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January 2017
MathJax demonstration
- 1701.08272
: Spin glass behavior in frustrated quantum spin system CuAl2O4 with a possible orbital liquid state (S-W.Cheong)
- 1701.08572
: # Multiferroicity and magnetodielectric coupling in a non-perovskite metal-organic framework (Loidl)
- 1701.08273
: Magnetic Domain Walls as Hosts of Spin Superfluids and Generators of Skyrmions (Tserkovnyak)
- 1701.08725
: Topological Crystalline Materials, Module Structure, and Wallpaper Groups (Shiozaki, Sato, Gomi)
- 1701.08264
: Fermionic SPT phases in higher dimensions and bosonization (Kapustin, Thorngren)
- 1701.08556
: Quantum dynamics of a domain wall in a quasi 1D XXZ ferromagnet, easy-plane FM (Shimshoni)
- 1701.08367
: Excitations and stability of weakly interacting Bose gases with multi-body interactions (Trombettoni)
- 1701.08427
: A contour for the entanglement entropies in harmonic lattices, modular Hamiltonian (Tonni)
- 1701.08167
: Conformal partition functions of critical percolation from D3 TBA (Morin-Duchesne, Klumper, Pearce)
- 1701.08722
: The square lattice Ising model on the rectangle II: Finite-size scaling limit (Hucht)
- 1701.08388
: The origin of life seen from the point of view of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics (Ruelle)
- 1701.08541
: A Macdonald refined topological vertex (Foda)
- 1701.07836
: Quantum Hall ferroelectrics and nematics in multivalley systems (Sodemann, Liang Fu)
- 1701.07837
: Realizing quantum spin liquid phases in spin-orbit driven correlated materials, irridates (Yamaji, Y-B.Kim)
- 1701.08056
: (Short review) Equilibration and Order in Quantum Floquet Matter, π-spin glass (Moessner, Sondhi)
- 1701.08057
: # Level crossings induced by a longitudinal coupling in the transverse field Ising chain, interacting Kitaev (Vionnet, Mila)
- 1701.07971
: Role of Quantum Fluctuations in Ba3CoSb2O9 Revealed by Excitations within the 1/3-Magnetization Plateau (Kamiya, Batista)
- 1701.08138
: Supremacy of the quantum many-body Szilard engine with attractive bosons, Tonks-Giradeau (M.Ueda)
- 1701.07903
: #Quantum dark soliton (qubits) in Bose Einstein condensates, reflectionless potential (Shaukat)
- 1701.07557
: Critical behavior of itinerant fermions - role of finite size effects (Chubukov)
- 1701.07596
: Aperiodically driven integrable systems and their emergent steady states (Diptiman Sen)
- 1701.07455
: Finite volume calculation of K-theory invariants (Loring, Schulz-Baldes)
- 1701.07445
: Emergent Supersymmetry in Local Equilibrium Systems (Hong Liu)
- 1701.07056
: # (Review) Kitaev Materials, Julich spring school "Topological Matter" (Trebst)
- 1701.07220
: Field induced phase diagram of the XY pyrochlore antiferromagnet Er2Ti2O7
- 1701.07035
: Variational optimization algorithms for uniform matrix product states (Verstraete, Haegeman)
- 1701.07279
: # (Review) Integrable structure of multispecies zero range process (Kuniba, Okado, Watanabe)
- 1701.07374
: Statistical Physics of the Symmetric Group, chains of amino acids
- 1701.07092
: Inverting the Kasteleyn matrix for holey hexagons
- 1701.07081
: Instability of the non-Fermi liquid state of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Model (Cenke Xu)
- 1701.06990
: Magnon-mediated Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya torques and pumping of magnons (Zyuzin)
- 1701.06582
: Skyrme insulators: insulators at the brink of superconductivity (Coleman, Tsvelik)
- 1701.06674
: Frustrated S = 1 On A Diamond Lattice, NiRh2O4, topo. paramagnet (McQueen)
- 1701.06620
: Time evolution of the Luttinger model with non-uniform temperature profile (Langmann, Lebowitz)
- 1701.07004
: Tunneling of the hard-core model on finite triangular lattices, hard-hexagon, ... (Zocca)
- 1701.06593
: # Analytical Spectral Density of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Model at finite N (Verbaarschot)
- 1701.06645
: Semi-Compact Skyrmion-like Structures (Bazeia)
- 1701.06567
: BPS spectra and 3-manifold invariants, Lens spaces (Gukov, Vafa)
- 1701.06556
: Concepts of antiferromagnetic spintronics (Sinova)
- 1701.05932
: Why a noninteracting model works for shot noise in fractional charge experiments (Feldman)
- 1701.06246
: Neural network representation of tensor network and chiral states (Huang, Moore)
- 1701.06435
: Exotic Lifshitz transitions in topological materials, devoted to centenary of Lifshitz (Volovik)
- 1701.06200
: # Pairing in Luttinger Liquids and Quantum Hall States (Kane, Stern, Halperin)
- 1701.06472
: Jahn-Teller-driven ferroelectricity and multiferroicity in GaV4Se8 (Loidl)
- 1701.05899
: Floquet Dynamics of Boundary-Driven Systems at Criticality (Vasseur, Moore)
- 1701.06542
: Non Relativistic Limit of Integrable QFT with fermionic excitations, SUSY sinh-Gordon (Mussardo)
- 1701.06292
: Spin q-Whittaker polynomials (Borodin, Wheeler)
- 1701.05991
: Fluctuations for stationary q-TASEP (Imamura, Sasamoto)
- 1701.06074
: KZ-Calogero correspondence revisited (Zabrodin, Zotov)
- 1701.05684
: Two-magnon excitations in RIXS studied by spin-density-wave (T.Nomura)
- 1701.05744
: Theory of surface spectroscopy for noncentrosymmetric superconductors, Pfaffian (Eschrig)
- 1701.05645
: Exact Diagonalization library for quantum electron models, Hubbard clusters (Isakov)
- 1701.05559
: Fractional S-duality and Fractional Topological Insulators (Ye, Cheng, Fradkin)
- 1701.05878
: Haldane Topological Orders in Motzkin Spin Chains (Dell'Anna, Trombettoni, Korepin)
- 1701.05587
: # Aspects of Berry phase in QFT, SCFT, tt* eq., ... (Baggio)
- 1701.05576
: T{\bar T} and LST, AdS3/CFT2, solvable, ... (Kutasov)
- 1701.05322
: Topological Phases in a Weyl Semimetal Multilayer (Yokomizo, Murakami)
- 1701.05199
: Topological Magnetic Excitations on the Distorted Kagome AFM: Applications to Volborthite ... (Owerre)
- 1701.05539
: Terahertz Dielectric Analysis and Spin-Phonon Coupling in Multiferroic GeV4S8
- 1701.05505
: Spin currents, spin torques, and the concept of spin superfluidity (Kopietz)
- 1701.05313
: Stability of flat zero-energy states at the dirty surface of a nodal superconductor (Ikegaya, Asano)
- 1701.05206
: Sensing Floquet-Majorana fermions via heat transfer (Chitra)
- 1701.05317
: Artificial topological models based on a one-dimensional spin-dependent optical lattice
- 1701.05276
: # Integrable Floquet dynamics, corner transfer matrix, Onsager algebra (Gritsev, Polkovnikov)
- 1701.05270
: Parafermionic clock models and quantum resonance (Slingerland, Kells)
- 1701.05239
: Symmetric elliptic functions, IRF models, and dynamic exclusion processes (Borodin)
- 1701.04896
: Three-band Hubbard for Na2IrO3: Topological ins., zigzag antiferromagnet, and Kitaev-Heisenberg (Thomale, Rachel)
- 1701.05137
: Gauge fields and related forces in antiferromagnetic solitons (Tchernyshyov)
- 1701.05135
: Cu-Sb dumbbell arrangement in the spin-orbital liquid candidate Ba3CuSb2O9 (Mila)
- 1701.04976
: Landau Potential for Multiferroic Mn2GeO4 (Harris)
- 1701.04838
: (Review) Pseudogaps in strongly interacting Fermi gases
- 1701.05142
: Emergent Haldane phase in the S=1 BLBQ Heisenberg model on the square lattice (Corboz)
- 1701.05052
: (Review) Topological Quantum Computing (Roy, DiVincenzo)
- 1701.04827
: Scaling Theory of Entanglement at the Many-Body Localization Transition (Vasseur, Potter)
- 1701.04844
: # Quantum Entanglement in Neural Network States, entanglement spectrum (Xiaopeng Li, Das Sarma)
- 1701.04831
: # On the Equivalence of Restricted Boltzmann Machines and Tensor Network States (Tao Xiang)
- 1701.05039
: # Efficient Representation of Quantum Many-body States with Deep Neural Networks (Duan)
- 1701.04748
: # Disorder-free localization, spin fermion (Knolle, Moessner)
- 1701.04458
: Observability of surface currents in p-wave superconductors (Golubov)
- 1701.04678
: Dynamics of the Kitaev-Heisenberg Model (Moessner, Pollmann)
- 1701.04778
: A holographic correspondence from tensor network states (Singh)
- 1701.04637
: # Quasi-stationary states in nonlocal stochastic growth models with infinitely many absorbing states (Alcaraz)
- 1701.04468
: An algebraic construction of duality functions for the stochastic U_q(A_n^{(1)}) vertex model and its degenerations (Kuan)
- 1701.04493
: Weingarten calculus via orthogonality relations: new applications (Collins, Matsumoto)
- 1701.04307
: Spectral intertwining relations in exactly solvable quantum mechanical systems (M.Sakamoto)
- 1701.04297
: Chiral Spin States in a Spin-charge Coupled System on the Shastry-Sutherland Lattice (Sengupta)
- 1701.04542
: Chiral Phase Transitions in a Metallic Frustrated Magnet (Sengupta)
- 1701.03808s
: Limitations of spin-fermion models in studying underdoped cuprate
- 1701.03886
: # Paving Spin-Wave Fibers in Magnonic Nanocircuits Using Spin-Orbit Torque, Y junction
- 1701.04296
: Topological Fulde-Ferrell Superfluids in Triangular Lattices
- 1701.04306
: Quantum fluctuations beyond the Gutzwiller approximation (Fabrizio)
- 1701.04390
: Identifying polymer states by machine learning
- 1701.04214
: Dynamical quantum phase transitions in the quantum Potts chain (Karrasch, Schuricht)
- 1701.03983
: # A direct proof of dimerization in a family of SU(n)-invariant quantum spin chains (Nachtergaele, Ueltschi)
- 1701.04274
: Localization in random fractal lattices
- 1701.03888
: Symmetry of asymmetric quantum Rabi models, Heun (Wakayama)
- 1701.03748
: Ferroelectric pi-stacks of molecules with the energy gaps in the sunlight range, band engineering
- 1701.03739
: Collinear order and chirality-reorientation transition in the Cairo pentagonal magnet Bi4Fe5O{13}F
- 1701.03584
: Symmetry analysis of transport properties in helical superconductor junctions
- 1701.03589
: Effect of Magnetic Field and Rashba Spin-Orbit Interaction on the Josephson Tunneling between Topological Superconductors (Sengupta)
- 1701.03680
: Photonic Versus Electronic Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect, Chern #=2 (Solnyshkov)
- 1701.03659
: Delocalized charge carriers in strongly disordered t-J model, electron-magnon int.
- 1701.03638
: Dynamical universality classes of simple growth and lattice gas models, KPZ, 2+1 D
- 1701.03125
: Experimental evidence for field induced emergent clock anisotropies in the XY pyrochlore
- 1701.03288
: Coupled Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states in molecular dimers on NbSe2 (Ojanen)
- 1701.03451
: Quantum criticality in photorefractive optics: vortices in laser beams and antiferomagnets
- 1701.03257
: Extended Configurational Polyhedra Based on Graph Representation for Crystalline Solids (Yuge)
- 1701.03146
: Quantum q-Langlands Correspondence, qKZ eq. (Frenkel, Okounkov)
- 1701.02787
: # Disorder-enhanced topological protection and universal quantum criticality in a spin-3/2 topological superconductor (M.S.Foster)
- 1701.02880
: Chern insulators without band inversion in MoS2 monolayers with 3d adatoms, Hubbard U
- 1701.02744
: Non-interacting central site model: localization and logarithmic entanglement growth (Pollmann)
- 1701.02832
: Emergent incommensurate correlations in the frustrated ferromagnetic spin-1 chains
- 1701.02990
: Finite size effects and Hofstadter butterfly in a bosonic Mott insulator with relativistic dispersion background
- 1701.02758
: Numerical linked cluster expansions for quantum quenches in one dimensional lattices, bosonic t-t' Hubbard
- 1701.02800
: # Anyonic Chains, Topological Defects, and Conformal Field Theory (Gromov)
- 1701.02820
: Classification of out-of-time-order correlators (Rangamani)
- 1701.02767
: Coupled Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics and ladder structures beyond the harmonic oscillator
- 1701.02318
: Elastic interactions and control of the Mott transition (Littlewood)
- 1701.02441
: Two-component quantum Hall effects in topological flat bands (D.N.Sheng)
- 1701.02558
: Majorana Zero Modes Protected by Hopf Invariant in Topologically Trivial Superconductors
- 1701.02489
: # Theory of ground states for classical Heisenberg spin systems I (H-J.Schmidt)
- 1701.02317
: # The Coprime Quantum Chain (Mussardo)
- 1701.02305
: Crossover between various initial conditions in KPZ growth: flat to stationary, Bethe ansatz (Le Doussal)
- 1701.02257
: Absence of magnetic LRO in Ba3ZnRu2O9: A spin-liquid candidate in the S=3/2 dimer lattice (Terasaki)
- 1701.02198
: Static and Dynamic Magnetic Properties of Spin-1/2 Inequilateral Diamond-Chain Compounds (Morita, Tohyama)
- 1701.01944
: Topological crystalline superconductors with linearly and projectively represented $C_{n}$ symmetry (Bernevig)
- 1701.01794
: Flux-Stabilized Majorana Zero Modes in Coupled One-Dimensional Fermi Wires (Burnell)
- 1701.01727
: Open quantum generalisation of Hopfield neural networks (Garrahan, Lesanovsky)
- 1701.02283
: (Short review) Artificial spin ice and vertex models (Cugliandolo)
- 1701.02248
: One-particle density matrix of trapped 1D impenetrable bosons from conformal invariance (Dubail)
- 1701.02037
: (3+1)-dimensional topological phases and self-dual quantum geometries encoded on Heegard surfaces
- 1701.01864
: An SLE approach to four dimensional black hole microstate entropy, Calogero, ...
- 1701.01509
: Spin Analogues of Superconductivity and the Integer Quantum Hall Effect in an Array of Spin Chains (Tserkovnyak)
- 1701.01660
: Generic coexistence of Fermi arcs and Dirac cones on the surface of time-reversal invariant Weyl semimetals (van den Brink)
- 1701.01440
:# Radical chiral Floquet phases in a periodically driven Kitaev model and beyond (Fidkowski, Vishwanath)
- 1701.01568
: Linear-scaling electronic structure theory: Electronic temperature in the Kernel Polynomial Method
- 1701.01499
: Off-Diagonal Expansion Quantum Monte Carlo
- 1701.01561
: Calabi--Yau geometry meets electrons in 2d (Hatsuda, Sugimoto, Xu)
- 1701.01243
: Chiral spin liquid on kagome AFM induced by DM interaction (Messio, Lhuillier)
- 1701.01133
: Topological phases of parafermionic chains with symmetries (Meidan, Stern)
- 1701.01127
: # Bosonic integer quantum Hall effect as topological pumping (Nakagawa, Furukawa)
- 1701.01408
: Analogue of the quantum Hall effect for neutral particles with magnetic dipole moment
- 1701.01171
: The Large D Limit of Planar Diagrams, SYK (Ferrari)
- 1701.01186
: Towards entanglement entropy with UV cutoff in conformal nets (Tanimoto)
- 1701.00905
: Intermediate Phase between Disordered Weyl Semimetal and Diffusive Metal, phase diagram
- 1701.00873
: (Review) Warming Up Density Functional Theory (JC.Smith)
- 1701.00896
: Magnetic Dirac Semimetals in Three Dimensions
- 1701.00788
: Momentum-Space Spin Texture in a Topological Superconductor (Kampf, Braak)
- 1701.01075
: (Memory) Dirac and Weyl fermions: from Gor'kov equations to Standard Model (in memory of Lev Petrovich Gorkov) (Volovik)
- 1701.00784
: Classification and surface anomaly of glide symmetry protected topological phases in 3D
- 1701.00834
: Which CFTs can describe phase transitions between bosonic SPTs? (D-H.Lee)
- 1701.00980
: Phase Transition and Monopoles Densities in a Nearest Neighbors 2D Spin Ice Model
- 1701.00797
: # Long coherence times for edge spins (Laumann, Fendley)
- 1701.01107
: The Second Law of Quantum Complexity (Susskind)
- 1701.00747
: Fracton topological order via coupled layers (Xie Chen, Hermele)
- 1701.00762
: Isotropic Layer Construction and Phase Diagram for Fracton Topological Phases (Vijay)
- 1701.00720
: Is microcanonical ensemble stable? No, in a rigorous sense specified below. (Huang)
- 1701.00539
: Simple bounds on fluctuations and uncertainty relations for first-passage times of counting observables (Garrahan)
- 1701.00528
: # Towards a 2d QFT Analog of the SYK Model, MPS!, T{\bar T} deformation (H.Verlinde)
- 1701.00074
: Spin Transport and Accumulation in 2D Weyl Fermion System (Ong, Nagaosa)
- 1701.00172
: The quantitative relationship between polarization differences and the zone-averaged shift photocurrent (Morimoto, Moore)
- 1701.00004
: Minimalist approach to the classification of symmetry protected topological phases (Z.Xiong)
- 1701.00007
: Particle-Hole Symmetry in the Fermion-Chern-Simons and Dirac Descriptions of a Half-Filled Landau Level (Cooper, Halperin, Stern)
- 1701.00291
: Flat Band Emerging from the Exceptional Point of a PT Symmetric System
- 1701.00236
: Many-body mobility edge in a quasi periodic system, Aubry-Andre (Garg)
- 1701.00374
: # Topological Insulators in Random Lattices, BHZ, Hastings-Loring
- 1701.00346
: Finite-size Gap, Magnetization, and Entanglement of Deformed Fredkin Spin Chain (Udagawa, Katsura)
- 1612.09515
: Theoretical investigation of the magnetic dynamics and superconducting pairing symmetry in alpha-RuCl3, Kitaev
- 1612.09410
: Robust spin correlations at high magnetic fields in the honeycomb iridates
- 1612.09376
: 1D topo. Kondo insulator: Z2 topological insulator, Haldane-like phase and Kondo breakdown
- 1612.09568
: Duality and topology, XY, Hubbard, Kitaev, ... (Sacramento, Vieira)
- 1612.09552
: Optimal decay of Wannier functions in Chern and Quantum Hall insulators, math-phys (Panati)
- 1612.09557
: The Localization Dichotomy for gapped periodic quantum systems (Panati)
- 1612.09477
: # Yang-Baxter Solution of Dimers as a Free-Fermion Six-Vertex Model, Temperley-Lieb (Pearce)
- 1612.09598
: Highly entangled, non-random subspaces of tensor products from quantum groups (Collins)
- 1612.09580
: # Edge length dynamics on graphs with applications to p-adic AdS/CFT, Laplacian, Line graph, ...
Hosho Katsura's arXiv