August 2018
MathJax demonstration
\frac{\pi}{2} =
\left( \int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{\sin x}{\sqrt{x}} dx \right)^2 =
\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{(2k)!}{2^{2k}(k!)^2} \frac{1}{2k+1} =
\prod_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{4k^2}{4k^2 - 1}
- 1808.10416
: Correlations and electronic order in a two-orbital honeycomb lattice model for twisted bilayer graphene (Venderbos)
- 1808.10174
: Coexisting spinons and magnons in frustrated zigzag spin-1/2 chain compound \(\beta\)-TeVO4 (Pregelj)
- 1808.10046
: Emergent flat band lattices in spatially periodic magnetic fields (H.Chen)
- 1808.10284
: An algebraic approach to FQHE variational wave functions (Shattuck)
- 1808.10310
: Direct prediction of corner state configurations from edge winding numbers in 2D and 3D chiral-symmetric lattice systems (Linhu Li)
- 1808.10138
: Fractionally quantized Berry phases of magnetization plateaux in spin-1/2 Heisenberg multimer chains (Maruyama, Miyahara)
- 1808.10248
: # Many-body Chern number without integration (Kudo, Watanabe, Kariyado Hatsugai)
- 1808.10199
: Positivity of the spectral densities of retarded Floquet Green functions (Uhrig, Freericks)
- 1808.09985
: # The adiabatic theorem in a quantum many-body setting, response (Bachmann)
- 1808.10314
: Diagrammatic proof of the large $N$ melonic dominance in the SYK model, math-phys (Bonzom)
- 1808.09457
: Vestiges of Topological Phase Transitions in Kitaev Quantum Spin Liquids (E-G.Moon)
- 1808.09827
: Monte Carlo study of the discontinuous quantum phase transition in the transverse-field Ising model on the pyrochlore lattice (Wessel)
- 1808.09936
: Hundness versus Mottness in a three-band Hubbard-Hund model: on the origin of strong correlations in Hund metals (Kotliar, von Delft)
- 1808.09906
: Environment induced pre-thermalization in the Mott-Hubbard model (Queisser)
- 1808.09881
: A linear quantum simulator using superconducting qubits (Zinner)
- 1808.09812
: Quantum chaos dynamics in long-range power law interaction systems (Xiao Chen)
- 1808.09707
: An exact solution of the partition function for mean-field quantum spin systems without the static approximation (Okuyama, Ohzeki)
- 1808.09855
: Generalizations of TASEP in discrete and continuous inhomogeneous space. RSK, KPZ (Petrov)
- 1808.09901
: # An action of the free product Z2 x Z2 x Z2 on the q-Onsager algebra and its current algebra, Baseilhac (Terwilliger)
- 1808.09518
: The generalized Racah algebra as a commutant (Vinet)
- 1808.09462
: Optimal bounds on the positivity of a matrix from a few moments (Netzer)
- 1808.09886
: Notes on Scrambling in Conformal Field Theory (Lowe)
- 1808.09149
: Z2 Topological Invariant for Magnon Spin Hall Systems (Kondo, Akagi, Katsura)
- 1808.09336
: Nontrivial topological flat bands in a diamond-octagon lattice geometry (Pal)
- 1808.08965
: Higher Order Topological Phases: A General Principle of Construction (Juricic)
- 1808.09394
: Topological non-linear sigma-model, higher gauge theory, and a realization of all 3+1D topological orders for boson systems (X-G.Wen)
- 1808.09093
: Robustness of anomaly-related magnetoresistance in doped Weyl semimetals (Ishizuka, Nagaosa)
- 1808.09013
: Magnetostriction in Antiferromagnets, magneto-elastic coupling (Brataas)
- 1808.09159
: # Fractional exclusion statistics and thermodynamics of the Hubbard chain in the spin-incoherent Luttinger liquid regime (Montenegro-Filho)
- 1808.08990
: Floating phase versus chiral transition in a 1D hard-boson model, disorder line (Chepiga, Mila)
- 1808.09051
: Experimental realization of ultracold Yb-$^{7}{
m Li}$ mixtures in mixed dimensions (Y.Takahashi)
- 1808.09212
: # Spontaneous symmetry breaking in coupled Bose-Einstein condensates (Tasaki)
- 1808.09033
: The spin Drude weight of the XXZ chain and generalized hydrodynamics (Klumper, Sirker)
- 1808.09246
: Ground state energy of noninteracting fermions with a random energy spectrum (Schehr)
- 1808.09438
: Crossing Probabilities of Multiple Ising Interfaces, Pfaffian (Peltola)
- 1808.09017
: The Lieb-Thirring inequality revisited (Rupert Frank)
- 1808.08916
: Magnetism driven by fluctuations and frustration in synthetic triangular antiferromagnets with ultracold fermions in optical lattices (Yamamoto, Danshita)
- 1808.08633
: # Resonating quantum three-coloring wavefunctions for the kagome quantum antiferromagnet, flat band (Changlani)
- 1808.08505
: Nonlocal Entanglement of 1D Thermal States Induced by Fermion Exchange Statistics (J.Shim)
- 1808.08923
: Creating Floquet Chern insulators with magnetic quantum walks, Hofstadter (Asboth, Werner)
- 1808.08343
: Spontaneous symmetry breaking induced by quantum monitoring (Garcia-Pintos)
- 1808.08674
: Many-body systems with random spatially local interactions, SYK (Laumann)
- 1808.08490
: Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Dummies, Don't use Mathematica (Hanada)
- 1808.08740
: Lieb-Schultz-Mattis type theorems for quantum spin chains without continuous symmetry, Cuntz (Ogata, Tasaki)
- 1808.08351
: A power-law upper bound on the correlations in the 2D random field Ising model (Aizenman)
- 1808.08863
: (Review) Non self-adjoint operators with real spectra and extensions of quantum mechanics (Providencia)
- 1808.08908
:Quantum Monodromy in the Isotropic 3-Dimensional Harmonic Oscillator (Waalkens)
- 1808.08380
: SYK/AdS duality with Yang-Baxter deformations (Roychowdhury)
- 1808.08008
: Microscopic theory of electric polarization induced by skyrmionic order in GaV4S8 (Solovyev)
- 1808.08069
: Topological quantum quench dynamics carrying arbitrary Hopf and second-Chern numbers (M.Ezawa)
- 1808.07981
:Ising ferromagnet to valence bond solid transition in a one-dimensional spin chain - analogies to deconfined quantum critical points (Motrunich)
- 1808.07908
: Continuous bulk and interface description of topological insulators, index theorems (Bal)
- 1808.07876
: Unitary Entanglement Construction in Hierarchical Networks, graph Laplacian (Gorshkov)
- 1808.08074
: One-sided scaling limit of multicolor box-ball system (Kuniba, Lyu)
- 1808.08225
: Photonic systems with two-dimensional landscapes of complex refractive index via time-dependent supersymmetry (Contreras-Astorga)
- 1808.08062
: A note on the complex SYK model and warped CFTs, SL(2,R)xU(1) (Boyang Yu)
- 1808.07648
: Quantum Hall hierarchy from coupled wires (Fuji, Furusaki)
- 1808.07759
:Solution of the sign problem for the half filled Hubbard-Holstein model (Sorella)
- 1808.07485
: Topologically-Protected Long Edge Coherence Times in Symmetry-Broken Phases (Vasseur, Scaffidi)
- 1808.07555
: Generalization of Bloch's theorem for arbitrary boundary conditions: Interfaces and topological surface band structure (Cobanera, Ortiz, Viola)
- 1808.07777
: Quantized Dislocations, dislon (Mingda Li)
- 1808.07602
: Localization properties of Chern insulators, algebraic geometry (Kapustin)
- 1808.07862
: Pseudo topological insulators (C.Yuce)
- 1808.07654
: Stokes phenomenon and Yang-Baxter equations, KZ eq. (X.Xu)
- 1808.07783
: From Kronecker to tableau pseudo-characters in tensor models, Schur (Itoyama)
- 1808.07787
: Soliton solutions of the fermion-Skyrmion system in (2+1) dimensions (Sawado)
- 1808.07171
: Renormalization group analysis of phase transitions in the two dimensional Majorana-Hubbard model (Wamer, Affleck)
- 1808.07465
: An Adventure in Topological Phase Transitions in 3 + 1-D: Non-abelian Deconfined Quantum Criticalities and a Possible Duality (Senthil)
- 1808.07066
: Topologically protected braiding in a single wire using Floquet Majorana modes (Bauer, Refael, Berg)
- 1808.07194
: Effects of random domains on the zero Hall plateau in quantum anomalous Hall effect (C.Z.Chen)
- 1808.07056
: # Quantum field theory for the chiral clock transition in one spatial dimension, Rydberg (Sachdev)
- 1808.07225
: On the Equivalence between Spin and Charge Dynamics of the Fermi Hubbard Model, p-h tr. (Hui Zhai)
- 1808.07204
: Generating Robust Entanglement via Quantum Feedback, nonlinear (N.Yamamoto)
- 1808.07134
: Unifying fast scrambling, thermalization and entanglement through the measurement of FOTOCs in the Dicke model (A.M.Rey)
- 1808.07177
: Hamiltonian engineering for adiabatic quantum computation: Lessons from shortcuts to adiabaticity (K. Takahashi)
- 1808.07205
: Exceptional point induced lasing dynamics in a non-Hermitian system (K.L.Zhang)
- 1808.07385
: Exactly solvable deterministic lattice model of crossover between ballistic and diffusive transport (Prosen)
- 1808.07362
: Energy current manipulation and reversal of rectification in graded XXZ spin chains (de Paula)
- 1808.07367
: Infinite families of position-dependent mass Schrodinger equations with known ground and first excited states (Quesne)
- 1808.07455
: # Spectrum of Majorana Quantum Mechanics with \(O(4)^3\) Symmetry (Klebanov, Popov)
- 1808.06690
: Tunable Magnonic Thermal Hall Effect in Skyrmion Crystal Phases of Ferrimagnets (Kim, Nakata, Loss)
- 1808.06988
: The Luttinger-Kohn theory for multiband Hamiltonians: A revision of ellipticity requirements (Melnik)
- 1808.06783
: # Zero point fluctuations for magnetic spirals and Skyrmions, and the fate of the Casimir energy in the continuum limit (Doucot, Moessner)
- 1808.06947
: Exact ground states for interacting Kitaev chains (Wouters, Katsura, Schuricht)
- 1808.06963
: Topological transport in the steady state of a quantum particle with dissipation (Rudner)
- 1808.06784
: Quantum computing of zeta-regularized vacuum expectation values (Jansen)
- 1808.06644
: Percolation on Isotropically Directed Lattice, exact percolation threshold (de Noronha)
- 1808.06701
: On the order of the phase transition in the spin-1 Baxter-Wu model (Caparica)
- 1808.06702
: The three-dimensional Baxter-Wu Model (Caparica)
- 1808.06993
: A Hubbard model with integrable impurity (Klumper)
- 1808.06695
: The q-Heun operator of big q-Jacobi type and the q-Heun algebra (Baseilhac, Vinet)
- 1808.07032
: Statistical mechanics of a two-dimensional black hole, SL(2,R) (Kitaev, Suh)
- 1808.06400
: Calculating critical temperatures for ferromagnetic order in two-dimensional materials, Mermin-Wagner (Olsen)
- 1808.06346
: Plethora of Coexisting Topological Band Degeneracies in Nonsymmorphic Molecular Crystal OsOF5 (Hyungjun Lee)
- 1808.06594
:Helical metals and insulators and sheet singularity of inflated Berry monopole (Balatsky)
- 1808.06173
: Two-hole ground state wavefunction: A non-BCS pairing in a t-J system (Z-Y.Weng)
- 1808.06270
: Quantized excitation spectra by magnon confinement in quasi-one-dimensional S=1 spin systems, Airy functions (Suzuki, Suga)
- 1808.06154
: Emergent quantum criticality from spin-orbital entanglement in d8 Mott insulators: the case of a diamond lattice antiferromagnet (Gang Chen)
- 1808.05954
: Mobility edge and intermediate phase in one-dimensional incommensurate lattice potentials, Soukoulis-Economo (Das Sarma)
- 1808.06208
:Almost pure \(J_{\mathrm{eff}} = 1/2\) Mott state of In2Ir2O7 in the limit of reduced inter-site hopping (Takagi)
- 1808.05949
: Weak Measurements Limit Entanglement to Area Law (Nandkishore, Pretko)
- 1808.05953
: # Measurement-Induced Phase Transitions in the Dynamics of Entanglement, mapping to percolation (Nahum)
- 1808.06134
: Quantum Zeno Effect and the Many-body Entanglement Transition (Xiao Chen, M.P.A.Fisher)
- 1808.06073
: Partial topological Zak phase and dynamical confinement in non-Hermitian bipartite system (X.Zhang)
- 1808.06584
: Charge transport in graphene-based mesoscopic realizations of Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models (Franz)
- 1808.06279
: # The propagator of the finite XXZ spin-1/2 chain (Feher, Pozsgay)
- 1808.05926
: Classification of flat bands from irremovable discontinuities of Bloch wave functions (B-J.Yang)
- 1808.05841
: Collective excitations in spin-$\frac12$ magnets through bond-operator formalism designed both for paramagnetic and ordered phases (Syromyatnikov)
- 1808.05764
: Spin-mediated particle transport in the disordered Hubbard model (Abanin)
- 1808.05656
: Classification of symmetry-protected topological many-body localized phases in one dimension (Wahl)
- 1808.05769
: Yang-Mills Structure for Electron-Phonon Interactions (Booth)
- 1808.05880
: T-Q relations for the integrable two-species asymmetric simple exclusion process with open boundaries (Fukai Wen, de Gier)
- 1808.05808
: Condensation of non-Abelian \(SU(3)_{N_f}\) anyons in a one-dimensional fermion model (Frahm)
- 1808.05862
: Conformal invariance and the Ising model on a 3 sphere in connection with the Quantum Elemental Method, Mathematica MC (Berkowitz)
- 1808.05250
: # Origin of Magic Angles in Twisted Bilayer Graphene (Tarnopolsky, Kruchkov, Vishwanath)
- 1808.05375
: Failure of Nielsen-Ninomiya theorem and fragile topology in 2D systems with space-time inversion symmetry: application to twisted bilayer graphene at magic angle (B-J.Yang)
- 1808.05270
: Kohn-Luttinger superconductivity on two orbital honeycomb lattice (Nandkishore)
- 1808.05493
: Chiral Phonon Transport Induced by Topological Magnons (Brataas)
- 1808.05509
: Dynamic multiferroicity of a ferroelectric quantum critical point (Balatsky)
- 1808.05220
: Configuration-Controlled Many-Body Localization and the Mobility Emulsion, coexistence phase (Iadecola, Das Sarma)
- 1808.05232
: Neural-network states for the classical simulation of quantum computing (Carleo)
- 1808.05261
: The Racah algebra as a commutant and Howe duality (Vinet)
- 1808.05583
: Entanglement Dynamics in 2D CFT with Boundary: Entropic origin of JT gravity and Schwarzian QM, modular H (HErman Verlinde)
- 1808.04825
: # Hierarchical Majoranas in a Programmable Nanowire Network (Iadecola, Chamon, Mudry)
- 1808.04826
: Orbital currents in insulating and doped antiferromagnets (Sachdev)
- 1808.04861
: Interplay of uniform U(1) quantum spin liquid and magnetic phases in rare earth pyrochlore magnets : a fermionic parton approach (S.Bhattacharjee)
- 1808.04997
: Ground state with nonzero spontaneous magnetization of the two-dimensional spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet with frustration (Sakai, Nakano)
- 1808.05048
: Factorizations of Quantum Channels (Levick)
- 1808.04889
: Operator Spreading in Quantum Maps (Devakul, Sondhi)
- 1808.05009
: Fast algorithm for generating random bit strings and multispin coding for directed percolation (Todo, Kawashima)
- 1808.05146
:Semi-classical analysis of distinct square partitions, Ramanujan-Hardy (Brack)
- 1808.04529
: # Simulating topological tensor networks with Majorana qubits (Egger, Eisert, Altland)
- 1808.04641
: Engineering the spin couplings in atomically crafted spin chains on an elemental superconductor (Kampapure)
- 1808.04731
: Emergent symmetry at a transition between intertwined orders in a S=1 magnet (Kaul)
- 1808.04599
: Experimental Determination of Bose-Hubbard Energies (Y.Takahashi)
- 1808.04666
: Adiabatic quantum simulations with driven superconducting qubits, Lindblad (Roth)
- 1808.04471
: Measuring Fermionic Entanglement - Entropy and Negativity (Sela, M.Goldstein)
- 1808.04374
: (Review) Integrability as Duality: the Gauge/YBE Correspondence (Yamazaki)
- 1808.04380
: Walking, Weak first-order transitions, and Complex CFTs II. Two-dimensional Potts model at Q \ge 4 (Rychkov)
- 1808.03653
: Signatures of correlated magnetic phases in the local two-particle density matrix (Huber, Punk)
- 1808.03650
: Inverse proximity effect in an s-wave superconductor coupled to a topological insulator (Linder)
- 1808.03966
: Quantum Phases in Resonantly Driven Fermi Hubbard Model (N.Sun)
- 1808.03861
: Dilaton in a cold Fermi gas (Semenoff)
- 1808.04158
: Correlation functions for a spin-1/2 Ising-XYZ diamond chain: Further evidence for quasi-phases and pseudo-transitions (Derzhko)
- 1808.03913
: Charged solitons in branched conducting polymers, Y-junction
- 1808.04354
: Dynamics of solitons to a nonlinear quantum walks (Segawa)
- 1808.04034
: Lifshitz Scaling, Microstate Counting from Number Theory and Black Hole Entropy (Fabio Novaes)
- 1808.03962
: Generalized Dirac Oscillators with position-dependent mass (C-L.Ho)
- 1808.03309
: Braidonium: a braiding quantum circuit based on the $4\pi$ Josephson effect (Stenger)
- 1808.03409
: Encoding Quantum Mechanics into Pentagonal Geometries for Discovering Novel Two-Dimensional Materials (H.Zhuang)
- 1808.03419
: (De)localization of Fermions in Correlated-Spin Background (Ichinose, Matsui)
- 1808.03560
: Emergence of topological Mott insulators in proximity of quadratic band touching points (I.Mandal)
- 1808.03569
: Exact non-equilibrium full counting statistics and proof of dynamical Jarzynski equality for Luttinger liquid tunnel junction (Skorobagatko)
- 1808.03479
: Reducibility and irreducibility of open quantum random walks: A quantum Markov chain approach (H.J.Yoo)
- 1808.03547
: Quasi-exactly solvable quantum systems with explicitly time-dependent Hamiltonians (Fring)
- 1808.03295
: Revisiting the computation of cohomology classes of the Witt algebra using conformal field theory and aspects of conformal algebra (Bakeberg)
- 1808.03127
: Ground-state phase diagram of the Kitaev-Heisenberg model on a kagome lattice (Morita, Tohyama)
- 1808.03176
: Floquet engineering in superconducting circuits: from arbitrary spin-spin interactions to the Kitaev honeycomb model (Hartmann)
- 1808.03179
: Exciton-polariton topological insulator (Klembt)
- 1808.03025
: Topological bosonic states on ribbons of honeycomb lattice (H.Guo)
- 1808.02892
: A Game of Surface Codes: Large-Scale Quantum Computing with Lattice Surgery (Litinski)
- 1808.03182
: Jointly constrained semidefinite bilinear programming with an application to Dobrushin curves (Koenig)
- 1808.02898
: Effective Field Theory for Chaotic CFTs (Haehl)
- 1808.02219
: Frustrated Magnetism of Pharmacosiderite Comprising Tetrahedral Clusters Arranged in the Primitive Cubic Lattice (Hiroi)
- 1808.02043
: Thermodynamic properties of the Shastry-Sutherland model from quantum Monte Carlo simulations (Mila, Honecker)
- 1808.02428
: Emergence of a quantum coherent state at the border of ferroelectricity (Saxena)
- 1808.02069
: # Generalized Transfer Matrix States from Artificial Neural Networks, AKLT (Budich)
- 1808.02425
: Woven Nematic Defects, Skyrmions and the Abelian Sandpile Model (Machon)
- 1808.02419
: The largest real eigenvalue in the real Ginibre ensemble and its relation to the nonlinear Schrodinger (Bothner)
- 1808.02046
: Directed Random Geometric Graphs (Movassagh)
- 1808.02159
: Connections Between Complex PT-Invariant Solutions and Complex Periodic Solutions of Several Nonlinear Equations (Khare, Saxena)
- 1808.02132
: Correlation Functions of Classical and Quantum Artin System defined on Labachevsky Plane and Scrambling Time (Babujian)
- 1808.02038
: Scrambling in the Dicke model (Aravirad)
- 1808.01568
: Multiple topological transitions in twisted bilayer graphene near the first magic angle (Xiao Chen, Balents)
- 1808.01811
: Field theory for amorphous solids (DeGiuli)
- 1808.01283
: Winding up quantum spin helices: How avoided level crossings exile classical topological protection (Posske)
- 1808.01765
: Thermal Hall Conductivity in Superconducting Phase on Kagome Lattice (Imai)
- 1808.01314
: # Impenetrable SU(N) fermions in one-dimensional lattices, Ogata-Shiba (Rigol)
- 1808.01582
: Quantum annealing of the p-spin model under inhomogeneous transverse field driving (Lidar, Nishimori)
- 1808.01734
: # Approximation algorithms for quantum many-body problems, Richardson (Bravyi, Gosset)
- 1808.01866
: # Coloured stochastic vertex models and their spectral theory, F-basis (Borodin, Wheeler)
- 1808.01585
: Critical exponents of nonlinear sigma model on Grassmann manifold U(N)/U(m)U(N-m) by 1/N expansion (Da Wang)
- 1808.01759
: Counting Feynman diagrams via many-body relations (Kugler)
- 1808.01090
: Ground-State Phase Diagram of an Anisotropic S=1/2 Ladder with Different Leg Interactions (Tonegawa, Hikihara)
- 1808.01250
: # Stark many-body localization (Hooley, Pollmann)
- 1808.01256
: Robustness of energy landscape control for spin networks under decoherence, Lindblad (Langbein)
- 1808.00976
: Continuous Tensor Network States for Quantum Fields (Tilloy, Cirac)
- 1808.01193
: Asymptotics of partition functions in a fermionic matrix model and of related q-polynomials (Dai)
- 1808.01190
: Crossing the chaos bound in SYK-like models, N=1 SUSY (Marcus)
- 1808.00471
: From Bloch Oscillations to Many Body Localization in Clean Interacting Systems, Wannier-Stark (Refael)
- 1808.00718
: Quantum selection for spin systems, order-by-disorder (Deleporte)
- 1808.00633
: # Principal Chiral Model in Correlated Electron Systems (Batista)
- 1808.00654
: Cluster-Based Haldane States in Spin-1/2 Cluster Chains (Sugimoto, Morita, Tohyama)
- 1808.00680
: A universal tensor network algorithm for any infinite lattice (Orus)
- 1808.00463
: Observation of a chiral spin liquid phase of the Hubbard model on the triangular lattice, DMRG (Zaletel, Moore)
- 1808.00936
: Solution of the time dependent Schrodinger equation leading to the Fowler-Nordheim electron emission (Lebowitz)
- 1808.00696
: # The Perfect State Transfer Graph Limbo (Kay)
- 1808.00541
: Mimicking black hole event horizons in atomic and solid-state systems (Franz, Rozali)
- 1808.00612
:d-dimensional SYK, AdS Loops, and 6j Symbols (Rosenhaus)
- 1808.00405
: Fermi Surface Volume of Interacting Systems (Shastry)
- 1808.00324
: Filling constraints on fermionic topological order in zero magnetic field, LSMHO (Meng Cheng)
- 1808.00030
: Few-mode geometric description of driven-dissipative phase transition in an open quantum system (Krimer)
- 1808.00408
: Geometry of energy landscapes and the optimizability of deep neural networks (A.A.Lee)
- 1808.00132
: Interaction of domain walls and vortices in the two-dimensional O(2) and O(3) principal chiral models, BKT (Sorokin)
- 1808.00153
: The Heun operator of Hahn type (Vinet)
- 1808.00446
: # Entanglement negativity and minimal entanglement wedge cross sections in holographic theories, tensor (Ryu)
- 1808.00444
: String tension and robustness of confinement properties of in the Schwinger-Thirring model, lattice (Trombettoni)
: Pseudoparticle approach to 1D integrable quantum models (Carmelo, Sacramento)
- 1807.11636
: (Review) Ultrastrong coupling between light and matter (Nori)
- 1807.11572
: On quantum separation of variables (Maillet, Niccoli)
- 1807.11666
: Collective modes of vortex lattices in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates under synthetic gauge fields (Yoshino, Furukawa)
- 1807.11600
: Nanomechanical ground-state cooling with N spins (Montenegro)
- 1807.11486
: Scale-Invariant Continuous Entanglement Renormalization of a Chern Insulator, cMERA (Gorshkov)
- 1807.11683
: Fluctuation theorem for quantum-state statistics (Tsuji, Ueda)
- 1807.11512
: # Walking, Weak first-order transitions, and Complex CFTs (Rychkov)
Hosho Katsura's arXiv