January 2020
MathJax demonstration
\frac{\pi}{2} =
\left( \int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{\sin x}{\sqrt{x}} dx \right)^2 =
\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{(2k)!}{2^{2k}(k!)^2} \frac{1}{2k+1} =
\prod_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{4k^2}{4k^2 - 1}
- [2001.10951] Canted Antiferromagnetic Order in the Kagome Material Sr-Vesignieite (Quilliam)
- [2001.10711] Schwinger Boson mean field theory of kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnet with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (Mondal, Kadolkar)
- [2001.10885] Q=0 order in quantum kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnet, SB boson (Mondal, Kadolkar)
- [2001.10708] Superconductivity and charge density wave under a time-dependent periodic field in the one-dimensional attractive Hubbard model (Yunoki, Ohta)
- [2001.10813] # Extended flat-bands, entanglement and topological properties in a Creutz ladder (Kuno)
- [2001.11022] Topologically quantized current in quasiperiodic Thouless pumps (Marra, Nitta)
- [2001.10565] Classification of Strongly Disordered Topological Wires Using Machine Learning (Santos, Hughes)
- [2001.10576] # Entanglement in Fermionic Chains and Bispectrality, so(3)_q (Crampe, Nepomechie, Vinet)
- [2001.10763] Computing local properties in the trivial phase (Yichen Huang)
- [2001.10760] # A Q-operator for open spin chains I: Baxter's TQ relation (Vlaar, Weston)
- [2001.10707] Inequality for local energy of Ising models with quenched randomness and its application (Okuyama, Ohzeki)
- [2001.10744] Forces Between Kinks in \(\phi^8\) (d'Ornellas) Theory
- [2001.10038] Nonlinearity and Topology (Saxena, Kevrekidis, Cuevas-Maraver)
- [2001.10287] Observation of supersymmetric pseudo-Landau levels in strained microwave graphene (Schomerus)
- [2001.10409] Magnetic oscillation modes in square lattice artificial spin ice (Wysin)
- [2001.10526] The Mott transition as a topological phase transition (Andrew Mitchell)
- [2001.10282] Constrained thermalisation and topological superconductivity (Kells)
- Vala, [2001.10255] Systematic construction of topological flat-band models by molecular-orbital representation (Mizoguchi, Hatsugai)
- [2001.10079] Multicriticality in a one-dimensional topological band insulator (Johannesson)
- [2001.10045] Valence-bond solids, vestigial order, and emergent SO(5) symmetry in a two-dimensional quantum magnet (Takahashi, Sandvik)
- [2001.10357] # Realization of a density-dependent Peierls phase in a synthetic, spin-orbit coupled Rydberg system, anyon (Lahaye)
- [2001.10084] Dynamical Quantum Phase transitions and Recurrences in the Non-Equilibrium BCS model, Gaudin (Rylands, Galitski)
- [2001.10008] Integrability and dark states in an anisotropic central spin model, Gaudin (Villazon, Chandran, Claeys)
- [2001.10091] Integrable multistate Landau-Zener models with parallel energy levels, Gaudin (Sinitsyn)
- [2001.10176] Finite-m scaling analysis of Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transitions and entanglement spectrum for the six-state clock model (Ueda, Okunishi, Nishino)
- [2001.10007] Entanglement Oscillations near a Quantum Critical Point (Castro-Alvaredo, Viti)
- [2001.10128] Bions and Instantons in Triple-well and Multi-well Potentials (Dunne)
[2001.07723] Field Tensor Network States (Nielsen, Cirac, Sierra)
[2001.07757] Non-linear Onsager relations for Gaussian quantum maps (Salazar)
[2001.08046] On Schur problem and Kostka numbers (Zuber)
[2001.07923] Scanning space-time with patterns of entanglement, cluster algebra, Y-system (Péter Lévay)
[2001.07580] Revealing neutrino nature and CPT violation with decoherence effects (Buoninfante)
[2001.07221] Randomness-Assisted Exponential Hierarchies, Anderson localization (Tropper)
- [2001.00026] (Review) The 2020 Skyrmionics Roadmap (Mostovoy, N. Nagaosa, S.S.P. Parkin, C. Pfleiderer, N. Reyren, A. Rosch, Y. Taguchi, Y. Tokura,)
- [2001.00321] (Review) Noncollinear Spintronics and Electric-Field Control: A Review (Zhiqi Liu)
- [2001.00075] Bound states in two-dimensional Fermi systems with quadratic band touching (Pereira)
- [2001.00044] Non-Hermitian impurities in Dirac systems (Sukhachov, Balatsky)
- [2001.00030] Quantum Adversarial Machine Learning (Lu-Ming Duan, Dong-Ling Deng)
- [2001.00550] Cost-Function-Dependent Barren Plateaus in Shallow Quantum Neural Networks (Cerezo)
- [2001.00021] Efficient classical simulation of random shallow 2D quantum circuits (Brandao, Harrow)
- [2001.00485] Digital Quantum Simulation of the Schwinger Model with Topological Term via Adiabatic State Preparation (Honda, Tomiya)
- [2001.00140] Entanglement Dynamics of Random GUE Hamiltonians (Chernowitz, Gritsev)
- [2001.00511] # The finite-size quantum Ising ring revisited: Real space versus momentum space (Ning Wu)
- [2001.00439] Topology in shallow-water waves: a violation of bulk-edge correspondence (Tauber)
- [2001.00538] On the status of pointlike fields in integrable QFTs (Bostelmann)
- [1912.12767] (Review) Thermal Transport for Probing Quantum Materials (Mingda Li, Gang Chen)
- [1912.12853] Magnetoelectric coupling in a frustrated spinel studied using high-field scanning probe microscopy (H. Ueda)
- [1912.12391] Theoretical Study of Magnetoelectric Effects in Honeycomb Antiferromagnet Co4Nb2O9 (Matsumoto, Koga)
- [1912.12307] # Rigorous results on topological superconductivity with particle number conservation (Lapa, Michael Levin)
- [1912.12657] Flatband Line States in Photonic Super-Honeycomb Lattices (Daohong Song)
- [1912.12596] (Review) Geometric phase from Aharonov-Bohm to Pancharatnam-Berry and beyond (Yuval Gefen)
- [1912.12919] Deep Q-learning decoder for depolarizing noise on the toric code (Fitzek)
- [1912.13207] Entanglement Classification via Neural Network Quantum States (Paternostro)
- [1912.12736] Simulating twistronics without a twist (Lewenstein)
- [1912.13359] Effects of extended correlated hopping in a bose-bose mixture, Bariev (Chhajlany, Lewenstein)
- [1912.12311] The entanglement membrane in chaotic many-body systems (Adam Nahum)
- [1912.13399] Onsager's scars in disordered spin chains (Shibata, Yoshioka, Katsura)
- [1912.13146] Symmetry-adapted variational quantum eigensolver (Seki, Shirakawa, Yunoki)
- [1912.12964] A Computer Code for Topological Quantum Spin Systems over Triangulated Surfaces (Prodan)
- [1912.13042] (Review) Frustration -- Exactly Solved Frustrated Models (Diep, H. Giacomini)
- [1912.13010] Renormalization Group as a Koopman Operator (Redman)
- [1912.12340] Algebraic Symmetry and Self-Duality of an Open ASEP (Kuan)
- [1912.13389] The Whitham Approach to the c -> 0 limit of The Lieb-Liniger Model and Generalized Hydrodynamics (Bettelheim)
- [1912.12702] QQ-systems with boundary parameters, open Heisenberg chain (Nepomechie)
- [1912.12808] Generic triangular solutions of the reflection equation, q-Onsager (Tsuboi)
- [1912.13468] Note on Wess-Zumino-Witten models and quasiuniversality in 2+1 dimensions (Nahum)s
- [1912.13462] The Lattice-Continuum Correspondence in the Ising Model (Radicevic)
- [1912.13302] Useful relations among the generators in the defining and adjoint representations of SU(N) (Haber)
Hosho Katsura's arXiv