November 2018
MathJax demonstration
\frac{\pi}{2} =
\left( \int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{\sin x}{\sqrt{x}} dx \right)^2 =
\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{(2k)!}{2^{2k}(k!)^2} \frac{1}{2k+1} =
\prod_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{4k^2}{4k^2 - 1}
- [1811.11186] Unifying Description of Competing Orders in Two Dimensional Quantum Magnets (Vishwanath, Yin-Chen He)
- [1811.11201] # Magnon topology and thermal Hall effect in trimerized triangular lattice antiferromagnet (Ki Hoon Lee )
- [1811.11515] Rectification of Spin Current in Inversion-Asymmetric Magnets with Linearly-Polarized Electromagnetic Waves (Ishizuka, Masahiro Sato)
- [1811.11703] Emergent Bound States and Impurity Pairs in Chemically Doped Shastry-Sutherland System (Mila, Haravifard)
- [1811.11194] Mutual information in heavy fermions systems (Toldin, Toshihiro Sato, Assaad)
- [1811.11383] Josephson Ladders as a Model System for 1D Quantum Phase Transitions (Doucot, Ioffe)
- [1811.11319] Non-Hermitian Many-Body Localization (Hamazaki, Kawabata, Ueda)
- [1811.11189] Approximate conformality before its lost in complex world: Q>4 Potts Model (Yin-Chen He)
- [1811.11693] # Exact solution of pulled, directed vesicles with sticky walls in two dimensions (Owczarek, Prellberg)
- [1811.11556] Free fermions and $\alpha$-determinantal processes (Satya Majumdar, O'Connell)
- [1811.08627] Classification of topological crystalline superconducting nodes on high-symmetry line: point nodes, line nodes, and Bogoliubov Fermi surfaces (Shiozaki, Youichi Yanase)
- [1811.08712] Symmetry indicators for topological superconductors (Ono, Youichi Yanase, Haruki Watanabe)
- [1811.08443] Viscoelastic response of quantum Hall fluids in a tilted field (Bradlyn)
- [1811.08848] Enhanced correlations and superconductivity in weakly interacting partially flat band systems: a determinantal quantum Monte Carlo study (Nussinov, Vaezi)
- [1811.08442] Coupled Wire description of the Correlated Physics in Twisted Bilayer Graphene ( Cenke Xu)
- [1811.08523] Detecting fractional Chern insulators through circular dichroism (Goldman)
- [1811.08804] Exact Solutions to Two-Component Many-Body Systems in One Dimension (Ren, Aleiner)
- [1811.08692] Momentum reconstruction and contact of the one-dimensional Bose-Fermi mixture (Patu, Andreas Klumper)
- [1811.08479] Quantum circuit synthesis for generalized coherent states, Lie algebra (Somma)
- [1811.08699] Note on linear response for interacting Hall insulators (Bols)
- [1811.08708] # Topological massless bosons on edges: Jackiw-Rebbi mechanism for bosonic fields (Minoru Eto, Norisuke Sakai)
- [1811.06104] # Supersymmetry in an interacting Majorana model on the kagome lattice, Sannomiya cited (Li, Lantagne-Hurtubise, Franz)
- [1811.05990] Majorana lattices from the quantized Hall limit of a proximitized spin-orbit coupled electron gas (Mishmash, A. Yazdani, Michael P. Zaletel)
- [1811.06200] Magnetoresistance of a three-dimensional Dirac gas (Ogata)
- [1811.06177] FermiSurfer: Expressive Fermi-surface viewer (Kawamura)
- [1811.06538] Pair Density Wave in the doped t-J model with ring exchange on a triangular lattice (K. T. Law, Patrick Lee)
- [1811.06000] Describing many-body localized systems in thermal environments, Lindblad (Ling-Na Wu)
- [1811.06169] Lackadaisical quantum walk for spatial search (Giri, Korepin)
- [1811.06500] # Chiral entanglement in massive quantum field theories in 1+1 dimensions (Lencses, Viti, Takacs)
- [1811.06449] Trends in supersymmetric quantum mechanics (Fernandez C)
- [1811.06006] Quantum Quenches and Thermalization in SYK models (Sorokhaibam)
- [1811.00199] Spectrum of itinerant fractional excitations in quantum spin ice (Udagawa, Moessner)
- [1811.00219] Spectroscopic signature of trimer Mott insulator and charge disproportionation in BaIrO3 (Terasaki)
- [1811.00474] Hidden SU(2) Symmetries, Symmetry Hierarchy and Emergent Eight-Fold-Way in Spin-1 Quantum Magnets (Jian-Jian Miao, Yi Zhou)
- [1811.00432] # Integrable quenches in nested spin chains I: the exact steady states (Piroli, Vernier, Calabrese, Pozsgay)
- [1811.00029] Evolution of entanglement spectra under random unitary dynamics (Xiao Chen, Gopalakrishnan, Pixley)
- [1811.00211] Construction of quantum dark soliton in one-dimensional Bose gas (Kaminishi, Mori, Miyashita)
- [1811.00442] Approximating observables on eigenstates of large many-body localized systems (Pal, Wahl, Steven Simon)
Hosho Katsura's arXiv