August 2017
MathJax demonstration
\frac{\pi}{2} =
\left( \int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{\sin x}{\sqrt{x}} dx \right)^2 =
\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{(2k)!}{2^{2k}(k!)^2} \frac{1}{2k+1} =
\prod_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{4k^2}{4k^2 - 1}
- 1708.09123
: Topological Structure and an Accurate Wave Function for the Enigmatic 5/2 FQH (Mandal)
- 1708.08924
: Capacity of entanglement and distribution of density matrix eigenvalues in gapless systems (Nakagawa, Furukawa)
- 1708.09213
: (Review) Review of Tensor Network Contraction Approaches (Lewenstein)
- 1708.08930
: Tensor Networks with a Twist: Anyon-permuting domain walls and defects in PEPS (Bartlett)
- 1708.08932
: Iterative Compression-Decimation Scheme for Tensor Network Optimization, YB eq? (Yang, Chamon)
- 1708.09223
: Chain and ladder models with two-body interactions and analytical ground states (A.Nielsen)
- 1708.08931
: # Counting local integrals of motion in disordered spinless-fermion and Hubbard chains, LIOM (Mierzejewski)
- 1708.09153
: Matrix product solution of a left-permeable two-species ASEP, spin-1 (Finn)
- 1708.09093
: (History) Memories of a Theoretical Physicist (Polchinski)
- 1708.08507
: # Simple Z2 lattice gauge theories at finite fermion density (Maciejko)
- 1708.08457
: Topological Quadrupolar Semimetals (Hughes)
- 1708.08699
: Dielectric and multiferroic behavior in a Haldane spin-chain compound Sm2BaNiO5 (Sampathkumaran)
- 1708.08607
: Universal eigenstate entanglement of chaotic local Hamiltonians (Huang)
- 1708.08666
: Linked cluster expansions for open quantum systems on a lattice, dissipative (Rossini)
- 1708.08798
: ## Topological edge states for disordered bosonic systems, Katsura-Nagaosa-Lee cited (Schulz-Baldes)
- 1708.08517
: Universal edge transport in interacting Hall systems, rigorous RG (Mastropietro, Porta)
- 1708.08685
: Self-adjointness and spectrum of Stark operators on finite intervals (Najar)
- 1708.08815
: Modular Constraints on Conformal Field Theories with Currents, semi-definite programming (J-B.Bae)
- 1708.07856
: Spin Liquid versus Spin Orbit Coupling on the Triangular Lattice (Iaconis, Balents)
- 1708.08371
: Triple point semimetal and topological phase transitions in NaCu3Te2 (Y.Xia)
- 1708.07866
: Isospin locking and hidden chiral symmetries in BDI multichannel Kitaev chains (Manesco)
- 1708.08070
: Symmetry Protected Dynamical Symmetry in the Generalized Hubbard Models (J.Yu)
- 1708.08198
: Topological magneto-electric pump in three dimensions (Fukui, Fujiwara)
- 1708.07924
: Quadrupolar quantum criticality on a fractal, singlet projection (Kaul)
- 1708.08192
: Dirac-Maxwell correspondence: Spin-1 bosonic topological insulator (Mechelen, Jacob)
- 1708.08194
: Anderson localization in generalized discrete time quantum walks, Shikano cited (Flach)
- 1708.08442
: # Singularities of the density of states of random Gram matrices (Alt)
- 1708.08069
: Area law in the exact solution of many-body localized systems, Imbrie (Mozgunov)
- 1708.07825
: Topological superconductivity of spin-3/2 carriers in 3D doped Luttinger semimetal (Foster, Nevidomskyy)
- 1708.07760
: Particle-hole symmetry of charge excitation spectra in the paramagnetic phase of the Hubbard model (Fresard)
- 1708.07776
: FFLO correlation and free-Fermi liquids in 1D attractive Hubbard model, letter (Batchelor, X-W.Guan)
- 1708.07658
: Many-electron basis functions for a Quantum Hall ground state using Schur polynomials (Mandal)
- 1708.07736
: Topological Edge Solitons in Polaritonic Lattice, kagome, flux (Gulevich, Shelykh)
- 1708.07645
: Dynamics of mesoscopic qubit ensemble coupled to cavity: role of collective dark states, Gaudin model (Lozovik)
- 1708.07652
: Entanglement renormalization for disordered systems, real-space RG (Evenbly)
- 1708.07730
: Quadratic Mean Field Games, NLSE (Gobron)
- 1708.07183
: (Lecture) Orbital Physics (Oles)
- 1708.07192
: # (Lecture) Topology, geometry and quantum interference in condensed matter physics (Sasha Abanov)
- 1708.07212
: # Quantum Dot in Interacting Environments, ODBA (Rylands, Andrei)
- 1708.07163
: Wave function correlations and the AC conductivity of disordered wires beyond the Mott-Berezinskii law (Gruzberg)
- 1708.07256
: Exotic pairing symmetry of interacting Dirac fermions on a $\pi$ flux lattice (R.Singh)
- 1708.07498
: Ab initio effective Hamiltonians for cuprate superconductors (Hirayama, Imada)
- 1708.07420
: Topological invariants for Floquet-Bloch systems with chiral, time-reversal, or particle-hole symmetry (Fehske)
- 1708.07324
: Breaking the integrability of the Heisenberg model through periodic driving (Caux)
- 1708.07494
: Non-conserved magnetization operator and `fire-and-ice' ground states in the Ising-Heisenberg diamond (Ohanyan)
- 1708.07268
: Entanglement Properties of Boundary State and Thermalization, KMS, ... (W-Z.Guo)
- 1708.06826
: Bipolarons bound by repulsive phonon-mediated interactions (Sous)
- 1708.07026
: Competing magnetic interactions in spin-1/2 square lattice: hidden order in Sr2VO4 (C.Franchini)
- 1708.06773
: Floquet manipulation of spin-dependent Andreev reflection in spin-orbit coupled systems (Mukherjee)
- 1708.06919
: # Time-dependent Correlation Functions in Open Quadratic Fermionic Systems (Prosen)
- 1708.07121
: Fisher information approach to non-equilibrium phase transitions in quantum XXZ spin chain with boundary noise (Prosen)
- 1708.07097
: Two-time correlation functions and the Lee-Yang zeros for an interacting Bose gas (Gnatenko)
- 1708.06806
: Time-Reversal Breaking in QCD4, Walls, and Dualities in 2+1 Dimensions (Gaiotto, Komargodski, Seiberg)
- 1708.06755
: DIII Topological Superconductivity with Emergent Time-Reversal Symmetry (Klinovaja, Loss)
- 1708.06752
: Disorder-induced half-integer quantized conductance plateau in QAHE insulator-superconductor (J.D.Sau)
- 1708.06472
: Anticrossing of chiral Landau levels in Dirac and Weyl semimetals (C-K.Chan, P.A.Lee)
- 1708.06446
: # A model of chiral spin liquids with Abelian and non-Abelian topological phases, form factor (Chamon, Tsvelik)
- 1708.06751
: Enhancement and sign reversal of magnetic correlations in a driven quantum many-body system, Floquet (Esslinger)
- 1708.06476
: (Thesis) Studies of braided non-Abelian anyons using anyonic tensor networks (Ayeni)
- 1707.08218
: Statistical ensembles without typicality (Boes, Eisert)
- 1708.06444
: # Yang-Lee Zeros of the Yang-Lee Model, TBA (Mussardo, Trombettoni)
- 1708.06624
: Anankeon theory and viscosity of liquids: a toy model (Bellissard)
- 1708.06715
: Topology and strong four fermion interactions in four dimensions, Kitaev, ... (Catterall)
- 1708.06214
: A mechanism of $\frac12 \frac{e^2}{h}$ conductance plateau without 1D chiral Majorana fermions (X-G.Wen)
- 1708.05724
: Helical Majorana edge mode in a superconducting antiferromagnetic quantum spin Hall insulator (C-K.Chiu)
- 1708.05791
: (Review) Topological semimetals studied by ab initio calculations (Hirayama, Murakami)
- 1708.05841
: Non-Hermitian Topological Theory of Finite-Lifetime Quasiparticles (Liang Fu)
- 1708.06315
: Nonequilibrium Steady-State Transport in Quantum Impurity Models, thermofield, MPS, ... (von Delft)
- 1708.05916
: Topological systems out of equilibrium: why and when the Bott index changes (Toniolo)
- 1708.05912
: # On the equivalence of the Bott index and the Chern number on a torus, and ... Kubo formula (Toniolo)
- 1708.06071
: Compact modes in quasi one dimensional coupled magnetic oscillators, Kagome, Lieb (Molina)
- 1708.06060
: # (Lecture) An appetizer to modern developments on the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class (Takeuchi)
- 1708.06115
: The original electric-vertex formulation of the symmetric eight-vertex model on the square lattice is fully non-universal (Krcmar, Samaj)
- 1708.06135
: Solving Heun's equation using conformal blocks, applications (Pietrykowski)
- 1708.05532
: Magnon Dispersion and Specific Heat of Chiral Magnets on the Pyrochlore Lattice, DM (Arakawa)
- 1708.05387
: Tailoring tricolor structure of magnetic topo. ins. for robust axion insulator (Kawasaki, Tokura)
- 1708.05441
: Generation and spectroscopic signatures of a FQH of photons in an incoherently pumped optical cavity (Umucalilar)
- 1708.05574
: Non-additive dissipation in open quantum networks out of equilibrium, exact result (Plenio)
- 1708.05614
: Localization transition induced by learning in random searches (Boyer)
- 1708.05633
: Nested Bethe ansatz for RTT--algebra of sp(4) type (Burdik)
- 1708.05147
: # A new class of flat-band models on tetragonal and hexagonal lattices (Misumi, Aoki)
- 1708.05015
: Observation of a phononic quadrupole topological insulator (Huber)
- 1708.05100
: Copper Tellurium Oxides - A Playground for Magnetism, spin liquids (Norman)
- 1708.05014
: Boundary time crystals, solvable (Iemini)
- 1708.05021
: # Exact Excited States of Non-Integrable Models, AKLT (Rachel, Bernevig, Regnault)
- 1708.05187
: Front dynamics and entanglement in the XXZ chain with a gradient (Eisler)
- 1708.05186
: Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorem with a local twist for general 1D quantum systems (Tasaki)
- 1708.05035
: (Thesis) Topologically ordered states in infinite quantum spin systems, Kitaev (M.Cha)
- 1708.04916
: Anisotropic phase diagram and spin fluctuations of the hyperkagome magnet Gd3Ga5O12, ... (Quilliam)
- 1708.04619
: QFT of Fracton Topological Order and "Topological" Degeneracy from Geometry (Y-B.Kim)
- 1708.04978
: Multifractality of wave functions on a Cayley tree: From root to leaves (Mirlin)
- 1708.04756
: Topological qubits from valence bond solids, Katsura-Hirano cited (Affleck, Raussendorf)
- 1708.04772
: Atypicality of Most Few-Body Observables (Hamazaki, Ueda)
- 1708.04622
: Deep Learning the Ising Model Near Criticality (Melko)
- 1708.04762
: Learning Fermionic Critical Points (Singh)
- 1708.04240
: Weyl magnons in noncoplanar stacked kagome antiferromagnets (Owerre)
- 1708.04244
: Weyl-type topological phase transitions in fractional quantum Hall-like systems (Neupert, Mudry, Sigrist)
- 1708.04448
: Realization of Flat Band with Possible Nontrivial Topology in Electronic Kagome Lattice (Zhuang)
- 1708.04282
: Nonlinear waves of fractional quantum Hall states as an evidence of the gravitational anomaly (Wiegmann)
- 1708.04264
: Homotopy Theoretic Classification of Symmetry Protected Phases (Campbell)
- 1708.04230
: Electric Multipole Moments, Topological Pumping, and a Chiral Hinge Insulator (Bernevig, Hughes)
- 1708.03636
: Higher-Order Topological Insulators (Bernevig, Neupert)
- 1708.03640
: Reflection symmetric 2nd-order topo. ins. and superconductors (von Oppen, Brouwer)
- 1708.04034
: Conformal Thermal Tensor Network and Universal Entropy on Topological Manifolds, Shiozaki-Ryu (Lei Chen)
- 1708.03891
: Modified dimerized Kitaev chain via edge correlation functions, KST cited (J-J.Miao, Shu Chen)
- 1708.03758
: Localization-enhanced and degraded topological-order in interacting p-wave wires (Kells)
- 1708.03670
: Ising orders in a magnetized Heisenberg chain subject to a uniform DM int. (Starykh)
- 1708.04062
: Thermal form-factor approach to dynamical correlation functions of integrable lattice models (Klumper, Suzuki)
- 1708.03538
: Nature of continuous phase transitions in interacting topo. ins. (D.N.Sheng)
- 1708.03350
: Unsupervised machine learning account of magnetic transitions in Hubbard (Khatami)
- 1708.03628
: Finite temperature disordered bosons in two dimensions, MBL (Altshuler, Shlyapnikov)
- 1708.03400
: The 10 phases of spin chains with two Ising symmetries, Ardonne? (Torre)
- 1708.03463
: Entanglement Entropy of the Two-Dimensional +-J Ising Model on the Nishimori Line (Ueda, Nishino)
- 1708.03348
: Realization of "Time Crystal" Lagrangians and Emergent Sisyphus Dynamics (Wilczek)
- 1708.03169
: Many-body localization phase in a spin-driven chiral multiferroic chain (Berakdar)
- 1708.03235
: Na2IrO3 at high magnetic fields: evidence for strong ferromagnetic Kitaev correlations (H-Y.Kee)
- 1708.03191
: Rigorous multi-orbital implementation of rotational-invariant slave-boson theory, Hund's physics (Lechermann)
- 1708.02948
: Weyl magnons in pyrochlore antiferromagnets with all-in-all-out orders (W-X.Nie)
- 1708.02952
: (d-2)-dimensional edge states of rotation symmetry protected topological states (Zhida Song)
- 1708.02980
: Chiral Liquid Phase of Simple Quantum Magnets (Feiguin, Starykh, Chubukov, Batista)
- 1708.02986
: Superconductivity in quantum wires: A symmetry analysis (Samokhin)
- 1708.02943
: Topological Bloch oscillations (Alexandradinata)
- 1708.03096
: Dynamic current susceptibility as a probe of Majorana bound states in nanowire-based Josephson junctions (P.Simon)
- 1708.02781
: A gapped Z2 spin liquid phase with a U(1) mean field ansatz: a Bosonic RVB (Tao Li)
- 1708.02807
: # Weak localization of magnons in chiral magnets, measure DM int. (Evers)
- 1708.02931
: Ferroelectricity of structural origin in spin-chain compounds Ca3Co{2-x}Mn{x}O6 (X.F.Sun)
- 1708.02699
: Pressure induced switching in ferroelectrics: on the junction between physics and electrochemistry (Y.Cao)
- 1708.02832
: Spin-gap spectroscopy in a bosonic flux ladder (Mazza)
- 1708.02778
: Topological characterization of chiral models through their long time dynamics (Lewenstein)
- 1708.02754
: Back to baxterisation, new algebras (Crampe, Ragoucy, Vanicat)
- 1708.02604
: A Mathematical Picture Language Program, reflection positivity (Arthur Jaffe)
- 1708.02584
: Signatures of fractionalization in spin liquids from interlayer transport, Kitaev honeycomb (Berg)
- 1708.02542
: Tunable Quantum Criticality and Super-ballistic Transport in a `Charge' Kondo Circuit, parafermions (P.Simon)
- 1708.02538
: Large Spontaneous Hall Effects in Chiral Topological Magnets (Nakatsuji)
- 1708.02270
: Excitonic insulators as a model of $d-d$ and Mott transitions in strongly correlated materials, RVB (Markiewicz)
- 1708.02578
: # Effect of Particle Number Conservation on Berry Phase of Transporting a Bound Quasiparticle around a Vortex (Leggett)
- 1708.02533
: Programmable Superpositions of Ising Configurations (Sieberer)
- 1708.02404
: Entanglement prethermalization in the Tomonaga-Luttinger model (Kaminishi, Ueda)
- 1708.02320
: Incommensurate Heterostructures in Momentum Space, bilayer, math-phys (Luskin)
- 1708.02508
: # Pair formation of hard core bosons in flat band systems (Mielke)
- 1708.02440
: (Thesis) An integrabilist approach of out-of-equilibrium statistical physics models, ZF algebra (Vanicat)
- 1708.02098
: Field dependence of non-reciprocal magnons in chiral MnSi (Pfleiderer)
- 1708.01900
: Nodal local Cooper pairs in multiorbital systems (Hattori, Hotta)
- 1708.01684
: # Exactly Solvable Model for Two Dimensional Topological Superconductor, 3-12 lattice (Xie Chen)
- 1708.02121
: Disorder-induced topological phase transitions on Lieb lattices, phase diagram (B.Zhou)
- 1708.01620
: Exponentially Slow Heating in Short and Long-range Interacting Floquet Systems (Else, Yao, Nayak)
- 1708.02170
: Long time thermal asymptotics of nonlinear Luttinger liquid from inverse scattering, Zabrodin (T.Price)
- 1708.01843
: Dynamics of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain initialized in a domain-wall state (Misguich, Mallick)
- 1708.01912
: High-fugacity expansion and crystalline ordering for non-sliding hard-core lattice particle systems (Jauslin, Lebowitz)
- 1708.02120
: Chirality induced Interface Currents in the Chalker Coddington Model, math-ph (Joye)
- 1708.01901
: Solitary wave solutions of nonlinear PDE based on the simplest eq. for \(1/\cosh^n\) (Vitanov)
- 1708.01312
: Experimental Insights into Ground State Selection of Quantum XY Pyrochlores, Chalker (Hallas, Gaulin)
- 1708.01416
: Direct experimental observation of the molecular Jeff=3/2 ground state in the lacunar spinel GaTa4Se8, t2g (Jeong)
- 1708.01367
: Crystalline symmetry protected number-conserving Majorana mode in Dirac semi-metal nanowires (R-X.Zhang)
- 1708.01472
: Discrete Time-Crystalline Order in Cavity and Circuit QED Systems (Gong, Hamazaki, Ueda)
- 1708.01422
: Exploring the Function Space of Deep-Learning Machines (Saad)
- 1708.01525
: # The physical structure of grammatical correlations: equivalences, formalizations and consequences, Chomsky (Orus)
- 1708.01332
: Tight-binding methods for general longitudinally driven photonic lattices -- edge states and solitons (Ablowitz, Cole)
- 1708.00986
: Topological interpretation of Luttinger theorem (Seki, Yunoki)
- 1708.00982
: Topological Phase Transition Induced by Bond Alternation in Kitaev Chain, Kawabata cited (Sugimoto, Tohyama)
- 1708.01100
: Spatial Adiabatic Passage of Massive Quantum Particles, Lieb lattice (Taie, Y.Takahashi)
- 1708.00865
: Logarithmically slow relaxation in quasi-periodically driven random spin chains, Fibonacci (Vasseur, Potter)
- 1708.00880
: Continuum limits of Matrix Product States (Schuch, Cirac)
- 1708.01173
: Topological boundary invariants for Floquet systems and quantum walks (Schulz-Baldes)
- 1708.00871
: Spread of entanglement in a Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev chain (X-L.Qi)
- 1708.00848
: # Entanglement properties of the two-dimensional SU(3) AKLT state, Lou et al. cited (Poilblanc)
- 1708.00448
: Nematic and chiral superconductivity induced by odd-parity fluctuations (I.Martin)
- 1708.00565
: Factorization and criticality in finite XXZ systems of arbitrary spin, six-vertex, combinatorics (Rossignoli)
- 1708.00735
: Simple synthesis of unitary transformations, optical networks, Haar measure (Sanchez-Soto)
- 1708.00826
: Isotropic quantum walks on lattices and the Weyl equation (Erba)
- 1708.00680
: (Review) A guide to two-dimensional conformal field theory, algebraic, ... (Teschner)
- 1708.00333
: Mapping out the quantum geometry of driven-dissipative lattices (T.Ozawa)
- 1708.00006
: Tensor Networks in a Nutshell (Biamonte)
- 1708.00303
: # Renyi entropy of the totally asymmetric exclusion process (Evans)
- 1708.00058
: Lectures on the Spin and Loop O(n) Models, rigorous results (Spinka)
- 1708.00001
: Existence and uniqueness of solutions to Y-systems and TBA equations, adjacency matrix (Runkel)
- 1708.00403
: Scattering of the \(\varphi^8\) kinks with power-law asymptotics, composite-kink cited (Gani)
- 1708.00436
: # Hofstadter's Butterfly and Langlands Duality, quantum group, HKT cited (K.Ikeda)
- 1708.00419
: Integer Quantum Hall Effect and Geometric Langlands Correspondence (K.Ikeda)
- 1707.09666
: Microscopic theory of n.n. valence bond sector of the spin-1/2 kagome antiferromagnet (Ralko, Mila)
- 1707.09731
: Nonlinear Dirac Cones, pi Berry phase (Gong)
- 1707.09860
: On the observability of Pauli crystals (Rakshit)
- 1707.09371
: # Time Quasicrystals in Dissipative Dynamical Systems (Flicker)
- 1707.09723
: Solving the Bose-Hubbard model with machine learning (H.Saito)
- 1707.09946
: Multi-chain models of Conserved Lattice Gas, Facilitated ASEP (Chatterjee, Mohanty)
- 1707.09852
: The system of two parabolic equations as an integrable system, coupled PDE (Shubina)
- 1707.09589
: Dispersive SYK model: band structure and quantum chaos (P.Zhang)
Hosho Katsura's arXiv