February 2016
- 1602.08348
: A new perspective for relaxor-type room-temperature multiferroics
- 1602.08172
: # Tricritical Ising phase transition in two-ladder Majorana fermion lattice
- 1602.08452
: Volovik Effect and Fermi-Liquid Behavior in the s-Wave Superconductor CaPd2As2
- 1602.08411
: Geometry of system-bath coupling and gauge fields in bosonic ladders, driving phase transitions (Poletti)
- 1602.08329
: Quantum states of dark solitons in the 1D Bose gas (Sato, Deguchi)
- 1602.08269
: Quantum quenches in the sinh-Gordon: steady state and one point correlation functions (Calabrese)
- 1602.08471
: Classification of reflection matrices for quasistandard quantum affine Kac-Moody pairs of classical type
- 1602.08431
: (Review) Applications of lattice QCD techniques for condensed matter systems
- 1602.08097
: (Lecture) Lecture Notes on Three Supersymmetric/Topological Systems in Quantum Field Theory
- 1602.08093
: # Majorana spintronics (Das Sarma)
- 1602.08091
: All electrical propagating spin wave spectroscopy with broadband wavevector capability
- 1602.08013
: Gigantic directional asymmetry of luminescence in multiferroic CuB2O4 (Abe, Arima)
- 1602.07831
: Excitonic insulator: from the orbital physics viewpoint (Nasu, Ishihara)
- 1602.07761
: # Entanglement and correlation functions of a recent exactly solvable spin chain (Movassagh)
- 1602.07966
: Classical stochastic dynamics and cMPS: gauge transitions, ... (Garrahan)
- 1602.07921
: Inhomogenous Multispecies TASEP on a ring with spectral parameters, YB (Cantini)
- 1602.07982
: (Lecture) TASI Lectures on the Conformal Bootstrap (Simmons-Duffin)
- 1602.07444
: # The simulation of Majorana qubits by Ising chain, T-junction (S-P.Kou)
- 1602.07317
: Relaxation of a classical spin coupled to a strongly correlated electron system
- 1602.07479
: Particle-Time Duality in the Kicked Ising Chain II: Applications to the Spectrum
- 1602.07631
: On exact solutions of nonlinear acoustic equations
- 1602.07653
: Quantum walk on spin network
- 1602.07001
: InAs{1-x}Sb{x}: From Novel Topological Semimetal to Majorana Wire
- 1602.07005
: # Insulating, strongly correlated massless Dirac fermions in an organic crystal (Kanoda)
- 1602.07122
: Spontaneous Rashba-Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling in multi-orbital Mott systems
- 1602.06964
: Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Model and Thermalization, MBL, SPT, ... (You, Ludwig, Xu)
- 1602.07229
: Critical behavior of the 2D Ising model with long-range correlated disorder, Dirac
- 1602.07076
: Quasi-classical expansion of the star-triangle relation, ... (Bazhanov, Sergeev)
- 1602.07295
: Conformal Bootstrap Dashing Hopes of Emergent Symmetry, Neel-VBS (Nakayama, Ohtsuki)
- 1602.06772
: # Dirac and Weyl magnons in ordered quantum magnets (Owerre)
- 1602.06501
: Topological Dirac Nodal Lines in fcc Ca, Sr, and Yb (Hirayama, Murakami)
- 1602.06481
: Doppler shift picture of the Dzyaloshinskii--Moriya int. (Arita, Tatara)
- 1602.06425
: Covalent bonds against magnetism in transition metal compounds (Khomskii)
- 1602.06478
: Study of the Orbital-Selective Mott Phases of a 1D 3-Orbital Hubbard, numerical
- 1602.06313
: Many-body interferometry of a Rydberg-dressed spin lattice, exact result (I.Bloch)
- 1602.06816
: # Momentum distributions and numerical methods for strongly interacting 1D spinor gases
- 1602.06543
: Fractional Statistics and the Butterfly Effect, rational CFT (X-L.Qi)
- 1602.06041
: Determination of intrinsic lifetime of edge magnetoplasmons (Sasaki, Murakami)
- 1602.05983
: Emergence of a 2d macro-spin liquid in a highly frustrated 3d quantum magnet (K.P.Schmidt)
- 1602.06184
: Magnetic excitations in the S = 1/2 AFM-FM chain, BaCu2V2O8 (Honecker, Lake)
- 1602.05954
: Confinement transition to density wave order in metallic doped spin liquids (Sachdev)
- 1602.06087
: Tc Enhancement of Topo. Superconductors: A DMFT Study (Nagai, Hoshino)
- 1602.05090
: Hamiltonian engineering for robust QST and qubit readout in cavity QED
- 1602.05969
: SU(2)1 chiral edge modes of a critical spin liquid (Poilblanc, Schuch, Affleck)
- 1602.06115
: # Reentrance of disorder in the anisotropic shuriken Ising model (Pohle, Jaubert)
- 1602.06147
: Magnetic Solitons in a Binary Bose-Einstein Condensate (Stringari)
- 1602.06003
: Clifford algebra, root systems and Coxeter groups, conformal and modular...
- 1602.05585
: # Hourglass Fermions (Alexandradinata, Cava, Bernevig)
- 1602.05818
: Spin Liquid State in the 3D Frustrated AFM PbCuTe2O6: NMR and muSR Studies
- 1602.05600
: # Emulating the 1D Fermi-Hubbard model by a double chain of qubits
- 1602.05839
: Emergent kinetic constraints in open quantum systems (Garrahan, Lesanovsky)
- 1602.05651
: Experimental realization of the Yang-Baxter Eq. via NMR interferometry (Foerster)
- 1602.05794
: Conformal Bootstrap in Embedding Space, analytic study
- 1602.05577
: Topological Number of Edge States, BPS monopoles (Hashimoto, Kimura)
- 1602.02636
: Excitation spectra of solitary waves in scalar field models with polynomial self-int.
- 1602.05277
: Fermionic response from fractionalization in an insulating 2D magnet, Raman (Nasu, Motome)
- 1602.05188
: Simple Models for All Topological Phases
- 1602.05194
: Topological classification of interacting 1D Floquet phases (Potter, Morimoto, Vishwanath)
- 1602.05532
: Exact nonequilibrium dynamics, 1D two-component integrable quantum gases (Caux, Konik)
- 1602.05357
: Energy transport between two integrable spin chains, XXZ (MAzza, Fazio)
- 1602.05355
: (Review) Derivation of the Boltzmann eq.: hard spheres, short-range potentials and beyond
- 1602.05057
: Phonon Localization in Heat Conduction (Dresselhaus)
- 1602.05035
: (Review) Topo. Quantum Computation with Non-Abelian Anyons in FQHE (Georgiev)
- 1602.04840
: # Tridiagonalization and the Heun equation, Racah alg., su(1,1) (Zhedanov)
- 1602.04988
: Maximally extended sl(2|2) as a quantum double (Beisert)
- 1602.04928
: More on analytic bootstrap for O(N) models
- 1602.04288
: # Weyl Magnon (Y-B.Kim, Balents, G.Chen)
- 1602.04802
: Emergent Conformal Symmetry of QHE States on Singular surfaces (Laskin, Wiegmann)
- 1602.04555
: pi-flux Dirac bosons and Bogoliubov edge states of BEC atoms (Vincent Liu)
- 1602.04574
: Multispecies TAZRP: II. Hat relation and tetrahedron eq. (Kuniba, Maruyama, Okado)
- 1602.04392
: Matrix product and sum rule for Macdonald polynomials (de Gier, Wheeler)
- 1602.04262
: The Free Fermionic Bialgebra, Yang-Baxter eq.
- 1602.04251
: # Gapped Boundary Phases of Topological Insulators via Weak Coupling (Seiberg, Witten)
- 1602.04011
: # Thermal generation of spin current in a helimagnetic multiferroic hexaferrite (Seki, Ideue, Tokura)
- 1602.04054
: Topo. end states in two-orbital double-exchange model for CMR manganites (S-P.Kou)
- 1602.04201
: Universal fidelity near topo. phase transitions in finite 1D systems, Kitaev chain
- 1602.03927
: Lateral critical Casimir force in 2D inhomogeneous Ising strip. Exact results
- 1602.03975
: Integrable extended van der Waals model
- 1602.04142
: Tricritical points in a compact U(1) lattice gauge theory at strong coupling
- 1602.03872
: Probing ultrafast spin dynamics in multiferroic HoMnO3 through a magnon resonance
- 1602.03660
: Scattering on magnetic skyrmion in the non-adiabatic approximation
- 1602.03677
: Effects of quantum impurity spins on the magnetic properties of zigzag and linear spin chains
- 1602.03776
: #(Review) Lattice gauge theories simulations in the quantum information era
- 1602.03731
: Quantum Correlations and Coherence in Spin-1 BLBQ Chains (Franchini)
- 1602.03745
: # Spinon dynamics in quantum integrable antiferromagnets, Babujan-Takhtajan (Caux)
- 1602.03870
: Correlation functions with fusion-channel multiplicity in W3 Toda field theory (Santachiara)
- 1602.03381
: Raman phonon spectrum of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya helimagnet Ba2CuGe2O7
- 1602.03190
: # Bilayer Graphene as a platform for Bosonic SPT States (Balents, Xu)
- 1602.03443
: The weak side of strong topological insulators (P.W.Brouwer)
- 1602.03217
: Topological magnon bound-states in quantum Heisenberg chains
- 1602.02820
: Formulation of the Relativistic Quantum Hall Effect and Parity Anomaly (Hasebe, Shibata)
- 1602.02876
: Topological quantum phase transitions in a Majorana chain with spatial modulation (Ohta, Totsuka)
- 1602.03120
: Characterizing the parent Hamiltonian for a complete set of orthogonal wave functions
- 1602.03065
: Real-time dynamics in a strongly interacting bosonic hopping model, XX (Pozsgay, Eisler)
- 1602.02772
: VEV of Baxter's Q-operator in N=2 gauge theory and the BPZ differential eq. (Poghossian)
- 1602.02810
: # PyCFTBoot: A flexible interface for the conformal bootstrap, semidefinite programming
- 1602.02595
: (Review) Topological Superfluids (Volovik)
- 1602.02230
: Magnetic monopole condensation transition out of quantum spin ice (G.Chen)
- 1602.02239
: Lieb-Mattis ferrimagnetism in diluted magnetic semiconductors
- 1602.02741
: Rashba vs Kohn-Luttinger: evolution of p-wave superconductivity (Starykh)
- 1602.02449
: Orbital Magnetism of Bloch Electrons I. General Formula (Ogata, Fukuyama)
- 1602.02438
: Bosonic integer QHE states in topological bands with Chern number two (D.N.Sheng)
- 1602.02394
: Reduced Google matrix
- 1602.01836
: Theory of Multifarious Quantum Phases and Large AHE in Pyrochlore Iridate Thin Films (Y-B.Kim)
- 1602.01945
: Instabilities of Spin-Liquid States in a Quantum Kagome Antiferromagnet
- 1602.02034
: Diagnosis of interaction-driven topological phase via exact diagonalization, checkerboard
- 1602.02095
: # Stochastic series expansion simulation of the t-V model (Troyer)
- 1602.02051
: # Frustrated polaritons, delta chain, Lieb lattice, Lindblad (Schmidt)
- 1602.01893
: What is absolutely continuous spectrum?
- 1602.01858
: # Superintegrability of $d$-dimensional Conformal Blocks (Schomerus)
- 1602.01814
: # Soliton-like magnetization textures in non-collinear antiferromagnets (Nunez)
- 1602.01747
: Topological aspects of symmetry breaking in triangular-lattice Ising AFM (Mila)
- 1602.01559
: # Superconducting circuit simulator of Bose-Hubbard with a flat band, delta chain (C-Y.Lai)
- 1602.01806
: Quadrupole order in the frustrated pyrochlore magnet Tb2Ti2O7 (Takatsu, Sakakibara)
- 1602.01696
: On the measurement of Chern numbers through center-of-mass responses (T.Ozawa)
- 1602.01503
: On 4d rank-one N=3 superconformal field theories (Nishinaka, Tachikawa)
- 1602.01113
: Non-Zhang-Rice singlet character of the first ionization state of T-CuO (Sawatzky)
- 1602.01267
: Majorana modes meet fractional fermions in one dimension
- 1602.01177
: SU(3) quantum critical model emerging from a spin-1 topological phase (G-M.Zhang)
- 1602.01369
: Type-II Topological Meissner States
- 1602.01108
: # Emergence of SSB in dissipative lattice systems, Koma-Tasaki (Eisert)
- 1602.01166
: Entanglement renormalization and wavelets (Evenbly, White)
- 1602.01190
: Dipolar quantization and the infinite circumference limit of 2D CFT (Ishibashi, Tada)
- 1602.00918
: Magnetization Dynamics of Defects and the Spin Solid in Kagome Artificial Spin Ice
- 1602.00687
: Universal transport and resonant current from chiral magnetic effect (Fujita, Oshikawa)
- 1602.00938
: Spin liquid v.s. LRO in the frustrated body-centered tetragonal lattice (Pepin, Lacroix)
- 1602.00968
: # Majorana bound states in magnetic skyrmions (Klinovaja, D.Loss)
- 1602.00866
: 1D two-orbital SU(N) ultracold fermionic quantum gases at incommensurate filling (Lecheminant)
- 1602.01021
: Universality of charge transport in weakly interacting fermionic systems (Giuliani, Maestropietro)
- 1602.00720
: Entanglement Entropy of Scattering Particles
- 1602.00764
: Inhomogeneous generalization of multispecies TAZRP (Kuniba, Maruyama, Okado)
- 1602.00131
: (Review) Wigner-Mott quantum criticality: from 2D-MIT to 3He and Mott organics
- 1602.00439
: Hubbard models with nearly flat bands: ferromagnetism driven by kinetic energy (Derzhko)
- 1602.00450
: # All-in-all-out magnetic DW conduction in pyrochlore iridate heterointerface (Arima, Kawasaki)
- 1602.00068
: Impurity entropy of junctions of multiple quantum wires, comparison with BCFT
- 1602.00553
: Topological magnetoplasmon, Majorana, Disc, ... (Joannopoulos)
- 1602.00049
: Three-Dimensional All-Dielectric Photonic Topological Insulator (Kivshar)
- 1602.00306
: (Short review) Topological Insulators at Strong Disorder (Prodan)
- 1602.00155
: # Low-Temperature Spin-Wave Approximation for the Heisenberg Ferromagnet (Giuliani, Seiringer)
- 1602.00262
: Topological Excitations in Magnetic Materials (Bazeia)
- 1601.08235
: Stable Gapless Bose Liquid Phases without any Symmetry (You, C.Xu)
- 1601.07966
: Acoustic Weyl nodes from stacking dimerized chains
- 1601.08238
: On Elliptic Algebras and Large-n Supersymmetric Gauge Theories, Ruijsenaars-Schneider
Hosho Katsura's arXiv