August 2019
MathJax demonstration
\frac{\pi}{2} =
\left( \int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{\sin x}{\sqrt{x}} dx \right)^2 =
\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{(2k)!}{2^{2k}(k!)^2} \frac{1}{2k+1} =
\prod_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{4k^2}{4k^2 - 1}
- [1908.09969] Thickness-dependent magnetic order in CrI3 single crystals (Yu Liu)
- [1908.10108] (Review) Topological carbon materials: a new perspective, flat band (Yuanping Chen)
- [1908.09837] Magic-Angle Semimetals with Chiral Symmetry, Chalker scaling (Pixley)
- [1908.10279] Inelastic light scattering in the spin cluster Mott insulator Cu2OSeO3 (Versteeg)
- [1908.09852] # Entanglement spectrum and symmetries in non-Hermitian fermionic non-interacting models (Regnault, Bardarson)
- [1908.09870] Enhanced Superexchange in a Tilted Mott Insulator (Dimitrova)
- [1908.09883] Transfer learning for scalability of neural-network quantum states (Poletti)
- [1908.09836] # Variational Quantum Algorithm for Non-equilirium Steady States (Yoshioka, Nakagawa, Mitarai, Fujii)
- [1908.09924] Singular continuous Cantor spectrum for magnetic quantum walks, Shikano-Katsura cited (Cedzich)
- [1908.10306] Extremal Correlators and Random Matrix Theory, N=2 SCFT (Komargodski, Tizzano)
- [1906.02161] Non-relativistic symmetries in three space-time dimensions and the Nappi-Witten algebra (Salgado-Rebolledo)
- [1908.09858] Anomalies, a mod 2 index, and dynamics of 2d adjoint QCD, interacting Majorana (Tanizaki)
- [1908.07702] # Effects of staggered Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions in a quasi-two-dimensional Shastry-Sutherland model (Poletti)
- [1908.07739] One- and three-dimensional quantum phase transitions and anisotropy in Rb2Cu2Mo3O12, KNB (Zheludev)
- [1908.07671] Magnetic-field Induced Quantum Phases in Tensor Network Study of Kitaev Magnets (Hyun-Yong Lee, Kawashima, Yong Baek Kim)
- [1908.07545] # Isometric Tensor Network representation of string-net liquids (Soejima, Pollmann, Zaletel)
- [1908.07601] Novel Fracton Phases from Gauge Theories (Xavier,)
- [1908.07530] Prethermal Phases of Non-equilibrium Matter in Long-range Interacting Systems (Else, Nayak, Norman Yao)
- [1908.07712] Probing non-Hermitian Skin Effect and non-Bloch Phase Transitions (Longhi)
- [1908.07540] The negativity contour: a quasi-local measure of entanglement for mixed states (Shapourian, Ryu)
- [1908.07595] Connection probabilities in the double-dimer model -- the case of two connectivity patterns (Ghodratipour)
- [1908.07700] Ishibashi States, Topological Orders with Boundaries and Topological Entanglement Entropy II -- Cutting through the boundary (Ce Shen)
- [1908.07989] Fractional Fermion Number and Hall Conductivity of Domain Walls (Vassilevich)
- [1908.08030] Integrability and cycles of deformed N=2 gauge theory, Liouville CFT (Fioravanti)
- [1908.05417] Collective Excitations of Quantum Anomalous Hall Ferromagnets in Twisted Bilayer Graphene (Das Sarma)
- [1908.05280] Non-Abelian chiral spin liquid on a simple non-Archimedean lattice (Neupert, Baskaran, Greiter, Moessner, Thomale)
- [1908.05658] Driven quantum dot coupled to a fractional quantum Hall edge (Steven Simon)
- [1908.05606] Coupled Self-Consistent RPA Equations for Even and Odd Particle Numbers. Tests with Solvable Models, Lipkin (Schuck)
- [1908.05633] Universal momentum-to-real-space mapping of topological singularities, Lieb lattice, OAM (Daohong Song)
- [1908.05283] # Many-Body Localization Landscape, Mayboroda's results (Balasubramanian, Liao, Galitski)
- [1908.05494] # Engineered Nearest-Neighbour Interactions with Doubly Modulated Optical Lattices ( Zhao, Johannes Knolle)
- [1908.05496] Thermodynamics of Cyclic Quantum Amplifiers, Lindblad eq. (Brandner)
- [1908.05555] Liquid-Hextic-Solid Phase Transition of a Hard-Core Lattice Gas with Third Neighbor Exclusion (Darjani)
- [1908.05289] # Emergent Spatial Structure and Entanglement Localization in Floquet Conformal Field Theory (Vishwanath, Xueda Wen)
- [1908.05573] Random surfaces and Liouville quantum gravity (Gwynne)
- [1908.05330] Numerical solution for tachyon vacuum in the Schnabl gauge (Arroyo)
- [1908.05070] Spin-orbital glass transition in a model frustrated pyrochlore magnet without quenched disorder (Mitsumoto, Chisa Hotta, Hajime Yoshino)
- [1908.04807] Ultrafast dynamics of fractional particles in ƒ¿-RuCl3 (Hae-Young Kee)
- [1908.04793] Electronic properties of ƒ¿-RuCl3 in proximity to graphene (Knolle, Valenti)
- [1908.05035] Imaging impurities at quantum Hall edges in graphene: Dissipation and resistance rings (Mirlin)
- [1908.05092] Topological flat band, Dirac fermions and quantum spin Hall phase in 2D Archimedean lattices (Crasto de Lima)
- [1908.05044] Magnetic Hedgehog Lattices in Noncentrosymmetric Metals (Okumura, Hayami, Kato, Motome)
- [1908.04973] Interaction Control of Ultracold Alkaline-Earth Atoms (Hui Zhai)
- [1908.04866] Learning the best thermoelectric nanoscale heat engines through evolving network topology (Ashida, Sagawa)
- [1908.04791] How to emulate quantum spin liquids and build topological qubits with available quantum hardware (Chamon, Dmitry Green, Yang)
- [1908.04806] Revisiting the Askey--Wilson algebra with the universal R-matrix of \( U_q(sl(2)) \) (Crampe, Vinet)
- [1908.04928] Quantum Elliptic Calogero-Moser Systems from Gauge Origami (Taro Kimura)
- [1908.04805] # GSO projections via SPT phases (Tachikawa)
- [1908.03689] # Excited quantum Hall effect: enantiomorphic flat bands in a Yin-Yang Kagome lattice (Feng Liu)
- [1908.03979] Mapping the Hubbard model to the t-J model using ground state unitary transformations (Steven R. White)
- [1908.03740] Permutation Matrix Representation Quantum Monte Carlo (Itay Hen)
- [1908.03928] Classification of symmetry-protected topological phases in two-dimensional many body-localized systems (Wahl)
- [1908.04134] Frustrated Quantum Magnetism with Bose Gases in Triangular Optical Lattices at Negative Absolute Temperatures, hopping-sign inversion (Yamamoto, Fukuhara, Danshita)
- [1908.04100] Floquet engineering of topological phases protected by emergent symmetries under resonant drives (Mizuta, Takasan, Kawakami)
- [1908.03900] Limit cycles in periodically driven open quantum systems (Menczel, Kay Brandner)
- [1908.04124] Lazy Open Quantum Walks, Lindblad eq. (Kemp,)
- [1908.03758] New families of non-parity-time-symmetric complex potentials with all-real spectra (Bagchi, Yang)
- [1908.03780] Coupled cluster method approach to non-stationary systems and its non-Hermitian interaction-picture reinterpretation (R.F.Bishop, Znojil)
- [1908.03997] # Tightening the Lieb-Robinson bound in locally-interacting systems, commutativity graph (Wang, Hazzard)
- [1908.03694] High-girth near-Ramanujan graphs with localized eigenvectors, scarring (Srivastava)
- [1908.03795] Eigenvectors from Eigenvalues (Denton)
- [1908.03483] Stability of zero energy Dirac touchings in the honeycomb Hofstadter problem (Ribhu Kaul, Murthy)
- [1908.03459] # Constructing edge zero modes through domain wall angle conservation (Kells, Moran, Slingerland)
- [1908.03217] Effective response theory for Floquet topological systems (Gromov, Ryu)
- [1908.03214] # Super Hamiltonian in superspace for incommensurate superlattices and quasicrystals (Zinner)
- [1908.03371] Metal-insulator phase transition in a non-Hermitian Aubry-Andre-Harper Model (Longhi)
- [1908.03470] Quantum fluctuations beyond the Gutzwiller approximation in the Bose-Hubbard model (Capone)
- [1908.03243] Critical fluctuations at a many-body exceptional point (Peter Littlewood)
- [1908.03300] Magnetic phase transitions of insulating spin-orbit coupled Bose atoms in one-dimensional optical lattices, XXZ+DM (Li Zhang)
- [1908.03469] Unsupervised detection of topological quantum state equivalences (Balabanov, Granath)
- [1908.03432] Effective mass of the polaron -- revisited (Dybalski, Spohn)
- [1908.03219] (Lecture) Liouville Theory, AdS2 String, and Three-Point Functions (Komatsu)
- [1908.03444] (Lecture) One-point functions in AdS/dCFT, spin chains (de Leeuw)
- [1908.02581] Flat Chern Band From Twisted Bilayer MnBi2Te4 (Biao Lian)
- [1908.02727] Robust magnetotransport in disordered quantum anomalous Hall Kagome layer (Kobayashi, Nomura)
- [1908.02490] Continuous phase transition between bosonic integer quantum Hall liquid and trivial insulator: evidences for deconfined quantum criticality (D.N.Sheng)
- [1908.02495] Evidence of fermion-to-boson crossover in the fermionic two-leg flux ladder (Strinati)
- [1908.02514] Spin-nematic order induced superconductivity, BLBQ (Karchev)
- [1908.02483] In-medium bound states of two bosonic impurities in a one-dimensional Fermi gas, SU(n), Bethe ansatz (D.Huber)
- [1908.02290] # Non-equilibrium magnetic phases in spin lattices with gain and loss, Lindblad, large S (J.Huber)
- [1908.02613] Lattice models that realize \( \mathbb{Z}_n\)-1-symmetry protected topological states for even n (Xiao-Gang Wen)
- [1908.02667] (Lecture) A Practical Mini-Course on Applied Holography (Baggioli)
- [1908.02289] Gauge Theory And Integrability, III, Gross-Neveu models, principal chiral, ... (Costello, Yamazaki)
- [1908.00986] Symmetry breaking and skyrmionic transport in twisted bilayer graphene (Bultinck, Zaletel)
- [1908.00988] Interaction-driven plateau transition between integer and fractional Chern Insulators (Pollmann)
- [1908.01021] Polarization-resolved Raman spectroscopy of ƒ¿-RuCl3 and evidence of room temperature two-dimensional magnetic scattering (Mai)
- [1908.01190] Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering study of ƒ¿-RuCl3: a progress report (Lebert)
- [1908.01172] Non-Hermitian Topological Anderson Insulators (Dan-Wei Zhang)
- [1908.01002] Critical response of a quantum van der Pol oscillator, Lindblad (Cooper)
- [1908.01013] Free Fermions with a Localized Source, dissipation, Sasamoto cited (Mallick, Sels)
- [1908.01494] Open Ising Model Perturbed by Classical Colored Noises, Lindblad (Deshui Yu)
- [1908.00990] Exclusion statistics and lattice random walks, Hofstadter (Ouvry, Polychronakos)
- [1908.01278] Discrete Painleve equation, Miwa variables, and string equation in 5d matrix models (Mironov, Morozov)
- [1908.01530] On complex Gamma function integrals (Manashov)
- [1908.00995] Supersymmetry in the nonsupersymmetric Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model (Behrends)
- [1908.00817] Scattering Theory of Transport Through Disordered Magnets (Brataas)
- [1908.00724] Origin of magnetic anisotropy in the spin ladder compound (C5H{12}N)2CuBr4, S=1/2 (Zheludev)
- [1908.00602] Theory of surface-induced multiferroicity, Lifshitz invariant (Betouras)
- [1908.00819] Nonreciprocal Landau-Zener tunneling (Kitamura, Nagaisa, Morimoto)
- [1908.00554] Universal dynamics far from equilibrium in Heisenberg ferromagnets (Demler)
- [1908.00868] # Machine Learning as Ecology, Lotka-Volterra (Pankaj Mehta)
- [1908.00940] Random sequential adsorption of k-mers on the fully-connected lattice: probability distributions and extreme value statistics (Turban)
- [1908.00942] # Combinatorial mappings of exclusion processes (Evans)
- [1908.00806] Macdonald operators and quantum Q-systems for classical types, Reshetikhin (Di Francesco, Kedem)
- [1908.00910] Two-Dimensional Time-Reversal-Invariant Topological Insulators via Fredholm Theory, Katsura-Koma cited (Shapiro, Yamakawa)
- [1908.00775] Quantum chaos in the Brownian SYK model with large finite N: OTOCs and tripartite information (Piroli, Qi, Schuch, Cirac)
Hosho Katsura's arXiv