November 2015
- 1511.08244
: # Topological spin waves in the atomic-scale magnetic skyrmion crystal(Roldan-Molina)
- 1511.08483
: Collective spin-wave edge excitations in arrays of dipolarly interacting magnetic nanodots
- 1511.08427
: # Floquet Topological Insulators for Sound, Fisher lattice
- 1511.08285
: Spin-Ice State of the Quantum Heisenberg AFM on Pyrochlore (Prokof'ev)
- 1511.08441
: Multipairs and multiple Andreev reflections: short 3-terminal Josephson junction (Doucot)
- 1511.08581
: GGE in a nonintegrable system with an extensive number of local symmetries (Hamazaki, Ikeda, Ueda)
- 1511.08358
: Can Energy Reproduce Space Geometry? CTM (Gendiar)
- 1511.08769
: Phase Transitions in Semidefinite Relaxations, SDP
- 1511.08613
: Integrable open spin chains related to infinite MPS (Basu-Mallick)
- 1511.08523
: CSOS models descending from chiral Potts models: Degeneracy, loop algebra ... (Au-Yang, Perk)
- 1511.08526
: The Early History of the Integrable Chiral Potts Model and the Odd-Even Problem (Perk)
- 1511.08340
: Spontaneous symmetry breaking in nonlinear systems, coupled NLSE
- 1511.08001
: # AFM, f-wave and chiral p-wave SC in a Kagome with possible application to sd2-graphenes
- 1511.07890
: eta-pairing Superfluid in Periodically-Driven Fermionic Hubbard with Strong Attraction (Kitamura, Aoki)
- 1511.07874
: Dynamical Cooper pairing in non-equilibrium electron-phonon systems, Lang-Firsov tr. (Demler)
- 1511.07960
: Magnetic-Field-Induced Polarization Flop in Spin-Spiral Multiferroics (Mochizuki)
- 1511.07880
: Dynamical properties of the sine-Gordon quantum spin magnet Cu-PM, BBS (Honecker, Zvyagin)
- 1511.08090
: Anyons and matrix product operator algebras, C* algebra (Verstraete)
- 1511.07877
: Long-range order in the 3-state AFM Potts model in high dimensions
- 1511.08047
: Bogolubov-Hartree-Fock for strongly interacting fermions, low density limit (Seiringer)
- 1511.07924
: Study on Cooling of Positronium for Bose-Einstein Condensation (Asai, Gonokami)
- 1511.07484
: Metallic interface in non-SrTiO3 based titanate superlattice
- 1511.07574
: Microscopic Quantum Interference in Excitonic Condensation of Ta2NiSe5
- 1511.07761
: (Review) Dynamical magnetoelectric phenomena of multiferroic skyrmions (Mochizuki, Seki)
- 1511.07493
: Symmetry and topology of two-dimensional noncentrosymmetric superconductors (Samokhin)
- 1511.07445
: # Emergent quasicrystals in strongly correlated systems (Sagi, Nussinov)
- 1511.07507
: Helical edge states in phononic systems using bi-layered lattices, Lieb lattice
- 1511.07460
: Topological versus Landau-like phase transitions, CFT, ... (D-H.Lee)
- 1511.07742
: Signatures of quantum coherence in Rydberg excitons, Cu2O
- 1511.07684
: Threshold singularities in the correlators of 1D models (Ovchinikov)
- 1511.07672
: Imaginary crystals made real, Lobachevsky geometry
- 1511.06955
: (History) Nambu at Work (Freund)
- 1511.07232
: Chern mosaic - topology of chiral superconductivity on ferromagnetic adatom lattices
- 1511.06972
: Quantum spin ice on the breathing pyrochlore lattice (Savary, Kee, Kim, G.Chen)
- 1511.07043
: # The generalized t-V model II: charge-density-wave phases in unusual potentials (Szyniszewski)
- 1511.07123
: Skyrmions by Electric Field on Chiral-Lattice Magnetic Ins. (Mochizuki)
- 1511.07297
: Pentagon chain in external fields (Gulacsi)
- 1511.07381
: # Synthetic Landau levels for photons
- 1511.07287
: # Direct probing of the Mott crossover in the SU(N) Fermi-Hubbard model
- 1511.06623
: From Entanglement Witness to Generalized Catalan Numbers
- 1511.07324
: Directed random polymers via nested contour integrals (Borodin, Corwin)
- 1511.07170
: Phase diagram of a bulk 1d lattice Coulomb gas
- 1511.07313
: Bloch spin waves and emergent structure in protein folding with HIV envelope glycoprotein as an example
- 1511.07256
: Notes on the SL(2,R) CFT (McElgin)
- 1511.06595
: Thermal rectification in anharmonic chains under an energy-conserving noise
- 1511.06712
: Quantum critical Mott transitions in a bilayer Kondo insulator-metal model
- 1511.06515
: Quantum solitons with emergent interactions in a model on triangular lattice (Ueda, Akagi, Shannon)
- 1511.06755
: Complex classes of periodically driven topological lattice systems (Fruchart)
- 1511.06574
: Holographic optical traps for atom-based topological Kondo devices (Babujian, Korepin, Sodano)
- 1511.06366
: Site-resolved imaging of a fermionic Mott insulator (Greiner)
- 1511.06401
: Shannon info. and their time evolution after quantum quench in transverse-field XY-chain (Rajabpour)
- 1511.06633
: Exactly solvable Wadati potentials in the PT-symmetric Gross-Pitaevskii eq. (Konotop)
- 1511.06187
: "Ferroelectric" Metals Reexamined: Fundamental Mechanisms and Design
- 1511.06105
: Multiple amplitude modes in strongly-coupled phonon-mediated superconductors, Holstein (Tsuji, Aoki)
- 1511.06319
: Luttinger liquid in contact with a Kramers pair of Majorana bound states (Pikulin, Affleck)
- 1511.06338
: Symmetry-protected intermediate trivial phases in quantum spin chains (H-H.Tu, Orus)
- 1511.06115
: Engineering slow light and mode crossover in a fractal-kagome waveguide network
- 1511.06152
: Orthogonal and symplectic Yangians and Yang-Baxter R-operators (Kirschner)
- 1511.05785
: Transformation of spin current by antiferromagnetic insulators (B.Ivanov)
- 1511.05762
: Light-induced resonances with collective Higgs and Leggett modes in multiband SC (Tsuji, Aoki)
- 1511.05686
: Prospects for topo. electronic and magnetic states in correlated kagome materials (Valenti)
- 1511.05765
: Order by disorder in a four flavor Mott-insulator on the fcc lattice (Penc)
- 1511.05685
: # Dense gaps and scaling relations in the interacting Aubry-Andre model (Mastropietro)
- 1511.05922
: Time and temperature-dependent correlation, impurity in a 1D Fermi gas,Fredholm det. (Pronko, Zvonarev)
- 1511.04748
: Quasi-integrability, modified defocusing non-linear Schrodinger and dark solitons
- 1511.05153
: Milestones toward Majorana-based quantum computing (Alicea)
- 1511.05161
: # A geometric protocol for a robust Majorana magic gate (Oreg, Refael, Freedman)
- 1511.05282
: # Bosonic Dirac materials in two dimensions, Leggett, BAG modes (Balatsky)
- 1511.05319
: Low-field behavior of an XY pyrochlore antiferromagnet: emergent clock anisotropies (Zhitomirsky, Moessner)
- 1511.05258
: Weyl Semimetal and Nonassociative Nambu Geometry
- 1511.04619
: # Giant anomalous Hall effect in the chiral antiferromagnet Mn3Ge (Kiyohara, Nakatsuji)
- 1511.04969
: (Review) Topology of chiral superfluid: skyrmions, Weyl fermions and chiral anomaly (Volovik)
- 1511.04733
: Noncollinear and noncoplanar magnetic order in extended Hubbard on anisotropic triangular
- 1511.04526
: Spin current and magnetic response in carbon nanotubes, twisting phonon mode (Yokoyama, Murakami)
- 1511.04584
: Controlling skyrmion helicity via engineered Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya int.
- 1511.05000
: Ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic order in bacterial vortex lattices, edge states?
- 1511.05090
: Deriving effective field observables from a discrete model, inequalities
- 1511.04596
: Normal heat conductivity in two-dimensional scalar lattices
- 1511.04771
: Christoffel tr. for matrix orthogonal polynomials, non-Abelian 2D Toda
- 1511.04681
: Relativistic Landau Models and Generation of Fuzzy Spheres, Jacobi poly. (Hasebe)
- 1511.04138
: # Experimental observation of magnetoelectricity in spin ice Dy2Ti2O7
- 1511.04181
: Hexagonal RMnO3: a model system for 2D triangular lattice AFM
- 1511.04237
: Skyrmion-induced bound states on the surface of 3D Topo. ins.
- 1511.04323
: Dual trapped-ion quantum simulators, towards exotic quantum magnets (Lewenstein, Bermudez)
- 1511.04374
: Potts-model critical manifolds revisited, eleven digits (Jacobsen)
- 1511.04258
: Moments of the position of the maximum for GUE characteristic polynomials, Jack (Le Doussal)
- 1511.04251
: Davey-Stewartson system with a Kac-Moody-Virasoro symmetry algebra
- 1511.04288
: Tensor networks for gauge field theories (Verstraete)
- 1511.04074
: #(Lecture) Lectures on Conformal Field Theory (Qualls)
- 1511.04372
: Chiral algebras in Landau-Ginzburg models, cohomology (Dedushenko)
- 1511.03680
: # Cavity magnomechanics, phonon-magnon interactions
- 1511.03877
: Phase-tunable Majorana bound states in a topological N-SNS junction (Flensberg)
- 1511.03676
: Variable-range hopping through marginally localized phonons, MBL (Altman)
- 1511.04022
: Magnetic Rigid Rotor in the Quantum Regime: Theoretical Toolbox, Einstein-de Haas
- 1511.04047
: Universality of the Hall conductivity in interacting electron systems (Giuliani, Mastropietro)
- 1511.03762
: # The completeness of the Bethe ansatz for the periodic ASEP
- 1510.08822
: Transformation and integrability of a generalized short pulse eq., nonlinear Klein-Gordon
- 1511.04064
: Finite-time fluctuations for the TASEP, Bethe ansatz (Prolhac)
- 1511.03657
: Sums of Ramdom Matrices and the Potts Model on Random Planar Maps
- 1511.03666
: Entanglement Entropy in a Holographic Kondo Model
- 1511.03545
: Combined first-principles and model Hamiltonian study of the perovskite series RMnO3
- 1511.03295
: # Band flatness optimization through complex analysis, Rouche theorem (Arovas, Thomale)
- 1511.03336
: # Loop-nodal and Point-nodal Semimetals in 3D Honeycomb Lattices (M.Ezawa)
- 1511.03621
: (Short review) Chiral anomaly without relativity (Burkov)
- 1511.03502
: Chiral $p\pm ip$ superfluid on a sphere, BdG eq.
- 1511.03289
: Triplet FFLO Superconductivity in the doped Kitaev-Heisenberg Honeycomb Model (Regnault, Le Hur)
- 1511.03282
: Ising nematic quantum critical point in a metal: a Monte Carlo study (Kivelson, Berg)
- 1511.03419
: # Solitons in the Crossover between Band and Mott Insulators, TTF-Chloranil (Ogata, Fukuyama)
- 1511.00342
: Ground-state phase diagram of the quantum Rabi model
- 1511.03331
: Higher rank cubic algebras for the N-dim superintegrable systems, higher-dim SSD? (Marquette)
- 1511.03648
: Solitons and vortices in nonlinear potential wells
- 1511.03455
: Fermions embedded in a scalar-vector kink-like smooth potential
- 1511.03636
: The Quantum Potts Model as an Exactly Solvable Model (Karimipour)
- 1511.03372
: # Fractional Quantum Hall Effect and M-Theory, Toda theories (Vafa)
- 1511.02968
: Topological magnetic phase in LaMnO3 (111) bilayer
- 1511.02961
: Highly Stretchable MoS2 Kirigami (D. K. Campbell)
- 1511.03047
: Tight-binding Rashba model and statistical field theory (Honerkamp, Salmhofer)
- 1511.03109
: (Review) Physics of ultracold Fermi gases revealed by spectroscopies (Torma)
- 1511.02996
: When is an area law not an area law?
- 1511.02878
: Entanglement and the fermion sign problem in auxiliary field QMC, Renyi (Trebst)
- 1511.03031
: (Review) Ising and Ising-like models: Mean-field, effective-field and exact results, Fig. 10(c) (Strecka)
- 1511.03127
: Determinant, DWBC, Richardson-Gaudin model containing one arbitrary spin (Faribault)
- 1511.02946
: Analogies between random matrix ensembles and the one-component plasma in 2D (Forrester)
- 1511.02860
: Exact quantization conditions for the relativistic Toda lattice (Hatsuda, Marino)
- 1511.03116
: On the N=1* Gauge Theory on a Circle and Ellipic Integrable Systems
- 1511.02817
: Topological order in the Kitaev/Majorana chain in the presence of disorder and interactions (Schuricht)
- 1511.02653
: Helical spin texture and interference of Majorana bound states in 1D topo. SC (Xiao Hu)
- 1511.02704
: # Quantum Computing with Parafermions (D.Loss)
- 1511.02795
: The chiral massive fermions in the graphitic wormhole
- 1511.02370
: Mn3TeO6 - A New Multiferroic Material
- 1511.02749
: Mmagnetic structure and crystal field states of pyrochlore AFM Nd2Zr2O7
- 1511.02483
: QPT and ... quasi-2D Ising magnet Co3V2O8 in a transverse magnetic field
- 1511.02311
: Quantum triangular ice in the easy-axis ferromagnetic phase (Owerre)
- 1511.02263
: Translational symmetry and microscopic constraints on symmetry-enriched topo. phases (Meng Cheng)
- 1511.02712
: # Quench Dynamics in Two-Dimensional Integrable SUSY Models (Mussardo)
- 1511.02446
: # Rotationally invariant ensembles of integrable matrices (Yuzbashyan, Shastry)
- 1511.02507
: Uniqueness of one-dimensional Neel wall profiles
- 1511.02314
: Sine-Gordon solitons in networks: Scattering and transmission at vertices (K.Nakamura)
- 1511.02291
: Revealing a Possible Implication by Imposing Lee-Yang Theorem on the Partition Function of the Universe
- 1511.02174
: Evidence for a Gapped Spin-Liquid Ground State in a Kagome AFM (Imai)
- 1511.02158
: Sc2Ga2CuO7: A possible Quantum spin liquid near the percolation threshold (Ronnow)
- 1511.02193
: Curvature and torsion effects in the spin-current driven domain wall motion
- 1511.02213
: Fate of the Wiedemann-Franz law near quantum critical points of electron systems in solids
- 1511.02225
: Doublon dynamics and polar molecule production in an optical lattice (A.M.Rey)
- 1511.01999
: Quantum statistical mechanical derivation of the second law of thermodynamics (Tasaki)
- 1511.02042
: Polymer models with competing collapse interactions on Husimi and Bethe lattices (Pretti)
- 1511.01995
: (Review) The BCS functional of superconductivity and its mathematical properties (Seiringer)
- 1511.01992
: Fourth Painleve transcendent, harmonic oscillator, SUSY QM, ... (Quesne)
- 1511.02015
: Graphical Tensor Product Reduction Scheme for so(5) = sp(2), su(3), and g(2) (Wiese)
- 1511.01505
: # Quantum Loop States in Spin-Orbital Models on the Honeycomb Lattice (Savary)
- 1511.01876
: Theory of the strongly disordered Weyl semimetal (Altland)
- 1511.01831
: Gauge-discontinuity contributions to Chern-Simons orbital ME coupling (Vanderbilt)
- 1511.01614
: Oxygen-enabled control of DM Interaction in ultra-thin magnetic films
- 1511.01842
: # Skyrmion-induced bound states in a superconductor, Shiba states (Nakosai, Balatsky)
- 1511.01489
: # Bulk Entanglement Spectrum in Gapped Spin Ladders, 8-vertex (Santos, Lundgren)
- 1511.01501
: Frustrated quantum spin ladders: influence of many-particle bound states (Honecker, Normand)
- 1511.01504
: Spin-fermion model with overlapping hot spots and charge modulation in cuprates (Volkov, Efetov)
- 1511.01510
: Space-group symmetry fractionalization in a chiral kagome AFM (Zaletel, Vishwanath, White)
- 1511.01586
: # Sign-problem-free Monte Carlo simulation of certain frustrated quantum magnets (Alet, Damle)
- 1511.01843
: Quantum Triangular Ice (Owerre)
- 1511.01539
: Worldsheet matter for electric flux strings, solvable gauge theories (McGreevy)
- 1511.00881
: Low-Energy Effective Field Theory for the Quantum Dimer Model on the Square Lattice (Wiese)
- 1511.01544
: Nonrelativistic Banks-Casher relation and RMT, multi-component fermionic superfuids (Kanazawa)
- 1511.01491
: On Superconformal Anyons, Jackiw-Pi vortices
- 1511.01525
: Boundary States of the Potts Model on Random Planar Maps
- 1511.01463
: Topology of nonsymmorphic crystalline insulators and superconductors (Shiozaki, Sato, Gomi)
- 1511.01477
: S=1/2 quantum critical spin ladders produced by orbital ordering in Ba2CuTeO6 (Kindo, Takagi)
- 1511.01278
: Effects of boundary curvature on surface superconductivity, math-phys
- 1511.01129
: Quantum symmetry breaking of exciton/polaritons in metal-nanorod plasmonic array
- 1510.04352
: Thermalisation of a quantum system from first principles
- 1511.01271
: Poisson-Boltzmann thermodynamics of counter-ions confined by curved hard walls
- 1511.01104
: The volume of a soliton
- 1511.01385
: Several integrals of quaternionic field on hyperbolic matrix space
- 1511.01330
: Entangling Fractals
- 1511.00912
: # Globally symmetric topo. phase: from anyonic symmetry to twist defect (Teo)
- 1511.00712
: # Exact asymmetric Skyrmion in anisotropic ferromagnet (Kundu)
- 1511.00962
: Computing Exact Self-Energies with Polynomial Expansion
- 1511.00863
: Exact diagonalization of quantum lattice models on coprocessors, GPU?
- 1511.00739
: Vibrational Bandstructures of Bottom-Up Built Nanoscale Phononic Crystals
- 1511.00755
: Brillouin-Wigner theory for high-frequency expansion, Floquet topo. ins. (Kitamura, Oka, Aoki)
- 1511.00745
: 1D bichromatic optical lattice in the regime of the Sine-Gordon tr., Monte Carlo
- 1511.01036
: Pauli Crystals: hidden geometric structures of the quantum statistics
- 1511.00795
: The largest eigenvalue distribution of the Laguerre unitary ensemble
- 1511.00978
: Real homotopy theory and supersymmetric quantum mechanics
- 1511.01052
: Berry's connection, Kahler geometry and the Nahm construction of monopoles
- 1511.00707
: Entanglement Entropy in Warped Conformal Field Theories
- 1511.00256
: # Observation of long range magnetic ordering in pyrohafnate Nd2Hf2O7. all-in-/all-out (Lake)
- 1511.00332
: (Review) Reciprocal spin Hall effects in conductors with strong spin-orbit coupling (Niimi, Otani)
- 1511.00292
: Key role of asymmetric interactions in low-dim. heat transport, nonlinearity
- 1511.00430
: Transient dynamics of spin-polarized injection in helical Luttinger liquids (Sassetti)
- 1511.00038
: # Asymptotically perfect efficient quantum state transfer across uniform chains with two impurities, Dynkin?
- 1511.00595
: Engineering Photonic Floquet Hamiltonians through Fabry Perot Resonators
- 1511.00131
: The hyperbolic modular double and Yang-Baxter equation (Spiridonov)
- 1511.00069
: Exact solution of the planar motion of three arbitrary point vortices, Poincare
- 1511.00027
: Hypergeometric foundations of Fokker-Plank like equations
- 1511.00002
: # Application of Lie-group symmetry analysis to an infinite hierarchy of differential eq. at the example of first order ODEs, useful for lectures?
- 1511.00560
: String partition functions in Rindler space and maximal acceleration
- 1510.09177
: Design of Mott and topological phases on buckled 3d-oxide honeycomb
- 1510.08856
: # Mean field study of the topo. Haldane-Hubbard of spin-1/2 fermions (Paramekanti)
- 1510.09042
: Floquet engineering, periodically driven optical lattices, Wannier-Stark
- 1510.09183
: A mesoscopic Rydberg impurity in an atomic quantum gas (Demler)
- 1510.08905
: # Revivals in Quantum Walks with quasi-periodically time-dependent coin (R.F.Werner)
- 1510.09223
: What is the Generic Critical Behaviour for Polymer Collapse in 2D? (Nahum)
- 1510.08872
: Supersymmetric Renyi Entropy in CFT2 and AdS3 (Kutasov)
- 1510.09020
: Entanglement RG and Two Dimensional String Theory, cMERA
Hosho Katsura's arXiv