September 2015
- 1509.08712
: # Wavefunctions for large systems as basis for electronic structure calculations (Fulde)
- 1509.08651
: Tight-binding approach to penta-graphene (Schliemann)
- 1509.08557
: Magnetoelectric effect in organic molecular solids (Naka, Ishihara)
- 1509.08801
: Towards graphene-based detectors for dark matter directional detection
- 1509.08461
: Haldane-Hubbard Mott Ins.: From Tetrahedral Spin Crystal to Chiral SL (Paramekanti)
- 1509.08478
: Entanglement in Weakly Coupled Lattice Gauge Theories
- 1509.08476
: Emergence of cooperative dynamics in fully packed classical dimers (Garrahan, Powell)
- 1509.08879
: # On the ground states of the M_{\ell} models, cohomology (Huijse, Hagendorf)
- 1509.08616
: Q-operators for higher spin eight vertex models (Takebe)
[link to episode]
- 1509.08134
: # Physical Implementation of a Majorana Fermion Surface Code, frustration-free (Liang Fu)
- 1509.08332
: Quantum Hydrodynamics in 1D beyond the Luttinger Liquid (Price, Lamacraft)
- 1509.08433
: Influence of Rashba spin-orbit coupling on the Kondo effect
- 1509.08407
: Model of Antiferromagnetic Superconductivity, hole doping, math-phys (Sowell)
- 1509.08283
: Polaronic effects in one- and two-band quantum systems (Hofstetter)
- 1509.08445
: Observation of localized flat-band modes in a 1D photonic diamond chain
- 1509.08448
: Breaking integrability at the boundary: sine-Gordon with Robin boundary (Dorey)
- 1509.08164
: Classical limit of irregular blocks and Mathieu functions, 2d CFT
- 1509.08186
: (Review) Geometric Aspects of Painleve Equations, Weyl groups, Lax (Noumi, Yamada)
- 1509.07598
: Emergence of 1D wires of free carriers in TM-dichalcogenide nanostructures (Marzari)
- 1509.07772
: From Jeff=1/2 insulator to p-wave SC in Sr2Ir1-xRuxO4 (Schlottmann)
- 1509.07705
: Self-organized pseudo-graphene on grain boundaries in topo. ins. (Zaanen)
- 1509.07508
: Skyrmions in Chiral Magnets with Rashba and Dresselhaus Spin-Orbit Coupling
- 1509.07768
: Dilute oriented loop models, O(n) to U(n) (Jacobsen, Saleur)
- 1509.07550
: # Spectral Gap and Edge Excitations of d-dim. PVBS models on half-spaces (Nachtergaele)
- 1509.07348
: Dual quantum nonlinear oscillator and Coulomb, position-dependent mass (Quesne)
- 1509.07333
: # Magnetic behavior of volborthite Cu3V2O7(OH)2(H2O)2, coupled trimers (Furukawa, Momoi)
- 1509.07135
: Physical Architecture, a Network of Majorana Nanowires (J.D.Sau)
- 1509.07133
: Coupled wire model of symmetric Majorana surfaces of topo. SC (Teo)
- 1509.07465
: Observation of surface states in the Weyl semimetal NbP (Hasan)
- 1509.07414
: # Matrix product approximations to CFTs, chiral & non-chiral (Koenig)
- 1509.07484
: # Algorithms for tensor network renormalization (Evenbly)
- 1509.07362
: Four component fermions on a honeycomb optical lattice, SU(4) AKLT? (Lewenstein)
- 1509.07275
: Ten reasons why a thermalized system cannot be described by a many-particle wave function
- 1509.07159
: From gap probabilities in random matrix theory to eigenvalue expansions, Fredholm
- 1509.07210
: A noncommutative framework for topological insulators (Carey)
- 1509.07125
: Semiclassical description of soliton-antisoliton pair production (Levkov)
- 1509.06766
: Rare-earth triangular lattice spin liquid: a single-crystal study of YbMgGaO4, XYZ (Gang Chen)
- 1509.06908
: Anomalously slow spin dynamics, quantum spin ice systems Yb2Ti2O7 and Yb2Sn2O7 (King)
- 1509.06816
: (Short review) Introduction to Topological Insulators (Zhong Fang)
- 1509.06861
: The spectral function of the Tomonaga-Luttinger model revisited (Meden)
- 1509.06844
: Observation of Breathers in an Attractive Bose Gas
- 1509.06977
: 1D domain walls in thin ferromagnetic films with fourfold anisotropy, PDE analysis
- 1509.06936
: Electron-hole coherent states for the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equation
- 1509.06966
: Magnetically Induced QCD Kondo Effect (Y.Kuramoto)
- 1509.06700
: Topological Rice-Mele model in an emergent lattice: Exact diagonalization approach
- 1509.06706
: Topological Hierarchy Insulators and Topological Fractal Insulators (S-P.Kou)
- 1509.06387
: Smooth gauge for topological band structures in arbitrary dimensions (Troyer)
- 1509.06546
: Quantum quench in 2D using the variational Baeriswyl wavefunction (Dora, Haque, Pollmann)
- 1509.06411
: (Review) From Quantum Chaos and Eigenstate Thermalization to ... (Polkovnikov, Rigol)
- 1509.06632
: A note on BPS vortex bound states
- 1509.06634
: Compact Lumps, solitons (Bazeia)
- 1509.05847
: Spin Nernst and Torque Effects in Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Ferromagnets (Zyuzin)
- 1509.06247
: Long-range Magnetic Order in Models for Rare Earth Quasicrystals (Chalker)
- 1509.05984
: # (Thesis) Tensor network states for the description of quantum many-body systems (Wahl)
- 1509.06360
: # Correlation length versus gap in frustration-free systems (Huang)
- 1509.05846
: Synthetic spin-orbit coupling in an optical lattice clock (A.M.Rey)
- 1509.05769
: (Review) Heavy Fermions and the Kondo Lattice: a 21st Century Perspective (Coleman)
- 1509.06205
: An algebraic approach to the 1d Hubbard model, Yangian, Uglov-Korepin (Regelskis)
- 1509.06324
: Influence of boundary conditions on bulk properties of six-vertex (Ribeiro, Korepin)
- 1509.05983
: Monte Carlo estimation of the number of tatami tilings (S.Higuchi)
- 1509.06036
: Kinetic theory of phonons in weakly anharmonic particle chains, FPU
- 1509.06271
: On the C*-algebraic approach to topological phases for insulators
- 1509.06136
: Ground States of Quantum Electrodynamics with Cutoffs, finite multiplicity
- 1509.05507
: (Review) From AHE to the Quantum AHE (Zong Fang)
- 1509.05441
: Gutzwiller Renormalization Group, Anderson impurity model (Kotliar)
- 1509.05509
: Interaction-driven FQH staet of hard-core bosons on kagome at 1/3 filling (D.N.Sheng)
- 1509.05746
: RESCU: a Real Space Electronic Structure Method, MATLAB-based Kohn-Sham DFT
- 1509.05748
: # (Review) Analytical solutions of basic models in quantum optics (Braak)
- 1509.05408
: Braiding light quanta (Chamon)
- 1509.05763
: Experimental reconstruction of the Berry curvature in a topo. Bloch band
- 1509.05386
: Asymptotic energy conservation in periodically driven many-body systems (Abanin, Roeck)
- 1509.05596
: Phase Transition of the Ising Model on Fractal Lattice (Gendiar, T.Nishino)
- 1509.05296
: # Antiferromagnetic spintronics (Jungwirth, Wunderlich)
- 1509.05095
: A spin wave diode
- 1509.05400
: # When chiral photons meet chiral fermions, Photoinduced AHE (P.A.Lee, J-H.Han)
- 1509.05213
: Universality and optimality of band-gaps in laminated media
- 1509.05345
: # Towards realistic implementations of a Majorana surface code (Sela, Altland)
- 1509.05223
: Topo. SC in ferromagnetic atom chains beyond the deep-impurity regime (Ojanen)
- 1509.05342
: Topological edge states in two-gap unitary systems: A transfer matrix approach
- 1509.05206
: Dark solitons near potential and nonlinearity steps, BEC
- 1509.05070
: An irreversible local Markov chain that preserves the six vertex model on a torus (Borodin)
- 1509.04860
: # A spin dynamics approach to solitonics, chiral sine-Gordon, Kishine (Koumpouras)
- 1509.05006
: Condensation of fermion zero modes in the vortex (Volovik)
- 1509.04840
: Laser-induced phase transitions of topological Kondo insulators (Takasan, Kawakami)
- 1509.04959
: # Accelerated and Airy-Bloch oscillations, solvable case (Longhi)
- 1509.04719
: Spectral properties for a family of 2D quantum AFM, 2D AKLT, gap (Bartlett)
- 1509.04911
: Connected correlations etc. in the steady state of boundary driven XXZ (Buca, Prosen)
- 1509.04867
: Q-operators for the open Heisenberg spin chain, XXX, TQ relation (Frassek)
- 1509.04358
: Featureless quantum insulator on the honeycomb lattice (J-H.Han, Ying Ran)
- 1509.04395
: Bosonic SPT phases with reflection symmetry, Chern-Simons, 2d AKLT (Yoshida, Morimoto)
- 1509.04476
: Superconductors with ferromagnetically ordered magnetic impurities, Shiba states
- 1509.04280
: Transport in a One-Dimensional Hyperconductor, c=23 CFT, violations of Widemann-Franz
- 1509.04597
: # (Review) Phases of 1D SU(N) cold atomic Fermi gases (Capponi, Lecheminant, Totsuka)
- 1509.04666
: Overlap distributions for quantum quenches in XXZ chain (Jean-Marie Stephan, Haque)
- 1509.04507
: The Structure of Matrix Product States (Vertesi)
- 1509.04285
: Finite size scaling bounds on many-body localized phase transitions (Laumann, Oganesyan)
- 1509.04594
: Theta function solution of the qKZB equation for a face model (Zinn-Justin)
- 1509.04601
: Entanglement Entropy from CTM in non-unitary RSOS models (Bianchini, Ravanini)
- 1509.04676
: Band spectrum is D-brane, ADHM/Nahm construction of solitons (K.Hashimoto, T.Kimura)
- 1509.03921
: # Magnetic Orderings and Tunable Topo. States in 2D Hexagonal Organometallic Lattices
- 1509.04028
: Topo. properties of Fibonacci quasicrystals : A scattering analysis of Chern # (Akkermans)
- 1509.04117
: Strongly enhanced superconductivity in coupled t-J segments (van den Brink, Nishimoto)
- 1509.04062
: G.s. phases of rung-alternated spin-1/2 Heisenberg ladder (Mikeska, Vekua)
- 1509.03850
: Square frustrated FM : 1/3 plateau, helicoidal spin-liquid and vortex crystal (Seabra, Momoi)
- 1509.03673
: Chiral pumping effect induced by rotating electric fields (Fukushima, Oka)
- 1509.03960
: Chiral Fermion and Boundary State Formulation: Resonant Point-Contact Tunneling (T.Lee)
- 1509.04180
: # Bounds for center-of-mass conserving positive two-body interactions (Seidel)
- 1509.03890
: MBL Transition in Rokhsar-Kivelson-type wave functions (Fradkin)
- 1509.03953
: # Quantum Criticality of the 2D Bose Gas with the Lifshitz dispersion, RG (Congjun Wu)
- 1509.04242
: BdG Soliton Dynamics in Unconventional Fermi Superfluids, Dunne-Thies (D.A.Takahashi)
- 1509.03968
: Rigorous bound, periodically driven quantum systems (Mori, Kuwahara, Saito)
- 1509.03659
: On quantization in light-cone variables compatible with wavelet transform
- 1509.03396
: 2-magnon Raman scattering and pseudospin-lattice interactions in Sr2IrO4 and Sr3Ir2O7
- 1509.03314
: Fractionalized Fermi liquid on the surface of topo. Kondo ins., spin chain (Sachdev)
- 1509.03402
: Solvable model for a strongly spin-orbit-coupled nanowire quantum dot, Braak?
- 1509.03626
: Gapped boundaries, group cohomology and fault-tolerant logical gates (B.Yoshida)
- 1509.03551
: Energy transport in 1D disordered granular solids, nonlinearity
- 1509.03538
: 3-point functions in c \le 1 Liouville theory and conformal loop ensembles (Ikhlef, Jacobsen)
- 1509.03515
: Variants of geometric RSK, geometric PNG and multipoint distribution of log-gamma polymer
- 1509.03465
: On Some Canonical Classes of Cubic-Quintic Nonlinear Schrodinger Eq., Lie theory
- 1509.02933
: Phase diagrams of disordered Weyl semimetals (Hughes)
- 1509.03070
: # Kagome chiral spin liquid as a gauged U(1) SPT phase (Pollmann, Moessner)
- 1509.02914
: Heat transport in spin chains with weak spin-phonon coupling (A.L.Chernyshev)
- 1509.02947
: SPT ordered states for universal quantum computation, group cohomology (T-C.Wei)
- 1509.03187
: Extreme value statistics of 2d Gaussian Free Field, Jack poly. (Santachiara)
- 1509.03246
: # Localization of interacting fermions in the Aubry-Andre's model (Mastropietro)
- 1509.03054
: Mathematical Contributions to the Dynamics of the Josephson Junctions, sine-Gordon
- 1509.03256
: # A Calogero formulation for four-dimensional black-hole micro states, SSD?
- 1509.03063
: Path Integral Methods in Index Theorems, SUSYQM
- 1509.02698
: (Review) Fractional Topological Insulators -- a Pedagogical Review (A.Stern)
- 1509.02881
: Interacting weak topo. ins. and their transition to Dirac semimetal phases
- 1509.02860
: # Kinetic Magnetism at the Interface Between Mott and Band Insulators (Iaconis, Balents)
- 1509.02770
: Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states in phase-biased S-QD-S junctions (Glazman)
- 1509.02891
: Spin wave vortex from the scattering on Bloch point solitons
- 1509.02558
: # Accurate tight-binding Hamiltonian matrices from ab-initio calculations
- 1509.02751
: A New Approach to Phonon Anharmonicity, PbTe, MgSiO3
- 1509.02804
: Q-colourings of the triangular lattice: Exact exponents and CFT (Jacobsen, Salas)
- 1509.02547
: Disorder in Large-N Theories (O.Aharony)
- 1509.02295
: # (Review) A Short Course on Topo. Ins. in 1 and 2D (Asboth)
- 1509.02284
: AHE driven by dipolar spin waves in uniform ferromagnets (E.Saitoh)
- 1509.02432
: Magnon spectrum of the helimagnetic insulator Cu2OSeO3 (van den Brink)
- 1509.02315
: Quadratic invariants of the elasticity tensor, Cauchy material
- 1509.02309
: Spectra, Trace Formula for Bose-Hubbard, many-body DOS
- 1509.02506
: Solution of Unsteady Heat Transfer Problems for an Infinite 1D Harmonic Crystal
- 1509.02245
: # Combinatorial Yang-Baxter maps arising from tetrahedron eq., matrix product (Kuniba)
- 1509.02426
: Fusion for AdS/CFT boundary S-matrices (Nepomechie)
- 1509.01635
: Topology of Fermi Surfaces and Anomalies (Semenoff)
- 1509.01921
: Meron deconfinement in quantum Hall bilayer at intermediate distances (Milovanovic)
- 1509.02147
: Edge states for the Kalmeyer-Laughlin wave function (Sierra, H-H.Tu)
- 1509.02056
: ESR modes in a Strong-Leg Ladder in the TL Liquid Phase (Furuya, Giamarchi)
- 1509.01803
: Traveling Majorana solitons in a 1D spin-orbit coupled Fermi superfluid, BdG eq.
- 1509.01680
: Massless renormalization group flow in SU(N)k perturbed CFT (Lecheminant)
- 1509.01712
: Complex Solitary Waves and Soliton Trains in KdV and mKdV Eq.
- 1509.01245
: Chiral Heat Wave and wave mixing in chiral media
- 1509.01246
: Landau levels of Majorana fermions in a spin liquid (Rachel, Vojta)
- 1509.01260
: Variational wave function for an anisotropic single-hole-doped t-J ladder
- 1509.01350
: Kondo Effect in Alkali-Earth Atomic Gases with Confinement-induced Resonance
- 1509.01522
: Matrix product state renormalization, path integral (Zauner, Verstraete)
- 1509.01356
: On Index Theory for Non-Fredholm Operators: A (1+1)-D Example
- 1509.01293
: # On the dimensions of oscillator-like algebras induced by orthogonal polynomials
- 1503.05232
: Supersymmetric quantum mechanics on the lattice: II. Exact results (Wenger)
- 1509.00904
: Thermally-Activated Phase Slips in Spin Transport in Magnetic Wires (Tserkovnyak)
- 1509.01104
: Thermal transport in disordered one-dimensional spin chains, XY model (Feigel'man)
- 1509.01022
: Electron paramagnetic resonance in a spin-1/2 Heisenberg strong-rung ladder, XXZ (Zvyagin)
- 1509.00964
: Cross-Kerr nonlinearity: a stability analysis, nanomechanical resonator
- 1509.00854
: # Formation and dynamics of AFM correlations in tunable optical lattices (Esslinger)
- 1509.01160
: Measuring entanglement entropy through the interference of quantum many-body twins
- 1509.01077
: Integrability and SoV in Calogero-Coulomb-Stark, Calogero-Coulomb ... (Hakobyan)
- 1509.00907
: # Asymptotic Ferromagnetic Ordering of Energy Levels for D-dim Heisenberg (Nachtergaele, Starr)
- 1509.01207
: General and exact approach to percolation on random graphs
- 1509.00821
: Quantum BKT transition in the superconducting phase of (2+1)-dimensional QCD
- 1509.00790
: Chiral plasmon in gapped Dirac systems
- 1509.00468
: Unusual Corrections to Scaling and Convergence of Universal Renyi at QCP (Melko)
- 1509.00478
: Coupling Identical 1D Many-Body Localized Systems (I.Bloch)
- 1509.00696
: Sudden expansion and domain-wall melting of strongly interacting bosons (Pollmann)
- 1509.00828
: Many-body wavefunctions of integrable systems via sudden expansion (Heidrich-Meisner)
- 1509.00730
: Degenerately Integrable Systems, Calogero, Ruijsenaars, ... (Reshetikhin)
- 1509.00679
: All-phononic Digital Transistor, Gap-Soliton Dynamics in Anharmonic Oscillator Ladder
- 1509.00537
: (Review) Volumes of orthogonal groups and unitary groups, matrix integrals
- 1509.00280
: # Magnetic-Field-Induced Polar Phase in Chiral Magnet CsCuCl3,
KNB? (M.Tokunaga)
- 1509.00449
: Disorder-induced topological transitions in multichannel Majorana wires
- 1509.00355
: Time reversal invariant gapped boundaries of the double semion state (X.Chen, Kitaev)
- 1509.00391
: Non-Abelian Chiral Spin Liquid on the Kagome Lattice, SO(3)_1 (T-K.Ng)
- 1509.00005
: Interaction driven exotic quantum phases in spin-orbit coupled spin-1 bosons (Das Sarma)
- 1509.00435
: # Quantum quenches in integrable systems: Constraints from factorisation (Schuricht)
- 1509.00108
: Collapsed and non-collapsed 2-string solutions in the Heisenberg spin chain (Deguchi, Giri)
- 1509.00057
: Periodic striped g.s. in Ising models with competing interactions (Giuliani, Seiringer)
- 1509.00246
: Confinement and string breaking for QED2 in the Hamiltonian picture, MPS (Verstraete)
- 1509.00428
: Recursion Relations for Conformal Blocks, general-dim (M.Yamazaki)
- 1508.07735
: Deriving ab initio model Hamiltonians for molecular crystals, kagomene (Jacko)
- 1508.07601
: # SPT order in SU(N) Heisenberg magnets, entanglement spectrum (Tanimoto, Totsuka)
- 1508.07861
: Supersymmetric approach to heavy fermion systems (Ramires, Coleman)
- 1508.07477
: Entanglement structure of the Hubbard model in momentum space (Solyom)
- 1508.07665
: Skyrmionic magnetization configurations at chiral magnet/ferromagnet (Kawaguchi, Nagaosa)
- 1508.07758
: # Thermodynamics, density profiles, inhomogeneous 1D spinor Bose gas, LDA (Patu, Klumper)
- 1508.07354
: Dynamical error bounds, Lieb-Robinson bound, orthogonal polynomials
- 1508.07751
: Density of Yang-Lee zeros in the thermodynamic limit from tensor network methods (T-C.Wei)
- 1508.07747
: Eigenfunction expansions for the Schrodinger eq. with inverse-square potential
- 1508.07763
: (Lecture) BUSSTEPP 2015 lecture notes: Exact Wilsonian Renormalization (Alexandre)
Hosho Katsura's arXiv