July 2015
- 1507.08290
: Half-filled Landau level, topo. ins. surfaces, and 3D quantum spin liquids (Senthil)
- 1507.08356
: Equilibrium Surface Current and Role of U(1) Symmetry: sum rule etc. (Y.Tada)
- 1507.08603
: Expansion potentials for exact far-from-eq. spreading of particles and energy (Vasseur, Moore)
- 1507.08393
: Melting of 3-sublattice order in easy-axis AFM on triangular and Kagome (Damle)
- 1507.08632
: Universality and quantized response in bosonic nonfractionalized tunneling, Hofstadter?
- 1507.08624
: Quasi-soliton scattering in quantum spin chains, XXZ, strings (Haque, Caux)
- 1507.08391
: # Quantum Ising chains with boundary fields (Campostrini, Vicari)
- 1507.08507
: Confinement-Higgs Phase Crossover as a Lattice Artifact in 1+1 Dimensions (Cubero)
- 1507.08038
: # Plaquette-triplon analysis of a trimerized spin-1 Kagome AFM (Brijesh Kumar)
- 1507.08000
: Tunable Splitting of the g.s. Degeneracy in 1D Parafermionic Wires (F.J.Burnell)
- 1507.08130
: Topo. Map of Hofstadter Butterfly Macroscopic Chern Annihilations, Van Hove Singularities
- 1507.08230
: Numerical study of the unitary Fermi gas across the superfluid transition
- 1507.08132
: # Inhomogeneous quenches in a fermionic chain: exact results (Stephan, Dubail, Haque)
- 1507.08063
: Canonical Quantization of The Dissipative Hofstadter Model (T.Lee)
- 1507.08097
: Exact Solutions of the Heisenberg Ferromagnetic Equation, Inverse scattering
- 1507.07717
: Domain Wall Fermions for Planar(=2+1 D) Physics (Hands)
- 1507.07703
: A generalized Cano-Fendley model, to mimic quantum dimer physics (Mambrini)
- 1507.07621
: Schwinger boson spin liquid states on square lattice (Fa Wang)
- 1507.07715
: Effects of Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya Interaction on magnetism in Nanodisks
- 1507.07805
: # Preparing and probing Chern bands with cold atoms (Goldman, Cooper, Dalibard)
- 1507.07915
: Quantum Quench from interacting massive to free massless bosons in 1D (Sotiriadis)
- 1507.07773
: # Relaxation times of dissipative many-body quantum systems, Lindblad (Znidaric)
- 1507.07806
: Derivation of the Biot-Savart eq. from the Nonlinear Schrodinger eq., vortex lines, ...
- 1507.07164
: Majorana modes in a triple-terminal Josephson junction, spinful Majorana, ...
- 1507.07285
: Electrically Controlled Pinning of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Domain Walls
- 1507.07518
: ESR in a model S=1/2 chain AFM with a uniform DM int. (Zheludev)
- 1507.07468
: How to discretize a quantum bath for real-time evolution?,
SSD? (Schollwock)
- 1507.07328
: AHE and quantum criticality in geometrically frustrated heavy fermion metals (Qimiao Si)
- 1507.07249
: Magnetic phase tr. of spin-1 Bose-Hubbard in a cubic optical lattice (Hofstetter)
- 1507.07276
: Explicit Local Integrals of Motion for the Many-Body Localized State
- 1507.06994
: Simulating GGE: a Hilbert space Monte Carlo approach, XXX, TBA (Alba)
- 1507.07470
: Power-law relaxation behavior of an initially localized state in the spin-1/2 XXX (Deguchi)
- 1507.07266
: Quantum Quenches to a Critical Point in 1D: some further results (Cardy)
- 1507.07482
: Skyrmion and Baby Skyrmion Formation from Domain Walls (Winyard)
- 1507.07240
: Hilbert series and operator bases with derivatives in effective field theories (Murayama)
- 1507.06892
: Conductivity Corrections for Topo. Ins. with SO Impurities: New Hikami-Larkin-Nagaoka
- 1507.06884
: Upper bounds of SDW energies in the homogeneous electron gas
- 1507.06909
: Atomic loss & gain as a resource for non-eq. phase tr. in optical lattices, DP (Lesanovsky)
- 1507.06788
: # CP(N-1) QFT with Alkaline-Earth Atoms in Optical Lattices (Wiese, Zoller)
- 1410.3318
: From Lattice Gauge Theories to Hydrogen Atoms
- 1507.06740
: Quantum integrable combinatorics of Schur polynomials, Tokuyama formula (Motegi, Sakai)
- 1507.06539
: # Multi-particle content of Majorana zero-modes in the interacting Kitaev (Kells)
- 1507.06342
: Magnetic Response Functions in Landau Levels, Hofstadter (Qian Niu)
- 1507.06307
: Magnetic Orders Proximal to Kitaev Limit, Ba3IrTi2O9 (H-Y. Kee)
- 1507.06624
: MPS and the nonabelian rotor model, O(n) nonlinear sigma, TNS, ...
- 1507.06479
: Typicality of thermal eq. and thermalization in isolated macro. quantum systems (Tasaki)
- 1507.06456
: Instantons in Lifshitz Field Theories, BPS, baby skyrmions (Nitta)
- 1507.06375
: Ising Model on Twisted 2D Lattice and Holographic RG flow (N.Sakai)
- 1507.06125
: # Quantum simulation with dopant atoms in a semiconductor, Fermi-Hubbard
- 1507.06044
: Dynamical Properties of Honeycomb-Lattice Iridates Na2IrO3 (T.Suzuki, Yamaji)
- 1507.06117
: Stretched exponential decay of Majorana edge modes in MBL Kitaev chains
- 1507.06126
: Non-Equilibrium is Different (Kirkpatrick)
- 1501.03135
: Thermodynamics of the six-vertex model in an L-shaped domain (Colomo, Pronko)
- 1507.06281
: Screening like-charges in 1D Coulomb systems: Exact results
- 1507.06024
: The g.s. construction of bilayer graphene, math-phys (Giuliani)
- 1507.06005
: 2-component integrable generalizations of Burgers eq.
- 1507.05659
: Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions of Two Coupled Normal Metal Nano-rings
- 1507.05919
: Quantum spin chains with fractional revival, PST, ... (Genest, Vinet)
- 1507.05784
: Macroscopic Degeneracy and order in the 3d plaquette Ising model, lattice gauge?
- 1507.05639
: Fate of classical solitons in 1D quantum systems, KdV eq., Lieb-Liniger (Matveev)
- 1507.05783
: Dynamics of nonlinear excitations of helically confined charges, DNLS eq.
- 1507.05682
: Fractal AC circuits and propagating waves on fractals
- 1507.05928
: Baby Skyrmions in AdS
- 1507.05676
: Double semions in arbitrary dimension (Freedman, Hastings)
- 1507.05606
: Nernst and magneto-thermal conductivity in a lattice model of Weyl fermions (Tewari)
- 1507.05109
: 3-sublattice Skyrmion crystal in AFM triangular lattice (Pujol)
- 1507.05402
: Effect of Spin-Orbit Coupling on Kondo Phenomena in f7-Electron Systems (T.Hotta)
- 1507.05496
: Phase diagram of a quantum Coulomb wire
- 1507.05491
: Quantum state reps. based on combinatorial Laplacian matrix of star-relevant graph
- 1507.05279
: Asymptotics of correlation functions of XXZ in the easy-axis regime (Goehmann, J.Suzuki)
- 1507.05269
: The colored Kitaev chain with triple degeneracy, parafermions? (Mo-Lin Ge)
- 1507.05362
: # Extension of Lieb-Schupp to Heisenberg models with higher order int. (Kengo Tanaka)
- 1507.05355
: Quantum Griffiths inequalities (Miyao)
- 1507.04804
: Metal-insulator tr. of bulk and domain-wall states in pyrochlore iridates (Fujioka, Tokura)
- 1507.04876
: # 2D Octagon-Square lattice Monolayer of Nitrogen Group Elements, DFT study
- 1507.04747
: # Z2 gauge theory for valence bond solids on the kagome lattice (Y-B.Kim)
- 1507.04957
: Hard-core boson approach to Cs2CuCl4 at finite-T in magnetic fields (Kopietz)
- 1507.04852
: Possible chiral magnetic solitons - hexagonal metal formates [NH4][M(HCOO)3]
- 1507.04942
: Existence of Neel order in the S=1 BLBQ via random loops, reflection positivity (Lees)
- 1507.04920
: c-function and central charge of sine-Gordon from the non-perturbative RG flow
- 1507.04444
: Exact g.s. and topo. order in interacting Kitaev chains (Katsura, Schuricht, Takahashi)
- 1507.04738
: Strong Quantum Effects in an Almost Classical AFM on a Kagome (Chernyshev)
- 1507.04402
: The Tower of States and the Entanglement Spectrum in a Coplanar AFM
- 1507.04613
: Hubbard-like Hamiltonians for interacting electrons in s, p and d orbitals
- 1507.04643
: # Phase diagram of an extended quantum dimer model on hexagonal lattice (Misguich, J.Vidal)
- 1507.04682
: A Renyi entropy perspective on topo. order in classical toric code (J-M.Stephan, Trebst)
- 1507.04411
: Dimer Covering and Percolation Frustration (Ziff)
- 1507.04043
: Intrinsic Quantum Anomalous Hall effect in Kagome lattice Cs2LiMn3F12 (S-C.Zhang)
- 1507.04252
: Pseudospin heat conductivity in the J{eff}=1/2 antiferromagnet Sr2IrO4 (H.Takagi)
- 1507.03987
: Deformation of a quantum many-particle system by a rotating impurity
- 1507.04031
: Density of States for Warped Energy Bands
- 1507.04138
: Self assembled Wigner crystals, spin currents and q-info, ring exchange (Bayat, Bose)
- 1507.04003
: Characterizing eigenstate thermalization via measures in Fock space of operators (Hosur, Qi)
- 1507.04193
: Integrability and conformal data of the dimer model (Rasmussen, Ruelle)
- 1507.04179
: (Review) Current Fluctuations: 1D Bulk-Driven Lattice Gases, ASEP, ... (Lazarescu)
- 1507.04130
: Bulk Locality and Boundary Creating Operators, higher-D Ishibashi (Nakayama, Ooguri)
- 1507.03807
: Wiedemann-Franz Law for Magnon Transport (K.Nakata, D.Loss)
- 1507.03963
: U(1) symmetry of spin-orbit coupled Hubbard on the Kagome, Kaplan cited (Jiadong Zhang)
- 1507.03977
: Triplet SC and proximity effect induced by Bloch and Neel domain walls, BdG eq.
- 1507.03930
: # Ferromagnetic and underscreened Kondo behavior in quantum dot arrays
- 1507.03613
: Continuous MPS for mixing/demixing transition in 1D quantum fields, 2-component
- 1507.03962
: Peano modes at the D=2 delocalization transition, quasicrystals (Benza)
- 1507.03749
: Diophantine properties of the zeros of (monic) polynomials, Hermite poly. (Calogero), see also [1507.03959].
- 1507.03440
: # First-principles theory of flexoelectricity (Vanderbilt)
- 1507.03335
: Surface electronic state of superconducting topo. crystalline ins. (M.Sato, Y.Tanaka)
- 1507.03251
: SU(3) Quantum Hall Ferromagnetism in SnTe (MacDonald)
- 1507.03477
: Majorana Fermi Sea in Insulating SmB6, Coleman, Miranda and Tsvelik (Baskaran)
- 1507.03434
: localization-delocalization tr. in corner-sharing tetrahedral lattices, flat bands?
- 1507.03398
: Thermalization and dynamics in the single impurity Anderson model (von Delft)
- 1507.03187
: Macroscopic character of composite high-Tc superconducting wires, XY glass (Kivelson, spivak)
- 1507.03500
: Extended Bose-Hubbard Models with Ultracold Magnetic Atoms (Aikawa, Zoller)
- 1507.03492
: Quantum quench within the gapless phase of the spin-1/2 XXZ (Calabrese, Essler)
- 1507.03079
: Operator reflection positivity inequalities and their applications (Wojtkiewicz)
- 1507.03027
: Critical points of Potts and O(N) models, periodic Temperley-Lieb (Jacobsen)
- 1507.03552
: The spectral gap and the dynamical critical exp. of solvable prob. CA (Lazo, Alcaraz)
- 1507.03367
: Off-diagonal Bethe Ansatz solution of tau_2 (Baxter-Bazhanov-Stroganov)-model (J-P.Cao)
- 1507.03433
: Nonlinear localized modes in sawtooth lattices, Tasaki ladder? (Johansson)
- 1507.02828
: Current-induced Orbital and Spin Magnetizations in Crystals with Helical (Yokoyama, Murakami)
- 1507.02791
: # Magnon dark modes and gradient memory
- 1507.02810
: Jahn-Teller distortions as a novel source of multiferroicity (Yamauchi)
- 1507.03007
: Fractionalized spin-wave continuum in spin liquid states on the kagome lattice (X-G.Wen)
- 1507.02865
: Dynamics of Fractionalization in Quantum Spin Liquids, Pfaffian (Chalker, Moessner)
- 1507.02773
: Electronic transport properties of Ir-decorated graphene
- 1507.02982
: Auxiliary master eq. within MPS: noneq. Anderson impurity model, super operator (Arrigoni)
- 1507.02909
: Critical Phenomena in Hyperbolic Space
- 1507.02993
: # Complete GGE in interacting Theories, T-system, TQ eq. (Caux, Essler, Prosen)
- 1507.02708
: Quantum quenches in the sine--Gordon model: a semiclassical approach (Kormos, Zarand)
- 1507.02709
: Confined Vortices in Topologically Massive U(1)x U(1) Theory
- 1507.02503
: ESR study of the spin ladder with uniform Dzyaloshinskii-Moria interaction (Zheludev)
- 1507.02381
: Effect of disorder in three dimensional layered Chern insulator (Otsuki, Shindou)
- 1507.02605
: Quantization of Topo. Invariants under Symmetry-Breaking Disorder (Song, Prodan)
- 1507.02494
: Competition between excitonic charge and SDW, electron-phonon and Hund (Fehske, Ohta)
- 1507.02443
: Triangular and Honeycomb Lattices of Cold Atoms in Optical Cavities
- 1507.02652
: Self-similar non-eq. dynamics of a many-body system with power-law int. (Garrahan, Lesanovsky)
- 1507.02678
: # Universal prethermalization dynamics of EE after a global quench (Fagotti)
- 1507.02453
: 2D Ising models on honeycomb and related lattices with striped random impurities (Morita, Suzuki)
- 1507.02617
: Yang-Baxter equations with two Planck constants, Baxter-Belavin R matrix
- 1507.02649
: mKdV equation approach to zero energy states of graphene
- 1507.02249
: Strong Orientational Coordinates and Order Parameters For Symmetric Objects (Glotzer)
- 1507.02024
: Accidental degeneracy and hidden antiunitary symmetry protection, Weyl semimetal
- 1507.01961
: Tunneling current noise in FQHE: when the effective charge is not what it appears to be
- 1507.01939
: Nonequilibrium many-body steady states via Keldysh formalism (Gorshkov)
- 1507.02223
: # Topological Thouless Pumping of Ultracold Fermions (Y.Takahashi)
- 1507.02225
: # Thouless Quantum Pump with Ultracold Bosonic Atoms (Aidelsburger, Bloch)
- 1507.02151
: # Excitations and the tangent space of projected entangled-pair states (Verstraete)
- 1507.02202
: Time-dependent variational MPS, environment dynamics and reduced system evolution
- 1507.02231
: BKT transition and zeros of the canonical partition function for 2D XY-model
- 1507.01603
: A New Type of Weyl Semimetals, tilted cone (Troyer, Bernevig)
- 1507.01587
: Anomalous Quasiparticle Symmetries and Non-Abelian Defects (Alicea, Stern)
- 1507.01639
: Theory of Raman response in 3D Kitaev spin liquids: beta-, gamma-Li2IrO3 (F.J.Burnell)
- 1507.01635
: A criterion for many-body localization-delocalization phase transition (Abanin)
- 1507.01785
: Dynamical moments reveal a topo. quantum transition in a photonic quantum walk
- 1507.01758
: Polaron dynamics with a multitude of Davydov D$_2$ trial states
- 1507.01821
: # Doubling Hahn polynomials: classification and applications (Van der Jeugt)
- 1507.01911
: N = 2 SCA in NSR string and Gepner approach to space-time SUSY in 10D (Belavin)
- 1507.01038
: Optical evidence for a Weyl semimetal state in pyrochlore Eu2Ir2O7 (Sushkov, Nakatsuji)
- 1507.01369
: # Spin Wave Eigenmodes of Dzyaloshinskii Domain Walls
- 1507.01278
: Chiral spin liquids on the kagome Lattice (Sun, Fradkin)
- 1507.01405
: Quantum electric-dipole liquid on a triangular lattice
- 1507.01226
: # Chebyshev matrix product state approach for time evolution
- 1507.01389
: # Delta chain with anisotropic FM & AFM interactions (Dmitriev, Krivnov)
- 1507.01363
: Interacting quantum walkers: Two-body bosonic and fermionic bound states (Luck, Mallick)
- 1507.01304
: Many-body localization with mobility edges, solvable spin chains
- 1507.01478
: Asymmetric stochastic transport models with U_q(su(1,1)) (Sasamoto)
- 1507.01567
: Entanglement entropy of squeezed vacua on a lattice
- 1507.00806
: Field-direction control of the type of charge carriers in nonsymmorphic IrO2 (Tokura, Kawasaki)
- 1507.00984
: Topo. Response in Insulators and Superconductors with Nonsymmorphic Symmetries
- 1507.00774
: The Ising version of the t-J model, anisotropic t-J
- 1507.00766
: Geometric Phases for Mixed States of the Kitaev Chain, Uhlmann's geometric phase
- 1507.00767
: Unbiased Monte Carlo for the age of tensor networks, fully-packed loop models
- 1507.00740
: Doped Colloidal Artificial Ice, square and kagome ice geometries
- 1507.00987
: SU(2|1) mechanics and harmonic superspace, Wess-Zumino term, ...
- 1507.00658
: The Insulating Nature of Na2IrO3: Mott-type or Slater-type?
- 1507.00449
: Piezo-ME Effect of Spin Origin in Dysprosium Orthoferrite (Tokunaga, Tokura)
- 1507.00348
: # Topo. Crystalline Bose Insulator in 2D via Entanglement Spectrum (Kimchi, Parameswaran)
- 1507.00361
: Featureless Paramagnets on the Square and the Honeycomb Lattices in 2+1D, LSM
- 1507.00344
: Chern-Simons-Higgs transitions out of Topological Superconducting Phases (Clarke, Nayak)
- 1507.00374
: (Review) NMR studies of frustrated molecular magnets, V15, ... (Y.Furukawa)
- 1507.00488
: Critical delocalization of chiral zero energy modes in graphene, Chebyshev expansion
- 1507.00337
: 3D topological photonic crystal with a single surface Dirac cone (Joannopoulos)
- 1507.00608
: # Spectral properties of periodically coupled flux rings (Exner)
- 1507.00241
: Classification of topo. crystalline insulators based on representation theory
- 1507.00040
: # Interaction-enabled topo. phases in topo. ins.-SC heterostructures (M.Franz)
- 1507.00030
: # Quantum Hall Physics with Cold Atoms in Cylindrical Optical Lattice (Zoller)
- 1507.00186
: Simulation of Quantum Heisenberg Hamiltonians in 1D, SSD?
- 1507.00077
: Correlation functions of Lieb-Liniger and LeClair-Mussardo formula (Andrei)
- 1507.00038
: Symmetry-respecting real-space renormalization for quantum Ashkin-Teller (Bartlett)
- 1507.00161
: Advanced DMRG method for nuclear structure calculations (J.Dukelsky)
- 1507.00015
: AdS/CFT and the geometry of an energy gap, upper & lower bounds
- 1506.09045
: Spin-wave localization in disordered magnets
- 1506.08934
: Asymptotic Freedom in Quantum Antiferromagnet TlCuCl3 (O.Sushkov)
- 1506.09185
: Quantum order by disorder in honeycomb Kitaev K1-K2 (Thomael, Rachel)
- 1506.09190
: 2d Chern semimetals on the Lieb lattice, Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau algebra
- 1506.08819
: FFLO strange metal and quantum criticality in 2D: theory and experiment
- 1506.08997
: Chain-like transitions in Wigner crystals: Sequential or non-sequential?
- 1506.09193
: # Molecular geometric phase from the exact electron-nuclear factorization
- 1506.08990
: # Critical Ising model on a torus with a defect line, face model reps. (Izmailian)
- 1506.08945
: Discrete Solitons and Vortices in Anisotropic Honeycomb Lattices (Bishop)
- 1506.09017
: On integrability of Einstein-Maxwell-(A)dS gravity in presence of Killing vectors
Hosho Katsura's arXiv