December 2017
MathJax demonstration
\frac{\pi}{2} =
\left( \int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{\sin x}{\sqrt{x}} dx \right)^2 =
\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{(2k)!}{2^{2k}(k!)^2} \frac{1}{2k+1} =
\prod_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{4k^2}{4k^2 - 1}
- 1712.09904
: # Analytic ground state wavefunctions of mean-field \(p_x + ip_y\) superconductors with vortices and boundaries, frustration-free (Wang, Hazzard)
- 1712.09375
: # Integrability and duality in spin chains, Richardson-Gaudin-Kitaev, sl(2,R) (Caux, Gritsev)
- 1712.09801
: # Topological magnon bands in the zigzag and stripy phases of AFM honeycomb lattice, Kramers pair (K-H.Lee)
- 1712.09512
: Finite temperature magnon spectra in yttrium iron garnet from mean field approach in tight-binding model (Ka Shen)
- 1712.09918
: Effective description of domain wall strings (Ar.Abanov)
- 1712.09490
: Quantum Hall states observed in thin films of Dirac semimetal Cd3As2 (Nagaosa, Tokura, Kawasaki)
- 1712.09409
: Multiferroicity in the frustrated spinel cuprate GeCu2O4 (Komarek)
- 1712.09412
: # Semigroup Approach to the Sign Problem in Quantum Monte Carlo Simultions (Z-C.Wei)
- 1712.09965
: Optical conductivity of a quantum gas, experiment (Thywissen)
- 1712.09671
: Dissipation-induced anomalous multicritical phenomena (Chitra, Zilberberg)
- 1712.09902
: Dynamics of open quantum systems by interpolation of von Neumann and classical master equations, and its application to quantum annealing (Kadowaki)
- 1712.09373
: Singular behavior of Lyapunov exponents and the weak disorder limit in statistical mechanics, McCoy-Wu (Comets)
- 1712.09651
: Integrable lattice spin models from supersymmetric dualities, Yang-Baxter (Gahramanov)
- 1712.09823
: Conformal Quantum Mechanics and Sine-Square Deformation (Tada)
- 1712.09898
: SU(2|1) supersymmetric mechanics on curved spaces, WDVV eq. (Lechtenfeld)
- 1712.09974
: Massive Nambu-Goldstone Fermions and Bosons for Non-relativistic Superconformal Symmetry: Jackiw-Pi Vortices in a Trap (Nitta, Ohashi)
- 1712.09361
: Mixed global anomalies and boundary conformal field theories, WW, SPT (Numasawa, Yamaguchi)
- 1712.09542
: On gauging finite subgroups (Tachikawa)
- 1712.09050
: Interlayer Coupling Effect on a Bilayer Kitaev Model (Nasu, Koga)
- 1712.08975
: Frustrated Kondo chains and glassy magnetic phases on the pyrochlore lattice (G-W.Chern)
- 1712.08775
: # Note on Green Function Formalism and Topological Invariants (Y,Zhou)
- 1712.08969
: Mean Field Residual Networks: On the Edge of Chaos, MNIST, inequalities (G.Yang)
- 1712.09200
: Quantum Walks on Graphs of the Ordered 2-Hamming Scheme, Spin Networks, Krawtchouk (Tsujimoto, Vinet)
- 1712.08790
: (Review) Thermalization and prethermalization in isolated quantum systems (Mori, Ikeda, Kaminishi, Ueda)
- 1712.08961
: Statistical mechanics and thermodynamics of large and small systems (Huse, Lebowitz)
- 1712.09018
: # Maximum Spontaneous Magnetization and Nambu-Goldstone Mode (Koma)
- 1712.08736
: Circle patterns and critical Ising models, isoradial, new Ising (Lis)
- 1712.08657
:Two-point boundary correlation functions of dense loop models (Morin-Duchesne, Lykke Jacobsen)
- 1712.08639
: Time-Reversal Symmetry, Anomalies, and Dualities in (2+1)d (Seiberg)
- 1712.08744
: From Chern-Simons to Tomonaga-Luttinger (Maggiore)
- 1712.08535
: # Neutron Scattering Signatures of Magnon Weyl Points (Coldea, Mossner)
- 1712.08170
: # Magnon triple points, topological transitions, and thermal Hall effect in pyrochlore iridates (Hwang, Trivedi)
- 1712.08612
: # Chiral topological insulator of magnons (Bo Li, Kovalev)
- 1712.08611
: Active Valley-topological Plasmonic Crystal in Metagate-tuned Graphene (M.Jung)
- 1712.08365
: Mott transition in the square-lattice SU(4) fermionic Hubbard model with a \(\pi\)-flux gauge field (Congjun Wu)
- 1712.08300
: From the SU(2) Quantum Link Model on the Honeycomb Lattice to the Quantum Dimer Model on Kagome (P.Orland, Wiese)
- 1712.08169
: FQH systems near nematicity: bimetric theory, composite fermions, and Dirac brackets (Gromov, D.T.Son)
- 1712.08546
: Tau functions as Widom constants, Jimbo-Miwa-Ueno (Lisovyy)
- 1712.08541
: Special functions, transcendentals and their numerics (M.Round)
- 1712.07398
: Towards the Holographic Dual of N = 2 SYK (Forste)
- 1712.07942
: A quantum spin liquid based on a new three-dimensional lattice, hyper kagome (Lake)
- 1712.07911
: Lattice Models with Exactly Solvable Topological Hinge and Corner States (Kunst, Bergholtz)
- 1712.07696
: Non-Superconducting Non-Abelian Statistics in 1D Topological Insulators (Z.Song)
- 1712.07715
: Entanglement in 3D Kitaev Spin Liquids (Maria Hermanns)
- 1712.07797
: Symmetry Obstruction to Fermi Liquid Behavior in the Unitary Limit (Rothstein)
- 1712.07581
: Riemann-Theta Boltzmann Machine (Carrazza)
- 1712.07903
: (Book) Introduction to Random Matrices - Theory and Practice Vivo)
- 1712.07725
: (Review) Integrability in Sigma-Models (Zarembo)
- 1712.07954
: Localised Wannier functions in metallic systems, math-phys (Monaco)
- 1712.07808
: BKT transition in lattice Schwinger model with one flavor of Wilson fermion, TRG (Kuramashi)
- 1712.07950
: Symmetry Protected Topological phases and Generalized Cohomology (Gaiotto)
- 1712.08014
: Interpolation Macdonald operators at infinity, Hall-Rittlewood, Nazarov-Sklyanin (Cuenca)
- 1712.07418
: Ordered states in the Kitaev-Heisenberg model: From 1D chains to 2D honeycomb (van den Brink, Nishimoto)
- 1712.07486
: # Amorphous topological superconductivity in a Shiba glass (Ojanen)
- 1712.07238
: Tensor networks demonstrate the robustness of localization and SPT phases (Wahl)
- 1712.07125
: Controlled Transport between Fermi Superfluids Through a Quantum Point Contact (Juan Yao)
- 1712.07190
: Almost perfect transport of an entangled two-qubit state through a spin chain, Dynkin? (G.Rigolin)
- 1712.07395
: # The Feynman-Kitaev computer's clock: bias, gaps, idling and pulse tuning, quantum walk (Zeph Landau)
- 1712.07529
: Entanglement dynamics after quantum quenches in generic integrable systems (Alba, Calabrese)
- 1712.07123
: Modular Berry Connection, modular Hamiltonian, corner, boost? (Czech, McCandlish)
- 1712.07586
: Supersymmetry breaking in the two-dimensional nonlinear sigma model (Lehum)
- 1712.06775
: Evolution of magnetic Dirac bosons in a honeycomb lattice, FM, AFM (Balatsky)
- 1712.06699
: Extend of the Z2-spin liquid phase on the Kagome lattice, interpolation to Z2 gauge (M.D.Schulz)
- 1712.07094
: Crystallization of Levitons in the fractional quantum Hall regime (Martin, Sassetti)
- 1712.06740
: Magnetic State Selected by Magnetic Dipole Int. in Kagome AFM NaBa2Mn3F{11} (Hiroi, Masuda)
- 1712.06773
: Cluster state generation in 1D Kitaev ladder via shortcut to adiabaticity (L-C.Kwek)
- 1712.06877
: From time quasicrystal to superfluid time crystal (Volovik)
- 1712.06892
: Many-body localization in the Fock space of natural orbitals (Gritsev, Cheianov)
- 1712.06836
: # Solution of a minimal model for many-body quantum chaos, OTOC (De Luca, Chalker)
- 1712.06662
: # Lattice SUSY and order-disorder coexistence in the tricritical Ising, Sannomiya cited (O'Brien, Fendley)
- 1712.07076
: # A fusion for the periodic Temperley-Lieb algebra and its continuum limit (Gainutdinov, Jacobsen, Saleur)
- 1712.06809
: Matrix product solution to multi-species ASEP with open boundaries (Vanicat)
- 1712.06858
: (Review) Second law, entropy production, and reversibility in thermodynamics of information (Sagawa)
- 1712.06156
: Non-Abelian Braiding of Chiral Majorana Fermions (Vaezi, X-L.Qi, S-C.Zhang)
- 1712.06413
: Distinguishing Majorana bound state and Andreev bound state with microwave spectrum, many-body spectrum (Z-T.Zhang)
- 1712.06126
: Link between the photonic and electronic topological phases in artificial graphene (Lannebere)
- 1712.06578
: Magnon-induced non-Markovian friction of a domain wall in a ferromagnet (S-K.Kim, Tchernyshyov)
- 1712.06208
: Short range order in the quantum XXZ honeycomb lattice material BaCo2(PO4)2 (K.Ross)
- 1712.05892
: Fracton Models on General Three-Dimensional Manifolds (Zhenghan Wang, Xie Chen)
- 1712.06007
: Wigner crystallization in topological flat bands (Jaworowski)
- 1712.06534
: # Pr2Ir2O7: when Luttinger semimetal meets Melko-Hertog-Gingras spin ice state (Gang Chen)
- 1712.06213
: Rb-NMR study of the quasi-one dimensional competing spin-chain compound Rb2Cu2Mo3O12, TL liquid (Hase)
- 1712.06538
: Topology, edge states, and zero-energy states of ultracold atoms in 1D optical superlattices with ... (C-C.Chien)
- 1712.06540
: Physical approach to quantum networks with massive particles (Zinner)
- 1712.06054
: # Measuring the distance between quantum many-body wave functions, OTOC, diagram (Xiao Chen, Tianci Zhou, Cenke Xu)
- 1712.06458
: Observing Fermion Pair Instability of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Model on a Quantum Spin Simulator (Cenke Xu, Bei Zeng, Laflamme)
- 1712.06475
: A tale of two Bethe ansatze, Zamolodchikov-Fateev, fusion, Tarasov, Slavnov formula (Lima-Santos, Nepomechie, Pimenta)
- 1712.05624
: Observation of new magnetic ground state in frustrated quantum antiferromagnet spin liquid system Cs2CuCl4 (S-W.Cheong)
- 1712.05575
: Inplane anisotropy of longitudinal thermal conductivities and weak localization of magnons in a disordered spiral magnet (Ohe)
- 1712.05618
: Pauli metallic ground-state in Hubbard clusters with Rashba spin-orbit coupling (M.Capone)
- 1712.05774
: Sheep Soliton, KdV (Gautrais)
- 1712.05764
: Active interface growth and pattern formation in actin-protein systems, KPZ (Evans)
- 1712.05789
: How to experimentally probe universal features of absorbing phase transitions using steady state (Tamai, Sano)
- 1712.05529
: # Universality in the Hubbard model, Marshall-Lieb-Mattis, Nagaoka, Katsura-Tanaka cited (T.Miyao)
- 1712.05687
: Generalized hydrodynamics of classical integrable field theory: the sinh-Gordon model (Doyon, Yoshimura)
- 1712.05027
: Anomalous magnon Nernst effect of topological magnonic materials (X.S.Wang)
- 1712.05386
: A Nernst current from the conformal anomaly in Dirac and Weyl semimetals (Cortijo)
- 1712.05396
: The t-t'-J model in 1D, extremely correlated Fermi liquid, t-DMRG (White, Shastry)
- 1712.05377
: # Z3 Topological Order in Face Centered Cubic Quantum Plaquette Model (Devakul)
- 1712.04943
: Localization of Extended Quantum Objects, fracton (Pretko, Nandkishore)
- 1712.05111
: Ground-state phases of a mixture of spin-1 and spin-2 BEC (Eto, Hirano, Saito)
- 1712.05262
: The Inhomogeneous Gaussian Free Field, with application to ground state correlations of trapped 1d Bose gases (Dubail)
- 1712.05069
: Majorana Fermions and Orthogonal Complex Structures, Z2 invariant (Reyes-Lega)
- 1712.05093
: Coupled Hall-Littlewood functions, vertex operators and q-boson model (Chuanzhong Li)
- 1712.04579
: Persistence of the gapless spin liquid in the breathing kagome Heisenberg AFM (Poilblanc, Becca)
- 1712.04734
: Low-temperature lattice effects in the spin-liquid candidate $\kappa$-(BEDT-TTF)$_2$Cu$_2$(CN)$_3$ (Manna)
- 1712.04511
: X-Cube Model on Generic Lattices: New Phases and Geometric Order (Slagle, Y-B.Kim)
- 1712.04670
: Fast trimers in one-dimensional extended Fermi-Hubbard model (A.Dhar)
- 1712.04474
: Light propagation through one-dimensional interacting open quantum systems (D.Roy)
- 1712.04584
: # Yang-Baxter field for spin Hall-Littlewood symmetric functions, stochastic six-vertex (Bufetov, Petrov)
- 1712.03982
: Deformation and Stability of Surface States in Dirac semimetals (Kargarian)
- 1712.04055
: Many-body synchronization of interacting qubits by engineered ac-driving (D.Shapiro)
- 1712.04179
: Phase transitions on a ladder of braided non-Abelian anyons (Pfeifer, Brennen)
- 1712.04192
: (Review) Planar Ising model at criticality: state-of-the-art and perspectives (Chelkak)
- 1712.04136
: Non-Commutative Chern Numbers for Generic Aperiodic Discrete Systems (Bourne, Prodan)
- 1712.04012
: Perturbative/nonperturbative aspects of Bloch electrons in a honeycomb lattice (Y.Hatsuda)
- 1712.04152
: Determinant expressions of constraint polynomials and the spectrum of the asymmetric quantum Rabi model (Wakayama)
- 1712.03238
: A Fibonacci Topological Superconductor, coset factorization (Hu, Kane)
- 1712.03617
: Pyrochlore Oxide Superconductor Cd2Re2O7 Revisited (Hiroi)
- 1712.03489
: Effective gauge field theory of spintronics (Tatara)
- 1712.03523
: Criticality in weakly disordered Flat Bands (Shukla)
- 1712.03671
: Topological Mott Insulator with Bosonic Edge Modes in 1D Fermionic Superlattices (Shu Chen)
- 1712.03559
: Spin-chain model of a many-body quantum battery (Pollock)
- 1712.03557
: Entanglement hamiltonian and entanglement contour in inhomogeneous 1D critical systems (Tonni, Sierra)
- 1712.03814
: Topological quantum phase transition in a non-Hermitian system (Z.Song)
- 1712.03367
: Heating in integrable time-periodic systems (Ishii, Kuwahara)
- 1712.03753
: Nonstandard Bethe Ansatz equations for open O(N) spin chains (Gombor)
- 1712.03165
: Infinite coherence time of edge spins in finite-length chains (Marceira, Mila)
- 1712.02983
: Magnon-induced superconductivity in field-cooled spin-1/2 antiferromagnets (Karchev)
- 1712.03137
: Stability of the Weyl-semimetal phase on the pyrochlore lattice, irridates (Timm)
- 1712.03051
: Geometric phase of quenched spin models, factorization (Giampaolo)
- 1712.02789
: Stability of Anomalous Floquet Insulators (Berg, Lindner, Rudner)
- 1712.03117
: Spin polarization through Floquet resonances in a driven central spin model, BA (Caux)
- 1712.02952
: Topological phases on the hyperbolic plane (Mathai)
- 1712.03155
: Orthogonal Polynomials in Mathematical Physics (Mironov, Morozov)
- 1712.02418
: Dynamic quantum kagome ice, magnetic field, 111 (Lhotel)
- 1712.02352
: Topology from Triviality (Bena, P.Simon)
- 1712.02353
: # Majorana-based fermionic quantum computation, Hubbard simulation (O'Brien, Akhmerov)
- 1712.02525
: Four-band insulator on a Z2 domain wall: analytical model for interface (Freitas)
- 1712.02726
: Fibonacci sequences and valence bond entanglement entropy in doped quantum spin ladders (Ujjwal Sen)
- 1712.02694
: Spin and pseudospin towers of the Hubbard model on a bipartite lattice, spin-refletion positivity (Freericks)
- 1712.02716
: Dynamical properties of dissipative XYZ Heisenberg lattices, dissipation, Lindblad (R.Rota)
- 1712.02665
: Many-body quantum chaos: The first analytic connection to random matrix theory (Prosen)
- 1712.02341
: Solving and classifying the solutions of the Yang-Baxter eq., 2-state, New solution? (Vieira)
- 1712.02647
: Supersymmetric SYK Model with Global Symmetry, N=1 Majorana (J.Yoon)
- 1712.01854
: Exact solution of a two-species quantum dimer model for pseudogap metals (Huber, Punk)
- 1712.01870
: A spincaloritronic battery (Z-G.Zhu)
- 1712.01874
: Parton theory of magnetic polarons: Mesonic resonances and signatures in dynamics (Demler)
- 1712.02086
: Nonreciprocal current in noncentrosymmetric Rashba superconductors (Wakatsuki, Nagaosa)
- 1712.02092
: # Strong Disorder Real-Space Renormalization for the Many-Body-Localized phase of random Majorana models (Monthus)
- 1712.02188
: Path integral representation for the Hubbard model with reduced number of Lefschetz thimbles (Ulybyshev)
- 1712.01923
: MBL proximity effects in platforms of coupled spins and bosons, Lindblad (Nandkishore)
- 1712.02273
: Thermal contact through a two-temperature kinetic Ising chain (Cornu)
- 1712.02301
: # Phase transitions in a system of hard Y-shaped particles on the triangular lattice (Rajesh)
- 1712.02231
: Electrostatic analogy of the Jackiw-Rebbi zero energy state, Poisson eq. (G.Gonzalez)
- 1712.02168
: An explicit description of \(SL(2,\mathbb{C})\) in terms of \(SO^+(3,1)\) and vice versa (Klinker)
- 1712.01669
: Spin-orbit, magnetism, and dimerization in the honeycomb iridates: \(\alpha\)-Li2IrO3 under pressure (Khomskii, Valenti)
- 1712.01513
: Circular dichroism of chiral Majoranas (Serra)
- 1712.01701
: Dynamical properties of the S=1/2 random Heisenberg chain (Capponi, Sandvik)
- 1712.01427
: Synthetic Landau levels and spinor vortex matter on Haldane spherical surface with magnetic monopole (Congjun Wu)
- 1712.01458
: Tensor Renormalization Group with Randomized Singular Value Decomposition, bound (Morita, Kawashima)
- 1712.01260
: Continuous Matrix Product States for Inhomogeneous Quantum Field Theories: a Basis-Spline Approach (Ganahl)
- 1712.01720
: # Roughening of $k$-mer growing interfaces in stationary regimes, Fredkin? (Grynberg)
- 1712.01603
: Supersymmetry and Fermionic Modes in an Oscillon Background, N=1 SUSY in 1+1D (Correa)
- 1712.01673
: Richardson-Gaudin Configuration-Interaction for nuclear pairing correlations (J-S.Caux)
- 1712.00740
: # Competing phases and topological excitations of spin-1 pyrochlore antiferromagnets (Gang Chen)
- 1712.01095
: RIXS probes the electron-phonon coupling in kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu2(CN)3 (Kanoda)
- 1712.00477
: From real materials to model Hamiltonians with density matrix downfolding, Hubbard (L.K.Wagner)
- 1712.00453
: Braiding Majorana Zero Modes through high frequency virtual tunneling (P.Gorantla)
- 1712.01212
: Bosonic Integer Quantum Hall States without Landau Levels on Square Lattice, quasi-1D (Y.Chen)
- 1712.00450
: Learning phase transitions from dynamics (Nieuwenburg, G.Refael)
- 1712.00456
: Experimental Machine Learning of Quantum States with Partial Information
- 1712.00876
: XXZ-Ising model on the triangular kagome lattice with spin-1 on the decorated trimers (C.Zhou)
- 1712.00977
: # Persistence of exponential decay and spectral gaps for interacting fermions (de Roeck, Salmhofer)
- 1712.01148
: Supersymmetry Breaking and Nambu-Goldstone Fermions in Interacting Majorana Chains (Sannomiya, Katsura)
- 1712.00198
: Spin waves and stability of zigzag order in the Hubbard with spin-dependent hopping, Na2IrO3 and \(\alpha\)-RuCl3 (A.Singh)
- 1712.00168
: Surface states of gapped electron systems and semi-metals, analytical results (X-Z.Yan, C.S.Ting)
- 1712.00113
: Nonlinear Pauli Susceptibilities in Sr3Ru2O7 and Universal Features of Itinerant Metamagnetism (G-W.Chern)
- 1712.00204
: Many body localization-delocalization transition in quantum Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model (A.Garg)
- 1712.00371
: Deep Neural Network Detects Quantum Phase Transition, 1D TFI (Ohzeki, K.Tanaka)
- 1712.00431
: # Integrable Trotterization: Local Conservation Laws and Boundary Driving, Kraus reps. (Vanicat, Zadnik Prosen)
- 1712.00141
: Finite-time universality in nonequilibrium CFT (Langmann, Moosavi)
- 1712.00161
: Gauged merons, gauged planar Skyrme model (Shnir)
- 1712.00329
: Deformed shape invariance symmetry and potentials in curved space with two known eigenstates, DSUSY (Quesne)
- 1711.11340
: # Nature of optical excitations in the frustrated kagome compound Herbertsmithite (Valenti)
- 1711.11232
: # Topological magnons in a Kagome lattice spin system with XXZ and DM (Diptiman Sen)
- 1711.11589
: Symmetry indicators and anomalous surface states of topological crystalline insulators (Vishwanath, Watanabe)
- 1711.11045
: Topology of Disconnected Elementary Band Representations (Cano, Bernevig)
- 1711.11049
: Mapping symmetry data to topological invariants in nonmagnetic materials (Zhida Song)
- 1711.11557
: Topological Order from Disorder and the Quantized Hall Thermal Metal, \(\nu = 5/2\) State (Vishwanath, Halperin)
- 1711.11418
: mVMC - Open-source software for many-variable VMC (Misawa, Imada, Kato)
- 1711.11580
: # Symmetry protected bosonic topo. phase tr.: QAH system of spinor bosons in a square lattice (Jinwu Ye)
- 1711.11064
: Majorana Zero Modes in Synthetic Dimensions (Sela, Shtengel)
- 1711.11346
: Quantum phase transition with dissipative frustration (Andergassen)
- 1711.10902
: One-way Quantum Computing in Superconducting Circuits
- 1711.11214
: Anomalous and regular transport in spin 1/2 chains: AC conductivity (Oganesyan)
Hosho Katsura's arXiv