July 2019
MathJax demonstration
\frac{\pi}{2} =
\left( \int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{\sin x}{\sqrt{x}} dx \right)^2 =
\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{(2k)!}{2^{2k}(k!)^2} \frac{1}{2k+1} =
\prod_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{4k^2}{4k^2 - 1}
- [1907.11221] # Topological domain wall states in a non-symmorphic chiral chain, Shiozaki-Sato-Gomi (Brezicki)
- [1907.10627] Crystal field splitting, local anisotropy, and low energy excitations in the quantum magnet YbCl3, honeycomb (Christianson)
- [1907.10693] Quantum criticality of the transverse-field Ising model with long-range interactions on triangular-lattice cylinders, Rydberg (K.P.Schmidt)
- [1907.10607] Fractional corner charges in spin-orbit coupled crystals (Benalcazar, Neupert)
- [1907.11026] Free fermion representation of the topological surface code (farjami)
- [1907.10629] Anomalous Subdiffusion from Subsystem Symmetries (Iaconis, Vijay, Nandkishore)
- [1907.11154] Learning the dynamics of open quantum systems from local measurements (Lindner, Itai Arad)
- [1907.10704] # Emergence of conformal symmetry in quantum spin chains: anti-periodic boundary conditions and supersymmetry (Zou, Vidal)
- [1902.02216] (Review) On Integrability and Exact Solvability in Deterministic and Stochastic Laplacian Growth (Loutsenko)
- [1907.10616] Quantum Solitons in any Dimension: Derrick's Theorem v. AQFT (Davies)
- [1907.10106] Correlated Insulating States in Twisted Double Bilayer Graphene (Taniguchi, Watanabe, MacDonald)
- [1907.10098] Topological and conventional phases of a three dimensional electron glass (Subhro Bhattacharjee)
- [1907.10574] Topological Properties of Ą-Type Organic Conductors with a Checkerboard Lattice (Osada)
- [1907.10475] The origin of up-up-down-down magnetic order in Cu2GeO4 (Tsirlin)
- [1907.10241] Chiral spin liquids with crystalline Z2 gauge order in a three-dimensional Kitaev model (Hermanns, Trebst, Motome)
- [1907.10470] Strange metal behavior in a pure ferromagnetic Kondo lattice (Smidman, Steglich, Coleman)
- [1907.10336] Model of level statistics for disordered interacting quantum many-body systems (Sierant)
- [1907.10183] Complex Langevin and other approaches to the sign problem in quantum many-body physics (Berger)
- [1907.10290] Quantum Compressed Sensing with Unsupervised Tensor Network Machine Learning (Gang Su, Lewenstein)
- [1907.10555] Bose-Hubbard physics in synthetic dimensions from interaction Trotterization, XXZ? (Barbiero, Goldman)
- [1907.10234] Set-theoretical solutions to the reflection equation associated to the quantum affine algebra of type \(A^{(1)}_{n-1}\) (Kuniba, Okado)
- [1907.10061] Extended Eigenstate Thermalization and the role of FZZT branes in the Schwarzian theory, Liouville field theory (Sonner)
- [1907.08373] Spin nematics in frustrated spin-dimer systems with bilayer structure (Hikihara, Misawa, Momoi)
- [1907.08596] Generalized Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorem on bosonic symmetry protected topological phases (Meng Cheng, Yuan-Ming Lu)
- [1907.08204] Topological theory of Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorems in quantum spin systems (Else, Thorngren)
- [1907.08364] Interlayer correlated fractional quantum Hall state in the ƒË = 4/5 bilayer system (Seidel, Kun Yang, Fu-Chun Zhang)
- [1907.08550] Multiple ferromagnetic transitions and structural distortion in the van-der-Waals ferromagnet VI$_3$ at ambient and finite pressures (Cava)
- [1907.08212] # Collapse and revival of quantum many-body scars via Floquet engineering (Sengupta)
- [1907.08603] A scaling hypothesis for matrix product states (Verstraete)
- [1907.08464] Stability of topologically protected edge states in nonlinear quantum walks: Additional bifurcations unique to Floquet nonlinear systems (Mochizuki, Kawakami, Obuse)
- [1907.08241] Spontaneous symmetry breaking and Nambu-Goldstone modes in open classical and quantum systems (Hidaka, Minami)
- [1907.08571] Multi-component scalar fields and the complete factorization of its equations of motion, Bazeia (Granado)
- [1907.07696] (Review) Topical Review on Skyrmions and Hall Transport, magnon (Bom Soo Kim)
- [1907.07719] Quasi 2-D magnetism in the Kagome layer compound FeSn, experiment, DFT (Sales, Okamoto)
- [1907.08173] The Ghost of a Vanishing Stripe Order in the Triangular Quantum Ising Magnet TmMgGaO4, random TFI, KT (Wei Li)
- [1907.07695] An exactly soluble model for a fractionalized Weyl semimetal (Stern, Neupert)
- [1907.08033] Geometric phase gates in dissipative quantum dynamics, Lindblad (Luoma)
- [1907.08128] Quantum synchronization in dimer atomic lattices, Lindblad (Cabot)
- [1907.08186] Neural Quantum States of frustrated magnets: generalization and sign structure (Westerhout)
- [1907.07881] # Quantum spin chains from Onsager algebras and reflection K-matrices, local Hamiltonians (Kuniba, Pasquier)
- [1907.08081] Universal fluctuations of reduced density matrices in maximally noisy or ergodic quantum systems and typicality, Itzykson-Zuber (Bernard)
- [1907.08026] A PDE Approach to the Combinatorics of the Full Map Enumeration Problem: Exact Solutions and their Universal Character, Motzkin, Bessel (Ercolani)
- [1907.08126] (Lecture) Lectures on entanglement entropy in field theory and holography (Headrick)
- [1907.06718] Tuning edge localized spin waves in magnetic microstripes by proximate magnetic structures (Zhizhi Zhang)
- [1907.06899] Sign change of polarization rotation under either time or space inversion in magnetoelectric YbAl3(BO3)4 (Pimenov)
- [1907.06858] Self-Organized Bosonic Domain Walls (Mondaini, Scalettar)
- [1907.06911] Non-Abelian braiding of Majorana-like edge states and scalable topological quantum computations in electric circuits (Ezawa)
- [1907.07146] Superconducting qubits beyond the dispersive regime, nonlinear terms (Ansari)
- [1907.07079] # (Review) Simulation methods for open quantum many-body systems (Weimer, Kshetrimayum, Orus)
- [1907.06945] Bridging between Lab and Rotating Frame Master Equations for Open Quantum Systems (Moshe Goldstein)
- [1907.06886] Transient synchronization in open quantum systems (Giorgi, Cabot, Zambrini)
- [1907.07122] An Introduction to the Holstein-Primakoff Transformation, with Applications in Magnetic Resonance, integer partition (Gyamfi)
- [1907.06706] Algebra of Dunkl Laplace-Runge-Lenz vector, PBW property (Feigin, Hakobyan)
- [1907.06656] # Establishing strongly-coupled 3D AdS quantum gravity with Ising dual using all-genus partition functions (Chao-Ming Jian, Ludwig, Zhenghan Wang)
- [1907.05331] Kondo effect due to a hydrogen impurity in graphene: a multichannel Kondo problem with diverging hybridization (Affleck)
- [1907.04948] Magnetic-field control of topological electronic response near room temperature in correlated Kagome magnets (Tranquada)
- [1903.03646] # Layertronic control of topological states in multilayer metal-organic frameworks (de Lima, Ferreira, Miwa)
- [1907.05373] # Torus Spectroscopy of the Gross-Neveu-Yukawa Quantum Field Theory: Free Dirac versus Chiral Ising Fixed Point (Wessel, Lauchli)
- [1907.05303] Criticality and factorization in the Heisenberg chain with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (Wen-Long You, Ning Wu, Ole?)
- [1907.05416] Coexistence of Majorana and topologically nontrivial Andreev bound states in 1D superconductors (Marra, Nitta)
- [1907.05169] Photoinduced interfacial chiral modes in threefold topological semimetal, Lieb lattice (Zyuzin)
- [1907.05030] (Lecture) Many-Body Physics and Quantum Simulations with Strongly Interacting Photons (Tangpanitanon, Angelakis)
- [1907.05080] Quantum probing topological phase transitions by non-Markovianity, SSH chain (Giorgi, Longhi)
- [1907.05417] Detecting hidden and composite orders in layered models via machine learning (Rzadkowski, Trombettoni)
- [1907.03678] Critical colored-RVB states in the frustrated quantum Heisenberg model on the square lattice (Poilblanc, Mambrini, Capponi)
- [1907.03004] Magnetization dynamics in clean and disordered spin-1 XXZ chains (Richter, Casper, Brenig,)
- [1907.03711] Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect by Coupling Heavy Atomic Layers with CrI3 (Zhenhua Qiao)
- [1907.03018] From weak to strong disorder in Weyl semimetals: Self-consistent Born approximation (Mirlin)
- [1907.03311] # Emerging 2D Gauge theories in Rydberg configurable arrays, PXP (Lukin, Zoller)
- [1907.03446] Discrete time crystal in a finite chain of Rydberg atoms without disorder (Chuhui Fan)
- [1907.03602] Chaos and hyperchaos in driven interacting quantum systems, Lindblad, Rydberg (Zagoskin)
- [1907.03463] Fluctuation theorem in cavity quantum electrodynamics systems, Lindblad (Yuge)
- [1907.03741] Expressive power of tensor-network factorizations for probabilistic modeling, with applications from hidden Markov models to quantum machine learning (Eisert, Cirac)
- [1907.03394] \( T\overline T \) deformation of correlation functions (Cardy)
- [1907.03363] # JT Gravity and the Ensembles of Random Matrix Theory (Douglas Stanford, Witten)
- [1907.00454] Team of Rivals in a Kagome Material: Quantum Spin Liquid, Spin Order, and Valence Bond Crystal (Hong-Chen Jiang)
- [1907.00012] # Flat Bands, Topology, and Superconductivity of "Magic" Honeycomb Network in TaS2 (Oshikawa, Sung-Sik Lee, Gil Young Cho)
- [1907.00601] Electrically driven spin torque and dynamical Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in magnetic bilayer systems (Mochizuki)
- [1907.00940] Charge Smoothening and Band Flattening due to Hartree corrections in Twisted Bilayer Graphene (Abanin)
- [1907.00530] Characterization of localized effective spins in gapped quantum spin chains (Nakano, Miyashita)
- [1907.00636] Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Universality of the Nagel-Schreckenberg Model (de Gier, Schadschneider, Schutz)
- [1907.00869] Entanglement growth after inhomogenous quenches (Pollmann)
- [1907.00044] # Free-Fermion entanglement and orthogonal polynomials (Crampe, Nepomechie, Vinet)
- [1907.00529] Exponential-time quantum algorithms for graph coloring problems (Ryuhei Mori)
- [1907.00791] Laplacians on bipartite metric graphs (Rohleder)
Hosho Katsura's arXiv