December 2018
MathJax demonstration
\frac{\pi}{2} =
\left( \int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{\sin x}{\sqrt{x}} dx \right)^2 =
\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{(2k)!}{2^{2k}(k!)^2} \frac{1}{2k+1} =
\prod_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{4k^2}{4k^2 - 1}
- [1812.08792] # Thermal Hall effect in square-lattice spin liquids: a Schwinger boson mean-field study (Sachdev)
- [1812.09239] Magnon-polarons in cubic collinear Antiferromagnets (Brataas)
- [1812.09170] Emergent Localization in Dodecagonal Bilayer Quasicrystals (SungBin Lee)
- [1812.09102] Topological properties of multi-terminal superconducting nanostructures: effect of a continuous spectrum (Nazarov)
- [1812.09060] Non-Hermitian extensions of higher-order topological phases and their biorthogonal bulk-boundary correspondence (Kunst, Bergholtz)
- [1812.09183] Classification of Matrix-Product Unitaries with Symmetries (Gong, Schuch, Cirac)
- [1812.09133] # Symmetry and Topology in Non-Hermitian Physics (Kawabata, Shiozaki, Ueda, Sato)
- [1812.09251] Ground state energy: Can it really be reached with quantum annealers? (Czartowski)
- [1812.09091] # Onsager symmetries in $U(1)$-invariant clock models (Vernier, O'Brien, Fendley)
- [1812.08813] The ground state-vector of the XY Heisenberg chain and the Gauss decomposition (Bogoliubov, Malyshev)
- [1812.09316] Exact solution of an integrable J1-J2 spin chain model (Junpeng Cao, Yupeng Wang)
- [1812.08833] The Birkhoff theorem for unitary matrices of prime-power dimension (Baerdemacker)
- [1812.08776] Magic Angle Spectroscopy (Angel Rubio)
- [1812.08689] Spin and orbital dynamics through the metal-to-insulator transition in Cd2Os2O7 probed with high-resolution RIXS, DM int. (Hiroi, van den Brink)
- [1812.08462] Giant magneto-elastic effect in d\(^2\) pyrochlores and the formation of a spin-lattice liquid (Jackeli)
- [1812.08185] Corner states of light in photonic waveguides (Kunst, Bergholtz,)
- [1812.08353] # Composite fermions in Fock space: Operator algebra, recursion relations, and order parameters (Kun Yang, Seidel)
- [1812.08477] Scalable Fermionic Error Correction in Majorana Surface Codes (Liang Fu)
- [1812.08190] Majorana loop stabilizer codes for error correction of fermionic quantum simulations (Zhang Jiang)
- [1812.08171] # Restricted Boltzmann Machines and Matrix Product States of 1D Translational Invariant Stabilizer Codes (Regnault, Bernevig)
- [1812.08677] One-dimensional two-component fermions with contact even-wave repulsion and SU(2) breaking near-resonant odd-wave attraction (Gritsev, Shlyapnikov)
- [1812.08500] Entanglement renormalization and symmetry fractionalization (Brennen)
- [1812.08219] Operator growth in random quantum circuits with symmetry (Hunter-Jones)
- [1812.08657] # A Universal Operator Growth Hypothesis (Xiangyu Cao, Scaffidi, Altman)
- [1812.08762] Triply Positive Matrices and Quantum Measurements Motivated by QBism (Stacey)
- [1812.08488] On tau-functions for the KdV hierarchy (Dubrovin, Di Yang, Don Zagier)
- [1812.08730] The SU(3) A1 graph and its associated quantum groupoid (Isasi)
- [1812.03738] # Topologically nontrivial magnonic solitons (Koji Sato, Bauer)
- [1811.12425] Classifying Snapshots of the Doped Hubbard Model with Machine Learning (Greiner, Demler)
- [1812.03637] # Digital-Analog Quantum Computation, engineering spin chains (Parra-Rodriguez)
- [1812.03581] Flemish Strings of Magnetic Solitons and a Non-Thermal Fixed Point in a One-Dimensional Antiferromagnetic Spin-1 Bose Gas (Fujimoto, Ryusuke Hamazaki, Masahito Ueda)
- [1812.03481] Manipulating Quantum Spins by a Spin-Polarized Current: An Approach Based Upon PT-Symmetric Quantum Mechanics (Chudnovsky,)
- [1812.03736] Transparent Quantum Graphs (Matrasulov)
- [1812.03936] Self-correction in Wegner's 3D Ising lattice gauge theory (Poulin, Melko, Hastings)
- [1812.03847] Arctic Boundaries of the Ice Model on Three-Bundle Domains (Aggarwal)
- [1812.03843] Feynman's proof of the commutativity of the Calogero integrals of motion (Polychronakos)
- [1812.03530] Supersymmetric many-body Euler-Calogero-Moser model (Lechtenfeld)
- [1812.03767] Matrix product solution to the reflection equation associated with a coideal subalgebra of \(U_q(A^{(1)}_{n-1})\) (Kuniba, Masato Okado)
- [1812.03636] (Review) Recent Developments in Topological String Theory, HKT cited (Min-xin Huang)
- [1812.02124] Perfect transmission of 3D massive Kane fermions in HgCdTe Veselago lenses (Gupta)
- [1812.01857] Majorana multipole response of topological superconductors (Kobayashi, Yamakage, Tanaka, Sato)
- [1812.01642] Paired parton quantum Hall states: a coupled wire construction (Sahoo, Gil Young Cho, Jeffrey C. Y. Teo)
- [1812.01625] Nontrivial Quantum Cellular Automata in Higher Dimensions (Haah, Fidkowski, Hastings)
- [1812.01976] Spin-charge separation in strongly interacting multicomponent few-body systems (Foerster, Zinner)
- [1812.02126] Dynamical signatures of topological order in the driven-dissipative Kitaev chain (Caspel)
- [1812.02144] Rapid mixing of path integral Monte Carlo for 1D stoquastic Hamiltonians (Crosson)
- [1812.02111] Multicomplex solitons, PT (Fring)
- [1812.01660] Critical behavior of the quasi-periodic quantum Ising chain (Chandran, C.R. Laumann)
- [1812.01908] # Nonperturbative functional renormalization-group approach to the sine-Gordon model and the Lukyanov-Zamolodchikov conjecture (Dupuis)
- [1812.02082] Transport fluctuations in integrable models out of equilibrium, FCS (Doyon)
- [1812.02010] The Fermionic Signature Operator in the Exterior Schwarzschild Geometry (Finster)
- [1812.00220] On the Hohenberg-Mermin-Wagner theorem and its limitations, dedicated to the memory of Pierre Hohenberg (Halperin)
- [1812.00763] # Edge wave and boundary vorticity layer of vortex matter (Wiegmann)
- [1812.00254] Fidelity reduction in Majorana qubits by entanglement with environmental modes (Egger, Flensberg)
- [1812.00833] # Nontrivial Triplon Topology and Triplon Liquid in Kitaev-Heisenberg-type Excitonic Magnets (Khaliullin, Daghofer)
- [1812.00643] Cluster Gutzwiller Monte Carlo approach for a critical dissipative spin model, XYZ model (Wouters)
- [1812.00529] # Geometric interpretation of the multi-scale entanglement renormalization ansatz, Koo-Saleur(Milsted, Vidal)
- [1812.00944] The O(3) nonlinear sigma model in 1+1 dimensions with matrix product states (Kuehn)
- [1812.00447] Torus partition function of the six-vertex model from algebraic geometry, lattice modular invariance (Jesper Lykke Jacobsen)
- [1812.00767] Diffusion in generalized hydrodynamics and quasiparticle scattering (De Nardis, Denis Bernard, Benjamin Doyon)
- [1812.00120] On the relation between the magnitude and exponent of OTOCs (Gu, Alexei Kitaev)
Hosho Katsura's arXiv