July 2017
MathJax demonstration
\frac{\pi}{2} =
\left( \int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{\sin x}{\sqrt{x}} dx \right)^2 =
\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{(2k)!}{2^{2k}(k!)^2} \frac{1}{2k+1} =
\prod_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{4k^2}{4k^2 - 1}
- 1707.09206
: Strongly correlated 1D Bose-Fermi quantum mixtures: symmetry and correlations, Lieb-Mattis (Vignolo)
- 1707.09228
: Testing the validity of the local and global GKLS master eq. on an exactly solvable model (Correa)
- 1707.09212
: Bulk-Edge correspondence for two-dimensional Floquet topological insulators, index (Taubor)
- 1707.09218
: Quantum quench in the attractive regime of the sine-Gordon model (Cubero, Schuricht)
- 1707.08987
: Replica resummation of the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff series (Prosen, Polkovnikov)
- 1706.06078
: Correlators in the \(\mathcal{N}=2\) Supersymmetric SYK Model, Sannomiya (Spradlin)
- 1707.09347
: Spectra of Operators in Large N Tensor Models (Klebanov)
- 1707.08930
: Notes on the Kitaev \(\leftrightarrow\) Tight-binding correspondence (Martins)
- 1707.08579
: Numerical investigation of gapped edge states in fractional quantum Hall-superconductor heterostructures (Neupert, Regnault)
- 1707.08784
: Electron spin resonance for detecting long-range spin nematic orders (Furuya, Momoi)
- 1707.08780
: Correlations and confinement of excitations in an asymmetric Hubbard ladder (Jeckelmann)
- 1707.08601
: Counting Pseudo Landau Levels in Spatially Modulated Dirac Systems (Kariyado)
- 1707.08845
: Many-body localization for randomly interacting bosons (Zakrzewski)
- 1707.08823
: # Perfect diode in quantum spin chains, Lindblad (Casati, Poletti)
- 1707.08144
: Probing \(\alpha\)-RuCl\(_3\) Beyond Magnetic Order: Effects of Temperature and Magnetic Field (Coldea, Valenti)
- 1707.08320
: Chiral Spin Order in Kondo-Heisenberg systems (Tsvelik)
- 1707.08564
: Optical conductivity of an interacting Weyl liquid in the collisionless regime (Bitan Roy)
- 1707.08430
: Exact solution to an interacting dimerized Kitaev model at the symmetric point (J-J.Miao, Shu Chen)
- 1707.08125
: # Majorana modes in interacting systems identified by searching for local integrals of motion (Mierzejewski)
- 1707.08195
: Spin-1 Bose-Hubbard model with two- and three-body interactions, Katsura-Tasaki (Silva-Valencia)
- 1707.07421
: Integrability and chemical potential in the (3+1)-dimensional Skyrme model, sine-Gordon, time crystals (Paliathanasis)
- 1707.08051
: Linarite - a quasi-critical J1-J2 chain (Zhitomirsky, Ziman)
- 1707.08064
: Robust zero-energy bound states in a helical lattice (Appelbaum)
- 1707.07844
: Investigation of the chiral antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model using PEPS (Poilblanc)
- 1707.07838
: Controlling phase diagram of finite spin-1/2 chains by tuning boundary interactions (Lewenstein)
- 1707.07781
: SU(N) Fermions in a One-Dimensional Harmonic Trap (Levinson)
- 1707.07931
: Devil's staircases without particle-hole symmetry, long-range int. (Lesanovsky)
- 1707.07686
: Intrinsic and emergent anomalies at deconfined critical points (Metlitski, Thorngren)
- 1707.08013
: Eigenstate thermalization in the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model (Sonner)
- 1707.07427
: # Magnonic topological insulators in antiferromagnets (Nakata, Kim, Loss)
- 1707.07037
: Emergent Chiral Spin State in the Mott Phase of a Bosonic Kane-Mele-Hubbard (Le Hur)
- 1707.07306
: Topological spinon bands and vison excitations in spin-orbit coupled quantum spin liquids (Reuther)
- 1707.07008
: # MBL-mobile: Many-body-localized engine (Halpern, Gopalakrishnan, Refael)
- 1707.07031
: Thermalization near integrability in a dipolar quantum Newton's cradle (Gopalakrishnan)
- 1707.07532
: Entanglement spectrum degeneracy and Cardy formula in 1+1 D CFT, CTM (Calabrese, Tonni)
- 1707.07658
: Entanglement spectroscopy on a quantum computer, Newton-Girard (Troyer)
- 1707.07209
: Generalizing the \(\mathfrak{bms}_{3}\) and 2D-conformal algebras by expanding Virasoro (Salgado-Rebolledo)
- 1707.06654
: Fractional chiral superconductors, parafermions (Berg, von Oppen, Oreg)
- 1707.06722
: Many-body Chern number of $
u=1/3$ and $1/2$ states on various lattices (Kariyado, Hatsugai)
- 1707.06818
: Interaction-induced interference in the integer quantum Hall effect (Choi)
- 1707.06759
: MBL of spinless fermions with attractive interactions in one dimension (Heidrich-Meisner)
- 1707.06981
: Time Evolution of Many-Body Localized Systems with the Flow Equation Approach (Schiro)
- 1707.06793
: # A variational method for integrability-breaking Richardson-Gaudin models (Claeys, Caux)
- 1707.06419
: Quantum Degenerate Majorana Zero Modes in Two-Dimensional Continuous Space, 1D Kitaev ladder (YT.Lin)
- 1707.06306
: Bott periodicity for the topo. classification of gapped states of matter with reflection symmetry (Brower)
- 1707.06498
: A blueprint for fault-tolerant quantum computation with Rydberg atoms (Auger)
- 1707.06243
: # Rigorous free fermion entanglement renormalization from wavelet theory (Swingle, Evenbly)
- 1707.06273
: Lindblad dynamics of the quantum spherical model (Henkel)
- 1707.06625
: Return probability after a quench from a domain wall initial state in the spin-1/2 XXZ chain (J-M.Stephan)
- 1707.06512
: Theory of ground states for classical Heisenberg spin systems III, Gram set (Schmidt)
- 1707.06351
: BRST Conformal Symmetry as A Background-Free Nature of Quantum Gravity, three-Fermi (Hamada)
- 1707.05902
: Variational Study of Fermionic and Bosonic Systems with Non-Gaussian States: Theory and Applications (Demler, Cirac)
- 1707.06111
: Out-of-equilibrium dynamics in a quantum impurity model: numerics for particle transport and entanglement entropy (Misguich)
- 1707.05787
: # One-Dimensional Symmetry Protected Topological Phases and their Transitions (Mossner, Pollmann)
- 1707.05791
: Mesoscopic pairing without superconductivity, Richardson-Gaudin (Hofmann)
- 1707.05953
: Topological flat Wannier-Stark bands (Flach)
- 1707.05812
: Universal entropy of conformal critical points on a Klein bottle (H-H.Tu)
- 1707.05921
: Thermalization without eigenstate thermalization hypothesis after a quantum quench (Mori, Shiraishi)
- 1707.06123
: Matrix Product States for Interacting Particles without Hardcore Constraints, functional relation (Chatterjee)
- 1707.06218
: Analytic solution of the Domain Wall non-equilibrium stationary state (De Luca)
- 1707.05666
: Umklapp scattering as the origin of T-linear resistivity in the normal state of high-Tc cuprates (Rice, Tsvelik)
- 1707.05586
: Quasi-continuous transition from a Fermi liquid to a spin liquid (Kurosaki, Kanoda)
- 1707.05400
: (Thesis) Anderson Localization in Low-Dimensional Optical Lattices (Major)
- 1707.05362
: Behaviour of l-bits near the many-body localization transition (Steven Simon)
- 1707.05490
: # Universal Quantum Computation with Gapped Boundaries, Z3 toric code (Zhenghan Wang)
- 1707.05634
: Goldstino in supersymmetric Bose-Fermi mixtures in the presence of Bose Einstein condensate (Hidaka, Satow)
- 1707.05671
: Time evolution of effective central charge and RG irreversibility after a quantum quench (Cubero)
- 1707.05448
: The Sum Over Topological Sectors and \(theta\) in the 2+1-D \(\mathbb{C}\mathbb{P}^1\) \(\sigma\)-Model (Komargodski, Seiberg)
- 1707.04899
: (Review) Realizing Majorana zero modes in superconductor-semiconductor heterostructures (Lutchyn, Oreg)
- 1707.04597
: Multifractal Study of Quasiparticle Localization in Disordered Superconductors (C.Moore)
- 1707.04665
: Applications of gradient descent method to magnetic Skyrmion problems (J-H.Han, Han)
- 1707.05084
: Analytic Theory of Wannier-Stark Quantization in Two Dimensions (Malysheva)
- 1707.05267
: AFM skyrmion crystals: generation, topological Hall and topological spin Hall effect (Mook, Mertig)
- 1707.04952
: Probing many-body localization in a disordered quantum magnet (Aeppli, Rosenbaum)
- 1707.05181
: Construction of exact constants of motion and effective models for many-body localized systems (Eisert)
- 1707.05051
: Dynamics of quantum information in many-body localized systems (Banuls, Lukin, Cirac)
- 1707.04718
: #Topological phases in Kitaev chain with imbalanced pairing (Ci Li)
- 1707.05144
: # Many-body strategies for multi-qubit gates - quantum control through Krawtchouk chain dynamics (Schoutens)
- 1707.04634
: Constructing new nonlinear evolution equations with supersymmetry, NLSE (Biancalana)
- 1707.04813
: Conformal Bootstrap Analysis for Yang-Lee Edge Singularity (S.Hikami)
- 1707.04518
: Insights into the orbital magnetism of noncollinear magnetic systems (Santos Dias)
- 1707.04548
: Out-of-plane carrier spin in transition-metal dichalcogenides under electric current (Qian Niu)
- 1707.04313
: DMRG study of a 3-orbital Hubbard with spin-orbit coupling in 1D (Moreo, Dagotto)
- 1707.04455
: # Quantum Simulation and Spectroscopy of Entanglement Hamiltonians, Bisognano-Wichmann (Vermersch, Zoller)
- 1707.04388
: # Teaching RG, scaling, and universality with an example from quantum mechanics, inverse square potential (Paik)
- 1707.04564
: Hamiltonian and Algebraic Theories of Gapped Boundaries in Topo. Phases of Matter (Meng Cheng, Zhenghan Wang)
- 1707.04574
: Asymptotic representations of augmented q-Onsager and boundary K related to Baxter's Q (Baseilhac, Tsuboi)
- 1707.03836
: Thermal transport in a two-dimensional $\mathbb{Z}_2$ spin liquid, Kitaev honeycomb (Brenig)
- 1707.04216
: Systems with disorder, interactions, and out of equilibrium: The exact independent-particle picture from DFT (Verdozzi)
- 1707.04195
: Supersymmetry in Closed Chains of Majorana fermions, Josephson, flux, ... (Huang, Nitta)
- 1707.03983
: Exact solutions in interacting dimerized Kitaev chain: Topological CDW and cat states (Ezawa)
- 1707.03944
: # Ferromagnetism in the Hubbard model with a gapless nearly-flat band (A.Tanaka)
- 1707.04120
: Simulating polaron biophysics with Rydberg atoms, Davydov ansatz (Plodzien)
- 1707.03974
: Paradeisos: a perfect hashing algorithm for many-body eigenvalue problems (Devereaux)
- 1707.03769
: # Piezoelectricity and valley Chern number in inhomogeneous hexagonal 2D crystals (Guinea)
- 1707.03407
: Stable Unitary Integrators for the Numerical Implementation of Continuous Unitary Transformations, Wegner, MBL (Refael)
- 1707.03615
: Unconventional Universality Class of 1D Isolated Coarsening Dynamics in a Spinor Bose Gas, Landau-Lifshitz (Hamazaki, Ueda)
- 1707.03722
: Effects of Interactions on Dynamic Correlations of Hard-Core Bosons at Finite Temperatures, spin ladder (Uhrig)
- 1707.03754
: Superconductivity Induced by Interfacial Coupling to Magnons (Brataas)
- 1707.03749
: Non-equilibrium phase diagram of a 1D quasiperiodic system with a single-particle mobility edge (Kulkarni)
- 1707.03524
: A mathematical account of the NEGF formalism, many body Green's functions (Pillet)
- 1707.03176
: # Transport properties of an interacting Majorana chain (Bergholtz, Meidan)
- 1707.03216
: Magnetophononics: ultrafast spin control through the lattice (Spaldin)
- 1707.03150
: # Ground-State Properties of Mixed Spin-1 and 1/2 Lieb-Lattice Heisenberg AFM (Yasuda, Fukumoto)
- 1707.03206
: Tuning the classical spin-liquid behaviour in a triangular-lattice, dipolar, Ising AFM (Mila)
- 1707.03369
: Dynamics of Anderson localization in disordered wires (Khalaf, Ostrovsky)
- 1707.03261
: Qubit(s) transfer in helical spin chains, multiferroics (Mishra)
- 1707.02984
: Transport properties across MBL transition in quasiperiodic and random systems (Pixley)
- 1707.03192
: Diverging conductance at the contact between random and pure quantum XX spin chains (Chatelain)
- 1707.02584
: The algebraic Bethe Ansatz and combinatorial trees (Lima-Santos)
- 1707.02308
: Fracton topological phases from strongly coupled spin chains (Hsieh, Balents)
- 1707.02374
: Magnetoelectric antiferromagnets as platforms for the manipulation of solitons (S.K.Kim, Tserkovnyak)
- 1707.02457
: Quantum Order-by-Disorder in Strongly Correlated Metals, Villain (Green)
- 1707.02928
: Asymptotic Floquet states of non-Markovian systems (Hanggi)
- 1707.02317
: # Gapless quantum spin chains: multiple dynamics and conformal wavefunctions (Xiao Chen, Fradkin)
- 1707.02859
: # Theory of ground states for classical Heisenberg spin systems II (J-J.Schmidt)
- 1707.02446
: The spectrum of the Heisenberg ferromagnet and graph theory (Ouyang)
- 1707.02539
: Some conditional probabilities in the TASEP with second class particles, identities (E.Lee)
- 1707.02325
: Pure states in the SYK model and nearly-AdS2 gravity, boundary states (Maldacena)
- 1707.01903
: Structure and Topology of Band Structures in the 1651 Magnetic Space Groups (Watanabe, Po, Vishwanath)
- 1707.01953
: A tensor network study of the complete ground state phase diagram of the spin-1 bilinear-biquadratic Heisenberg model on the square lattice (Corboz)
- 1707.02079
: Microscopic Theory of Surface Topological Order for Topological Crystalline Superconductors (Meng Cheng)
- 1707.02124
: Protected pseudohelical edge states in proximity graphene ribbons and flakes (T.Frank)
- 1707.02203
: Non-adiabatic quantum state preparation and quantum state teleportation in chains of Rydberg atoms, Unitary, MPS (Lesanovsky)
- 1707.02159
: Interacting and noninteracting integrable systems, Onsager matrix (Spohn)
- 1707.01923
: Facilitated exclusion process (Corwin)
- 1707.02181
: Real eigenvalues in the non-Hermitian Anderson model, math-ph (Sodin)
- 1707.02197
: Stability of chaos in a generalised Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model (Garcia-Garcia, Tezuka)
- 1707.01529
: Thermodynamics of the pyrochlore Heisenberg ferromagnet with arbitrary spin S (Richter, Derzhko)
- 1707.01502
: Magnetic Order in Laser-Irradiated Kagome Antiferromagnets, thermal Hall (Owerre)
- 1707.01676
: # Spin-Orbit Coupling Effect on Kondo-Induced Electric Polarization in Triple Quantum Dot (Koga, Matsumoto)
- 1707.01506
: Quantum dynamics of thermalizing systems, TEBD (Zaletel, Mong, Refael)
- 1707.01510
: Detecting Many-Body-Localization Length with Cold Atoms (Xiaopeng Li)
- 1707.01893
: Richardson's solutions in the real- and complex-energy spectrum (Betan)
- 1707.01820
: Typical equilibrium state of an embedded quantum system, random matrix (Ithier)
- 1707.01740
: SYK Models and SYK-like Tensor Models with Global Symmetry, Kac-Moody (Yoon)
- 1707.01100
: Phase transitions and adiabatic preparation of a fractional Chern insulator in a bosonic cold atom model (Motruk, Pollmann)
- 1707.01126
: High temperature thermodynamics of the honeycomb Kitaev-Heisenberg, high temperature series expansion (Singh, Oitmaa)
- 1707.01206
: Weak-Light Nonlinearity Using a Dark State in Coupled Quantum Dots, Lindblad (Yokoshi)
- 1707.01463
: Interaction effects from the parity of N in SU(N) symmetric fermion lattice systems (Congjun Wu)
- 1707.01273
: #A class of states supporting diffusive spin dynamics in the isotropic Heisenberg model, product states (Znidaric, Prosen)
- 1707.01490
: Shortcuts to adiabaticity using flow fields, Okuyama-Takahashi cited (Jarzynski)
- 1707.01098
: Dual lattice functional RG for BKT transition: irrelevance of amplitude and out-of-plane fluctuations (Kopietz)
- 1707.01193
: # On eigenstates for some \(sl_2\) related Hamiltonian (Alamrani)
- 1707.01122
: Hamiltonian formulation of systems with balanced loss-gain and exactly solvable models (Ghosh, Sinha)
- 1707.00898
: # Dirac nodes and nodal chains in 3D Kitaev spin liquids, flux sector (Yamada, Hermanns)
- 1707.00728
: Wave Function and Emergent SU(2) Symmetry in $\(u_T=1\) Quantum Hall Bilayer (S-C.Zhang)
- 1707.01024
: Polynomial Description of the Topo. Inv. in Inhomogeneous Superconducting Wires. Kitaev (Perez)
- 1707.01079
: PsiQuaSP -- A library for efficient computation of symmetric open quantum systems (Gegg)
- 1707.00949
: # A Multispecies Exclusion Process with Fusion and Fission of Rods, hard rods? (Chowdhury)
- 1707.00781
: The Fall of the Empire: The Americanization of English, twitter etc.
- 1707.01073
: Quantum Quench in the Infinitely Repulsive Hubbard Model: The Stationary State, Ogata-Shiba (Calabrese)
- 1707.00897
: Factorizations of symmetric Macdonald polynomials, FQHE, Haldane-Bernevig (Dunkl)
- 1707.00888
: Field Space Entanglement Entropy and Lifshitz Models (Huffel)
- 1707.01057
: Symmetries and conservation laws in non-Hermitian field theories, PT symmetry (Alexandre)
- 1707.00382
: Tunneling between chiral magnets: Spin current generation without external fields (Arakawa)
- 1707.00663
: Quantum phase recognition via unsupervised machine learning (Assaad, Trebst)
- 1707.00343
: Correlations and enlarged superconducting phase of \(t\)-\(J_\perp\) chains of ultracold molecules on optical lattices (Manmana)
- 1707.00077
: Majorana Zero-Energy Mode and Fractal Structure in Fibonacci-Kitaev Chain (Sugimoto, Tohyama)
- 1707.00105
: 1D model of chiral fermions with Feshbach resonant interactions, BA, Wadati (Gurarie)
- 1707.00404
: Prethermal time crystals in one-dimensional periodically driven Floquet system (D.N.Sheng)
- 1707.00470
: Fermionic projected entangled-pair states and topological phases (Verstraete)
- 1707.00139
: (Memorial) Martin David Kruskal: a biographical memoir
- 1706.10242
: Comprehensive study of the dynamics of a classical Kitaev spin liquid (Tennant, Batista)
- 1706.09908
: Signatures of Quantum Spin Liquid in Kitaev-like Frustrated Magnets (Yamaji, Pollmann, Y-B.Kim)
- 1706.10249
: Majorana edge modes, exact results for the symmetric interacting Kitaev chain with disorder (Knolle)
- 1706.10247
: Photoinduced Hund excitons in the breakdown of a two-orbital Mott insulator (Dagotto, Feiguin)
- 1706.09897
: Bipartite Fidelity and Loschmidt Echo of Bosonic Conformal Interface (Zhou, Lin)
- 1706.10112
: # Saturation of entropy production in quantum many-body systems (Kaneko, Iyoda, Sagawa)
- 1706.09941
: Quantum transfer-matrices for the sausage model, ODE/IQFT (Bazhanov, Lukyanov)
- 1706.09929
: NLO Renormalization in the Hamiltonian Truncation, TSA (Rychkov)
Hosho Katsura's arXiv