March 2016
- 1603.09011
: Effective p-wave int. and topo. superfluids in s-wave quantum gases, 4-body int.
- 1603.09206
: Spectral statistics, multifractal analysis of quasiperiodic chain with p-wave pairing (S.Chen)
- 1603.08933
: Spin-catalyzed hopping conductivity in disordered strongly int. quantum wires, SILL (Parameswaran)
- 1603.09097
: Implementation of Chiral Quantum Optics with Rydberg and Trapped-ion Setups (Zoller)
- 1603.09249
: Algebraic Bethe ansatz for the q. group invariant open XXZ at roots of unity (Gainutdinov, Nepomechie)
- 1603.09298
: # Lieb-Robinson and the butterfly effect (Swingle)
- 1603.08945
: On two-time distribution functions in (1+1) random directed polymers (Dotsenko)
- 1603.08971
: # Chiral heat wave and mixed waves in kinetic theory (Frenklakh)
- 1603.08736
: Fingerprint of topological Andreev bound states in phase-dependent heat transport
- 1603.08517
: Quantum Dualities and QAHE Phases with Arbitrary Large Chern Numbers
- 1603.08730
: (Review) Generic aspects of skyrmion lattices in chiral magnets (Bauer, Pfleiderer)
- 1603.08909
: Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states and topo. SC in Ising paired superconductors (Tewari)
- 1603.08534
: Edge theory approach to topo. EE, mutual info. and ... in Chern-Simons, boundary CFT (Matsuura, Ryu)
- 1603.08818
: # Nonlinear Phenomena of Ultracold Atomic Gases in Optical Lattices, swallowtail loop band (G.Watanabe)
- 1603.08628
: Equilibration Properties of Classical Integrable Field Theories, Bethe ansatz (De Luca, Mussardo)
- 1603.08749
: Band Structure in Yang-Mills Theories, S^3 x R (Bachas)
- 1603.08022
: Orthogonal Magnetization and Symmetry Breaking in Pyrochlore Eu2Ir2O7, AIAO (Nakatsuji, Ong)
- 1603.08376
: QCP of Dirac fermion mass generation without spontaneous symmetry breaking (You, C.Xu)
- 1603.08060
: Dirac Fermions in Antiferromagnetic Semimetal, PT symmetry (S-C.Zhang)
- 1603.08429
: Wilson operator algebras and ground states for coupled BF theories (Ryu)
- 1603.08001
: Floquet Time Crystals, MBL, soluble points (Bauer, Nayak)
- 1603.08267
: Quantum Revivals in Conformal Field Theories in Higher Dimensions (Cardy)
- 1603.08139
: Kepler motion on single-sheet hyperboloid, classical, Hamilton-Jacobi (Pogosyan)
- 1603.08043
: Approximate Analytic Solutions to Coupled Nonlinear Dirac Equations (Khare, Cooper, Saxena)
- 1603.07989
: A semiclassical study of the topological Bose-Hubbard model (Owerre)
- 1603.07878
: Multiferroism and the Short-Range Magnetic Order in DyFeO3
- 1603.07803
: Topological states and quantized current in helical molecules, DNA ...
- 1603.07769
: Matrix product states for su(2) invariant quantum spin chains (Kluemper)
- 1603.07805
: Topo. Order and Memory Time in Marginally Self-Correcting Quantum Memory (B.Yoshida)
- 1603.07765
: (Review) Conformal field theory out of equilibrium: a review (Bernard, Doyon)
- 1603.07857
: Information-thermodynamics link and the fluctuation theorem for pure quantum states (Iyoda, Sagawa)
- 1603.07795
: (History) Hommage a Nambu (Ramond)
- 1603.07393
: Direct Observation of the Skyrmion Hall Effect
- 1603.07544
: Interplay of Coulomb interaction and spin-orbit coupling (Gebhard)
- 1603.07665
: Quasi-particle interactions in frustrated Heisenberg chains, MPS (Verstraete, Poilblanc)
- 1603.07676
: Disorder-induced DoS on the surface of a spherical topo. ins. (Durst)
- 1603.07717
: Design of acoustic metamaterials through nonlinear programming, Floquet-Bloch
- 1602.01677
: Coupling between Majorana and NG bosons inside a non-Abelian vortex in dense QCD (Nitta)
- 1603.07691
: Supersymmetric quantum mechanics and topology
- 1603.07318
: Discovery of Lorentz-violating Weyl fermion semimetal state in LaAlGe materials (Hasan)
- 1603.07315
: Majorana Zero Modes in Superconducting Proximity-coupled Magnetic Domain Wall
- 1603.07048
: Interplay of topology and interactions in QH topo. ins., tunable Luttinger liquid, ...
- 1603.06965
: Review) Electron-phonon interactions from first principles (Giustino)
- 1603.07295
: # From four- to two-channel Kondo effect in junctions of XY spin chains, Y junction (Sodano)
- 1603.07103
: Chiral sine-Gordon model, RG (Yanagisawa)
- 1603.06646
: Engineering chiral density waves and topo. band by multiple-Q ... (Hayami, Motome)
- 1603.06599
: Extended degeneracy and order by disorder, square lattice J1-J2-J3, 3-state Potts
- 1603.06693
: Low Temperature Thermal Hall Conductivity of a Nodal Chiral Superconductor (Yip)
- 1603.06588
: Transport of weakly disordered spin chains at infinite temperature, Mueller's book (Auerbach)
- 1603.06752
: Wannier functions and Z2 invariants in TRS topo. ins., math-phys (Monaco)
- 1603.06858
: (Review) The Theory of Spin Noise Spectroscopy: A Review (Sinitsyn)
- 1603.06590
: # (Review) Strongly interacting photons in 1D continuum, Rydberg, Yudson, ...
- 1603.06618
: Nonequilibrium quantum dynamics and transport: from integrability to MBL (Vasseur, Moore)
- 1603.06796
: Study of an integrable dissipative exclusion process (Ragoucy, Rittenberg,)
- 1603.06095
: Slater to Mott crossover in the metal to insulator transition of Nd2Ir2O7 (Nakatsuji)
- 1603.06319
: Statics and dynamics of the highly correlated spin ice Ho2Ge2O7
- 1603.05974
: First-principles study of ferroelectricity induced by p-d hybridization in ferrimagnetic NiFe2O4
- 1603.06487
: Selection of direction of the ordered moments in Na2IrO3 and alpha-RuCl3, Luttinger-Tisza
- 1603.06495
: Topological hard-core bosons on the honeycomb lattice (Owerre)
- 1603.06565
: # Density functionals with the help of matrix product states (Cirac, Banuls)
- 1603.06049
: How local is the information in MPS/PEPS tensor networks? (Anshu, Arad)
- 1603.06296
: Topologically nontrivial states in 1D nonlinear bichromatic superlattices, NLSE
- 1603.06452
: Quench dynamics and relaxation in isolated integrable quantum spin chains (Essler, Fagotti)
- 1603.06187
: Chebyshev expansion of localization length, random chains, ... (Hatano, Feinberg)
- 1603.06157
: Deformed Calogero-Sutherland model and fractional Quantum Hall effect (Langmann)
- 1603.06246
: Bi-Local Holography in the SYK Model (Jevicki)
- 1603.05879
: Symmetry breaking in spin spirals and skyrmions by in-plane and canted magnetic fields
- 1603.05656
: Emergent particle-hole symmetry in the half-filled Landau level, Son (Raghu, Fisher)
- 1603.05869
: # Magnons in Sr2CuO3: Goldstone-Higgs int. in a weakly ordered spin-1/2 AFM chain
- 1603.05698
: Flexural Mie Resonances: Localized Surface Platonic Modes (Guenneau)
- 1603.05813
: Skyrmionic vortex lattices in coherently coupled 3-component BEC, Rabi, topological
- 1603.05827
: Anderson localization in the time domain, time crystal? (Sacha)
- 1603.05778
: Unitary equivalent classes of one-dimensional quantum walks, Shikano-Katsura (Ohno)
- 1603.05820
: Explicit definition of PT symmetry for non-unitary quantum walks with gain and loss (Obuse)
- 1603.05482
: Observation of the universal ME effect in a 3D topological insulator (Pimenov)
- 1603.05590
: Charge Fractionalization in Oxide Heterostructures: A Field Theoretical Model, Rajaraman
- 1603.05325
: Spin-Wave Fiber, DM, generalized Snell's law, total reflection
- 1603.05507
: J{eff} description of the honeycomb Mott insulator alpha}-RuCl3 (van den Brink)
- 1603.05246
: Numerical study of fermion and boson models with infinite-range random int. (Sachdev)
- 1603.05646
: Filling-enforced gaplessness of band structures in nonsymmorphic crystals (Watanabe, Vishwanath)
- 1603.05339
: (Review) Review Article: Quantum Nanophotonics in Diamond, color centers
- 1603.05612
: Fisher Hartwig determinants, CFT and universality in generalised XX models
- 1603.05008
: Observation of magnetic fragmentation in spin ice, Nd2Zr2O7 (Petit)
- 1603.05055
: Magnetodielectric coupling behavior of frustrated spin-chain Ca3Co2O6
- 1603.05193
: The effects of 3D defects on one-way surface plasmon propagation for photonic topo. ins.
- 1603.05109
: # Bridging coupled wires and lattice Hamiltonian for two-component bosonic QH (Fuji, Pollmann)
- 1603.05141
: Remarks on a bosonic ladder subject to a magnetic field (Uchino)
- 1603.05185
: Negativity in the Generalized Valence Bond Solid State (Santos, Korepin)
- 1603.05014
: Cluster algebras and category O for reps of Borel subalgebras of quantum affine (Hernandez)
- 1603.05002
: Chiral condensate in the Schwinger model with Matrix Product Operators (Banuls, Saito)
- 1603.04827
: # A Realization of the Haldane-Kane-Mele magnon, spin Nernst (Tserkovnyak)
- 1603.04596
: 2D Node-Line Semimetals in a Honeycomb-Kagome Lattice
- 1603.04744
: Topological Semimetals Predicted from First-principles Calculations
- 1603.04457
: All-Optical Materials Design of Chiral Edge Modes in TMDC (Devereaux)
- 1603.04463
: Magnetic properties of restacked 2D spin-1/2 honeycomb RuCl3 nanosheets, Kitaev
- 1603.04442
: Fracton Topological Order, Generalized Lattice Gauge Theory and Duality (Liang Fu)
- 1603.04601
: # Quantum centipedes: collective dynamics of interacting q-walk, XX chain (Mallick)
- 1603.04686
: Circuit QED Simulator of Flat Band Physics in Lieb lattice, Hofstadter
- 1603.04700
: Topo. protected edge gap solitons of interacting Bosons in 1D superlattices, NLSE
- 1603.04689
: (Review) The Quench Action (Caux)
- 1603.04478
: (Review) Supersymmetry on the lattice, N=1, 4 in 4D (Catterall)
- 1603.03771
: A Proof of the Conformal Collider Bounds
- 1603.04069
: Ballistic Majorana nanowire devices (Kouwenhoven)
- 1603.04263
: Strong Correlation Effects on Topological Quantum Phase Transitions in 3D (Budich, Capone)
- 1603.04208
: XY ring exchange model with frustrated Ising coupling on triangular lattice (Owerre)
- 1603.04331
: # Thermal Hall conductivity of spin excitations on the honeycomb lattice (Owerre)
- 1603.04359
: Field-driven quantum phase transitions in S=1/2 spin chains, J-Q, exact result (Damle, Sandvik)
- 1603.04200
: Phase tr. and ordering structures of a model of chiral helimagnet in 3D (Hukushima)
- 1603.04252
: Quantum Quenches in the Luttinger model and its close relatives (Cazalilla, M-C.Chung)
- 1603.04016
: # Universal Entanglement Spectra of Gapped 1D Field Theories, CTM (Ludwig, Ryu)
- 1603.04097
: Multidimensional solitons: Well-established results and novel findings
- 1603.03942
: The classification of Zamolodchikov periodic quivers, ADE, ...
- 1603.03576
: #(Review) Colloquium: Topological Band Theory, ab initio (Bansil, Lin, Das)
- 1603.03763
: Superuniversality of topo. QPT and global phase diagram of dirty topo. systems in 3D (Goswami)
- 1603.03754
: Particle-hole symmetry without particle-hole symmetry in QHE at nu
=5/2, Son's work
- 1603.03435
: Mobius Kondo Insulators (P.Coleman)
- 1603.03439
: Evidence for a fermionic SPT phase in 2D Hubbard, compass models (Neupert, Maciejko)
- 1603.03444
: Detection of SPT order in AKLT states by exact evaluation of the strange correlator (Beach)
- 1603.03542
: Completeness of the Bethe Ansatz solution for rational, spin-1/2 Richardson--Gaudin (Links)
- 1603.03668
: Critical behavior of su(1|1) supersymmetric spin chains with long-range int. (Rodriguez)
- 1603.03620
: Nonlinear Chiral Transport Phenomena, relativistic Wiedemann-Franz (N.Yamamoto)
- 1603.03394
: Majorana, fermion parity switches, and disorder in Kitaev chains (Vishveshwara)
- 1603.03217
: Exponential Protection of Zero Modes in Majorana Islands, experiment (Marcus)
- 1603.03093
: # New Fermions linear, quadratic band crossings, space group (Cano, Bernevig)
- 1603.03041
: Superconductivity from a confinement tr. out of a FL* metal with Z2 topo., Schwinger boson (Sachdev)
- 1603.03237
: # Geometric origin of superfluidity in the Lieb lattice flat band, quantum metric
- 1603.03039
: (Lecture) Hand-waving and Interpretive Dance: An Introductory Course on Tensor Networks
- 1603.03051
: Hydrodynamics of local excitations after an interaction quench in 1D cold atomic gases (Franchini, Kulkarni)
- 1603.03166
: Topo. and dynamical properties of a generalized cluster model in 1D, c=3/2 (Ohta, Tanaka)
- 1603.02821
: (Review) Weyl semi-metals : a short review (Rao)
- 1603.02683
: Spin slush in an extended spin ice model (Gingras)
- 1603.02872
: From metastability to extended chiral spin textures in spin ice with short-range topo. defect int. (Udagawa, Jaubert)
- 1603.02692
: # Topological Superconductivity in Metal/Quantum-Spin-Ice Heterostructures (Lawler, Kim)
- 1603.02681
: Three-dimensional Hubbard model in the thermodynamic limit, linked-cluster exp.
- 1603.02749
: Topological strength of magnetic skyrmions, solvable (Bazeia)
- 1603.02833
: Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis and Quantum Jarzynski for Pure Initial States, spin ladder (De Raedt)
- 1603.02889
: Quantum quenches in 1+1 dimensional conformal field theories (Calabrese, Cardy)
- 1603.02792
: Appearances of pseudo-bosons from Black-Scholes equation, SUSY QM
- 1603.03020
: # On CFT and Quantum Chaos, Y-system, Faddeev-Volkov (Verlinde)
- 1603.02548
: Challenges in Design of Kitaev Materials: Magnetic Int. from Competing Energy Scales, ED (Valenti)
- 1603.02549
: Observation of Majorana fermions with spin selective Andreev reflection
- 1603.02273
: Itinerant spin ice order, Weyl metal, and anomalous Hall effect in Pr2Ir2O7 (Das Sarma)
- 1603.02591
: Spin-wave thermal population as temperature probe in Magnetic Tunnel Junctions
- 1603.02275
: Detecting Topological Order with Ribbon Operators, inequality (Flammia)
- 1603.02369
: # Emergence of massless Dirac quasiparticles, periodic Anderson, honeycomb, ... (Seki, Yunoki)
- 1603.02559
: Modifications of the Lifshitz-Kosevich formula in 2D Dirac systems, grand potential (Fritz)
- 1603.02662
: # CONAN, local exchange coefficients for strongly interacting confined systems in 1D (Zinner)
- 1603.02669
: # Photonic Simulation of Entanglement Growth After a Spin Chain Quench, PST (S.Bose)
- 1603.02292
: Double Weyl points and Fermi arcs of topo. semimetals in non-Abelian gauge, cubic pi flux
- 1603.02647
: Finite Temperature Phase Transitions in the SU(N) Hubbard model (Yanatori, Koga)
- 1603.02508
: Jacobi's Inversion Problem for Genus Two Hyperelliptic Integral, Yang-Baxter (Shigemori)
- 1603.02039
: Observation of a 4-spin Plaquette Singlet State in Shastry-Sutherland SrCu2(BO3)2 (Laeuchli)
- 1603.01935
: Spin ordered ground state and thermodynamic behaviors of the spin-3/2 kagome Heisenberg AFM (G.Su)
- 1603.02255
: Spin polarization of Majorana zero modes and topo. QPT in semiconductor nanowires (Tewari)
- 1603.01992
: Transfer matrix approach for the Kerr and Faraday rotation in layered nanostructures, projector
- 1603.01946
: Correlated metal phase in Kondo lattices with alkaline-earth atoms (A.M.Rey)
- 1603.01997
: Momentum-space entanglement and Loschmidt echo in Luttinger liquids, quench (Dora, Pollmann)
- 1603.01646
: (Thesis) Novel Dynamical Phenomena in Magnetic systems, Ising, Potts, ... (Biswas)
- 1603.02053
: The Heun operator as Hamiltonian, sl(2,R), BC1-Calogero, ... (Turbiner)
- 1603.01815
: # Hall polynomials, inverse Kostka polynomials and
(Wheeler, Zinn-Justin)
[Horn's inequalities]
- 1603.01825
: Superfield Hamiltonian quantization in terms of quantum antibrackets
- 1603.01330
: Topological phases and Majorana states in screened interacting quantum wires, Coulomb
- 1603.01395
: Dimerization transitions in spin-1 chains, finite-size scaling, ... (Affleck, Mila)
- 1603.01279
: Ideal Weyl semimetals in the chalcopyrites CuTlSe2, AgTlTe2, AuTlTe2 and ZnPbAs2, ab initio
- 1603.01578
: Role of DM interaction for magnetism in transition-metal chains at Pt step-edges
- 1603.01482
: 373 K Superconductors (?)
- 1603.01589
: Web matrices: structural properties and generating combinatorial identities
- 1603.01485
: Lieb-Thirring, Cwickel-Lieb-Rozenblum ineq. for perturbed graphene with a Coulomb impurity
- 1603.00901
: # Magnetic transitions in the topological magnon insulator Cu(1,3-bdc), kagome
- 1603.01037
: # Classical impurities and boundary Majorana zero modes in quantum chains (Mueller, Nersesyan)
- 1603.00931
: Enhancement of Thermally Injected Spin Current through an AFM Insulator
- 1603.01044
: Topo. Phase Transitions and Thouless Pumping of Light in Photonic Lattices (Kivshar)
- 1603.01126
: Quantum Monte Carlo Study of the Rabi-Hubbard Model
- 1603.01079
: The Elliptic Function in Statistical Integrable Models, chiral Potts, Belavin (Shigemori)
- 1603.00890
: Group classification of Schrodinger equations with position dependent mass (Nikitin)
- 1603.01174
: Seiberg-Witten theory as a Fermi gas, local P1xP, Painleve III, ... (Tanzini)
- 1603.00479
: Time-Reversal Breaking Weyl Fermions In Magnetic Heuslers (Ong, Cava, Bernevig)
- 1603.00469
: Generic Model for Hyperkagome Iridate in the Local Moment Regime (Mizoguchi, Y-B.Kim)
- 1603.00755
: I-IC transitions in the mono-axial chiral helimagnet driven by the magnetic field (Kishine, Inoue)
- 1603.00513
: Dynamical Buildup of a Quantized Hall Response from Non-Topological States (Zoller)
- 1603.00504
: Correlation functions of the integrable spin-s chain, s=3/2, density matrix (Ribeiro, Klumper)
- 1603.00724
: Analysis on a Nambu--Jona-Lasinio Model of Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking
- 1603.00017
: Universal optical conductivity of a disordered Weyl semimetal (Das Sarma)
- 1603.00283
: Visualizing Fermi arcs in the Weyl semimetal TaAs (Stern)
- 1603.00041
: NA statistics from tunneling conductance properties of realistic Majorana nanowires (Das Sarma, Sau)
- 1603.00252
: Exact density profiles and symmetry classification for strongly interacting multi-component Fermi gases
- 1603.00095
: Parafermion chain with 2pi/k Floquet edge modes (Moessner)
- 1603.00440
: # Quasilocal charges in integrable lattice systems, Hirota eq. (Ilievski, Prosen)
- 1603.00265
: Spectral properties of unimodular lattice triangulations, adjacency matrix
- 1603.00453
: Disordered Quivers and Cold Horizons, replica
- 1602.08856
: Theory of a 3+1D fractional chiral metal: interacting variant of Weyl semimetal (Meng, Shtengel)
- 1602.08553
: Quantum topological Hall effect and noncoplanar AFM in K{0.5}RhO2
- 1602.08560
: Observation of ME effects in a S=1/2 frustrated spin chain SrCuTe2O6
- 1602.08950
: Spin-charge-entangled non-Fermi liquid in a candidate material for a doped spin liquid (Kanoda)
- 1602.08499
: A Higher-Spin Theory of the Magneto-Rotons, algebraic approach
- 1602.08822
: Heavy Dirac fermions in a graphene/topological insulator hetero-junction
- 1602.08785
: Lyddane-Sachs-Teller relationship for polar vibrations in materials with monoclinic and ...
- 1602.08828
: Rigorous RG algorithms and area laws for low energy eigenstates in 1D (Arad)
Hosho Katsura's arXiv