December 2019
MathJax demonstration
\frac{\pi}{2} =
\left( \int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{\sin x}{\sqrt{x}} dx \right)^2 =
\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{(2k)!}{2^{2k}(k!)^2} \frac{1}{2k+1} =
\prod_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{4k^2}{4k^2 - 1}
- [1912.11828] Orbitally-resolved ferromagnetism of monolayer CrI3 ( Mazurenko, Katsnelson,)
- [1912.11573] Magnon polarons in the spin Peltier effect (Eiji Saitoh)
- [1912.12219] Quantum Pairing Time Orders, SYK (Balatsky)
- [1912.12022] Mirror skin effect and its electric circuit simulation (Yoshida, Mizoguchi, Hatsugai)
- [1912.12105] # Evidence for Bosonization in a three-dimensional gas of SU($N$) fermions (Gyu-Boong Jo)
- [1912.11791] Mott insulating states of the anisotropic SU(4) Dirac fermions (Congjun Wu)
- [1912.12042] A Neural Networks study of the phase transitions of Potts model (F.-J.Jiang)
- [1912.12185] # Stationary State Degeneracy of Open Quantum Systems with Non-Abelian Symmetries, Lindblad (Jaksch, Buca)
- [1912.12227] Toda chain flow in Krylov space (Dymarsky, Gorsky)
- [1912.11752] Conformal bridge between freedom and confinement, SL(2,R) (Wipf)
- [1912.11923] Spectral Fluctuations in the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Model (Verbaarschot)
- [1912.11776] (Thesis) Fermion Bag Approach for Hamiltonian Lattice Field Theories, Majorana (Emilie Huffman)
- [1912.11469] Chern bands of twisted bilayer graphene: fractional Chern insulators and spin phase transition (Senthil)
- [1912.11240] Thermodynamic properties of an S=1/2 ring-exchange model on the triangular lattice (Seki, Yunoki)
- [1912.11363] Propagation of an orbiton in the antiferromagnets: theory and experimental verification (Wohlfeld)
- [1912.11458] Theory of topological spin Josephson junctions, Majorana (Pei-Xin Shen)
- [1912.11106] Soluble limit and criticality of fermions in $\mathbb Z_2$ gauge theories (Coleman, Tsvelik)
- [1912.11233] Quantum Monte Carlo simulations of the attractive SU(3) Hubbard model on a honeycomb lattice (Lei Wang)
- [1912.11117] Observation of Domain Wall Confinement and Dynamics in a Quantum Simulator (Gorshkov, Monroe)
- [1912.11383] # Symmetry-protected trivial phases and quantum phase transitions in an anisotropic antiferromagnetic spin-1 biquadratic model (McCulloch, Batchelor, Huan-Qiang Zhou)
- [1912.11416] Critical properties of the two-dimensional q-state clock model (Hong-Hao Tu, Tao Xiang)
- [1912.11357] Wigner crystallization of electrons in a one-dimensional lattice: a condensation in the space of states, lower & upper bounds (Presilla)
- [1912.11102] Energy inequalities in interacting quantum field theories, Babujian (Cadamuro)
- [1912.11063] Does scrambling equal chaos?, classical spin models (Scaffidi, Xiangyu Cao)
- [1912.10599] Majorana-mediated spin transport without spin polarization in Kitaev quantum spin liquids (Koga, Nasu)
- [1912.10418] Tuning Magnetism in Layered Magnet VI$_3$: A Theoretical Study (Shuai Dong)
- [1912.10432] First-principles study of magnon-phonon interactions in gadolinium iron garnet (Lian-Wei Wang)
- [1912.10935] Successive incommensurate spin orderings and excitations in multiferroic SrMnGe2O6 (Claire V. Colin)
- [1912.10203] Ground-state properties of the one-dimensional Hubbard model with pairing potential (Capponi, Poilblanc)
- [1912.10931] Majorana and parafermion corner states from two coupled sheets of bilayer graphene (Daniel Loss, Klinovaja)
- [1912.10057] Interpreting machine learning of topological quantum phase transitions (Yi Zhang, Ginsparg, Eun-Ah Kim)
- [1912.11033] Spontaneous formation of Kagomé lattice in two-dimensional Rydberg atoms (Astrakharchik)
- [1912.10652] Non-Hermitian Disorder-induced Topological insulators (Xi-Wang Luo)
- [1912.10048] # (Review) Exceptional Topology of Non-Hermitian Systems (Bergholtz, Budich, Kunst)
- [1912.10788] Piercing the rainbow: entanglement on an inhomogeneous spin chain with a defect (Sierra)
- [1912.10327] # Deformations of the Boundary Theory of the Square Lattice AKLT Model, citing KKKKT (Martyn, Kato, Lucia)
- [1912.10049] (Lecture) Lectures on Quantum Tensor Networks (Biamonte)
- [1912.10424] Universal Functionals in Density Functional Theory (Lewin, Lieb, Seiringer)
- [1912.10831] Spatial Decay of Kubo's Canonical Correlation Function (B.Yang)
- [1912.10143] Periodic TASEP with general initial conditions (Zhipeng Liu)
- [1912.10997] Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods in Quantum Field Theories (Anosh Joseph)
- [1912.10969] LieART 2.0 -- A Mathematica Application for Lie Algebras and Representation Theory (Robert Feger)
- [1912.10805] Lyapunov exponents and entanglement entropy transition on the noncommutative hyperbolic plane (Ganeshan, Polychronakos)
- [1912.08959] Discrete Painlevé Equations (Nalini Joshi)
- [1912.09214] Magnetic Topological Kagome Systems (Le Hur)
- [1912.09066] Interacting topological mirror excitonic insulator in one dimension (Fu-Chun Zhang, Congjun Wu)
- [1912.09391] Metallic states beyond Tomonaga-Luttinger liquids in one dimension (Xiao-Gang Wen)
- [1912.08822] Deconfined critical point in a doped random quantum Heisenberg magnet (Georges, Sachdev)
- [1912.09060] Exact plaquette singlet phases in an orthogonal-plaquette model (K.P.Schmidt)
- [1912.09447] Dynamic process and Uhlmann process: Incompatibility and dynamic phase of mixed quantum states (Chih-Chun Chien)
- [1912.09045] # Continuous Phase Transition without Gap Closing in Non-Hermitian Quantum Many-Body Systems, Pff (Matsumoto, Kawabata, Ashida, Furukawa, Ueda)
- [1912.09055] Exceptional non-Hermitian topological edge mode and its application to active matter (Sone, Ashida, Sagawa)
- [1912.08831] Real time evolution with neural-network quantum states (Gutiérrez)
- [1912.08828] Quantum many-body dynamics in two dimensions with artificial neural networks (Markus Heyl)
- [1912.09382] Robust Multi-Output Learning with Highly Incomplete Data via Restricted Boltzmann Machines ( Decelle)
- [1912.09464] # Self-dual S3-invariant quantum chains, fractional SUSY (O'Brien, Fendley)
- [1912.09456] \(\mathbb{Z}_n\) modified XY and Goldstone models and vortex confinement transition (Kobayashi, Nitta)
- [1912.08836] From spin chains to real-time thermal field theory using tensor networks, Ising field theory (Banuls, Knaute)
- [1912.09338] Spin Chain Overlaps and the Twisted Yangian (de Leeuw, Pozsgay)
- [1912.08885] Classical Integrability of the Zigzag Model (Donahue)
- [1912.06748] Spectrum-wide quantum criticality at the surface of class AIII topological phases: An "energy stack" of integer quantum Hall plateau transitions (Matthew Foster)
- [1912.06665] Geometric Induction in Chiral Superconductors (Hansson, Wilczek)
- [1912.06660] Strong ergodicity breaking due to local constraints in a quantum system (Sthitadhi Roy)
- [1912.07570] # Mean-field validity in a dissipative critical system: Liouvillian gap, PT-symmetric antigap, and permutational symmetry in the XYZ model (Franco Nori)
- [1912.07227] Resonant generation of p-wave Cooper pair in non-Hermitian Kitaev chain at exceptional point (X.M.Yang, Z. Song)
- [1912.06974] Unraveling non-Hermitian pumping: emergent spectral singularities and anomalous responses, non-Hermitian Kitaev chain (Ching Hua Lee, Ronny Thomale,)
- [1912.07044] Theory of neuromorphic computing by waves: machine learning by rogue waves, dispersive shocks, and solitons (Conti)
- [1912.07320] Solving the quantum master equation of coupled harmonic oscillators with Lie algebra methods (Teuber)
- [1912.06855] (Thesis) Planar maps and random partitions, Dyck, O(n) loop (Bouttier)
- [1912.07973] Marginal triviality of the scaling limits of critical 4D Ising and \(\phi_4^4\) models (Aizenan, Duminil-Copin)
- [1912.07588] Exactly solvable magnet of conformal spins in four dimensions, Lipatov (Olivucci)
- [1912.06309] Direct observation of cycloidal spin modulation and field-induced transition in Néel-type skyrmion-hosting VOSe2O5 (Arima, Kakurai, Tokura)
- [1912.06145] Cascade of transitions between the correlated electronic states of magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (Watanabe, Taniguchi, Bernevig, Yazdani)
- [1912.06150] Cascade of Phase Transitions and Dirac Revivals in Magic Angle Graphene (Yuval Oreg, von Oppen,Stern, Berg, Jarillo-Herrero)
- [1912.06159] Non-local order parameters for states with topological electromagnetic response (Ryu)
- [1912.06609] Bulk-Boundary Correspondence in Rotationally Symmetric Topological Superconductors from Stacked Dirac Hamiltonians (Elis Roberts)
- [1912.06215] Topological Z2 RVB quantum spin liquid on the ruby lattice
- [1912.06142] # Strongly interacting spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensates in one dimension (Pixley)
- [1912.06593] Chaos, non-ergodic states and quantum scars in Bose-Josephson junction coupled to a bosonic mode (Sudip Sinha)
- [1912.06173] Controlling Arbitrary Observables in Correlated Many-body Systems, Lipschitz continuity (McCaul)
- [1912.06633] The free energy of a quantum Sherrington-Kirkpatrick spin-glass model for weak disorder (Spitzer)
- [1912.06228] A new renormalon in two dimensions, Lieb-Liniger (Marino, Reis)
- [1912.06478] The quantum black hole as a gravitational hydrogen atom (Corda)
- [1912.05280] Magnetic polaron and antiferro-ferromagnetic transition in doped bilayer CrI$_3$ (Soriano, M. I. Katsnelson)
- [1912.04913] Multiphase Magnetism in Yb2Ti2O7 ( Broholm)
- [1912.05053] Ferromagnetically ordered metal in the single-band Hubbard model (Koga, Kamogawa, Nasu)
- [1912.04919] Wiedemann-Franz law in a non-Fermi liquid and Majorana central charge: Thermoelectric transport in a two-channel Kondo system (Mitchell, Fritz)
- [1912.05080] Emergence and spectral-weight transfer of electronic states in the Hubbard ladder (Kohno)
- [1912.05126] (Review) Active topological photonics, complex SSH (Tomoki Ozawa)
- [1912.05130] Discrete time crystal in the gradient field Heisenberg model (Barnes)
- [1912.04303] Artificial Neural Network Based Computation for Out-of-Time-Ordered Correlators (L.-M. Duan, Dong-Ling Deng)
- [1912.05495] Dynamical symmetry in quantum dissipative models (Shuo Yang)
- [1912.04939] Symmetries and monotones in Markovian quantum dynamics (Zanardi)
- [1912.05368] Defining relations for quantum symmetric pair coideals of Kac-Moody type, q-Onsager, q-Serre (De Clercq)
- [1912.05232] On the rotator Hamiltonian for the SU(N)xSU(N) sigma-model in the delta-regime, TBA (Balog, Niedermayer)
- [1912.05085] Magnetic Skyrmions are Quasi-Magnetic Monopoles in Two-Dimensional Magnetic Materials, Cartan sub. (Zhi Wang)
- [1912.04469] # Theoretical possibilities for flat-band superconductivity (Hideo Aoki)
- [1912.04705] Observation of chiral solitons in the quantum spin liquid phase of LiCuVO4 ( Grams)
- [1912.04291] Probing multipolar quantum spin ice in pyrochlore materials (Hosoi, SungBin Lee, Yong Baek Kim)
- [1912.04506] Localization transitions and mobility edges in quasiperiodic ladder (R.Wang)
- [1912.04578] (Review) Universality at work -- the local sine-Gordon model, lattice fermions, and quantum circuits (Boulat, Andergassen, Pierre, Meden)
- [1912.04300] # Hilbert-Space Fragmentation from Strict Confinement, Alcaraz-Bariev (Gorshkov, Iadecola)
- [1912.04292] # Measurement-induced steering of quantum systems, AKLT (Roy, Chalker, Gornyi, Gefen)
- [1912.03645] Entanglement growth in diffusive systems (Znidaric)
- [1912.04595] On the Floquet analysis of commutative periodic Lindbladians in finite dimension (Szczygielski)
- [1912.04821] Inhomogeneous conformal field theory out of equilibrium, SSD (Moosavi)
- [1912.04298] Contour Integrals and the Modular S-Matrix (Mukhi)
- [1912.04326] Phase transition and Chaos in charged SYK model (Sorokhaibam)
- [1911.12428] Coexistence of Magnetic Orders in Two-Dimensional Magnet CrI3 (Taniguchi, Watanabe)
- [1911.13039] First principles study of topological phase in chains of 3d transition metals (Oleś)
- [1911.12620] First and Second Order Topological Phases on Ferromagnetic Breathing Kagome Lattice, magnon (Sil, Ghosh)
- [1911.12829] Magnon damping in the zigzag phase of the Kitaev-Heisenberg-Γ model on a honeycomb lattice (Smit)
- Kopietz [1911.13224] Multipolar superconductivity in Luttinger semimetals (Y-B.Kim, G-Y.Cho, SungBin Lee)
- [1911.12380] Model wavefunctions for interfaces between lattice Laughlin states (Anne Nielsen)
- [1911.12384] On the diffusive scaling of Rényi entanglement entropy, inequality (Zhou, A.W.W.Ludwig)
- [1911.12748] Topological Classification of Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians (Wojcik)
- [1911.12939] # Proof of the absence of long-range temporal orders in Gibbs states (Watanabe, Oshikawa, Koma)
- [1911.12811] (Lecture) Introduction to the nested algebraic Bethe ansatz. Gromov's approach (Slavnov)
- [1907.06706] Algebra of Dunkl Laplace-Runge-Lenz vector (Hakobyan)
- [1911.13290] (Review) Geometric aspects of the ODE/IM correspondence (Dorey, Dunning, Negro, Tateo)
Hosho Katsura's arXiv