March 2018
MathJax demonstration
\frac{\pi}{2} =
\left( \int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{\sin x}{\sqrt{x}} dx \right)^2 =
\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{(2k)!}{2^{2k}(k!)^2} \frac{1}{2k+1} =
\prod_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{4k^2}{4k^2 - 1}
- 1803.10969
: Dynamical Signature of Symmetry Fractionalization in Frustrated Magnets (GY.Sun)
- 1803.10970
: Diagnosing Fractionalization from the Spin Dynamics of Z2 Spin Liquids on the Kagome by QMC (Wessel)
- 1803.10776
: Unidirectional Magnon-Driven Domain Wall Motion due to Interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction (K-W.Kim)
- 1803.11190
: Unconventional superconductivity in nearly flat bands in twisted bilayer graphene (B.Roy)
- 1803.10934
: Effective field theory of a vortex lattice in a bosonic superfluid (DT.Son)
- 1803.11180
: Lindblad-Floquet description of finite-time quantum heat engines (Karevski)
- 1803.10908
: # Matrix Product Operators for Sequence to Sequence Learning (Poletti)
- 1803.11000
: Anyons from Three-Body Hard-Core Interactions in One Dimension, braid (Harshman)
- 1803.11120
: Hyperbolic vortices and Dirac fields in 2+1 dimensions (H.Ross)
- 1803.10793
: Lightcone Effective Hamiltonians and RG Flows, non-renormalization of the vacuum (Vitale)
- 1803.10772
: # Disentangling Scrambling and Decoherence via Quantum Teleportation (Yoshida, Yao)
- 1803.10388
: Quasi-1D Bose-Einstein Condensation in the Spin-1/2 Ferromagnetic-leg Ladder 3-I-V (Sakakibara)
- 1803.10489
: Massless surface wave (Todoshchenko)
- 1803.10296
: Quantum Machine Learning for Electronic Structure Calculations (Xia, Kais)
- 1803.10658
: The Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis and Out of Time Order Correlators (Kurchan)
- 1803.10356
: Maxwell-Sylvester Multipoles and the Geometric Theory of Irreducible Tensor Operators of Quantum Spin Systems (P.Bruno)
- 1803.10301
: Correlation Functions as Nests of Self-Avoiding Paths (Bogoliubov)
- 1803.10223
: Generalized Riemann Hypothesis and Stochastic Time Series (Mussardo, LeClair)
- 1803.09115
: The Vollhardt crossing point at high magnetic field (Stishov)
- 1803.09742
: Origin of Mott insulating behavior and superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene (Vishwanath, Senthil)
- 1803.08922
: Majorana Corner Modes in a Second-Order Kitaev Spin Liquid (Trebst)
- 1803.10217
: Exact description of the boundary theory of the Kitaev Toric Code with open boundary conditions (Cheipesh)
- 1803.09855
: Tunable topological Nernst effect in 2D transition metal dichalcogenides (Sharma)
- 1803.09441
: Rigorous Results for the Ground States of the Spin-2 Bose-Hubbard Model (Yang, Katsura)
- 1803.09143
: Spin Squeezing in Symmetric Multiqubit States with two distinct Majorana spinors (Sudha)
- 1803.09842
: # Entanglement spectrum of mixed states (Evert van Nieuwenburg)
- 1803.09954
: Quantum speedup in stoquastic adiabatic quantum computation (K.Fujii)
- 1803.09780
: Bridging Many-Body Quantum Physics and Deep Learning via Tensor Networks (Y.Levine)
- 1803.09755
: Full Counting Statistics in the Transverse Field Ising Chain (Essler, Calabrese)
- 1803.09564
: Absence of ballistic charge transport in the half-filled 1D Hubbard model (Carmelo, Prosen)
- 1803.10012
: Dominos in hedgehog domains (Russkikh)
- 1803.09417
: Periodic Anderson model meets Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev interaction: A solvable playground for heavy fermion physics (Y.Zhong)
- 1803.09495
: Symmetry Breaking and Lattice Kirigami, curved manifold (A.Flach)
- 1803.09753
: The holographic interpretation of \(J \bar T\)-deformed CFTs (Guica)
- 1803.08523
: Imaging the Wigner Crystal of Electrons in One Dimension (Zarand)
- 1803.08799
: Graphite, graphene and the flat band superconductivity (Volovik)
- 1803.08892
: Direct observation of incommensurate magnetism in Hubbard chains (Bloch)
- 1803.08514
: Phenomenology of a First Order Dark State Phase Transition (Diehl)
- 1803.08566
: Finite Correlation Length Scaling in Lorentz-Invariant Gapless iPEPS Wave Functions (Lauchli)
- 1803.08823
: # (Review) A high-bias, low-variance introduction to Machine Learning for physicists (Mehta)
- 1803.08519
: Stability of Disordered Floquet Topological Phases, free probability theory (Movassagh)
- 1803.08122
: Statistical diagonalization of a random biased Hamiltonian: the case of the eigenvectors (Ithier)
- 1803.08883
: Fermionic Entanglement in Superconducting Systems (Rossignoli)
- 1803.08659
: On the semigroup generated by the renormalized Nelson Hamiltonian (Miyao)
- 1803.08057
: Topological Superconductivity in Twisted Multilayer Graphene, flat bands (Xu, Balents)
- 1803.08077
: Evidence for a topological "exciton Fermi sea" in bilayer graphene (Zaletel, Papic)
- 1803.08398
: Field induced magnon excitation and in gap absorption of Kitaev candidate RuCl3, Bolens cited (L.Shi)
- 1803.08385
: Ground-state and thermodynamic properties of an S=1 Kitaev model, ED (Koga, Nasu)
- 1803.08480
: A discrete energy space induced fermion parity breaking fixed point of the Kondo model (Schmitteckert)
- 1803.08156
: Quantum glass of interacting bosons with off-diagonal disorder, hopping (Kopec)
- 1803.08220
: # Matrix Product States for Quantum Stochastic Modelling (C.Yang)
- 1803.08321
: Quenches near Ising quantum criticality as a challenge for artificial neural networks (Czischek)
- 1803.08445
: Finite correlation length scaling with infinite projected entangled-pair states (Corboz)
- 1803.08050
: Onset of Random Matrix Behavior in Scrambling Systems, XXZ (Hanada, Shenker, Tezuka)
- 1803.08483
: Finite-Temperature Scrambling of a Random Hamiltonian (Vishwanath)
- 1803.08275
: Matrix Product representation of the stationary state of the open Zero Range Process (Vanicat)
- 1803.08120
: Stochastic PDE Limit of the Six Vertex Model (Corwin)
- 1803.08003
: Towards a Particle-Number Conserving Theory of Majorana Zero Modes in p+ip Superfluids (Leggett)
- 1803.07786
: Z4 Topological Superconductor UCoGe (Daido, Yanase)
- 1801.10149
: Theory of Disordered \(\nu\) = 5/2 Quantum Thermal Hall State: Emergent Symmetry and Phase Diagram (Lian, Wang)
- 1803.07987
: Heat transport via a local two-state system near thermal equilibrium, Lindblad (Kato, Saito)
- 1803.07565
: Simulating one-dimensional systems with stationary Rydberg dark polaritons, TL (Pimenta)
- 1803.07918
: Bosonic Szilard Engine Assisted by Feshbach Resonances, Bethe ansatz (Reimann)
- 1803.07566
: The Picard-Fuchs equation in classical and quantum physics: Application to higher-order WKB method (Kreshchuk)
- 1803.07723
: Poisson sigma model and semiclassical quantization of integrable systems, Kontsevich's star product (Reshetikhin)
- 1803.07081
: Emergent spin-$1$ Haldane gap and ferroelectricity in a frustrated spin-1/2 ladder (Ueda, Onoda, Yasui)
- 1803.07359
: Conductance of fractional Luttinger liquids at finite temperatures (Loss, Klinovaja)
- 1803.07279
: Spin-orbit-coupled ferroelectric superconductivity (Kanasugi, Yanase)
- 1803.07364
: Coupled Kohn-Sham equations for electrons and phonons, Bogoliubov tr. (Sharma)
- 1803.07119
: # Supervised learning of time-independent Hamiltonians for gate design (Bose)
- 1803.07128
: Quantum machine learning in feature Hilbert spaces (Schuld)
- 1803.07197
: # Family of Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models motivated by experimental considerations (Franz)
- 1803.07500
: Z2 boundary twist fields and the moduli space of D-branes, CFT (Mattiello)
- 1803.06349
: # Two-Dimensional Dirac Nodal-Loop Magnons in Collinear Antiferromagnets (Owerre)
- 1803.06364
: Conversion rules for Weyl points and nodal lines in topological media (S-C.Zhang)
- 1803.06993
: Superconductivity at low density near a ferroelectric quantum critical point: doped SrTiO (Balatsky)
- 1803.06504
: Superconductivity without inversion and time-reversal symmetries (Sigrist)
- 1803.06558
: Insensitivity of bulk properties to the twisted boundary condition (H.Watanabe)
- 1803.06485
: Impact of Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya Interactions and Tilts of the g Tensors on the Magnetization Process of a Spherical Kagome Cluster (Fukumoto)
- 1803.06575
: Dynamics of a Lattice Gauge Theory with Fermionic Matter -- Minimal Quantum Simulator with Time-Dependent Impurities in Ultracold Gases (Mossner, Knolle)
- 1803.06574
: Dynamical Localization in Z2 Lattice Gauge Theories (Knolle, Moessner)
- 1803.06812
: # Quantifying the effect of interactions in quantum many-body systems (Pachos, Papic)
- 1803.07039
: Batched quantum state exponentiation and quantum Hebbian learning (Bromley)
- 1803.06682
: Supervised learning magnetic skyrmion phases (Iakovlev)
- 1803.06624
: Blind quantum computing can always be made verifiable, Kitaev history (Morimae)
- 1803.06474
: Finite-Size Scaling Regarding Interaction in the Many-Body Localization Transition, XXZ (Kudo, Deguchi)
- 1803.06819
: Generalized Hermite polynomials and monodromy-free Schrodinger operators, SUSY QM (Novokshenov)
- 1803.06491
: Solutions of the \(U_q(\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}}_N)\) reflection equations, Bazhanov-Jimbo (Regelskis)
- 1803.06829
: Exact confirmation of 1D nonlinear fluctuating hydrodynamics for a two-species exclusion process (de Gier, Sasamoto)
- 1803.06202
: Thermodynamics of the kagome-lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet with arbitrary spin S (Richter)
- 1803.06331
: Measurement of the Dynamical Structure Factor of a 1D Interacting Fermi Gas (Giamarchi)
- 1803.06326
: Unified Phase Diagram of Antiferromagnetic SU(N) Spin Ladders (Lecheminant, Tsvelik)
- 1803.06279
: # On the uniqueness of the steady-state solution of the Lindblad-... equation (Nigro)
- 1803.06111
: Vulnerability of Deep Learning, RG (Kenway)
- 1803.06196
: Baxter operator and Baxter equation for q-Toda and Toda2 chains (Babelon, Pasquier)
- 1803.06006
: Synchronization and Stability for Quantum Kuramoto, special solutions (DeVille)
- 1803.05921
: Thermodynamics of bosonic systems in adS spacetime, SSD? (Molina)
- 1803.05557
: # Discovery of Emergent Photon and Monopoles in a Quantum Spin Liquid (Tokiwa, Nakatsuji, Matsuda)
- 1803.05451
: Dynamics of Majorana-based qubits operated with an array of tunable gates (Bauer, Alicea)
- 1803.05886
: Universal quantum computing with parafermions assisted by a half fluxon (Meng Cheng)
- 1803.05839
: Metallic state in bosonic systems with continuously degenerate minima, RAshba-Luttinger (Kun Yang)
- 1803.05597
: Tuning a random field mechanism in a frustrated magnet (Vojta, Narayanan)
- 1803.05486
: Quantum Entanglement In Inhomogeneous 1D Systems, rainbow (Ramirez)
- 1803.05609
: Hydrodynamic Limit of the Inhomogeneous \(\ell\)-TASEP with Open Boundaries, hard-rods (Song)
- 1803.05632
: Orientational ordering of closely packed Janus particles (Mitsumoto, Yoshino)
- 1803.05498
: Computational complexity of the avalanche problem on one dimensional Kadanoff sandpiles (Kevin)
- 1803.05813
: The Toda2 chain (Babelon, Kozlowski, Pasquier)
- 1803.05423
: Distinguishing topological Majorana zero modes from trivial Andreev bound states: Proposed tests through differential tunneling conductance spectroscopy (Sau, Das Sarma)
- 1803.05395
: Shift-invert diagonalization of large many-body localizing spin chains (Alet)
- 1803.05111
: Photoinduced High-Frequency Charge Oscillations in Dimerized Systems (Yonemitsu)
- 1803.05293
: Topologically protected edge states in small Rydberg systems (Weber)
- 1803.05358
: Effective spin-spin interactions in bilayers of Rydberg atoms and polar molecules (Kuznetsova)
- 1803.05047
: Canonical forms for single-qutrit Clifford+T operators (Ross)
- 1803.05359
: Lie-algebraic classification of effective theories with enhanced soft limits (Brauner)
- 1803.04993
: # Notes on Some Entanglement Properties of Quantum Field Theory (Witten)
- 1803.05418
: The DOZZ Formula from the Path Integral (Kupiainen)
- 1803.04767
: SU(3) Quantum Spin Ladders as a Regularization of the CP(2) Model at Non-Zero Density (Wiese)
- 1803.04871
: Anisotropic susceptibilities in the honeycomb Kitaev system \(\alpha\)-RuCl3 (Rachel)
- 1803.04887
: Sub-gap optical response across the structural phase transition in van der Waals layered \(\alpha\)-RuCl3 (Loidl)
- 1803.04588
: Electrical detection of a skyrmion in a magnetic tunneling junction (Hamamoto, Nagaosa)
- 1803.04602
: Spin Seebeck effect in a simple ferromagnet near Tc: A Ginzburg-Landau approach (Adachi, Ichioka)
- 1803.04791
: Genesis of the Floquet Hofstadter butterfly (Morais Smith)
- 1803.04429
: # Rotation symmetry enforced coupling of spin and angular-momentum for p-orbital bosons (Xiaopeng Li)
- 1803.04426
: Mott glass from localization and confinement, Schwinger model (Nandkishore)
- 1803.04530
: Phase transitions and magnetization of the mixed-spin Ising-Heisenberg double sawtooth frustrated ladder, spin star (Zad)
- 1803.04846l
: Quench Dynamics of the Gaudin-Yang Mode (Andrei)
- 1803.04647
: On symplectic eigenvalues of positive definite matrices (Bhatia)
- 1803.04471
: Tensor and Matrix models: a one-night stand or a lifetime romance?, SYK, Littlewood-Richardson (Diaz)
- 1803.04404
: Spatio-temporal dynamics of shift current pumping by femtosecond light pulse (Ishizuka, Nagaosa)
- 1803.04116
: Tunable two-dimensional Dirac nodal nets in non-symmorphic Compounds (Tsymbal)
- 1803.03989
: Classical ground states, spin-wave and PCUT analysis of H\(_2\)SQ system, Chern-Nagaosa
- 1803.03841
: Spectral statistics in spatially extended chaotic quantum many-body systems (De Luca, Chalker)
- 1803.04380
: Non-analytic behavior of the Loschmidt echo in XXZ spin chains: exact results (Pozsgay, Vernier)
- 1803.03935
: Duality and ground-state phase diagram for the quantum XYZ model with arbitrary spin $s$ in one spatial dimension (H-Q.Zhou)
- 1803.03726
: A new route to finding bounds on the spectrum of many physical operators, continuum (Milton)
- 1803.04122
: Symmetry Transition Preserving Chirality in QCD: A Versatile Random Matrix Model (Kanazawa)
- 1803.03515
: Ultralow-temperature heat transport in the quantum spin liquid candidate Ca10Cr7O28 with bilayer kagome lattice (S.Y.Li)
- 1803.03609
: Thermoelectric performance of topological boundary modes, SSH (Schaller)
- 1803.03267
: # Resonating valence bonds and spinon pairing in the Dicke model (GAnesh, Baskaran)
- 1803.03552
: Effective fluctuation and response theory, pistachio shell (Polettini, Esposito)
- 1803.03636
: Spin systems from loop soups, reflection positivity (Lis)
- 1803.03612
: Supersymmetric integrable theories from no particle production, BulloughDodd (Trancanelli)
- 1803.03424
: Gravitational lensing by eigenvalue distributions of random matrix models (Alonso)
- 1803.02997
: Quantum transport in coupled Majorana box systems (Egger)
- 1803.03165
: First-principles study of spin-wave dispersion in Sm(FeCo)12 (Miyake)
- 1803.03174
: Study of supersolidity in the two-dimensional Hubbard-Holstein model, effective model (Ghosh)
- 1803.03101
: Rigorous decoupling between edge states in frustrated spin chains and ladders (Chepiga, Mila)
- 1803.02838
: Beyond many-body localized states in a spin-disordered Hubbard model with pseudo-spin symmetry (Clark)
- 1803.02874
: Entanglement in a dephasing model and many-body localization (Znidaric)
- 1803.03181
: Quantum Interactions of Topological Solitons from Electrodynamics (Shimada, Takahashi)
- 1803.03068
: Anomaly Induced Transport in Boundary Quantum Field Theories (R-X.Miao)
- 1803.02608
: Multiferroicity of CuCrO2 tested by ESR (Svistov)
- 1803.02369
: Subsystem symmetry protected topological order (Devakul, Sondhi)
- 1803.02636
: Topological invariants in dissipative extensions of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model (Dangel)
- 1803.02637
: # Proof of the absence of local conserved quantities in the XYZ chain with a magnetic field (N.Shiraishi)
- 1803.02679
: Inner Product of Irreducible Finite-dimensional Representations of Classical Groups, HWS (Shou)
- 1803.02356
: Complexity Functionals and Complexity Growth Limits in Continuous MERA Circuits (Molina)
- 1803.01955
: Multi-spinon and holon excitations probed by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering on doped 1D AFM, t-J, RIXS (Dagotto)
- 1803.02041
: Numerical Investigations of SO(4) Emergent Extended Symmetry in Spin-1/2 Heisenberg Antiferromagnetic Chains (Sandvik)
- 1803.02001
: Quantum criticality in the metal-superconductor transition of interacting Dirac fermions on a triangular lattice (Otsuka, Yunoki)
- 1803.02173
: Braiding Majorana zero modes in spin space: from worldline to worldribbon (Xin Liu)
- 1803.01959
: # Compact Discrete Breathers on Flat Band Networks (Flach)
- 1803.01876
: Edge states and topological invariants of non-Hermitian systems (S.Yao)
- 1803.02118
: Neural Network Operations and Suzuki-Trotter evolution of Neural Network States (Freitas)
- 1803.02047
: Observation of topological phenomena in a programmable lattice of 1,800 qubits (D-wave)
- 1803.02328
: Hidden Symmetries in Real and Theoretical Networks, graph theory, automorphism (Smith, Webb)
- 1803.02223
: (Review) Review of the Onsager "Ideal Turbulence" Theory (Eyink)
- 1803.01950
: (Review) Yang-Mills for probabilists (Chatterjee)
- 1803.01864
: Mott transition and Hubbard Model in Holography (Song)
- 1803.01515
: # Topological excitations in the ferromagnetic Kitaev-Heisenberg model, magnon (Joshi)
- 1803.01011
: Dynamics of Kitaev spin liquid in a local magnetic field: Emergent Kondo physics and phase transition (Wei Chen)
- 1803.01309
: Hydrodynamics and topological spin currents in amorphous magnets, average out (Tserkovnyak)
- 1803.01543
: Neel- and Bloch-Type Magnetic Vortices in Rashba Metals (Hayami, Motome)
- 1803.01035
: Machine Learning Entanglement Freedom Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Linear Regression, parafermions (Meichanetzidis)
- 1803.01205
: Machine Learning of Frustrated Classical Spin Models. II. Kernel Principal Component Analysis (Wang, Zhai)
- 1803.01635
: Exact Ground States of the Extended Hubbard Model on the Kagome lattice (Nakamura, Nishimoto)
- 1803.01158
: Quench dynamics of the Ising field theory in a magnetic field (Kormos, Takacs)
- 1803.01348
: Even and odd normalized zero modes in random interacting Majorana models respecting Parity and Time-Reversal-Symmetry (Monthus)
- 1803.01586
: Tetrahedron equation and quantum R matrices for q-oscillator representations mixing particles and holes (Kuniba)
- 1803.01404
: Fractalized Metals, gapless (Agarwala)
- 1803.01411
: Topological Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Model (Zhang, Zhai)
- 1803.00999
: Spinon Fermi surface in a cluster Mott insulator model on a triangular lattice and possible application to 1T-TaS2 (GAng Chen, P.A.Lee)
- 1803.00601
: Classical and quantum spin dynamics of the honeycomb \(\Gamma\) model (Yamaji, Batista)
- 1803.00578
: Exotic Z2 Symmetry Breaking Transitions in 2D Correlated Systems, c=1 (E.G.Moon)
- 1803.00975
: Entangled Pauli Principles: the DNA of Quantum Hall Fluids (Ortiz, Nussinov)
- 1803.00813
: Lifetime of flatband states (Franco Nori)
- 1803.00935
: Breakdown of the Wiedemann-Franz law in a unitary Fermi gas (Esslinger)
- 1803.00970
: # p-Orbital Superfluid with \(S^5\) Manifold (Piers Coleman)
- 1803.00665
: Quantum coarse-grained entropy and thermalization in closed systems, inequality (Deutsch)
- 1803.00735
: A Quantum N-Queens Solver, Hubbard-type model? (Lechner)
- 1803.00745
: Quantum Circuit Learning (Negoro, Fujii)
- 1803.00696
: Qutrit ZX-calculus is Complete for Stabilizer Quantum Mechanics, Z3 graph states (Q.Wang)
- 1803.00887
: Power series solution of the inhomogeneous exclusion process, TASEP, determinant (Nossan)
- 1803.00726
: Pentagram maps and refactorization in Poisson-Lie groups, cluster algebra (Izosimov)
- 1803.00193
: Magnetic field-induced evolution of intertwined orders in the Kitaev magnet \(\beta\)-Li2IrO3 (Perkins)
- 1803.00013
: Heat capacity from local moments in frustrated disordered quantum spin systems, DM (P.A.Lee)
- 1803.00217
: Theory of Orbital Magnetic Quadrupole Moment and Magnetoelectric Susceptibility (Shitade)
- 1803.00544
: Boundary spin polarization as robust signature of topological phase transition in Majorana nanowires (Loss, Klinovaja)
- 1803.00145
: Critical behavior of magnetization in URhAl:Quasi-two-dimensional Ising system with long-range interactions (Tateiwa)
- 1803.00023
: Criteria for protected edge modes with Z2 symmetry (Heinrich, Levin)
- 1803.00249
: # (Review) Topological Bands for Ultracold Atoms (Cooper, Dalibard)
- 1803.00026
: Efficient unitary preparation of non-trivial quantum states (T.Hsieh)
- 1803.00019
: Floquet Quantum Criticality (Parameswaran, Vasseur)
- 1803.00089
: Coarse-grained dynamics of operator and state entanglement (Huse, Nahm)
- 1803.00109
: Asymptotics of quantum channels: application to matrix product states (Albert)
- 1803.00103
: (Short review) Nested Algebraic Bethe Ansatz in integrable models: recent results (Slavnov)
- 1803.00480
: # Duality relation between 3D Massive Thirring and Maxwell Chern-Simons models from 2D bosonization (Gomes)
- 1803.00381
: Dynamics of vortices in chiral media: the chiral propulsion effect, Hirota eq. (Hirono, Kharzeev)
- 1802.10095
: Topological Magnon Phase Transition Without Gap Closing (Owerre)
- 1802.10258
: The effects of thermal and correlated noise on magnons in a quantum ferromagnet (Martin-Delgado)
- 1802.10281
: # Spin-1 bilinear-biquadratic model on star lattice (Lee, Kawashima)
- 1802.10322
: Thermal Drag, coupled fermionic chains (Bhandari)
- 1802.10100
: Hall viscosity and geometric response in the Chern-Simons matrix model of the Laughlin states, SU(1,1) (Lapa, Hughes)
- 1802.10522
: Universal two-time correlations, OTOC and Leggett-Garg inequality violation by edge Majorana fermion qubits
- 1802.10579
: Renormalization group analysis for the quasi-1D superconductor BaFe2S3 (Tsvelik, Coleman)
- 1802.10130
: Phases of \({\cal N}=1\) Theories in 2+1 Dimensions (Komargodski)
- 1802.10263
: # On the Spectra of Eigenstates in Fermionic Tensor Quantum Mechanics (Klebanov)
Hosho Katsura's arXiv