October 2015
- 1510.08653
: Spontaneous symmetry breaking in correlated wave functions (Kaneko, Becca)
- 1510.08655
: The Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the Husimi lattice (T.Xiang)
- 1510.08503
: Enhanced Friedel oscillations in attractively interacting 1D Fermi gases
- 1510.08455
: Explicit derivation of duality between a free Dirac cone and QED in (2+1) dim. (Alicea, Motrunich)
- 1510.08593
: # Universal quantum criticality in MI tr. of 2D interacting Dirac electrons (Otsuka, Yunoki, Sorella)
- 1510.08651
: Topological edge states with zero Hall conductivity in a dimerized Hofstadter (van den Brink)
- 1510.08623
: Frustrated Quasi-1D Spin System Cu{3}Mo{2}O{9} Studied by Thermal Conductivity (Koike)
- 1510.08641
: Thermal Conductivity of the S = 1/2 Quasi-1D Ferromagnetic Spin System CsCuCl3 (Koike)
- 1510.08746
: # Self-similar analogues of Stark ladders: a path to fractal potentials
- 1510.08709
: Pieri rules, vertex operators and Baxter Q-matrix, higher-spin XXZ, Gaudin det. (Pasquier)
- 1510.08822
: Transformation and integrability of a generalized short pulse eq., nonlinear Klein-Gordon
- 1510.08744
: (Book) Bulk and Boundary Invariants, Topo. Ins.: From K-Theory to Physics (Prodan, Schultz-Baldes)
- 1510.08112
: # Topological nature of nonlinear optical effects in solids (Morimoto, Nagaosa)
- 1510.08200
: Spinon, soliton and breather in the spin-1/2 AFM chain KCuGaF6 (Umegaki, Tanaka)
- 1510.08182
: Wireless Majorana Fermions: From Magnetic Tunability to Braiding
- 1510.08308
: Majorana fermions in coupled magnetic atomic chains on a superconductor, spiral
- 1510.08203
: (Review) Exciton-Polariton Quantum Simulators (Y.Yamamoto)
- 1510.08322
: MBL Tr. and for Anderson Loc. Tr. via Dyson Brownian Motion, level repulsion
- 1510.08302
: # Quasilocal conservation laws from semicyclic irreps of Uq(sl_2) in S=1/2 XXZ (Prosen)
- 1510.08163
: Exact travelling wave solutions of non-linear reaction-convection-diffusion eq.
- 1510.08396
: Static multi-soliton solutions in the affine su(N+1) Toda models
- 1510.08123
: A Holographic Two-Impurity Kondo Model, Affleck-Ludwig?
- 1510.08091
: An Algebraic Approach to the Analytic Bootstrap (Alday)
- 1510.07977
: # Quadratic Fermi Node in a 3D Strongly Correlated Semimetal (Nakatsuji, Balents)
- 1510.07640
: A Panoply of Orders from a Quantum Lifshitz Field Theory (Balents, Starykh)
- 1510.07896
: Gutzwiller variational wave function for multi-orbital Hubbard in finite dimensions
- 1510.07634
: Exact sign structure of the t-J chain and the single hole ground state (Z-Y.Weng)
- 1510.07637
: # A tensor network quotient takes the vacuum to the thermal state (Evenbly, Qi, Vidal)
- 1510.07698
: # Three Lectures On Topological Phases Of Matter (Witten)
- 1510.08001
: Topological insulators and K-theory, non-commutative
- 1510.07670
: Entanglement Spectroscopy and its Application to the QHE (Regnault)
- 1510.07653
: Floquet Thermalization: Symmetries and Random Matrix Ensembles (Regnault)
- 1510.08005
: Nonzero T Negativity of quantum spin models, Linked Cluster Expansions, ... (Hastings)
- 1510.07935
: Q-lumps on Domain Wall with Spin-Orbit Interaction
- 1510.08042
: Weyl vs. Conformal, gravity
- 1510.07454
: Finite-size effects in Luther-Emery phases of Holstein and Hubbard models (Assaad)
- 1510.07056
: Quantum Critical Scaling for a Heisenberg Spin-1/2 Chain around Saturation (Ronnow)
- 1510.07239
: The Chern states on the honeycomb and Lieb lattices
- 1510.07508
: Doping induced ferromagnetism and possible triplet pairing in d4 Mott insulators (Khaliullin)
- 1510.07137
: Hyperbolic Metamaterials (Smolyaninov)
- 1510.07509
: Trigonometric version of quantum-classical duality in integrable systems (Zabrodin)
- 1510.07560
: Hirota bilinear approach to GUE, NLS, and Painleve IV (Kakei)
- 1510.07445
: Reflection positive stochastic processes indexed by Lie groups
- 1510.07142
: Coherent state, local excitation in 2D conformal field theory
- 1510.07455
: Aspects of Entanglement Entropy for Gauge Theories (Trivedi)
- 1510.06881
: # Ferromagnetic clouds caused by hole motion in a 1D t-J model (Takano, Sano)
- 1510.06887
: Phase separation of superconducting phases in the Penson-Kolb-Hubbard model
- 1510.06830
: Vortex Crystals with Chiral Stripes in Itinerant Magnets (Ozawa, Motome, Batista)
- 1510.06968
: Racah materials: role of atomic multiplets in intermediate valence systems (Katsnelson)
- 1510.06945
: Quench dynamics of Anderson impurity model using configuration interaction method
- 1510.06857
: Breakdown of Anderson loc. in the transport of BEC through 1D disordered potentials
- 1510.06754
: # Dynamical Gauge Fields in Optomechanics, 2D triangular lattice
- 1510.06868
: Optics near an hyperbolic defect, hyperbolic disclinations
- 1510.06529
: Theory of Thermal Conductivity in the Disordered Electron Liquid, Keldysh(Finkel'stein)
- 1510.06720
: Quantum Hall effect, Quillen metric and holomorphic anomaly (Klevtsov, Wiegmann)
- 1510.06397
: Exact dynamical responses of interacting QCPs with emergent supersymmetry (Maciejko)
- 1510.06562
: Correlated hopping on electronic ferroelectricity in extended Falicov-Kimball in 2D
- 1510.06403
: A Quantum Dipolar Spin Liquid (Zaletel, Stamper-Kurn, A.Vishwanath)
- 1510.06525
: # Spectral properties of Goldstino in supersymmetric Bose-Fermi mixtures (Hidaka, Satow)
- 1510.06315
: # Dirac cones beyond the honeycomb: a symmetry based approach, graphynes (Morais Smith)
- 1510.06103
: Photon thermal Hall effect, 4-terminal system
- 1510.06389
: Transformable topological mechanical metamaterials (Kai Sun, Mao)
- 1510.06385
: # Spin wave band structure of artificial square spin ice
- 1510.06360
: Raman in quantum spin ladder Cu(Qnx)(Cl{1-x}Br{x})2, 2-magnon (Zheludev)
- 1510.06185
: Low-energy description of almost Ising-Heisenberg diamond chain (Derzhko, Strecka)
- 1510.06289
: Ising Superconductivity and Majorana Fermions in TM Dichalcogenides (K.T.Law)
- 1510.06032
: Self-dual QED as Boundary State of 3D Bosonic Topo. Ins. (Y-Z.You)
- 1510.06087
: # Effective spin-chain for strongly interacting 1D atomic gases with an arbitrary spin, SSD? (Cui)
- 1510.06172
: Ising low-T polynomials and hard-sphere gases on cubic lattices of general dimension
- 1510.06196
: Spectrum of the hydrogen atom in Snyder space in a semiclassical approximation
- 1510.06376
: Reflection positivity in simplicial gravity (Schrader)
- 1510.05962
: An intermediate state between the kagome-ice and the fully polarized state in Dy2Ti2O7
- 1510.05767
: # Asymmetric Skyrmion lattice in helimagnets, Belavin-Polyakov (Kundu)
- 1510.05909
: Existence of zero-energy impurity states, topo. ins. & SC, determinants (Hyart)
- 1510.05857
: Cumulant t-expansion for strongly correlated fermions
- 1510.05834
: Superfluid-Mott tr. and vortices in Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard with synthetic gauge
- 1510.05810
: (Review) Yang-Baxter integrable models in experiments: cond-mat ~ cold atoms (Batchelor, Foerster)
- 1510.05305
: Dissipative remote-state preparation in interacting medium (Znidaric)
- 1510.05663
: S-duality of u(1) gauge theory, non-orientable manifolds, topo ins. & SC (Metlitski)
- 1510.05470
: Carbon Kagome lattice and orbital frustration-induced metal-insulator transition for optoelectronics
- 1510.05068
: # Using RIXS to uncover elementary charge and spin excitations in correlated materials (Devereaux)
- 1510.05174
: # (Review) Coupled electricity and magnetism in solids: multiferroics and beyond (Khomskii)
- 1510.05371
: Local geometry in spin and orbital structure of transition metal compounds (Khomskii, Kugel)
- 1510.05431
: # Exact non-magnetic g.s. and residual entropy of S = 1/2 Heisenberg diamond model (Morita, Shibata)
- 1510.05505
: # Mott ins. and doping-induced Mott transition within DMFT: exact results
- 1510.05007
: A bosonic topological phase in a paired superfluid (Vishwanath)
- 1510.05003
: Exact calculation of phonon effects on spin squeezing (Freericks)
- 1510.05603
: # Synthetic gauge fields in synthetic dim.: Interactions and chiral edge modes (Mazza)
- 1510.05094
: # Optically controlled periodical chain of quantum rings, Fano-like
- 1510.05027
: # A Pfaffian formula for monomer-dimer partition functions (Giuliani, Lieb)
- 1510.05438
: Coulomb gas method for spectral linear statistics on random matrices (Vivo)
- 1510.04927
: Schryer-Walker solution for domain walls of Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert eq.
- 1510.04725
: Rashba Torque Driven Domain Wall Motion in Magnetic Helices, Lifshitz invariant
- 1510.04898
: Magnetic order in spin-1/2 kagome Heisenberg AFM: The role of interlayer coupling (Richter)
- 1510.04913
: # Effect of monomer-monomer int. on S=1/2 distorted diamond chain (Okamoto, Tonegawa)
- 1510.04895
: Chebyshev filter diagonalization for interior eigenvalue computations (Fehske)
- 1510.04970
: Mechanical Weyl Modes in Topological Maxwell Lattices (Lubensky)
- 1510.04934
: # New theoretical approaches to Bose polarons (Demler)
- 1509.07766
: # When must a local Hamiltonian be frustration free? (Laumann, Moessner)
- 1510.04759
: AdS2/CFT1, Whittaker vector and Wheeler-De Witt equation, minisuperspace
- 1510.04785
: T-duality trivializes bulk-boundary correspondence: the parametrised case
- 1510.04402
: Magnetization process of spin-1/2 Heisenberg AFM on a layered triangular (Yamamoto, Danshita)
- 1510.04275
: Field-induced dynamical properties of XXZ on honeycomb, nonlinear spin waves (A.L.Chernyshev)
- 1510.04278
: QPT Between Bosonic SPT Without Sign Problem: Nonlinear Sigma with a Topo. Term (Cenke Xu)
- 1510.04282
: Particle-hole symmetry, many-body localization, and topological edge modes (Vasseur)
- 1510.04292
: # Order by virtual crystal field fluctuations in pyrochlore XY antiferromagnets (Gingras)
- 1510.04405
: # Nondegenerate and almost hexagonal skyrmion lattices
- 1510.04279
: Bulk and Boundaries: Generalized Transfer Matrices for Tight-Binding Models
- 1510.04311
: One body density matrix of a quantum bright soliton from coordinate Bethe ansatz
- 1510.04481
: # Localized breather in discrete nonlinear Schrodinger eq. with helicoidal hopping (Schmelcher)
- 1510.04407
: Mean-field limit of Bose systems: rigorous results
- 1510.04430
: # (Lecture) Random matrices (Eynard, Kimura, Ribault)
- 1510.04300
: Critical behavior of the spin-1/2 Baxter-Wu model: Entropic sampling simulations
- 1510.04262
: Stability of skyrmion lattices and symmetries of DM magnets
- 1510.03863
: Entanglement Entropy of U(1) Quantum Spin Liquids (Senthil)
- 1510.03859
: Hybrid quantum-classical approach to correlated materials (Millis, Hastings, Troyer)
- 1510.04033
: Gapless surface states in a 3D Chalker-Coddington type network (Ochiai)
- 1510.03851
: Spin liquid phases of Mott insulating ultracold bosons (Lawler)
- 1510.03910
: Synthetic dimensions in integrated photonics, 4D QHE (T.OZawa, Goldman)
- 1510.04123
: (Thesis) General Slit Stochastic Loewner Evolution and Conformal Field Theory
- 1510.04153
: Fermion mass without symmetry breaking, 3D staggered fermions, SO(4) (Catterall)
- 1510.03640
: Topo. Floquet Phases in Driven Coupled Rashba Nanowires (Klinovaja, Loss)
- 1510.03624
: Strong Coupling Diagram Technique for the Three-Band Hubbard Model
- 1510.03534
: Taming the dynamical sign problem in real-time evolution of quantum many-body problems (Millis)
- 1510.03697
: SUSY protected topo. phases of isostatic lattices, frustrated magnets (Lawler)
- 1510.03425
: No-go theorem for the description of Mott phenomena with conventional DFT methods (Lorenzana)
- 1510.03787
: Interacting spin-orbit-coupled spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensates (Kuei Sun)
- 1510.03428
: Probing Critical Surfaces in k-Space Using Entanglement Entropy: Bose v.s. Fermi (Kun Yang)
- 1510.093686
: On the Generation of Dispersive Shock Waves (Miller
- 1510.03785
: Lie Algebra Contractions and Separation of Variables on 2D Hyperboloids
- 1510.03784
: Bidirectional holographic codes and sub-AdS locality (X-L. Qi)
- 1510.02803
: # Bulk Topological Proximity Effect, perturbation (Hsieh, Ishizuka, Balents, Hughes)
- 1510.03049
: Crystal Field Excitations in Breathing Pyrochlore AFM Ba3Yb2Zn5O{11} (Masuda)
- 1510.03359
: Spin wave approach to the two-magnon Raman scattering in an J1x-J1y-J2-Jc AFM Heisenberg
- 1510.03190
: T- and omega Dependent Mean Free Paths in Nonlinear Lattices (Baowen Li)
- 1510.03355
: Dirac and Weyl Rings in Three Dimensional Cold Atom Optical Lattices
- 1510.03333
: TNS algorithm by coarse-graining tensor RG on finite periodic lattices (Tao Xiang, Imada)
- 1510.03215
: Correlation inequalities for the quantum XY model (Ueltschi)
- 1510.03043
: The Yang-Baxter relation and gauge invariance (Kashaev)
- 1510.03015
: Cohomology of the tetrahedral complex and quasi-invariants of 2-knots (Korepanov, Talalaev)
- 1510.03258
: A Monte Carlo algorithm for simulating fermions on Lefschetz thimbles (G.Basor)
- 1510.02759
: Topo. semi-metals with line nodes and drumhead surface states (Schnyder)
- 1510.02744
: Schrieffer-Wolff Tr. for Periodically-Driven Systems, Artificial Gauge (Polkovnikov)
- 1510.02671
: On quantum phase transitions in tilted 2D lattices (Kolovsky)
- 1510.02618
: Quantized conductance with bosonic atoms (Pitaevskii, Stringari)
- 1510.02520
: # Integrable supersymmetric chain without particle conservation (de Gier, Nienhuis)
- 1510.02548
: Crossover temperature of S=1/2 XXZ chain with an impurity (Yahagi, Sato, Deguchi)
- 1510.02504
: Entire functions, PT-symmetry and Voros's quantization scheme
- 1510.02373
: # Nematic ordering in pyrochlore AFM, chromium spinel oxides (Takata, Momoi, Oshikawa)
- 1510.02157
: Remarkably low-energy 1D fault line defects in single-layered phosphorene
- 1510.02191
: Magnetic susceptibility in three-dimensional nodal semimetals (Koshino)
- 1510.02463
: One-Way Propagation of Plasmon Waves on a Nanoparticle Chain (Pike)
- 1510.02108
: # Kaleidoscope of quantum phases in a long-range interacting spin-1 chain (Gorshkov)
- 1510.02270
: Exact gap statistics for the random average process on a ring with a tracer (Mukamel)
- 1510.02390
: Secular coefficients of beta-ensembles, Jack poly. (Mezzadri)
- 1510.02213
: Cylindric partitions, W_r characters and the Andrews-Gordon-Bressoud identities (Foda)
- 1510.02394
: The normalized Laplacian spectrum of subdivisions of a graph
- 1510.02129
: Nonlinear Sigma Models with Compact Hyperbolic Target Spaces
- 1510.01754
: (Review) Quantum AHE in Time-Reversal-Symmetry Breaking topo. ins.
- 1510.02009
: (Review) Multiferroic RMnO3 thin films (Fontcuberta)
- 1510.01782
: Superfluid phases of $^3$He in nano-scale channels (Sauls)
- 1510.02015
: # One-dimensional sawtooth and zigzag lattices for ultracold atoms (G-B. Jo)
- 1510.02026
: An Efficient MPO Representation of the Quantum-Chemical Hamiltonian
- 1510.01735
: Initial states in integrable QFT quenches from an integral eq.hierarchy (Takacs)
- 1510.01955
: Large deviations for the 2D two-component plasma, sine-Gordon
- 1510.01810
: Intrinsic localized mode in a 1D nonlinear physical lattice
- 1510.01860
: Spectral properties of some Jacobi operators, Inversion sym. (Rutkevich)
- 1510.01730
: Topological nodal Cooper pairing in doped Weyl metals (Li, Haldane)
- 1510.01519
: Luttinger liquid with complex forward scattering: Berry phase (Dora, Moessner)
- 1510.01448
: Classical spin-liquid on the maximally frustrated honeycomb (Damle, Moessner)
- 1510.01411
: Fragile zero-energy flat bands in 3D chiral superconductors (S.Kobayashi, M.Sato)
- 1510.01325
: New universality class in 1D long-range interacting quantum systems (Gorshkov)
- 1510.01379
: Long-range doublon transfer in a dimer chain induced by topology and ac fields
- 1510.01450
: Quantum spin models on hyperbolic lattices and Bethe lattice (Daniska, Gendiar)
- 1510.01575
: Scattering in Twisted Yangians (Doikou)
- 1510.01681
: Relaxation Equations: Fractional Models, empirical Debye, Cole-Cole,
- 1510.01658
: Majorana Fermions, Supersymmetry Breaking, and Born-Infeld Theory
- 1510.00979
: # Spinon walk in quantum spin ice, RK point (Melko)
- 1510.01007
: From pinch points to pinch lines, pyrochlore lattice (Benton, Jaubert, Shannon)
- 1510.01138
: # The Coulomb potential and other radial problems on Bethe lattice (Petrova, Moessner)
- 1510.00713
: (Review) Superconducting Spintronics (Linder)
- 1510.00715
: Quantum Monte Carlo study of mass-imbalanced Hubbard models, sign-problem free!
- 1510.00716
: Weyl and Dirac Loop Superconductors
- 1510.00975
: # Time-reversal asymmetry without local moments via directional scalar spin chirality (Hosur)
- 1510.01303
: A simple efficient algorithm in frustration-free 1D gapped systems (Huang)
- 1510.01250
: Solvable Landau-Zener of two interacting qubits with path interference (Sinitsyn)
- 1510.00899
: Phase diagram of step faceting for sticky steps, p-RSOS, GMPT (N.Akutsu)
- 1510.01053
: # Integrability of Limit Shapes of the Six Vertex Model (Reshetikhin)
- 1510.00978
: Complexified path integrals, exact saddles and supersymmetry, Lefschetz thimble (Dunne)
- 1510.00972
: Quantum Hydrodynamics from Large-n SUSY Gauge Theories, ADHM, Calogero
- 1510.00524
: Mapping a FQH state to a fractional Chern insulator (Shi)
- 1510.00544
: Evidence for unidimensional low-energy excitations, frustrated spinel CdHo2S4
- 1510.00470
: Optical Signatures of Weyl Points in TaAs
- 1510.00689
: # Local scale transformations on the lattice with TNS RG (Evenbly, Vidal)
- 1510.00448
: Topolaritons from photonic Dirac cones coupled to excitons in a magnetic field
- 1510.00656
: Ordering and Dynamics of Vibrated Hard Squares
- 1510.00480
: Complete integrability of Nonlocal Nonlinear Schrodinger eq. (Saxena)
- 1510.00492
: Degenerate integrability of quantum spin Calogero--Moser systems (Reshetikhin)
- 1510.00164
: # First-Principles Design of a Half-Filled Flat Band of the Kagome MOF (M.Yamada, Aoki)
- 1510.00035
: # Spin and charge modulations in a single hole doped Hubbard ladder, cold atom (T-L.Ho)
- 1510.00205
: Nonlinear organic plasmonics (Fainberg)
- 1510.00030
: Magnetic Frustration from Nonuniform g-Factors
- 1510.00166
: Trivial and inverted Dirac bands, and emergence of QSHE in TM dichalcogenides
- 1510.00169
: Functional RG approach to non-collinear magnets, bootstrap
- 1510.00380
: BEC in a frustrated triangular optical lattice
- 1510.00007
: Bell violations in Majorana wires (Clarke, Das Sarma)
- 1510.00262
: Entanglement Dynamics of Disordered Quantum XY Chains (Nachtergaele, Sims)
- 1510.00281
: # Quantum Simulation of a Topo. Mott Ins. with Rydberg Atoms in Lieb lattice (Martin-Delgado)
- 1510.00257
: (Thesis) Emergence of dark solitons in Lieb-Liniger model (Syrwid)
- 1408.5357
: # (Review) Integrable approach to simple exclusion processes with boundaries (Ragoucy)
- 1506.04874
: Inhomogeneous discrete-time exclusion processes (Mallick, Ragoucy)
- 1510.00342
: Integral formula for elliptic SOS models with domain walls and a reflecting end
- 1510.00194
: Nonlocal dynamics and infinite non-relativistic conformal symmetries
- 1509.09016
: # (Review) Topological Phases in 2D Materials: A Brief Review (Qian Niu)
- 1509.08997
: Roadmap for Emerging Materials for Spintronic Device Applications
- 1509.08957
: Bifurcations of edge states, continuous 2D honeycomb structures (Weinstein)
- 1509.09098
: Revisiting the Fermi Surface in Density Functional Theory
- 1509.09006
: Long-Distance Entanglement of Spin Qubits via QH Edge States, RKKY (Klinovaja, Loss)
- 1509.08926
: The Many-Body Localized Phase of the Quantum Random Energy Model (Laumann)
- 1509.08943
: Thermodynamic entropy is the Noether invariant (Sasa, Yokokura)
- 1509.09018
: # Multispecies TASEP and the tetrahedron equation (Kuniba, Maruyama, Okado)
- 1509.09000
: Essential spectrum of the discrete Laplacian on a perturbed periodic graph
- 1509.08978
: Radially Excited Multi-skyrmions in Skyrme Theory
Hosho Katsura's arXiv