March 2019
MathJax demonstration
\frac{\pi}{2} =
\left( \int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{\sin x}{\sqrt{x}} dx \right)^2 =
\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{(2k)!}{2^{2k}(k!)^2} \frac{1}{2k+1} =
\prod_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{4k^2}{4k^2 - 1}
- [1903.11882] Topological phases of higher Chern numbers in Kitaev-Heisenberg ferromagnet with further-neighbor interactions (Ghosh)
- [1903.11847] Origin and evolution of ferroelectricity in the layered rare-earth-titanate, R2Ti2O7, Lichtenberg phases (Spaldin)
- [1903.11896] Spin Seebeck and Spin Nernst Effects of Magnons in Noncollinear Antiferromagnetic Insulators (Mertig)
- [1903.11727] Weyl Points Created by Three-dimensional Flat Band (Feng Liu)
- [1903.11675] Theory of standing spin waves in finite-size chiral spin soliton lattice (Kishine, Togawa, Ovchinnikov)
- [1903.11659] Topological quantum transition driven by charge-phonon coupling in the Haldane Chern insulator (Mishchenko, Nagaosa,)
- [1903.11951] Topological spin phases of trapped Rydberg excitons in Cu2O, spin-1 Haldane (Glazov)
- [1903.11984] One-particle spectral function singularities in a one-dimensional gas of spin-1/2 fermions with repulsive delta-function interaction, Yang-Gaudin (Carmelo)
- [1903.11611] Unitary circuits of finite depth and infinite width from quantum channels (Gopalakrishnan, Austen Lamacraft)
- [1903.11881] Perturbed relaxation of quantum many-body systems (Reimann)
- [1903.12100] Spectral Walls (Adam, Oles)
- [1903.11852] TKNN formula for general Hamiltonian (Fukaya, Onogi, Yamaguchi)
- [1903.07283] # A series of magnon crystals appearing under ultrahigh magnetic fields in a kagome antiferromagnet (Okubo, Kawashima, Hiroi)
- [1903.06719] A note on the parity anomaly from the Hamiltonian point of view (Lapa)
- [1903.07591] # Topological energy bounds for frustrated magnets, DM, BPS (Harland)
- [1903.07052] # Emergence of Tamm states from Thouless pumping (Nakamura, Shindou)
- [1903.07408] Strong nonreciprocity in modulated resonator chains through synthetic electric and magnetic fields (Hughes)
- [1903.06896] S =1/2 ferromagnetic Heisenberg chain in a verdazyl-based complex (Sakakibara, Hosokoshi)
- [1903.07598] # Anomalous spin diffusion in one-dimensional antiferromagnets (De Nardis, Karrasch, Ilievski)
- [1903.06713] Study of the Two-Dimensional Frustrated J1-J2 Model with Neural Network Quantum States (Neupert, Carleo)
- [1903.06782] Bulk-boundary correspondence for disordered free-fermion topological phases (Zirnbauer)
- [1903.07494] Quantum walks: Schur functions meet symmetry protected topological phases (Werner)
- [1903.06990] Diagonal finite volume matrix elements in the sinh-Gordon model (Bajnok, Smirnov)
- [1903.07606] # Solving a family of \(T\bar{T}\)-like theories (Mezei)
- [1903.05646] Quantum phase transitions beyond Landau-Ginzburg theory in one-dimensional space revisited (Mudry, Furusaki, Morimoto, Hikihara)
- [1903.05800] SO(4) FLEX+DMFT formalism with SU(2)x SU(2)-symmetric impurity solver for superconductivity in the repulsive Hubbard model (Tsuji, Massimo Capone, Hideo Aoki)
- [1903.06101] # Exact Solution to Haldane-BCS-Hubbard Model Along the Symmetric Lines: Interaction Induced Topological Phase Transition (Jian-Jian Miao, Fu-Chun Zhang)
- [1903.05997] Nonsymmorphic Topological Quadrupole Insulator in Sonic Crystals (Jian-Hua Jiang)
- [1903.05936] Critical points of the three-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model from on-site atom number fluctuations (Damski)
- [1903.05755] Unsupervised Learning Eigenstate Phases of Matter (Durr, Chakravarty)
- [1903.05674] Truncation of the reflection algebra and the Hahn algebra (Crampe, Ragoucy, Vinet, Zhedanov)
- [1903.06088] A Homological Approach to Belief Propagation and Bethe Approximations (Peltre)
- [1903.05001] Dual topology in Jacutingaite Pt$_2$HgSe$_3$ (van den Brink)
- [1903.05013] Majorana Falicov-Kimball Models (Tai-Kai Ng)
- [1903.04934] Magnetoelastic couplings in the deformed Kagome quantum spin lattice of volborthite (Furukawa,)
- [1903.04784] Pressure-tuning the quantum spin Hamiltonian of the triangular lattice antiferromagnet Cs2CuCl4 (H.Tanaka)
- [1903.04876] Pre-topological fractional excitations in the two-leg flux ladder (Shtengel, Sela)
- [1903.03516] (Short review) Machine learning meets quantum physics (Das Sarma, Dong-Ling Deng, Lu-Ming Duan)
- [1903.04698] Generation of ice states through deep reinforcement learning, six-vertex (Ying-Jer Kao)
- [1903.04720] Theory of Non-Hermitian Fermionic Superfluidity with a Complex-Valued Interaction (Yamamoto, Nakagawa, Adachi, Takasan, Ueda, Kawakami)
- [1903.04707] Perfect State Transfer in a Spin Chain without Mirror Symmetry (Vinet, Zhedanov)
- [1903.05033] # On the scaling behaviour of the alternating spin chain, continuous scaling dim. (Bazhanov, Lukyanov)
- [1903.04493] A Modular Sewing Kit for Entanglement Wedges, modular Berry connection (de Boer)
- [1903.04951] AdS/CFT as a deep Boltzmann machine (Hashimoto)
- [1903.02737] Fractional charge bound to a vortex in two dimensional topological crystalline insulators (Furusaki, Bohm-Jung Yang)
- [1903.02559] # Symmetry-protected topological magnons in three dimensional Kitaev materials (Mizoguchi, Yong Baek Kim)
- [1903.03011] Fusion channels of non-Abelian anyons from angular-momentum and density-profile measurements (Mazza)
- [1903.02778] The multiple symmetry sustaining phase transitions of spin ice, BEG (Holdsworth)
- [1903.02920] Sliding Luttinger liquid with alternating interwire couplings (Fleurov, Kagalovsky)
- [1903.02558] Floquet Hopf Insulators (Moore, Norman Yao)
- [1903.03076] Ground state phase diagram of the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model from restricted Boltzmann machines (Khatami)
- [1903.02651] Information Scrambling and Loschmidt Echo, complex SYK (Bin Yan, Cincio)
- [1903.02947] Photon Berry phases, Instantons, Quantum chaos and quantum analog of Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser (KAM) theorem in Dicke models, SYK (Jinwu Ye)
- [1903.02569] Non-equilibrium fixed points of coupled Ising models, RG (Gorshkov)
- [1903.01125] # Consideration of Thermal Hall Effect in Undoped Cuprates (Jung Hoon Han, Jin-Hong Park, Patrick A. Lee)
- [1903.00595] Enhanced thermal Hall conductivity below 1 Kelvin in the pyrochlore magnet Yb2Ti2O7 (Hirschberger, Ong)
- [1903.00895] Non-Kitaev spin liquids in Kitaev materials, Schwinger boson (Gang Chen)
- [1903.00564] (Short review) Topology in abundance (Franz)
- [1903.01319] Magnetic ordering in pressure-induced phases with giant spin-driven ferroelectricity in multiferroic TbMnO3 (Terada,)
- [1903.00758] Finite Size Effects in Topological Quantum Phase Transitions, SSH (Continentino)
- [1903.00721] A kaleidoscope of phases in the dipolar Hubbard model (Mondaini)
- [1903.01359] Realizing Quantum Boltzmann Machines Through Eigenstate Thermalization (Anschuetz)
- [1903.01017] # Non-Hermitian dynamics without dissipation in quantum systems, Shindou bosonic Chern (Clerk)
- [1903.00567] Spectra of the Dissipative Spin Chain, spin-boson (Chakravarty)
- [1903.01160] Continuous ground-state degeneracy of classical dipoles on regular lattices, Luttinger-Tisza (Schildknecht)
- [1903.01329] Kardar-Parisi-Zhang physics in the quantum Heisenberg magnet (Znidaric, Prosen)
- [1903.00559] The Witten Index for 1D Supersymmetric Quantum Walks with Anisotropic Coins, Katsura-Shikano cited (Suzuki, Tanaka)
- [1903.00487] Gepner-like boundary states on \(T^4\), N=2 SCFT, BCFT (Schnabl)
- [1903.00513] Solvable model for quantum criticality between Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev liquid and disordered Fermi liquid (Can, Franz)
- [1903.00056] Magnons, fractional excitations, and field-induced transitions in \(\alpha\)-RuCl3 (Tennant)
- [1903.00011] Microscopic mechanism for higher-spin Kitaev model (Hae-Young Kee)
- [1903.00221] Entangling two magnon modes via magnetostrictive interaction (Jie Li)
- [1903.00246] Quantum Thermal Hall effect of chiral spinons on a Kagome strip, quasi-1D (Tikhonov)
- [1903.00364] Continuum models for twisted bilayer graphene: the effects of lattice deformation and hopping parameter (Guinea, Walet)
- [1903.00340] Lattice Deformation, Low Energy Models and Flat Bands in Twisted Graphene Bilayers (Walet, Guinea)
- [1903.00432] Comb tensor networks (Chepiga, Steven R. White)
- [1903.00108] Gaplessness is not generic for translation-invariant spin chains (Lemm)
- [1903.00145] # Spin Chains, Graphs and State Revival (Miki, Satoshi Tsujimoto, Luc Vinet)
- [1903.00274] Boundary matrices for the higher spin six vertex model (Mangazeev)
- [1903.00463] # Topological braiding of Majorana-like modes in classical meta-materials (Barlas, Prodan)
- [1903.00318] Quantum fields for unitary representations of Thompson's groups F and T, Koo-Saleur (Osborne)
- [1902.10722] Glide-resolved photoemission spectroscopy: measuring topological invariants in nonsymmorphic space groups (Alexandradinata, Bernevig, Zaletel)
- [1902.10958] # Bloch Band Theory for Non-Hermitian Systems (Yokomizo, Murakami)
- [1902.10934] Rank-2 $U(1)$ spin liquid on the breathing pyrochlore lattice (Benton, Jaubert, Shannon)
- [1902.11101] Scaling Theory of Quantum Ratchet (Hamamoto, Ishizuka, Nagaosa)
- [1902.11301] # Flux-driven quantum spin liquids in kagome optical lattices (Tewari, Scarola)
- [1902.11099] Exploring non-equilibrium phases of the generalized Dicke model with a trapped Rydberg ion quantum simulator (Lesanovsky)
- [1902.10769] Quantum signatures of chaos, thermalization and tunneling in the exactly solvable few body kicked top (Madhok)
- [1902.11086] A characterization of quantum chaos by two-point correlation functions (Hanada, Swingle, Tezuka)
- [1902.10988] One-Dimensional Quantum Walks with a Position-Dependent Coin (Ahmad)
- [1902.10942] Generalized Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonians exhibiting a complete non-Hermitian degeneracy (Znojil)
related work
- [1902.11241] Galois conjugated tensor fusion categories and non-unitary CFT (Haegeman, Verstraete)
- [1902.10867] Limit Shapes and Local Statistics for the Stochastic Six-Vertex Model (Aggarwal)
Hosho Katsura's arXiv