March 2017
MathJax demonstration
\frac{\pi}{2} =
\left( \int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{\sin x}{\sqrt{x}} dx \right)^2 =
\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{(2k)!}{2^{2k}(k!)^2} \frac{1}{2k+1} =
\prod_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{4k^2}{4k^2 - 1}
- 1703.10408
: Designer curved-space geometry for relativistic fermions in Weyl metamaterials (Ojanen)
- 1703.10395
: # Thermal Transport in the Kitaev Model, longitudinal, transverse (Nasu, Motome)
- 1703.10397
: Effective Field Theory of Chiral Spin Liquid between Ordered Phases in Kagome Antiferromagnet
- 1703.10207
: Cotunnelling and polaronic effect in granular systems (Sivak)
- 1703.10587
: Particle partition entanglement of one dimensional spinless fermions (Del Maestro)
- 1702.07938
: Complexity Classification of the Eight-Vertex Model, computational complexity
- 1703.10531
: Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics and Steady State Density Matrix for Quantum Open Systems (Ness)
- 1703.09706
: # Bulk-boundary correspondence across the Weyl semimetal-metal QPT: Evolution of topological Fermi arcs (Roy)
- 1703.10008
: Triplet Fermions and Dirac Fermions in Borophene (Ezawa)
- 1703.10087
: Strongly correlated double Dirac fermions (Thomale)
- 1703.09899
: Type-II Dirac Photons, relation to organic Dirac? (Jiang)
- 1703.09808
: Dynamical engineering of interactions in qudit ensembles, AKLT (Yao, Lukin)
- 1703.09814
: Efficient Determination of Ground States of Infinite Quantum Lattice Models in 3D, tensor network (Gang Su, Lewenstein)
- 1703.10133
: # Quantum ground state isoperimetric inequalities for the energy spectrum of local Hamiltonians (Crosson)
- 1703.10079
: M\(_k\) models: the field theory connection, SUSY, boundary SG (Fokkema, Schoutens)
- 1703.09939
: Out-of-Time-Ordered Correlators in \((T^2)^n/\mathbb{Z}_n\) (Takayanagi)
- 1703.09357
: Weak ferromagnetic order breaking the threefold rotational symmetry of the underlying kagome in CdCu\(_3\)(OH)\(_6\)(NO\(_3\))\(_2\cdot\)H\(_2\)O, DM (Hiroi, Ohkubo)
- 1703.09220
: Fermionic spin liquid analysis of the paramagnetic state in Volborthite, kagome (Y-B.Kim)
- 1703.09522
: The topological Anderson insulator phase in Dirac semimetal thin film
- 1703.09336
: Localization of fermions in coupled chains with identical disorder (Sirker)
- 1703.09634
: On Thouless bandwidth formula in the Hofstadter model (Ouvry)
- 1703.09516
: On Generalized Gibbs Ensembles with an infinite set of conserved charges, Y-system (Pozsgay, Vernier)
- 1703.09672
: Gauged BPS baby Skyrmions with quantised magnetic flux
- 1703.09435
: Out-of-time-order correlators in quantum mechanics (Hashimoto, Yoshii)
- 1703.08910
: Anomalous Hall effect and topological defects in antiferromagnetic Weyl semimetals: Mn\(_3\)Sn/Ge (Liu, Balents)
- 1703.08545
: Dirac and nodal-line magnons in collinear antiferromagnets (Chen Fang)
- 1703.09142
: Current induced generation and synchronous motion of highly packed coupled chiral domain walls, DM (Hayashi)
- 1703.08673
: Derivation of Semiclassical Kinetic Theory in the Presence of Non-Abelian Berry Curvature (Bettelheim)
- 1703.08949
: Spin-incoherent Luttinger liquid of 1D spin-1 Tonks-Girardeau Bose gas: Spin-dependent properties, Tan's contact (Yip)
- 1703.09188
: Matrix Product Unitaries: Structure, Symmetries, and Topological Invariants (Cirac, Schuch, Verstraete)
- 1703.08946
: The most effective model for describing the universal behavior of unstable surface growth, KPZ (Minami, Sasa)
- 1703.09148
: Defects in the Tri-critical Ising model, CFT (Watts)
- 1703.08670
: Chebyshev, Legendre, Hermite and other orthonormal polynomials in D-dimensions, tensor polynomials
- 1703.08224
: # Emulating Majorana fermions and their braiding by Ising spin chains (Gefen)
- 1703.08431
: Phase Diagram of \(\alpha\)-RuCl\(_3\) in an in-plane Magnetic Field, Kitaev (Sears)
- 1703.08474
: Gapless Spin Excitations in the Field-Induced Quantum Spin Liquid Phase of alpha-RuCl3 (Yu)
- 1703.08343
: # Effects of anisotropy in spin molecular-orbital coupling on effective spin models of trinuclear organometallic complexes (Powell)
- 1703.08185
: Topological strings linking with quasi-particle exchange in superconducting Dirac semimetals (Lopes, Teo, Ryu)
- 1703.08364
: Ultracold atoms in quasi-1D traps: a step beyond the Lieb-Liniger, van der Waals
- 1703.08411
: Density-of-states of many-body quantum systems from tensor networks (Montangero)
- 1703.08421
: # (Review) Non-perturbative methodologies for low-dimensional strongly-correlated systems: From non-abelian bosonization to truncated spectrum methods (Konik, Lecheminant, Tsvelik)
- 1703.08233
: Spin-helix states in the XXZ spin chain with strong dissipation (Popkov)
- 1703.07789
: WannierTools: An open-source software package for novel topological materials (Troyer)
- 1703.07783
: Dirac Magnon Loops in Quasi-2D Magnets (Owerre)
- 1703.08006
: Band structure engineering of ideal fractional Chern insulators (C-H.Lee, Thomale)
- 1703.07915
: Perspective: Energy Landscapes for Machine Learning, spin models, ...
- 1703.07782
: # Anomalies and entanglement renormalization, MERA, scaling dimension
- 1703.08126
: Analytical results for the entanglement Hamiltonian of a free-fermion chain (Eisler, Peschel)
- 1703.08054
: Spectral flow for an integrable staggered superspin chain, \(U_q[sl(2|1)]\) (Frahm)
- 1703.07924
: Symmetric functions from wavefunctions of the six-vertex model with triangular boundary (Motegi)
- 1703.07937
: # Spectral Analysis of Piezoelectric Tensors, tesor eigenvalue problems
- 1703.08155
: # Random Matrices and Holographic Tensor Models, Bott periodicity (Kumar)
- 1703.07468
: Single-ion properties of the \(S_{eff}\) = 1/2 XY AFM pyrochlores, Na\(A^{\prime}\)Co\(_2\)F\(_7\) (Ross, Cava)
- 1703.07360
: # Interacting invariants for Floquet phases of fermions in 2D, Majorana (Fidkowski, Vishwanath)
- 1703.07549
: Multi-particle Wannier states and Thouless pumping of interacting bosons (Kivshar)
- 1703.07415
: Observation of robust flat-band localization in driven photonic rhombic lattices
- 1703.07541
: (Lecture) Directed percolation and directed animals, Yang-Lee, ... (D.Dhar)
- 1703.07731
: Zero Range Process and Multi-Dimensional Random Walks, ABA (Bogoliubov, Malyshev)
- 1703.07735
: Examples of reflection positive Euclidean field theories (Trinchero)
- 1703.06880
: Topological phase transitions in multi-component superconductors (Liang Fu)
- 1703.06882
: # Lattice Homotopy Constraints on Phases of Quantum Magnets (Po, Watanabe, Zaletel)
- 1703.07322
: # Majorana Spin Liquids, Superconductivity, Topology and Quantum Computation (Le Hur)
- 1703.06890
: # Approximating the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model with Majorana wires (Alicea)
- 1703.06964
: Electric field control of emergent electrodynamics in quantum spin ice (Moessner)
- 1703.07271
: Floquet dynamics in multi-Weyl semimetals, single, double, triple, ...
- 1703.07222
: Quantum Hall phase diagram of two-component Bose gases: Intercomponent entanglement and pseudopotentials (Furukawa, Ueda)
- 1703.07159
: Phase transitions in electron spin resonance under continuous microwave driving (Garrahan, Lesanovsky)
- 1703.06232
: Entanglement of condensed magnons via momentum-space fragmentation
- 1703.06478
: Breakdown of traditional many-body theories for correlated electrons, Green's function (Toschi)
- 1703.06306
: The ladder physics in the Spin Fermion model (Tsvelik)
- 1703.06621
: Anyonic self-induced disorder in a stabilizer code: quasi-MBL in a translational invariant model (Vaez)
- 1703.06236
: Discovering the Building Blocks of Atomic Systems using Machine Learning
- 1703.06505
: Multiloop functional renormalization group that sums up all parquet diagrams, Schroder numbers (von Delft)
- 1703.06250
: Domain wall boundary partition function of the six-vertex model with triangular boundary (Motegi)
- 1703.06699
: Quantum Inverse Scattering and the Lambda Deformed Principal Chiral Model, Frahm's model
- 1703.06142
: # Berry Phases on Virasoro Orbits (Oblak)
- 1703.06533
: Holographic coherent states from random tensor networks (X-L.Qi, Y-Z.You)
- 1703.05896
: Structural and magnetic properties of spin-$1/2$ dimer compound Cu$_2$(IPA)$_2$(DMF)(H$_2$O) with a large spin gap
- 1703.05803
: Superconductivity in $p$-Terphenyl, conducting polymers
- 1703.05938
: Decomposition of split-step quantum walks for simulating Majorana modes and edge states (Sanders)
- 1703.05971
: Dynamics of hard rods with initial domain wall state (Doyon, Spohn)
- 1703.05844
: Fractality in nonequilibrium steady states of quasiperiodic systems (Znidaric)
- 1703.06119
: Approaching the Carnot Limit at Finite Power: An Exact Solution
- 1703.06016
: Spectral equations for the modular oscillator (Kashaev, Sergeev)
- 1703.05334
: Many-body quantum state tomography with neural networks (Melko)
- 1703.05404
: Demonstration of an ac Josephson junction laser (Akhmerov)
- 1703.05416
: An exactly solvable model for Dynamic Nuclear polarization, central spin (De Luca)
- 1703.05363
: Orthogonality catastrophe and fractional exclusion statistics, Sutherland (de Queiroz)
- 1703.04798
: Spacetime symmetries and conformal data in the cMERA (Vidal)
- 1703.05445
: Tensor network and (\(p\)-adic) AdS/CFT (Ling-Yan Hung)
- 1703.05508
: A New Proof of the Index Theorem of Dirac Operator in Canonical Quantum Mechanics
- 1703.05325
: A scaling theory for the long-range to short-range crossover and an infrared duality, long-range Ising (Rychkov))
- 1703.04659
: # The mother of all states of the kagome quantum antiferromagnet, three-coloring (Fradkin)
- 1703.04628
: # Anatomy of Topological Surface States: Exact Solutions from Destructive Interference on Frustrated Lattices (Bergholtz)
- 1703.05225
: On the relationship between topological and geometric defects (Spaldin)
- 1703.04776
: Symmetry-enforced quantum spin Hall insulators in \(\pi\)-flux models, LSM
- 1703.04652
: Finite-temperature dynamics and thermal intra-band magnon scattering in Haldane chains (Honecker)
- 1703.04663
: Clean Floquet Time Crystals: Models and Realizations in Cold Atoms (Vincent Liu)
- 1703.04593
: Critical time crystals in dipolar systems (Lukin, Abanin)
- 1703.05198
: Coherent Transport of Levitons Through the Kondo Resonance (T.J.Suzuki)
- 1703.05034
: Conversion of Thermal Eq. States into Superpositions of Macroscopically Distinct States, XYZ chain (Tatsuta, Shimizu)
- 1703.04740
: On Non-Relativistic Supersymmetry and its Spontaneous Breaking (Meyer)
- 1703.04612
: Fermionic Localization of the Schwarzian Theory (Stanford, Witten)
- 1703.03836
: # Fingerprints of quantum spin ice in Raman scattering (Gingras)
- 1703.04255
: Charge-spin mutual entanglement: A case study by exact diagonalization of the one hole doped \(t-J\) loop (Z-Y.Weng)
- 1703.04137
: \(\mathbb{Z}_N\) symmetry breaking in Projected Entangled Pair State models, Potts (Schuch)
- 1703.04112
: Bridging Perturbative Expansions with Tensor Networks (Schuch, Verstraete)
- 1703.03914
: Elliptic Determinantal Processes and Elliptic Dyson Models (Katori)
- 1703.04305
: Statistical properties of one-dimensional directed polymers in a random potential, curious identities (V.Dotsenko)
- 1703.04152
: RG stability of integrable fishnet models, Kazakov model (Torrents)
- 1703.03556
: Superexchange theory of electronic polarization driven by relativistic spin-orbit interaction at the half-filling (Solovyev)
- 1703.03418
: Non-Abelian topological phases in three spatial dimensions from coupled wires (Chamon, Mudry)
- 1703.03537
: VMC for fermionic models combined with tensor networks and applications to the hole-doped 2D Hubbard (Morita, Imada)
- 1703.03566
: Magnetic chern bands and triplon Hall effect in an extended Shastry-Sutherland model (K.P.Schmidt)
- 1703.03637
: Quantum Lattice Model Solver \({\mathcal H}\Phi\) (Yamaji, Todo, Kawashima)
- 1703.03564
: On Defects Between Gapped Boundaries in 2D Topo. Phases of Matter, parafermions (Meng Cheng, Wang)
- 1703.03580
: Anderson localization in Non-Hermitian Aubry-Andre-Harper model with physical gain and loss (Shu Chen)
- 1703.03458
: A Unified Approach to Nonlinear Transformation Materials (Baowen Li)
- 1703.03037
: (Review) Aperiodic topological order in the domain configurations of functional materials (S-W.Cheong)
- 1703.03388
: Space-time crystal and space-time group symmetry (Congjun Wu)
- 1703.02973
: Fractons from Partons, interacting Majorana (T.Hsieh, Halasz)
- 1703.03360
: # Braiding errors in interacting Majorana quantum wires (Greiter, Thomale, Schmitteckert)
- 1703.02986
: Majorana Kramers pair in nematic vortex, solution to zero modes (Ivar Martin)
- 1703.02979
: Entanglement Entropy of Typical Eigenstates of Translationally Invariant Quadratic Hamiltonians, Page conjecture (Rigol)
- 1703.02993
: Universality in volume law entanglement of pure quantum states (Fujita, Nakagawa, Sugiura)
- 1703.03002
: Charge and spin current statistics of the open Hubbard model with weak coupling to the environment (Prosen)
- 1703.02885
: Competition between disorder and interaction effects in 3D Weyl semimetals (Gonzalez)
- 1703.02734
: Spin fluctuations in the 0.7-anomaly in quantum point contacts (von Delft)
- 1703.02813
: Observation of topological Bloch-state defects and their merging transition (Mathey)
- 1703.02863
: Implementing supersymmetric dynamics in ultracold atom systems (Mathey)
- 1703.02547
: The fate of a discrete time crystal in an open system (Moessner)
- 1703.02553
: Floquet topological phases protected by time glide symmetry (Morimoto, Po, Vishwanath)
- 1703.02966
: Condensation in continuous stochastic mass transport models (Schadschneider)
- 1703.02794
: Cherednik operators and Ruijsenaars-Schneider model at infinity, Jack (Sklyanin)
- 1703.02050
: # Topological quantum chemistry, graph theory (Bradlyn, Bernevig)
- 1703.02531
: Field-induced intertwined orders in 3D Mott-Kitaev honeycomb \(\beta\)-Li2IrO3, frustration (Kimchi)
- 1703.02520
: Majorana quasiparticles in spin-singlet superconductors with underlying sublattices (Dutreix)
- 1703.02460
: DFT-inspired methods for quantum thermodynamics, Hubbard dimer
- 1703.02387
: General form of DMPK equation
- 1703.02489
: Quantum Thermalization and the Expansion of Atomic Clouds, modular Hamiltonian (Rademaker, Zaanen)
- 1703.02369
: Applications of neural networks to the studies of phase transitions of 2D Potts models
- 1703.02430
: The surprising convergence of the Monte Carlo renormalization group for the \(d\)=3 Ising Model (Swendsen)
- 1703.02470
: Geometry and the Quantum (Connes)
- 1703.02051
: # Solvable SYK models in higher dimensions: a new type of many-body localization transition (Hong Yao)
- 1703.01322
: Disorder enabled band structure engineering of a topological insulator surface (Biswas)
- 1703.01870
: Controlling topological superconductivity by magnetization dynamics, Shiba state chain (P.Simon)
- 1703.01876
: Detecting Spin Fractionalization in a Spinon Fermi Surface Spin Liquid: Prediction and Application for YbMgGaO\(_4\) (Gang Chen)
- 1703.01308
: Deconfined quantum criticality in SU(3) AFM on the triangular, trimer solid (Punk)
- 1703.01629
: Photon-added coherent states for shape invariant systems, SUSY QM
- 1703.01967
: Markov chain sampling of the \(O(n)\) loop models on the infinite plane
- 1703.01994
: Rigorous renormalization group method for ground space and low-energy states of local Hamiltonians (Motrunich)
- 1703.01315
: Healing of Defects in Random Antiferromagnetic Spin Chains (Vasseru, Saleur)
- 1703.01420
: # Exact phase diagram and topological phase transitions of the XYZ spin chain, real space RG (Jafari)
- 1703.01800
: # Matrix product states for topological phases with parafermions, SPT (G-M.Zhang)
- 1703.00911
: Complete Theory of Symmetry-based Indicators of Band Topology (Po, Vishwanath, Watanabe)
- 1703.01249
: # Number-conserving interacting fermion models with exact topological superconducting ground states (Hazzard)
- 1703.01081
: Incarnation of Majorana Fermions in Kitaev Quantum Spin Lattice (Nasu, Motome)
- 1703.01194
: Highly excited electronic image states of metallic nanorings
- 1703.01123
: Semiclassical expansion of the Bethe scalar products in the XXZ spin chain (Babenko)
- 1408.0121
: Thermally correlated states in Loop Quantum Gravity, boost operator \(K\)
- 1703.00459
: Quantum Error Correction for Complex and Majorana Fermion Qubits (Vijay, Liang Fu)
- 1703.00464
: # Entanglement renormalization for chiral topological phases, bound (Li, Roger Mong)
- 1703.00715
: Quantum ground states and QPTs of a spin-1/2 Heisenberg octahedral chain (Richter, Derzhko)
- 1703.00724
: Time-dependent density-functional theory for strongly interacting electrons, exact (van Leeuwen)
- 1703.00499
: Resonant x-ray scattering, possible disappearance of magnetic order under hydrostatic pressure, Kitaev \(\gamma\)-Li\(_2\)IrO\(_3\) (Analytis)
- 1703.00501
: # Theta, Time Reversal, and Temperature, LSM? (Gaiotto, Kapustin, Komargodski, Seiberg)
- 1703.00600
: Spontaneous Supersymmetry Breaking, Negative Metric and Vacuum Energy (Kugo)
- 1703.00456
: AdS from Optimization of Path-Integrals in CFTs, Liouville theory (Miyaji, Takayanagi)
- 1703.00014
: Insulators and metals with topological order and discrete symmetry breaking (Sachdev)
- 1703.00324
: # Quantum-disordered state of magnetic and electric dipoles in a hydrogen-bonded Mott system (Ishihara, Yamashita)
- 1703.00430
: Realizing and Adiabatically Preparing Bosonic Integer and Fractional Quantum Hall states in Optical Lattices (He, Vishwanath)
- 1703.00355
: Fluctuating hydrodynamics, current fluctuations and hyperuniformity in boundary-driven open quantum chains (Garrahan, Lesanovsky)
- 1703.00387
: Open source Matrix Product States: Opening ways to simulate entangled many-body quantum systems in one dimension (Carr)
- 1703.00365
: # Renormalization group flows of Hamiltonians using tensor networks (Verstraete)
- 1702.08838
: Finite-representation approximation of lattice gauge theories at the continuum limit with tensor networks (Verstraete)
- 1703.00046
: The Malgrange form and Fredholm determinants, index, Izergin-Korepin-Slavnov (Bertola)
- 1703.00277
: From Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics to Scalar Field Theories (Bazeia)
- 1703.00431
: Towards topological quantum computer, knot, R-matrix (Mironov, Morozov)
- 1702.08573
: Dynamics of Bound Magnon Pairs in the Quasi-1D Frustrated Magnet LiCuVO\(_4\) (Nawa)
- 1702.08528
: # Strongly Interacting Phases of Metallic Wires in Strong Magnetic Field (X-L.Qi)
- 1702.08470
: Solvable models for neutral modes in fractional quantum Hall edges (Levin)
- 1702.08885
: Locality of the anomalous Hall conductivity, Noncommutative? (Resta)
- 1702.08466
: Breakdown of Magnons in a Strongly Spin-Orbital Coupled Magnet, Kitaev honeycomb
- 1702.08869
: Lieb-Robinson Bounds for Multi-Commutators and Applications to Response Theory (Bru)
- 1702.08759
: Symmetry reduction induced by anyon condensation: a tensor network approach (Perez-Garcia)
- 1702.08469
: Entanglement phases as holographic duals of anyon condensates (Duivenvoorden, Verstraete, Schuch)
- 1702.08894
: # Quantum thermalization dynamics with Matrix-Product States (Pollmann, Bardarson, Altman)
- 1702.08586
: Can Boltzmann Machines Discover Cluster Updates? Lieb lattice? (Lei Wang)
- 1702.08462
: Energy diffusion and the butterfly effect in inhomogeneous Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev chains (X-L.Qi)
- 1702.08902
: Power-law out of time order correlation functions in the SYK, Liouville QM (Altland, Kamenev)
Hosho Katsura's arXiv