June 2016
- 1606.08953
: # (Lecture) TASI lectures on quantum matter (with a view toward holographic duality) (McGreevy)
- 1606.08860
: Uncovering the hidden QCP in disordered massless Dirac and Weyl (Huse, Das Sarma)
- 1606.09161
: Interaction-Induced Topo. and Magnetic Phases in the Hofstadter-Hubbard (Hofstetter)
- 1606.09089
: # Synthetic dimensions in the strong coupling limit and pair-superfluids (N. Cooper)
- 1606.08911
: (Lecture) Quench dynamics in integrable systems (Andrei)
- 1606.09119
: A Tale of Two Fractals: Hofstadter Butterfly and Integral Apollonian Gaskets (Satija)
- 1606.09122
: # Exact Bethe ansatz spectrum of a tight-binding chain with dephasing noise (Essler, Prosen)
- 1606.08897
: Generalized Connes-Chern characters in KK-theory, topo. ins., ... (Prodan, Schulz-Baldes)
- 1606.08450
: # Pinning Majorana to domain walls in amplitude-modulated magnetic textures, multiferro
- 1606.08526
: (Review) Quenching of charge and spin degrees of freedom in condensed matter (Kagawa, Oike)
- 1506.03472
: Emergent Coulombic criticality and Kibble-Zurek scaling in a topological magnet (Moessner, Castelnovo)
- 1606.08781
: Simulating generic spin-boson models with matrix product states (A.M.Rey)
- 1606.08430
: Landau-Zener extension of the Tavis-Cummings: structure of the solution, q-binomial (Sinitsyn)
- 1606.08552
: # Dual wavefunction of the Felderhof model, MPS, factorial Schur (Motegi)
- 1606.08702
: Nonlinear Luttinger Liquid from Painleve IV (Price, Lamacraft)
- 1606.08459
: Gaussian ensemble for quantum integrable dynamics (Polkovnikov, Yuzbashyan)
- 1606.08738
: Dynamical phase transition in large deviation statistics of the KPZ eq., coupled phi^4 (Kamenev)
- 1606.08443
: A Holographic Proof of Renyi Entropic Inequalities (Nishioka)
- 1606.08408
: Roadmap to Majorana surface codes (Sela, Altland, Egger)
- 1606.07856
: Spin structure factors of chiral quantum spin liquids on kagome, Schwinger boson (Punk)
- 1606.07938
: Spin liquid like Raman signatures in hyperkagome iridate Na4Ir3O8 (Singh)
- 1606.08364
: # U independent eigenstates of Hubbard model, eta pairing (Ye, Lin)
- 1606.08308
: Stability of a skyrmion and interaction of magnons (Aristov)
- 1606.07922
: Photo-creating supercooled spiral-spin states in a multiferroic manganite (Kaneko, Tokura)
- 1606.08318
: Topological Lifshitz transitions (Volovik)
- 1606.08013
: Topological Phononics and Phonon Diode (S-C.Zhang)
- 1606.08041
: (Review) Atomic quantum gases in periodically driven optical lattices, Floquet (Eckardt)
- 1606.08148
: Matrix product solution to a 2-species TASEP with open integrable boundaries (Ragoucy)
- 1606.08228
: Ising antiferromagnet on the 2-uniform lattices, various lattices! (Yu)
- 1606.07880
: Broken Lifshitz invariance, spin waves and hydrodynamics (Roychowdhury)
- 1606.07612
: # Tunable magnon Weyl points in ferromagnetic pyrochlores (Mertig)
- 1606.07651
: # Topological Heat Transport and Symmetry-Protected Boson Currents (Martin-Delgado)
- 1606.07697
: Non-Fermi-liquid behavior, quantum impurity with superconducting channels (Fabrizio)
- 1606.07441
: QHE with Hard Confinement: Exact Solution beyond Luttinger Liquid, Jack! (S.H.Simon)
- 1606.07654
: Low-energy physics of 3-orbital impurity model with Kanamori int., Dworin-Narath int.
- 1606.07429
: Constructing and proving the ground state of a generalized Ising ..., Kanamori inequality
- 1606.07795
: # Quantum phase transition in Movassagh-Shor's (frustration-free) spin chain (Klich)
- 1606.07472
: # Quantum impurity in a Luttinger liquid - Exact Solution of Kane-Fisher, ODBA! (Andrei)
- 1606.07321
: Electromagnon dispersion probed by inelastic x-ray scattering (Kimura-Kimura)
- 1606.07203
: Inversion of ferrimagnetic magnetization by ferroelectric switching via a novel ME coupling (Dagotto)
- 1606.07100
: Fate of topological states in incommensurate generalized Aubry-Andre
- 1606.01912
: Particle-vortex duality in topological insulators and superconductors (Murugan)
- 1606.07144
: Hamiltonian Realizations of (3+1)-TQFTs (Zhenghan Wang)
- 1606.07072
: Edge pseudo-magnetoplasmons, Wiener-Hopf method (Katsnelson)
- 1606.07330
: Exact Quantization Conditions, Toric Calabi-Yau and Nonperturbative Topological String, HKT cited (Huang)
- 1606.07070
: Twisted sectors from plane partitions, MacMahon function (Gaberdiel)
- 1606.06924
: Self-consistent spin-wave analysis of the 1/3 magnetization plateau in the kagome AFM (Normand, Tao Xiang)
- 1606.06836
: From a quasimolecular band insulator to a relativistic Mott ins. in t_{2g}^5 systems with a honeycomb lattice (Shirakawa, Yunoki)
- 1606.06790
: Infinite-size density matrix renormalization group with parallel Hida's algorithm (H.Ueda)
- 1606.06899
: Thermally induced magnetic relaxation in square artificial spin ice
- 1606.05582
: # Designing exotic many-body states of atomic spin and motion in photonic crystals
- 1606.06879
: Kagome Lattice from Exciton-Polariton Prospective (Gulevich)
- 1606.06983
: # Higher-order Airy scaling in deformed Dyck paths, area-, jump-weighted!
- 1606.06917
: The open XXX spin chain in the SoV framework: scalar product of separate states (Kitanine, Maillet, Niccoli, Terras)
- 1606.07051
: Kondo effect from a Lorentz-violating domain wall description of superconductivity (Bazeia)
- 1606.06463
: # Physical realization of a quantum spin liquid based on a novel frustration mechanism (Balz)
- 1606.06520
: Emergent lattices with geometrical frustration in doped extended Hubbard models (Kaneko)
- 1606.06394
: Magnetism and magnetoelectric effect in Co4Nb2O9 and Co4Ta2O9 (Solovyev)
- 1606.06466
: Three-particle correlation from a Many-Body Perspective: Trions in a Carbon Nanotube
- 1606.06402
: SPT Phases and Boundary CFTs via the Entanglement Spectrum (Cho, Shiozaki, Ryu, Ludwig)
- 1606.06687
: (Lecture) Lectures on the Quantum Hall Effect (David Tong)
- 1606.06301
: # Approximating local observables on projected entangled pair states (Eisert)
- 1606.06602
: (Review) Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Universality (Corwin)
- 1606.06319
: Parafermions in the tau-2 model II (Au-Yang, Perk)
- 1606.06312
: Fermion masses through four-fermion condensates, fermion bags, MC (Chandrasekharan)
- 1606.05667
: (History)In memoriam: Markus Buttiker (1950 - 2013) (Beenakker)
- 1606.05789
: Ferrielectricity in an Organic Ferroelectric
- 1606.06101
: Plasmonic shock waves and solitons in a nanoring (Titov)
- 1605.07201
: Robust determination of maximally-localized Wannier functions (Panati)
- 1606.06009
: Hofstadter butterfly in the Falicov-Kimball model on some finite 2D lattices
- 1606.06026
: Properties of Generalized Freud Polynomials
- 1606.05623
: Alternative paths to realize Majorana Fermions in SC-FM Heterostructures (Sigrist)
- 1606.05356
: Spin dynamics of counterrotating Kitaev spirals via duality (Kimchi, Coldea)
- 1606.05353
: The Neutral Excitations in the Gaffnian State, GMP single mode approx. (J.Moore)
- 1606.05483
: The tenfold way redux: Fermionic systems with N-body interactions (Shenoy)
- 1605.01053
: (review) Semi-classical and quantum Rabi models: in celebration of 80 years (Braak, Batchelor)
- 1606.05510
: Finite-density phase diagram of a (1+1)-d non-abelian lattice gauge theory with tensor networks (Rico)
- 1606.05553
: Effective mass of elementary excitations in Galilean-invariant integrable models (Matveev)
- 1606.05376
: The fully packed loop model as a non-rational $W_3$ conformal field theory(Estienne, Ikhlef)
- 1606.05447
: On dualities for SSEP and ASEP with open boundary conditions (J.Ohkubo)
- 1606.04950
: Electrons at the monkey saddle: a multicritical Lifshitz point, p^3 (Chamon)
- 1606.05024
: Nonlinear light-Higgs coupling in superconductors beyond BCS (Tsuji, Aoki)
- 1606.04994
: Shannon mutual information in non-integrable self-dual quantum chains (Alcaraz)
- 1606.05068
: Holographic Construction of Quantum Field Theory using Wavelets (Brennen)
- 1606.04974
: QSWalk: a Mathematica package for quantum stochastic walks on arbitrary graphs
- 1606.05301
: Spectra of quantum KdV Hamiltonians, Langlands duality, ... (E.Frenkel, Hernandez)
- 1606.05297
: Exact eigenfunctions and the open topological string, Tracy-Widom, HKT cited (Marino)
- 1606.05239
: Dynamical Contents of Unconventional Supersymmetry
- 1606.04904
: Magnon Hall transports on the decorated honeycomb lattice (Owerre)
- 1606.04927
: QPTs in a generalized compass chain with 3-site interactions, KNB (W-L You, Oles)
- 1606.04748
: Rising of Anomalous Multiferroicity in Graphene with Adatoms
- 1606.04595
: Driving Skyrmions in a Composite Bilayer, ferroelectric bilayer
- 1606.04605
: # Why even is odd: spin-orbit coupling, correlation, cyclic molecules (Merino, Powell)
- 1606.04587
: Self-duality and shock dynamics in the n-component priority ASEP (Schutz)
- 1606.04511
: # On the multiferroic skyrmion-host GaV4S8 (Loidl)
- 1606.04094
: # Conetronics in 2D MOFs: Double Dirac, Magnetic Half Dirac Cones and QAHE (Liang Fu)
- 1606.04522
: 2D Multiferroics: Ferroelasticity, Ferroelectricity, Domain Wall, and ...
- 1606.04243
: Solitary magnons in the S=5/2 antiferromagnet CaFe2O4 (S-W.Cheong)
- 1606.04103
: Evidence for a chiral spin liquid, XXZ AFM on kagome, 2/3 plateau (Fradkin)
- 1606.04245
: (Review) Artificial Atoms Based on Correlated Materials (Valenti)
- 1606.04105
: Electronic quasiparticles in quantum dimer model: DMRG (Sachdev, White)
- 1606.04129
: D-wave superconductivity in boson+fermion dimer models (Chamon, Castelnovo)
- 1606.04463
: Adinkras, Dessins, Origami, and Supersymmetry Spectral Triples
- 1606.04530
: Fusion and braiding in finite and affine Temperley-Lieb categories (Gainutdinov, Saleur)
- 1606.04401
: # CFT for Inhomogeneous 1D Quantum Systems, Free Fermi Gases (Dubail, Calabrese)
- 1606.04248
: Conformal invariance in driven diffusive systems at high currents (Karevski, Schutz)
- 1606.04197
: # Existence of charge-density waves in 2D ionic Hubbard model, reflection positivity (Miyao)
- 1606.03698
: Nonsymmorphic symmetry-required band crossings in topological semimetals (Schnyder)
- 1606.03822
: # Appropriate t2g-orbital model for pyrochlore oxides and the origin of DM (N.Arakawa)
- 1606.03985
: Temperature dependence of the NMR spin-lattice relaxation rate for spin-1/2 chains (Giamarchi)
- 1606.03762
: Nature of a single doped hole in two-leg Hubbard and $t$-$J$ ladders (H-C.Jiang)
- 1606.03462
: Topo. order, symmetry, and Hall response of 2D spin-singlet superconductors (Gurarie)
- 1606.03589
: Chiral magnetic effect by synthetic gauge fields (Hayata, M.Ueda)
- 1606.03922
: Bound states in string nets (J.Vidal)
- 1606.04009
: Boundary-field-driven control of discontinuous phase tr. on hyperbolic lattices (Verstraete, Gendiar)
- 1606.03947
: SUSY breaking and NG fermions in an extended Nicolai model (Sannomiya, Katsura, Nakayama)
- 1606.03231
: Spin-orbit coupling control of anisotropy, g.s. and frustration in 5d2 Sr2MgOsO6
- 1606.03416
: Chebyshev poly. filtered subspace iteration in the Discontinuous Galerkin method ...
- 1606.03294
: Dynamic structure factor of the spin-1/2 XXZ chain in a transverse field (von Delft)
- 1606.03400
: Gapless helical superconductivity on the surface of a 3D topological insulator (Maciejko)
- 1606.03311
: Chirality in photonic systems
- 1606.03096
: #Universal corner entanglement of Dirac fermions and gapless bosons ... (Melko)
- 1606.03396
: Spatial entanglement entropy in the ground state of the Lieb-Liniger, QMC (Melko)
- 1606.03273
: # On the algebraic area of lattice walks and the Hofstadter model (Ouvry)
- 1606.02771
: The Effective Bootstrap, O(n) vector models
- 1606.02839
: # Integer Quantum Magnon Hall Plateau-Plateau Transition in a Spin Ice Model (Ohtsuki, Shindou)
- 1606.03088
: # Magnon spin Nernst effect in antiferromagnets (Zyuzin)
- 1606.03056
: Spin dynamical phase and anti-resonance in a strongly coupled magnon-photon system
- 1606.02895
: Snell's Law for Spin Waves (K.Kobayashi)
- 1606.03038
: Landau Levels in two dimensional materials from first principles
- 1606.02886
: Spatial separation and its transition in 1d few fermions, SSD? (Pecak)
- 1606.02945
: (Review) An Integrability Primer for the Gauge-Gravity Correspondence
- 1606.02952
: (Review) Lectures on Integrable Structures in QFT and Massive ODE/IM Correspondence (Negro)
- 1606.02951
: (Review) Introduction to the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz (Tongeren)
- 1606.02949
: (Review) Lectures on S-matrices and Integrability (Bombardelli)
- 1606.02947
: (Review) Lectures on Yangian Symmetry (Loebbert)
- 1606.02869
: Baby Skyrme model and fermionic zero modes, SUSY
- 1606.02944
: Pseudo-time-reversal symmetry and topo.edge states in 2D acoustic crystals, Haldane, BHZ
- 1602.01179
: Unconventional Spin Hall Effect and Axial Current Generation in a Dirac Semimetal (Okuma, Ogata)
- 1606.02454
: Creating and probing the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model with ultracold gases (Danshita, Hanada, Tezuka)
- 1606.02318
: Solving the Quantum Many-Body Problem with Artificial Neural Networks (Troyer)
- 1606.02667
: Renyi EE of descendant states in critical systems with boundaries: CFT and spin chains (Palmai)
- 1606.02516
: # On rational R-matrices with adjoint SU(n) symmetry (Schuricht)
- 1606.01954
: Spin-Wave and Electromagnon Dispersions in Multiferroic MnWO4, DM, ...
- 1606.01952
: # Spin Nernst Effect of Magnons in Collinear AFM, magnonic honeycomb Haldane (S.Okamoto)
- 1606.02043
: (Review) Spin polarisation by current (Schliemann)
- 1606.02122
: Cycloidal versus skyrmionic states in mesoscopic chiral magnets
- 1606.02189
: Resonant Raman scattering for Kitaev models and their Majorana boundary modes (Knolle)
- 1606.01989
: # A Duality Web in 2+1 Dimensions and Condensed Matter Physics (Seiberg, Senthil, Witten)
- 1606.01893
: Particle-Vortex Duality from 3d Bosonization (D.Tong)
- 1606.01912
: Particle-vortex duality in topo. insulators and superconductors (Murugan)
- 1606.02029
: # The surface and corner free energies of the square lattice Ising model (Baxter)
- 1606.01894
: Hofstadter's Butterfly in Quantum Geometry (Hatsuda, Katsura, Tachikawa)
- 1606.01632
: Orbital Magnetism of Bloch Electrons II. (Ogata)
- 1606.01636
: One-step approach to ARPES from strongly correlated solids: a Mott-Hubbard system
- 1606.01413
: # Superconducting pi-ring metamaterials, frustration, Hofstadter dragonfly
- 1606.01664
: Rydberg-dressed atoms in BCS-state
- 1606.01616
: Surface and corner free energies of the self-dual Potts model (Baxter)
- 1606.00982
: A Pseudospin Vortex-Ring with a Nodal Line in Three Dimensions (Mossner)
- 1606.01203
: Topo. defects at octahedral tilting plethora in layered perovskite (S-W.Cheong)
- 1606.00857
: Topo. superconductivity in monolayer TM dichalcogenides, spinless fermions (E-A.Kim)
- 1606.01235
: Frustrated magnetism and quantum transitions of nematic phases in FeSe (Nevidomskyy, Si)
- 1606.00862
: Stochastic Dynamics of Growing Young Diagrams and Their Limit Shapes (Krapivsky)
- 1606.01018
: Integrable boundary conditions for multi-species ASEP (Ragoucy)
- 1606.00895
: Truncated Calogero-Sutherland models (Olshanii)
- 1606.01000
: # Bethe/Gauge correspondence in odd dimension: modular double, ... (Sciarappa)
- 1606.00650
: Coherent cyclotron motion beyond Kohn's theorem
- 1606.00447
: Simple models of classical topological paramagnetism, Ashkin-Teller (Bondesan)
- 1606.00562
: Engineering 2-photon states via interaction between Rydberg atoms during the light storage
- 1606.00613
: Edge states in a two-dimensional quantum walk with disorder, nonlinear, Gross-Neveu
- 1606.00608
: Matrix Product Density Operators: Renormalization Fixed Points and Boundary Theories (Cirac)
- 1606.00621
: Exploring the Tensor Networks/AdS Correspondence
- 1606.00525
: Facilitated exclusion process and Pfaffian Schur processes (Corwin)
- 1606.00329
: Generic Weyl phase in the vortex state of quasi-2D chiral superconductors (Yoshida, Udagawa)
- 1606.00188
: A strongly correlated Fermi superfluid near an orbital Feshbach resonance, Leggett mode
- 1606.00012
: (Review) Response Theory of the Electron-Phonon Coupling (Schober)
- 1606.00015
: Creating topological interfaces and detecting chiral edge modes in a 2D optical lattice (Goldman, Esslinger)
- 1606.00276
: Distribution of the k-th smallest Dirac operator eigenvalue : an update (Nishigaki)
- 1606.00224
: Local characterization of wave functions in inhomogeneous substrates, diamond chain
- 1606.00383
: Exact steady states for quantum quenches in integrable Heisenberg spin chains (Calabrese)
- 1606.00310
: Bit-Vectorized GPU Implementation of a Stochastic Cellular Automaton Model for Surface Growth, 2D KPZ
- 1605.09427
: Spin Josephson effects in Exchange coupled Anti-ferromagnets (Jiadong Zhang)
- 1605.09423
:Superconducting quantum criticality of topo. surface states, N=2 SUSY (Maciejko)
- 1605.09385
: Interaction-Driven Topo. Superconductivity in 1D (Berg)
- 1605.09580
: (Review) A primer on quantum fluids
- 1605.09604
: Realization of uniform synthetic magnetic fields by periodically shaking an optical square lattice (Goldman)
- 1605.09501
: # Edge Solitons in Nonlinear Photonic Topological Insulators
- 1605.09396
: Entanglement Entropy and Duality, Ising, gauge, ...
- 1605.09643
: # Scaling in area-weighted generalized Motzkin paths (Prellberg)
- 1605.09470
: Noncommutative topological Z2 invariant (Kaufmann)
- 1605.09639
: Discrete breathers in an array of self-excited oscillators: exact solutions and stability
Hosho Katsura's arXiv