May 2019
MathJax demonstration
\frac{\pi}{2} =
\left( \int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{\sin x}{\sqrt{x}} dx \right)^2 =
\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{(2k)!}{2^{2k}(k!)^2} \frac{1}{2k+1} =
\prod_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{4k^2}{4k^2 - 1}
- [1905.11420] # Resolving continua of fractional excitations by spinon echo in THz 2D coherent spectroscopy, Ising chain (Yuan Wan, Armitage)
- [1905.11408] Magnetic Field Induced Competing Phases in Spin-Orbital Entangled Kitaev Magnets (Ryui Kaneko, Hyun-Yong Lee, Yong Baek Kim)
- [1905.11626] Purely rotational symmetry-protected topological crystalline insulator ƒ¿-Bi4Br4 (Liang Fu)
- [1905.11421] `Unhinging' the surfaces of higher-order topological insulators and superconductors (Bernevig, Neupert, Parameswaran)
- [1905.11728] Resonant-interaction-induced Rydberg antiblockade (Jie Song)
- [1905.11920] Quantum capacities bounds in spin-network communication channels (Chessa, Fanizza, Giovannetti)
- [1905.11556] # On Z2-indices for ground states of fermionic chains (Bourne, Schulz-Baldes)
- [1905.11815] Arithmetic of Heisenberg ring and cyclic group actions, Bethe ansatz (Milewski)
- [1905.11673] Extended supersymmetry with central charges in Dirac action with curved extra dimensions (Ueba)
- [1905.11923] Lifting of states in 2-dimensional $N=4$ supersymmetric CFTs (Mathur)
- [1905.11732] The tensionless path from closed to open strin, BMS algebrags (Bagchi)
- [1905.11321] Thermal Hall signatures of non-Kitaev spin liquids in honeycomb Kitaev materials (Tao Xiang, Simon Trebst, Gang Chen)
- [1905.10984] Nonequilibrium Majorana Dynamics by Quenching a Magnetic Field in Kitaev Spin Liquids (Nasu, Motome)
- [1905.11186] Spin relaxation in Cs2CuCl\(_{4-x}\)Br\(_x\), Starykh-Katsura-Balents (Loidl)
- [1905.10689] Large-S limit of the large-N theory for the triangular antiferromagnet (Kamiya, Trumper, Batista)
- [1905.10647] Higher Order Topology and Nodal Topological Superconductivity in Fe(Se,Te) Heterostructures (Das Sarma)
- [1905.11090] Exact Solution for an Interacting Spin One-Half Chain at the Symmetric Point, Mattis-Nam? (Francica)
- [1905.11194] Topological chiral modes in random scattering networks, Chalker-Coddington (Delplace)
- [1905.11227] Cavity QED of Strongly Correlated Electron Systems: A No-go Theorem for Photon Condensation (MacDonald)
- [1905.10730] # Deep Learning-Enhanced Variational Monte Carlo Method for Quantum Many-Body Physics, SU(N) spin chain (Ankit Patel)
- [1905.11351] On the descriptive power of Neural-Networks as constrained Tensor Networks with exponentially large bond dimension (Collura)
- [1905.11066] Neural-network Quantum State of Transverse-field Ising Model (Han-qing Shi)
- [1905.10935] Open quantum systems are harder to track than open classical systems (Warszawski)
- [1905.11171] Time-Polynomial Lieb-Robinson bounds for finite-range spin-network models (Chessa)
- [1905.11337] # Entanglement subvolume law for 2D frustration-free spin systems (Itai Arad, David Gosset)
- [1905.11144] Towards the solution of an integrable \( D_2^{(2)} \) spin chain (Nepomechie)
- [1905.11155] KPZ equation limit of stochastic higher spin six vertex model (Yier Lin)
- [1905.08420] Boundary-limited and glassy-like phonon thermal conduction in EtMe3Sb[Pd(dmit)2]2 (Yamashita)
- [1905.08271] Cyclotron resonance inside the Mott gap: a fingerprint of emergent neutral fermions (Sodemann)
- [1905.08277] # Moire Localization in Two Dimensional Quasi-Periodic Systems (Vincent Liu)
- [1905.08638] Detecting superconductivity out-of-equilibrium (Manske, Manmana)
- [1905.08523] Quantum Rydberg Central Spin Model (Ashida, Cirac, Demler)
- [1905.08365] Propagating large open quantum systems towards their steady states: cluster implementation of the time-evolving block decimation scheme, Lindblad (Denisov)
- [1905.08280] Quantum Transport of Rydberg Exciton with Synthetic Spin-Exchange Interactions, Chern num. (Fan Yang)
- [1905.08564] # Slow quantum thermalization and many-body revivals from mixed phase space (Papi?, Abanin, Serbyn)
- [1905.08584] All fermionic non-Gaussian states are magic states for matchgate computations (Hebenstreit)
- [1905.08266] The isolated Heisenberg magnet as a quantum time crystal, XXZ, GGE (Buca, Jaksch)
- [1905.08756] Domain wall problem in the quantum XXZ chain and semiclassical behavior close to the isotropic point (Misguich, Pasquier)
- [1905.08384] # Some ground-state expectation values for the free parafermion Z(N) spin chain (Batchelor, Huan-Qiang Zhou)
- [1905.07040] (Review) Quantum Spin Liquids (Broholm, Cava, Kivelson, Senthil)
- [1905.07316] Twisted bilayer graphene with Kekule distortion: isolated flat band (Ma Luo)
- [1905.07191] Origin of sawtooth domain walls in ferroelectrics (D. Wang, Bellaiche)
- [1905.07253] Topological Crystalline Insulators with C2 Rotation Anomaly (Tan Zhang)
- [1905.06969] # Gapless topological phases and symmetry-enriched quantum criticality (Verresen, Thorngren, Jones, Pollmann)
- [1905.07239] Interaction distance in the extended XXZ model (Papic, Jiannis K. Pachos)
- [1905.06983] # Exactly solvable Majorana-Anderson impurity models (Maciejko)
- [1905.07190] On some (integrable) structures in low-dimensional holography (Rashkov)
- [1905.07380] The Game of Triangles, star-triangle, Feynman diagrams (Preti)
- [1905.06748] Three-dimensional topological magnon systems (Kondo, Akagi, Katsura)
- [1905.06340] # Pair spin-orbit interaction in low-dimensional electron systems (Gindikin, Sablikov)
- [1905.06761] Signatures for spinons in the quantum spin liquid candidate Ca{10}Cr{7}O{28} (Lake)
- [1905.06923] Error generation and propagation in Majorana-based topological qubits (Slingerland, Graham Kells)
- [1905.06535] Tunable Correlated Chern Insulator and Ferromagnetism in Trilayer Graphene/Boron Nitride Moire Superlattice (Watanabe, Taniguchi)
- [1905.06488] # Thermal Hall conductance and a relative topological invariant of gapped two-dimensional systems (Kapustin, Lev Spodyneiko)
- [1905.06912] Time-frequency encoded single-photon sources and broadband quantum memories based on a tunable one-dimensional atom (Shlesinger)
- [1905.06587] Dynamic response of spin-2 bosons in one-dimensional optical lattices (Ejima, Holger Fehske)
- [1905.06389] Polyfractal driving for engineering Hamiltonians and symmetries (Agarwal, Ivar Martin)
- [1905.06352] Number-State Preserving Tensor Networks as Classifiers for Supervised Learning (Evenbly)
- [1905.06346] Temperley-Lieb, Brauer and Racah algebras and other centralizers of su(2) (Crampe, Vinet)
- [1905.06548] N-Extension of duble-graded supersymmetric and superconformal quantum mechanics (Aizawa)
- [1905.05188] Supermetal ( Isobe, Liang Fu)
- [1905.05192] Matrix Product State Description and Gaplessness of the Haldane-Rezayi State (Regnault, B. Estienne)
- [1905.05287] Dynamic spin localization, Landau-Zener (Sinitsyn)
- [1905.05205] Disorder effects on the Origin of High-Order Harmonic Generation in Solids (Chinzei, Ikeda)
- [1905.05539] # Topological order, mixed states and open systems, Chern (Facchi, Giuseppe Marmo)
- [1905.05262] Fermionic path integrals and correlation dynamics in a 1D XY system (Lyris)
- [1905.05623] Perturbative post-quench overlaps in Quantum Field Theory, TCSA (Kormos, Takacs)
- [1905.05718] Replica Bethe Ansatz solution to the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation on the half-line, hard-wall (Le Doussal)
- [1905.05314] Co-rank 1 projections and the randomised Horn problem, Zuber (Forrester)
- [1905.05210] Modular Hamiltonian of a chiral fermion on the torus (Blanco)
- [1905.05207] APS \(\eta \)-invariant, path integrals, and mock modularity, SUSY QM (Rudra)
- [1905.05391] On gapped boundaries for SPT phases beyond group cohomology (Kobayashi, Ohmori, Tachikawa)
- [1905.02206] # Flat band in twisted bilayer Bravais lattices (Kariyado, Vishwanath)
- [1905.02215] # Computation of topological invariants of disordered materials using the kernel polynomial method, mirror Chern (Varjas, Akhmerov)
- [1905.02218] Statistical Analysis of the Chern Number in the Interacting Haldane-Hubbard Model (Valenti)
- [1905.02696] Cusps near Topological Phase Transitions: Signatures of Majorana fermions and interactions with fluctuations, N=1 SUSY (Fan Yang)
- [1905.02457] Braiding Flux-Tubes in a Topological Lattice Model from Class-D (Prodan)
- [1905.02211] Non-Hermitian Topological Invariants in Real Space (Fei Song)
- [1905.02351] Boundary Tensor Renormalization Group, BCFT (Iino, Morita, Kawashima)
- [1905.02379] Determination of Universal Critical Exponents Using Lee-Yang Theory (Flindt)
- [1905.02585] Superposition and higher-order spacing ratios in random matrix theory (Bhosale)
- [1905.02397] Gegenbauer and other planar orthogonal polynomials on an ellipse in the complex plane (Akemann, Nagao)
- [1905.02297] Revisiting the Ramond sector of the N=1 superconformal minimal models (Chun Chen, Maciejko)
- [1905.02305] Disentangling the Thermofield-double state, SYK (Dadras)
Hosho Katsura's arXiv