August 2015
- 1508.07106
: (Review) The quantum anomalous Hall effect (S-C.Zhang, X-L.Qi)
- 1508.07189
: Spin-S Kagome quantum AFM in a field with tensor networks (Orus, Poilblanc)
- 1508.07072
: g.s. phases and thermodynamics in an Ising-type multiferroic Ca3CoMnO6 chain
- 1508.07006
: Long-range mutual information and topological uncertainty principle (X-L.Qi)
- 1508.07125
: # Many-body excitations in a quantum wire: theory and experiment, Bethe ansatz (Tsyplyatyev)
- 1508.07164
: Strongly interacting 1D few-body systems: LDA and exact results, Ogata-Shiba? (Zinner)
- 1508.06995
: Many-body localization protected quantum state transfer (Laumann, Vishwanath)
- 1508.07069
: Exact solution for low energy quantum anharmonic vibrations, FPU-alpha (Burin)
- 1508.07321
: # Diagonalization of bosonic quadratic Hamiltonians by Bogoliubov tr. (Solovej)
- 1508.07226
: (Review) The Elegance of Cohomological Methods, BRST formulation
- 1508.06638
: A many-body interpretation of Majorana bound states, and conditions (O'Brien)
- 1508.06722
: Guided magnonic Michelson interferometer
- 1508.06632
: Order and excitations in large-S kagome-lattice antiferromagnets (A.L.Chernyshev)
- 1508.06974
: The nu=1/2 Landau level: Half-full or half-empty? (Murthy, Shankar)
- 1508.06668
: Emergent SO(5) Symmetry at the Neel to Valence-Bond-Solid Transition (Nahum, Chalker)
- 1508.06702
: Intrinsic Angular & Magnetic Moment of Chiral SC on 2D Square Lattice (K.Miyake)
- 1508.06741
: Sign problem in continuous-time QMC, single-particle basis for impurity (Shinaoka)
- 1508.06968
: Correlation functions in conformal invariant stochastic processes (Alcaraz, Rittenberg)
- 1508.06951
: Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics: An Advanced Short Course
- 1508.06372
: Current & field driven domain wall under influence of DM int., analytival result
- 1508.06389
: Interaction-driven topo. phase tr. in correlated SPT, O(4) NLSM (Cenke Xu)
- 1508.06508
: 1,2,3-dimensional quantum spin systems, entanglement, factorized g.s.
- 1508.06330
: Direct Visualization of Memory Effects in Artificial Spin Ice
- 1508.06285
: (Review) Physics of higher orbital bands in optical lattices, flat bands (Vincent Liu)
- 1508.06471
: Experimentally Creating cMPS in Superconducting Circuits, Lieb-Liniger (Osborne)
- 1508.06385
: Approximate conservation laws in perturbed integrable lattice models (Prosen)
- 1508.06278
: Quantum Electrodynamics in d=3 from the epsilon-expansion, O(N) models
- 1508.06302
: # Warped Weyl fermion partition functions, (1+1)-D non-relativistic CFT
- 1508.06595
: From Quantum Backlund Transforms to Topo. QFT, Ablowitz-Ladik, Baxter-Q (Korff)
- 1508.06243
: Topologically protected acoustic helical edge states, coupled metamaterial ring
- 1508.06129
: Topo. Phases of Spin-1/2 Frustrated FM-AFM Alternating Heisenberg Chains (Hida)
- 1508.05957
: Closed hierarchies and non-eq. steady states of driven systems (Klich)
- 1508.05975
: # Bound States of Majorana Fermions in Semi-classical Approximation (Mussardo)
- 1508.06085
: (Habilitation Thesis) Asymptotic analysis and quantum integrable models (Kozlowski)
- 1508.05954
: # Solvable quantum 4-body problem, symmetries of an octacube, reflection group (Olshanii)
- 1508.06036
: Singular vectors of N=1 super Virasoro via Uglov symmetric functions (Yanagida)
- 1508.05859
: Matrix exponentials, SU(N) group elements, and real polynomial roots
- 1508.05485
: The Z2 Index of Disordered Topological Insulators with Time Reversal Symmetry (Katsura, Koma)
- 1508.05625
: # Strain Induced Ferroelectric Topological Insulator, first-principles study, CsPbI3
- 1508.05927
: Haldane phase in 1D topological Kondo insulators (Lobos)
- 1508.05619
: (Short Review) Quantum vorticity in nature
- 1508.05627
: Asymmetric Magnon Excitation by Spontaneous Toroidal Ordering (Kusunose, Motome)
- 1508.05385
: Closed clusters approach to graphene, molecular orbitals?
- 1508.05449
: Quantum versus mean-field collapse in a many-body system, GP with 1/r^2 potential
- 1508.05797
: Floquet-Magnus Theory, Periodically Driven Many-Body Quantum Systems (Kuwahara, Mori, Saito)
- 1508.05692
: Thermodynamics of dilute XX chain in a field, ensemble of segments
- 1506.08786
: Time-dependent density functional theory to control quantum systems, exact results
- 1508.05331
: Structure of vortex-bound states in spin-singlet chiral superconductors (Schnyder)
- 1508.05187
: # Chiral magnetic effect in the absence of Weyl node
- 1508.05220
: Quantum Spin Hall State on Square-like Lattice, 2D TMD haeckelites
- 1508.05278
: Topologically non-trivial Hofstadter bands on the kagome lattice (Uhrig)
- 1508.05200
: Non-perturbative linked-cluster expansions for the trimerized g.s. of S=1 Kagome (K.P.Schmidt)
- 1508.05324
: Neutron scattering signatures of 3D hyper-honeycomb Kitaev (Chalker, Moessner)
- 1508.05290
: # Quantum magnonics: magnon meets superconducting qubit (Tabuchi, Y.Nakamura)
- 1508.05138
: Phonon routing in integrated optomechanical cavity-waveguide systems
- 1508.05321
: Superfluid phases of fermions with hybridized s and p orbitals -> Lieb lattice
- 1508.05254
: Local factorisation of the dynamics of quantum spin systems (Bachmann)
- 1508.05339
: Random free fermions: An analytical example of eigenstate thermalization (Magan)
- 1508.04821
: # Skyrmion dynamics in chiral ferromagnets under spin-transfer torque (Papanocolaou)
- 1508.04786
: New type of stable particle like states in chiral magnets, localized solutions
- 1508.04778
: Response of fermions in Chern bands to spatially local quenches, Qi's model (Haque)
- 1508.04896
: Unidirectional Transport in Electronic and Photonic Weyl Materials by Dirac Mass Engineering
- 1508.05045
: Signatures of MBL transition in the dynamics of entanglement, random XXZ (Singh, Pollmann)
- 1508.04813
: Early breakdown of area-law entanglement at many-body delocalization transition
- 1508.04779
: Lieb-Liniger model with exponentially-decaying int., g.s. phases: cMPS (Vidal)
- 1508.04997
: Bethe States of the integrable spin-s chain with generic open boundaries (Junpeng Cao)
- 1508.04689
: (Review) Nature of superconductivity in quasi-1D organic Bechgaard (Jerome)
- 1508.04166
: Demonstrating non-Abelian statistics of Majorana fermions using twist defects
- 1508.04497
: Antiferromagnetic Magnonic Crystals, antiferromagnetic spintronics
- 1508.04715
: # Fermion Path Integrals And Topological Phases (Witten)
- 1508.04590
: Chiral Magnetic Effect and AHE in AFM Insulators with Spin-Orbit (Sekine, Nomura)
- 1508.04607
: Dark solitons in dual-core waveguides with dispersive coupling, coupled NLS
- 1508.04448
: Translation invariant extensions of finite volume measures (Goldstein, Lebowitz)
- 1508.04690
: New differential equations in the six-vertex model, KZ eq.?
- 1508.04549
: Coherent States of su(1,1): Pseudoharmonic Oscillator (J.Schliemann)
- 1508.04437
: Three-Charge Black Holes and Quarter BPS States in Little String Theory (Harvey )
- 1508.04399
: Fractional Chern Insulator phase at the transition between checkerboard and Lieb lattice
- 1508.04148
: Automated construction of maximally localized Wannier functions OPF method (S.G. Louie)
- 1508.04357
: # A Bespoke Single-Band Hubbard Model Material, triangular lattice, d-wave ... (Troyer, Spaldin)
- 1508.04170
: # (Short Review) It has been a Weyl coming (Bernevig)
- 1508.04160
: Effective models of doped quantum ladders of non-Abelian anyons (Troyer, Poilblanc)
- 1508.04140
: # The half-filled Landau level: Dirac composite fermions (Zaletel, Mong, ...)
- 1508.04414
: Microscopic Description of the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (Gherardi)
- 1508.04164
: Photon Correlations in a 1D Waveguide Coupled to 3-Level Systems, Kondo
- 1508.04328
: Thermodynamical properties of the Fermi-Hubbard model on a quantum computer
- 1508.03781
: Non-Fermi liquid at the quantum critical point of a topo. phase transition in 2D (Isobe, Nagaosa)
- 1508.03743
: 2D ice from first principles: structures and phase transitions
- 1508.03656
: Nonlinear propagation and control of acoustic waves in phononic superlattices
- 1508.03941
: AFM cross-coupled spin ladder: quantum fidelity and tensor networks (Batchelor, H-Q.Zhou)
- 1508.03646
: Universal Finite-Size Scaling around Topo. QPT, scaling functions? (Kamenev)
- 1508.03635
: Entanglement Holographic Mapping of MBL System by Spectrum Bifurcation RG (X-L.Qi, C.Xu)
- 1508.03784
: Entanglement dynamics in quantum many-body systems (Abanin)
- 1508.03803
: Maxwell's Demon Based on a Single Qubit (D.V.Averin)
- 1508.03834
: # (Textbook) Differential Equations of Mathematical Physics (Max Lein)
- 1508.04041
: Degenerated g.s. in a class of 1D Ising-like models
- 1508.03829
: Lattice hyperbolic Ruijsenaars-Schneider system with exponential Morse term
- 1508.03748
: Bosonization of Weyl Fermions and Free Electrons (E.C.Marino)
- 1508.03750
: Simple Lie algebras and topological ODEs, generalized Airy resolvents
- 1508.03451
: # Emergent spin-1 trimerized VBC in spin-1/2 star-lattice Heisenberg (von Delft)
- 1508.03584
: The Ground State of Monolayer Graphene in a Strong Magnetic Field, SO(8) (Guidry)
- 1508.03468
: # Topological phases with generalized global symmetries, SPT, ... (Beni Yoshida)
- 1508.02613
: Cooling Atomic Gases With Disorder, Neel temperature of 3D Hubbard
- 1508.03543
: An Ising chain with competing short and long-range interactions, tricriticality
- 1508.03474
: Local Spectral Deformation, Kato's analytic perturbation
- 1508.03506
: Modular Hamiltonian of Excited States in CFT, Magnus expansion!
- 1508.03338
: On Supersymmetric Lifshitz Field Theories
- 1508.03047
: Current at a distance and resonant transparency in Weyl semi-metals (Berg, Stern)
- 1508.03203
: # Weyl Mott Insulator (Morimoto, Nagaosa)
- 1508.03213
: Interaction Correction to the ME Polarizability of Z2 Topo. Ins. (MacDonald)
- 1508.03197
: Thermodynamic properties of the 2D frustrated Heisenberg model for J1-J2 circle
- 1508.03078
: Consistent bosonization-debosonization I (C.J.Bolech)
- 1508.03079
: Consistent bosonization-debosonization II, non-eq. Toulouse point (C.J.Bolech)
- 1508.03118
: # DMRG algorithm to study Y-Junctions with integer and half-integer spin (M.Kumar)
- 1508.03132
: Equilibrium Phases of Tilted Dipolar Lattice Bosons (A.M.Rey)
- 1508.03230
: The 8-vertex model with quasi-periodic boundary conditions (Niccoli, Terras))
- 1508.03295
: A matrix product algorithm for stochastic dynamics on locally tree-like graphs (Barthel)
- 1508.03074
: Towards a Quantum Theory of Solitons, topology x energy
- 1508.03121
: # Note on generalization of Jackiw-Pi Vortices (Sourrouille)
- 1508.03063
: Random partitions and the quantum Benjamin-Ono hierarchy, Jack polynomials
- 1508.02967
: # (Review) Quantum AHE and related topological electronic states (H.Weng)
- 1508.02961
: A Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Anisotropy in Nanomagnets with in-plane Magnetization
- 1508.02894
: First Order Phase Transition in Quasi-1D Spin System Ca3Co2O6, Ising-like, ...
- 1508.02722
: Many-body localization and thermalization in disordered Hubbard chains (Rigol)
- 1508.02723
: Driven Markovian Quantum Criticality (Diehl)
- 1508.02944
: Topological phases of shaken quantum Ising lattices (Garcia-Ripoll)
- 1508.02831
: Singular-value decomposition using quantum annealing (Hashizume, M.Suzuki)
- 1508.02555
: Thermal generation of spin current in an antiferromagnet (Seki, Tokura)
- 1508.02536
: Strange metal without magnetic criticality (Uwatoko, Coleman, Nakatsuji)
- 1508.02508
: Planar One-way Guiding in Periodic Particle Arrays with Asymmetric Unit Cell
- 1508.02595
: # (Textbook) Quantum Information Meets Quantum Matter (Bei Zeng, Xie Chen, X-G.Wen)
- 1508.02695
: # Quantum computation on domain walls of a 2D SPT order (Miller, Miyake)
- 1508.02431
: Representations of canonical commutation relations describing infinite coherent states
- 1508.02269
: Field induced metamagnetic transitions in quasi-1D Ising spin chain CoV2O6 (P.Mandal)
- 1508.01848
: Emergent excitation at the magnetic MI tr. in pyrochlore osmate Cd2Os2O (van den Brink)
- 1508.01974
: Magnon-Magnon Int. in O(3) Ferromagnets and Eq. of Motion for Spin Operators
- 1508.02156
: Novel Lattice Thermal Transport in Stanene, TA, LA, ZA phonons
- 1508.02114
: Excitation and dynamics in the extended bose-hubbard model, Haldane insulators
- 1508.02011
: A generalized Lieb-Liniger model (Fishman)
- 1508.02236
: Refined Cauchy/Littlewood and six-vertex model partition functions: III (Wheeler, Zinn-Justin)
- 1508.02329
: # Boundary scattering in the phi^4 model, metastable boundary state (Dorey)
- 1508.01871
: G2 monopoles (Shnir)
- 1508.01546
: # Topo. Luttinger invariants protected by crystal symmetry in semimetals (Parameswaran)
- 1508.01758
: FQHE in Graphene: Quantitative Comparison between Theory and Experiment (Jain)
- 1508.01653
: Orbital quantum dynamics in the spin-1/2 hexagonal AFM Ba3CuSb2O9 (Hagiwara, akatsuji)
- 1508.01523
: Quantum kagome materials: Interplay of further-neighbour exchange and DM int. (Singh)
- 1508.01714
: A random matrix model with two localization transitions, Rosenzweig-Porter (Kravtsov,)
- 1508.01715
: Challenging the Lieb-Oxford Bound in a systematic way, N-representability
- 1508.01665
: A combinatorial identity for the speed of growth in an anisotropic KPZ model (Ferrari )
- 1508.01754
: A q-difference Baxter's operator for the Ablowitz-Ladik chain
- 1508.01515
: Large-N g.s. of Lieb-Liniger and Yang-Mills theory on a two-sphere, Douglas-Kazakov
- 1508.01649
: Quantum Brownian Motion on a Triangular Lattice and Fermi-Bose Equivalence (T.Lee)
- 1508.01481
: # Odd frequency pairing of interacting Majorana fermions (Balatsky)
- 1508.01368
: Formation of Non-reciprocal Bands in Magnetized Diatomic Plasmonic Chains
- 1508.01380
: Computation of ESR spectra, Wiener-Khinchin-relation based methods (Miyashita)
- 1508.01318
: Odd-parity magnetoresistance in pyrochlore iridate thin films (Kozuka, Kawasaki)
- 1508.01304
: Finite-temperature charge transport in 1D Hubbard model (Heidrich-Meisner)
- 1508.01342
: On the Existence of Monodromies for the Rabi model, tau function of Painleve V
- 1508.01507
: Graph Homology and Stability of Coupled Oscillator Networks, Kuramoto model
- 1508.01207
: Vortices and Monopoles in a Harmonic Trap, omega deformation (David Tong)
- 1508.01111
: # Simple-current algebra constructions of 2+1D topological orders (Schoutens, X-G.Wen)
- 1508.00960
: Z_N Berry phase and SPT phases of SU(N) AFM Heisenberg chains (Motoyama, Todo)
- 1508.01010
: Kinetic eq. and magneto-conductance for Weyl metal in the clean limit (S-K.Yip)
- 1508.00926
: Revisiting the gauge fields of strained graphene
- 1508.00983
: Many-body theory of ultrafast demagnetization and angular momentum transfer...
- 1501.07571
: Universal measurement-based quantum computation with spin-2 AKLT (T-C.Wei, Raussendorf)
- 1508.00906
: Causality and quantum criticality with long-range interactions (Gorshkov)
- 1504.05113
: Kato expansion in quantum canonical perturbation theory
- 1508.01148
: Non-stationary resonance dynamics of weakly coupled pendula
- 1508.00819
: # Majorana modes and transport in a Y-junction system (Diptiman Sen)
- 1508.00723
: Phase diagram of a frustrated asymmetric ferromagnetic spin ladder, DMRG study
- 1508.00694
: MPS method with a dynamical local basis optimization for bosonic systems (Jeckelmann)
- 1508.00787
: # Symmetry Protected Topo. Superfluids and Superconductors, 3He (Mizushima)
- 1508.00578
: Connecting strongly correlated superfluids by a quantum point contact (Uchino, Giamarchi)
- 1508.00582
: Flight of a heavy particle nonlinearly coupled to a quantum bath (Kardar)
- 1508.00580
: The Quantum Hall Effect in Supersymmetric Chern-Simons Theories (David Tong)
- 1508.00868
: # Elementary results for the fundamental reps of SU(3), exponential forms
- 1508.00609
: Families of orthogonal Laurent polynomials, Date-Jimbo-Miwa-Kashiwara & Landau-Lifshitz
- 1508.00197
: Soliton-like magnetic DW motion induced by the interfacial DM int. (T.Ono)
- 1508.00113
: # A Kagome Map of Spin Liquids: from XXZ to DM Ferromagnet (Benton, Jaubert)
- 1508.00414
: Spin-gap study of the spin-1/2 J1-J2 model on the triangular lattice (R.F.Bishop)
- 1508.00296
: Theory of Valence Transition in BiNiO3 (Naka, Seo, Motome)
- 1508.00394
: Validity of local self-energy approximation, coupled quantum impurities
- 1508.00340
: Quantum Electron Transport and Duality in a 1D Interacting System, Schmidt model (T.Lee)
- 1508.00404
: # Hidden string order in a hole-superconductor with extended correlated hopping (Lewenstein)
- 1508.00548
: Universal Bounds on Operator Dimensions in General 2D CFTs (Qualls)
- 1508.00012
: Bootstrapping 3D Fermions
- 1508.00415
: Complex Langevin simulation in condensed matter physics, Fermi-Hubbard, ... (Hayata)
- 1507.08966
: # On the solution of quadratic Hamiltonians with large cosine terms (Ganeshan, M.Levin)
- 1507.08969
: Towards Practical Quantum Variational Algorithms, Hubbard (Hastings, Troyer)
- 1507.08741
: Quantum Tricriticality in AFM Ising Model with Transverse Field (Yasuyuki Kato, Misawa)
- 1507.08766
: Quasi Long Range Order and Vortex Lattice in the 3-State Potts
- 1507.08831
: 1D hyperbolic transport: positivity and admissible boundary conditions
- 1507.08828
: Exceptional geometry and Borcherds superalgebras, E_n Dynkin
- 1507.08773
: Pythagoras Theorem in Noncommutative Geometry, spectral triples
Hosho Katsura's arXiv