [2004.08647] Majorana fermions, supersymmetry and thermofield dynamics, van Hove (Trindade, Floquet)
- [2004.08413] Fermion transfer in the \(\phi^4\) model with a half-BPS preserving impurity, Bazeia (Mohammadi)
- [2004.08133] The germanium quantum information route ( Scappucci, Christoph Kloeffel, Floris A. Zwanenburg, Daniel Loss)
- [2004.08082] Collective coordinate study of spin wave emission from dynamic domain wall (Tatara)
- [2004.07932] Frustration of Exchange-Striction Ferroelectric Ordering and Growth of Electric Polarization of Phase Separation Domains (Sanina)
- [2004.07852] Continuous Néel-VBS Quantum Phase Transition in Non-Local one-dimensional systems with SO(3) Symmetry, 2d AKLT (Cenke Xu)
- [2004.08042] Localization, phases and transitions in the three-dimensional extended Lieb lattices (Jie Liu)
- [2004.08274] Observation of symmetry protected zero modes in topolectrical circuits, Z_N Berry phase (Peng Yan)
- [2004.07850] # Restoring number conservation in quadratic bosonic Hamiltonians with dualities (Flynn, Cobanera, Viola)
- [2004.07981] # Long-range coherence and multiple steady states in a lossy qubit array, Lindblad (Dutta, Nigel Cooper)
- [2004.07838] Dirac Particles in Transparent Quantum Graphs: Tunable transport of relativistic quasiparticles in branched structures (Matrasulov)
- [2004.08304] # Travelling wave solutions on a non-zero background for the generalized Korteweg-de Vries equation (Anco)
- [2004.08005] Finite-cutoff JT gravity and self-avoiding loops (Douglas Stanford)
- [2004.07926] A mathematical model of p62-ubiquitin aggregates in autophagy (Schmeiser)
- [2004.07569] Thermodynamic and Transport Properties in Disordered Kitaev Models (Nasu, Motome)
- [2004.07763] A Magnon Scattering Platform (Demler, Amir Yacoby)
- [2004.07245] Non-Markovian dephasing of disordered, quasi-one-dimensional fermion systems (Matthew S. Foster)
- [2004.07634] # Exact projector Hamiltonian, local integrals of motion, and many-body localization with topological order, Creutz (Orito, Kuno, Ichinose)
- [2004.07251] Designer non-Abelian fractons from topological layers, Kitaev hoenycomb (Meng Cheng)
- [2004.07748] (Review) Light-matter interactions with photonic quasiparticles (Rivera, Kaminer)
- [2004.07637] Renormalized Lindblad Driving: A Numerically-Exact Nonequilibrium Quantum Impurity Solver (von Delft, Moshe Goldstein)
- [2004.07681] # De-Signing Hamiltonians for Quantum Adiabatic Optimization, Nie-Katsura-Oshikawa (Albash, A.P.Young)
- [2004.07796] Detecting many-body Bell non-locality by solving Ising models (Roscilde)
- [2004.07266] Sample-efficient learning of quantum many-body systems (Anshu, Kuwahara)
- [2004.07248] Staircase prethermalization and constrained dynamics in lattice gauge theories (Hauke)
- [2004.07516] An extension of the cell-construction method for the flat-band ferromagnetism (Akinori Tanaka)
- [2004.07756] Light-Front Holography and Supersymmetric Conformal Algebra: A Novel Approach to Hadron Spectroscopy, Structure, and Dynamics, SSD? (Teramond)
- [2004.07237] Digital Herd Immunity and COVID-19 (Moudgalya, Sondhi)
- [2004.06257] # Kitaev-Anderson spin liquid (Masahiko G. Yamada)
- [2004.06119] Identification of a Kitaev Quantum Spin Liquid by Magnetic Field Angle Dependence (Shibauchi, Eun-Gook Moon)
- [2004.06336] Anomalous photon thermal Hall effect (Ben-Abdallah)
- [2004.06602] Fractional quantum Hall states for Moiré superstructures in the Hofstadter regime (Andrews, Soluyanov)
- [2004.06325] The interacting Rice-Mele model -- bulk and boundaries, massive Thirring (Schoeller, Meden)
- [2004.06141] Entanglement Clustering for ground-stateable quantum many-body states (Yi Zhang, Senthil, Eun-Ah Kim)
- [2004.06151] Quantum Simulation of a Discrete-Time Quantum Stochastic Walk, Lindblad (Schuhmacher, Taketani)
- [2004.06173] Symmetry-induced fluctuation relations for dynamical observables irrespective of their behaviour under time-reversal, Doob transform (Garrahan)
- [2004.06667] Schrodinger's ants: A continuous description of Kirman's recruitment model, Poesch-Teller (Jean-Philippe Bouchaud)
- [2004.06678] Too Close to Integrable: Crossover from Normal to Anomalous Heat Diffusion, KPZ (Lepri, Livi, Politi)
- [2004.06199] Radius of Gyration, Contraction Factors, and Subdivisions of Topological Polymers, graph Laplacian (Deguchi, Shonkwiler)
- [2004.06458] General Lieb-Schultz-Mattis type theorems for quantum spin chains (Ogata, Tachikawa, Tasaki)
- [2004.06430] Trigonometric identities inspired by atomic form factor (Silagadze)
- [2004.06115] Exotic \(\mathbb{Z}_N\) Symmetries, Duality, and Fractons in 3+1-Dimensional Quantum Field Theory (Seiberg, Shu-Heng Shao)
- [2004.05633] # Topological phase transition and nontrivial thermal Hall signatures in honeycomb lattice magnets (Gang Chen)
- [2004.06012] # (Review) Quantum critical dynamics and scaling in one-dimensional antiferromagnets (Zheludev)
- [2004.05823] Revealing strong magnon-photon coupling in a polar antiferromagnet Fe2Mo3O8 by time domain terahertz spectroscopy (L.Y.Shi)
- [2004.05314] Brillouin Light Scattering of Spin Waves Inaccessible with Free-Space Light (Urazhdin)
- [2004.05357] Unusual magnetoelectric effect in paramagnetic rare-earth langasite (Pimenov, Mostovoy)
- [2004.05236] Magnetic Dark Matter and Evidence for Fractional Quantization in a Magnetization Plateau: CeSb, Shastry in ack (Ramirez)
- [2004.05623] Hybridized quadrupolar excitations in the spin-anisotropic frustrated magnet FeI2, flavor wave (M.B.Stone)
- [2004.06074] Spin-nematic order in the spin-1/2 Kitaev-Gamma chain (Sorensen, Hae-Young Kee, Affleck)
- [2004.05860] Atomic line defects in unconventional superconductors as a new route toward one dimensional topological superconductors (Fuchun Zhang)
- [2004.05504] Topological insulators and higher-order topological insulators from gauge-invariant 1D lines (Kai Sun)
- [2004.05734] PT-symmetric non-Hermitian quantum many-body system using ultracold atoms in an optical lattice with controlled dissipation (Ashida, Hamazaki, Kuno, Takahashi)
- [2004.05577] Non-Hermitian Ferromagnetism in an Ultracold Fermi Gas (Hiroyuki Tajima, Kei Iida)
- [2004.05177] Dissipation-assisted operator evolution method for capturing hydrodynamic transport (Pollmann)
- [2004.05955] # Dissipative Bethe Ansatz: Exact Solutions of Quantum Many-Body Dynamics Under Loss, Torres (Buca, Jaksch)
- [2004.05613] The Role of Strict Positivity in Quantum Dynamics (vom Ende)
- [2004.05337] On delocalization in the six-vertex model, Baxter-Kelland-Wu, rigorous (Lis)
- [2004.05313] Comment on "Chaotic-Integrable Transition in the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Model" (Xiangyu Cao)
- [2004.05339] Entanglement Entropy and its Quench Dynamics for Pure States of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model (Pengfei Zhang)
- [2004.05183] (Lecture) Volumes and Random Matrices (Witten)
- [2004.05866] Hypergeometric expression for the resolvent of the discrete Laplacian in low dimensions (Kenichi Ito, Jensen)
- [2004.04744] Fractal non-Fermi liquids from Moire-Hofstadter phonons, Watanabe-Vishwanath (Andrew C. Potter)
- [2004.04885] Nonlinear Bloch-Zener oscillations for Bose-Einstein condensates in a Lieb optical lattice (Peng He, Zhi Li)
- [2004.04755] Eigenstate Thermalization in a Locally Perturbed Integrable System, XXZ chain (Rigol)
- [2004.04836] # Towards Dynamic Simulations of Materials on Quantum Computers, Saleur's paper (Bassman)
- [2004.04771] On the van der Waals interaction between a molecule and a half-infinite plate, math-phys (Anapolitanos)
- [2004.04992] # Spectral Gaps and Incompressibility in a \(\nu\)= 1/3 Fractional Quantum Hall System, thin torus (Nachtergaele, Warzel, Amanda Young)
- [2004.05035] Baxterisation of the fused Hecke algebra and R-matrices with gl(N)-symmetry (Crampe, d'Andecy)
- [2004.05071] Functional Equations and Separation of Variables for Exact g-Function, TBA, Tracy-Widom (Caetano, Komatsu)
- [2002.04341] Hidden symmetry and (super)conformal mechanics in a monopole background, Alfaro-Fubini-Furlan (Wipf)
- [2004.05123] Interfaces and the extended Hilbert space of Chern-Simons theory, Qi-Katsura-Ludwig cited (Fliss)
- [2004.04169] # Glide symmetry breaking and Ising criticality in the quasi-1D magnet CoNb2O6 (Coldea, Parameswaran)
- [2004.04168] # Band topology, Hubbard model, Heisenberg model, and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in twisted bilayer WSe2 (Das Sarma)
- [2004.04502] Topological junction states and their crystalline network in chiral-symmetric systems: application to graphene nanoribbons (Koshino)
- [2004.04561] On the general properties of non-linear optical conductivities (Watanabe, Yankang Liu, Oshikawa)
- [2004.04431] # Exact Floquet Quantum Many-Body Scars under Rydberg Blockade, PXP, PYP, PZP (Mizuta, Takasan, Kawakami)
- [2004.04164] Fast digital methods for adiabatic state preparation, Suzuki-Trotter (Kianna Wan, Isaac Kim)
- [2004.04173] Tensor network models of AdS/qCFT (Eisert)
- [2004.04495] Deep Boltzmann machines: rigorous results at arbitrary depth (Contucci)
- [2004.04415] # Open spin chain realization of topological defect on 1d Ising model and boundary and bulk symmetry (Fukusumi, Iino)
- [2004.04698] Geometry and Complexity of Path Integrals in Inhomogeneous CFTs, SSD cited (Caputa, MacCormack)
- [2004.03934] Epidemics with containment measures, polylogarithm (Bianconi)
- [2004.04646] A formalism for magnon gravitational wave detectors (Asuka Ito, Jiro Soda)
- [2004.03801] Nonreciprocal thermal transport in a multiferroic helimagnet (Masuda, Onose)
- [2004.03785] # Higher-Order Topological Crystalline Insulating Phase and Quantized Hinge Charge in Topological Electride Apatite (Hirayama, Hosono, Murakami)
- [2004.03613] Excitonic Laughlin States in Ideal Topological Insulator Flat Bands and Possible Presence in Moiré Superlattice Materials (Sodemann)
- [2004.03605] # Topological critical states and anomalous electronic transmittance in one dimensional quasicrystals, cohomology (Junmo Jeon, SungBin Lee)
- [2004.03617] Strongly coupled quantum phonon fluid in a solvable model, SYK (Tulipman, Berg)
- [2004.03609] Dual Haldane sphere and quantized band geometry in chiral multifold fermions (Yu-Ping Lin)
- [2004.04005] Discrete time-crystalline order in Bose-Hubbard model with dissipation, Lindblad (C.M.Dai)
- [2004.03614] Topological Phase Transitions Induced by Varying Topology and Boundaries in the Toric Code, Lindblad (Jamadagni, Bhattacharyya)
- [2004.03917] Numerical Verification of Fluctuation Dissipation Theorem for Isolated Quantum Systems, XXZ (Jae Dong Noh, Sagawa, Joonhyun Yeo)
- [2004.03735] Field Theory for Magnetic Monopoles in (Square, Artificial) Spin Ice (Nisoli)
- [2004.03802] The collision rate ansatz for the classical Toda lattice (Spohn)
- [2004.03619] Complexity measures from geometric actions on Virasoro and Kac-Moody orbits (Gerbershagen)
- [2004.03158] p Orbital flat band and Dirac cone in the electronic honeycomb lattice (Cristiane Morais Smith)
- [2004.03067] Nanomechanical topological insulators with an auxiliary orbital degree of freedom (Xiang Xi)
- [2004.03235] Square-root higher-order topological insulator on a decorated honeycomb lattice (Mizoguchi, Kuno, Hatsugai)
- [2004.02903] \(\mathcal{L}^2\) localization landscape for highly-excited states (Herviou, Bardarson)
- [2004.03297] # Universal topological quantum computations with Majorana-Fibonacci-epsilon edge modes on chiral topological superconductor multilayers, Hu-Kane (Yue Yu)
- [2004.02905] Signatures of quantum phase transitions after quenches in quantum chaotic one-dimensional systems (Pollmann, Rigol)
- [2004.03134] Optimal synthesis of the Fredkin gate in a multilevel system (Hai-Rui Wei)
- [2004.03169] Topological Persistence Machine of Phase Transitions, persistent homology (Quoc Hoan Tran)
- [2004.03102] On trigonometric skew-products over irrational circle-rotations, Hatsugai-Kohmoto-Wu (Hans Koch)
- [2004.02888] # Open quantum systems and Schwinger-Keldysh holograms (Rangamani)
- [2004.03024] Characters, Coadjoint Orbits and Duistermaat-Heckman Integrals (Alekseev, Shatashvili)
- [2004.03304] On the Schwarzian counterparts of conformal mechanics, SSD? (Filyukov, Masterov)
- [2004.00638] Charged Skyrmions and Topological Origin of Superconductivity in Magic Angle Graphene (Bultinck, Zaletel, Vishwanath)
- [2004.00640] Field stability of Majorana spin liquids in antiferromagnetic Kitaev models (Trebst)
- [2004.01107] Chemistry of the spin-1/2 kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnet (Elser)
- [2004.00859] Non-Analytic Adiabatic Principle for Anyons (Kudo, Hatsugai)
- [2004.00635] # Anomalous Diffusion in Dipole- and Higher-Moment Conserving Systems (Pollmann)
- [2004.00639] # Giant Magnetoresistance in Boundary Driven Spin Chains, Lindblad, KNB cited (Poulsen, Zinner)
- [2004.01133] Numerical evaluation of two-time correlation functions in open quantum systems with matrix product state methods: a comparison (Kollath)
- [2004.01015] Geometry of variational methods: dynamics of closed quantum systems (Haegeman, Demler, Cirac)
- [2004.00956] A new approach to transport coefficients in the quantum spin Hall effect, Katsura-Koma (Panati)
- [2004.01055] # Lie Algebra Fermions, SUSY, BRST cohomology (Troost)
- [2004.01067] Large-N Random Matrix Gravity and the Double Hierarchy Problem (Khosravi)
- [2004.01171] (Review) Notes on Matrix Models (Anninos, Mühlmann)
- [2003.13774] Spontaneous Rotation of Ferrimagnetism Driven by Antiferromagnetic Spin Canting (Vibhakar)
- [2003.13927] Conductive Domain Walls in Non-Oxide Ferroelectrics Sn2P2S6 (Jiawang Hong)
- [2003.13790] Quadrupolar spin liquid, octupolar Kondo coupling and odd-frequency superconductivity in an exactly solvable model (Pereira)
- [2003.13690] Charge Transfer Excitations, Pair Density Waves, and Superconductivity in Moiré Materials (Slagle, Liang Fu)
- [2003.13702] Quantum Hall spin liquids and their possible realization in moiré systems (Ya-Hui Zhang, T. Senthil)
- [2003.14090] (Review) Strong-Field Electron Dynamics in Solids (Ishikawa, Shinohara)
- [2003.13701] Topological Weaire-Thorpe models of amorphous matter (Grushin)
- [2003.14268] Nonlinear localized excitations in a topological ferromagnetic honeycomb lattice, Hirota (Bing Tang)
- [2003.13699] Non-Hermitian Topological Sensors (Budich, Bergholtz)
- [2003.13695] Quantum Electrodynamic Control of Matter: Cavity-Enhanced Ferroelectric Phase Transitio (Ashida, Jaksch,Demler)n
- [2003.13809] Melting of the critical behavior of a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid under dephasing (Kollath, Poletti)
- [2003.14202] # Exact Liouvillian Spectrum of a One-Dimensional Dissipative Hubbard Model, 1-spin flip (Nakagawa, Kawakami, Ueda)
- [2003.13979] Towards dark space stabilization and manipulation in driven dissipative Majorana platforms (Egger, Zazunov, Gefen)
- [2003.14273] Reconstructing quantum molecular rotor ground states (Melko)
- [2003.14103] No Free Lunch for Quantum Machine Learning (Osborne)
- [2003.14394] # Beyond product state approximations for a quantum analogue of Max Cut (Anshu, Gosset) related work
- [2003.13753] Translationally-Invariant Universal Quantum Hamiltonians in 1D (Cubitt)
- [2003.13708] Superdiffusion from emergent classical solitons in quantum spin chains (De Nardis, Gopalakrishnan, Ilievski, Vasseur)
- [2003.14374] (Review) On the origins of Riemann-Hilbert problems in mathematics, Its, Korepin (Bothner)
- [2003.13778] Split Property and Fermionic String Order (Taku Matsui)
- [2003.13700] Moonshine, Superconformal Symmetry, and Quantum Error Correction (Harvey, Gregory Moore)
- [2003.13945] Topological term, QCD anomaly, and the eta' chiral soliton lattice in rotating baryonic matter, DM (Nishimura, Naoki Yamamoto)
Hosho Katsura's arXiv