April 2015
- 1504.07708
: NaCaNi2F7: A frustrated high-T pyrochlore AFM with S=1 Ni^{2+}
- 1504.07977
: Dirac Semimetals in Two Dimensions (Kane)
- 1504.07641
: Landau Level Quantization and Almost Flat Modes in 3d Semi-metals with Nodal Ring Spectra
- 1504.07884
: Hyperspherical theory of the quantum Hall effect I: the role of exceptional degeneracy
- 1504.07934
: # Polymer crystals in Rydberg quantum gases with attractive and repulsive int. (Lesanovsky)
- 1504.07701
: Efficient Method for Forming Matrix Product States of Fermionic Gaussian States (S.White)
- 1504.07847
: Dynamical instability in the S=1 Bose-Hubbard model, Gutzwiller (Toga)
- 1504.07770
: Decay of an isolated monopole into a Dirac monopole, S=1 BEC (Mottonen)
- 1504.07956
: Transfer-matrix study of a hard-square with 2 kinds of particles,
related exact result
- 1504.07923
: Low-T correlation lengths of XXZ chain in AFM massive regime (Kozlowski, J.Suzuki)
- 1504.07910
: Classical Virasoro irregular conformal block, matrix model, Mathieu eq.
- 1504.07799
: Some aspects of holographic W-gravity, related to SSD?
- 1504.07371
: # Roton minimum as fingerprint of magnon-Higgs scattering in AFM magnets (K.P.Schmidt)
- 1504.07258
: # Statistical translation invariance protects a topo. ins. from int. (Cobanera)
- 1504.07408
: Topological superconductivity in Dirac semimetals (Masatoshi Sato)
- 1504.07607
: Magnetic Anisotropy in fcc AFM with Direction-Dep. Int., Luttinger-Tisza (Ishizuka, Balents)
- 1504.07398
: Giant negative magnetoresistance induced, chiral anomaly in Cd3As2 nanowires
- 1504.07414
: Distribution of Chern number by Landau level broadening in Hofstadter (N.Yoshioka)
- 1504.07517
: Shock waves in a BEC under transverse harmonic confinement, exact solutions
- 1504.07285
: Conductance and absolutely continuous spectrum of 1D samples, math-ph
- 1504.07619
: QCD Kondo effect: quark matter with heavy-flavor impurities
- 1504.07315
: # A note about a new class of two-kinks,
Uchiyama's method, similar to Ishimori?
- 1504.07612
: The SO(2r)_2 string functions as q-diagrams, parafermionic CFTs (Gepner)
- 1504.06992
: (Review) NMR studies of electronic properties of solids
- 1504.07178
: Helical Spin Order from Topological Dirac and Weyl (Semi-)Metals (S-C.Zhang)
- 1504.06620
: MPS Representation of Non-Abelian Quasiholes (Estienne, Regnault, Bernevig)
- 1504.07198
: Precise adiabatic transport and geometry of quantum Hall states (Wiegmann)
- 1504.07185
: Quantum geometry, FQHE in the Hofstadter model (R.Roy)
- 1504.06623
: Fractional Chern Insulators in Harper-Hofstadter with Higher Chern # (N.Cooper)
- 1504.07232
: Ferromagnetic--nematic order of fermions in optical flux lattices (N.Cooper)
- 1504.06769
: # Fibonacci Optical Lattices for Tunable Quantum Quasicrystals
- 1504.06676
: Reflection positivity and quantum Griffiths' inequalities (Miyao)
- 1504.06958
: Quantum algebra symmetry of the ASEP with second-class particles (Schutz)
- 1504.07074
: New solutions of the star-triangle with discrete and continuous variables (Kels)
- 1504.07044
: so(N)_1 criticality in generalized cluster models (Lahtinen, Ardonne)
- 1504.07224
: Infinite MPS for Open Haldane-Shastry Chains, Yangian (H-H.Tu, Sierra)
- 1504.06376
: Spectral butterfly and electronic localization in rippled-graphene nanorribons
- 1504.06373
: AFM in the Hubbard on honeycomb: a Two-Particle Self-Consistent study (Tremblay)
- 1504.06528
: The total momentum of quantum fluids (A.Suto)
- 1504.06420
: Interacting multiple zero mode formulation, dark soliton in a condensate (Y.Yamanaka)
- 1504.06564
: Spontaneous increase of flux and chiral-current reversal, bosonic ladders (Vekua)
- 1504.06396
: Periodicity for the Hadamard walk on cycles (Konno)
- 1504.06414
: Star junctions and watermelons of pure or random quantum Ising chains
- 1504.06389
: New universality class in percolation on multifractal planar stochastic lattice
- 1504.06270
: Crystallization of magnetic vortex-strings in frustrated quantum magnets (Kamiya, Batista)
- 1504.06127
: A Matrix-Product-Operator Approach to the NESS of Driven-Dissipative Quantum Arrays
- 1504.05971
: High-dimensional localisation physics in a 1D chiral system (Rey, Gurarie)
- 1504.06159
: Population-imbalance instability in flux Bose-Hubbard ladder (Uchino, Tokuno)
- 1504.06214
: Octonacci Photonic Quasicrystals
- 1504.05981
: Chromatic and Dispersive Effects in Nonlinear Integrable Optics
- 1504.05989
: Statistics of 2d random walks, Hofstadter model (Ouvry, Polychronakos)
- 1504.06228
: Harmonic Oscillator on the SO(2,2) hyperboloid
- 1504.05860
: Thermally Driven Ratchet Motion of Skyrmions and Topo. Magnon Hall (Mochizuki, Nagaosa)
- 1504.05826
: Magnetism and rotation in relativistic field theory
- 1504.05855
: (Short Review) Strongly Correlated Electrons in Solids
- 1504.05824
: Flat bands as a route to high-Tc superconductivity in graphite (Volovik)
- 1504.05637
: d- and p-wave Spin-Singlet Superconductivities in 2d Kondo Lattice (J.Otsuki)
- 1504.05579
: Relaxation of Goldstino Due to SUSY Breaking in Bose-Fermi Mixtures (Kun Yang)
- 1504.05885
: Time-dependent BdG eq. and non-validity of Ginzburg--Landau theory (Seiringer)
- 1504.05886
: An exactly solvable system from quantum optics, Rabi, Bargmann-Fock reps.
- 1504.05676
: Dynamical supersymmetry on the XXX spin chain (C.Matsui)
- 1504.05772
: # Critical Theory of 2d Mott Tr.: Integrability and Hilbert Space Mapping (Zemba)
- 1504.05922
: Further Explorations of the Parameter Space of 3D Lattice Gauge Theories
- 1504.05343
: Finite-T effective field theory, quantized thermal Hall effect (Nakai, Ryu)
- 1504.05192
: # Emergent SUSY from Strongly Interacting Majorana Fermions (Franz, Affleck)
- 1504.05332
: SU(N) Heisenberg model with multi-column representations (Okubo, Kawashima)
- 1504.05202
: Scattering Continuum and Possible Fractionalized Excitations in alpha-RuCl3
- 1504.05520
: # (review) Introduction to the physics of artificial gauge fields (Dalibard)
- 1504.05491
: Population dynamics in Floquet realisation of Harper-Hofstadter (N.Cooper)
- 1504.05205
: The almost mobility edge in the almost Mathieu equation (Yi Zhang, Kivelson)
- 1504.05236
: Chiral topological spin liquids with PEPS (Poilblanc, Cirac, Schuch)
- 1504.05303
: Multiple Landen values and the tribonacci numbers, polylogarithm
- 1504.05540
: Integrability from 2d N=(2,2) Dualities (M.Yamazaki)
- 1504.05185
: Baryon chemical potential and in-medium properties of BPS skyrmions
- 1504.04919
: (Review) Iron-Based Superconductors: current status (Hosono, Kuroki)
- 1504.04978
: Longitudinal conductivity, tilted Dirac cone in magnetic field (Ogata, Suzumura)
- 1504.05016
: Emergent topo. properties in interacting 1D systems with spin-orbit (Carr)
- 1504.04863
: Chiral vector bundles: A geometric model for class AIII topo. (Gomi)
- 1504.04701
: Exact analysis of anisotropic two-bosons Rabi model (Amico)
- 1504.05024
: Percolation analysis of a disordered spinor Bose gas
- 1504.05021
: Atomically crafted spin lattices as model systems for quantum magnetism
- 1504.05094
: Majorana representation for dissipative spin systems
- 1504.05113
: Kato expansion in quantum canonical perturbation theory, superoperators ...
- 1504.04991
: (Review) 25 Years of Self-Organized Criticality: Concepts and Controversies
- 1504.05096
: Self-Duality for 2-Component ASEP, U_q(gl_3) (Schuetz)
- 1504.05174
: Closed Form of BCH Formula for Semisimple Complex Lie Algebras (Matone)
- 1504.04963
: Finite range forces from signum-Gordon field: exact results in 2d
- 1504.05129
: Non-Abelian Vortices with a Twist
- 1504.04380
: Quantum simulations made easy plane, XY-hard-core bosons (Laeuchli, Moessner)
- 1504.04590
: Finite-T scaling of spin correlations in 1d Ising QCP, experiments (Hagiwara, Zheludev)
- 1504.04451
: Gauge Physics of Spin Hall Effect (Murakami)
- 1504.04547
: Model for the FC and ZFC Ferrimagnetic Spinel, spin-fermion model
- 1504.04399
: Experimental Observation of Large Chern numbers in Photonic Crystals (Joannopoulos)
- 1504.04578
: Ultracold polar molecules composed of strongly magnetic atoms
- 1504.04501
: # Algebraic Bethe ansatz for Q-operators: The Heisenberg spin chain (Frassek)
- 1504.04572
: Integrable light-cone lattice discretizations from the universal R-matrix (Teschner)
- 1504.04603
: Soliton models for thick branes, sine-Gordon, \phi^4, \phi^6
- 1504.04230
: # Majorana-like modes in a number conserving setting, solvable model (Mazza)
- 1504.04233
: # Topo. states in a double-wire model of interacting fermions
- 1504.04156
: Analytical theory for proton correlations in common water ice I_h (Moessner)
- 1504.04158
: Electromagnetism on ice: classical and quantum theories of proton disorder (Shannon)
- 1504.03618
: Dominant Bond-directional Interactions in Honeycomb Iridate Na2IrO3 (B.J.Kim)
- 1504.04081
: Surface nanowire hosting TL liquid, spin-charge separation, ARPES
- 1504.04012
: # Parafermionic zero modes in ultracold bosonic systems (Gorshkov)
- 1504.04285
: (Lecture) Interferometry with Atoms
- 1504.04194
: Continuous MPS tomography of quantum transport experiments (Eisert)
- 1504.04150
: # Yangian of 2D N=1 SCFT, free-boson Fock space at each site (Y.Matsuo)
- 1504.04055
: Quiver gauge theories and integrable lattice models (Yagi)
- 1504.03807
: # Dirac Line Nodes in Inversion Symmetric Crystals (Kane)
- 1504.03918
: Magnetoelectric effects in the skyrmion host material Cu2OSeO3
- 1504.03792
: Dynamical molecular-spin state, spin-frustrated ferrite spinel ZnFe2O4 (Tomiyasu)
- 1504.03962
: Pyrochlore iridates: all-in/all-out and non-Fermi liquid (Shinaoka, Troyer)
- 1504.03938
: 2d photonic quasicrystal edge states protected by 2nd Chern number
- 1504.03901
: # Entanglement Entropy on the Cayley Tree (R.Berkovits)
- 1504.03773
: Permutation symmetry determines the discrete Wigner function, POVM, Clliford group
- 1504.03806
: Frustration and Correlations in Stacked Triangular Lattice Ising AFM (Burnell, Chalker)
- 1504.03729
: Logarithmic Correlations in Quantum Hall Plateau Transitions (Vasseur)
- 1504.03705
: Racah Polynomials and Recoupling Schemes of su(1,1)
- 1504.03318
: (Review) Superconducting materials classes: introduction and overview (Hirsch)
- 1504.03540
: Magnetization induced local electric dipoles, multiferroic Ba2CoGe2O7 (Solovyev)
- 1504.03350
: Quantum theory of light scattering in 1d channel: Interaction effect (Gritsev)
- 1504.03572
: Practical Entanglement Estimation for Spin-System Quantum Simulators (Plenio)
- 1504.03526
: A unified fluctuation formula for one-cut beta-ensembles of random matrices (Vivo)
- 1504.03532
: Putting matters on the triangle-hinge models, Ising, Potts, RSOS, ... (Fukuma)
- 1504.03069
: Electron-mediated spin interactions in double-exchange models (Ishizuka, Motome)
- 1504.02894
: # Spin-charge separated quasiparticles in 1d quantum fluids (Essler, R.Pereira)
- 1504.03223
: # Topo. Superfluid and Majorana Zero Modes in Synthetic Dimension
- 1504.03302
: X-chains reveal substructures of graph states, graph theory
- 1504.02898
: (Review) Recent advances in percolation theory and its applications, DP, SLE, ...
- 1504.02688
: Some generalized juggling processes, Markov chains
- 1504.03211
: Short-range correlations in modified planar rotator model
- 1504.02979
: Evading the sign problem through Lefschetz-thimble path integral (Kashiwa)
- 1504.02822
: Duality between Spin networks and the 2D Ising model (Bonzom)
- 1504.03155
: Fusion rules for log N=1 superconformal minimal models I: NS sector (Ridout)
- 1504.02848
: Potentials and the vortex solutions in the CP^N Skyrme-Faddeev model
- 1504.03311
: Quantum Hurwitz numbers and Macdonald polynomials
- 1504.02476
: # (Review) Topo. phases with parafermions: theory and blueprints (Alicea, Fendley)
- 1504.02655
: Topological water wave state in a 1d structure, Zak phases
- 1504.02699
: Computational Study of the Magnetic Structure of Na2IrO3
- 1504.02582
: Detection of a Spin-Entanglement Wave in a Bose-Hubbard Chain (Fukuhara)
- 1504.02672
: Shearer's point process and the hard-sphere model in 1d, Tonks gas
- 1504.02475
: Universal features of left-right entanglement entropy, CFT, Ishibashi states
- 1504.02478
: Multiband models for field theories with anomalous current dimension (Karch)
- 1504.02108
: Scattering of high-energy magnons off a magnetic skyrmion
- 1504.02322
: Majorana Edge States in Superconductor/Noncollinear Magnet Interfaces (Schnyder)
- 1504.02098
: Fusion and Measurement Operations for SU(2)_4 Anyons (Bonderson)
- 1504.02296
: Effects of Attractive correlation on Topological Flat-bands Model
- 1504.02373
: General response theory of topo. stable Fermi points with disorders
- 1504.02278
: Scaling dims of higher-charge monopoles at deconfined critical points (Powell)
- 1504.02399
: Mott ins. in Hofstadter-Bose-Hubbard, Gutzwiller, RPA, ... (Iskin)
- 1504.02263
: Charge Pumping of Interacting Fermion Atoms in the Synthetic Dim.
- 1504.02210
: Impurity coupled to an artificial magnetic field in a Fermi gas, Bethe ansatz
- 1504.02421
: # Supersymmetry protected topo. phases and Fibonacci anyons (Schoutens)
- 1504.02459
: Baby Skyrme models without a potential term, Bogomolny eq.
- 1504.01951
: # Magnetic and nonmagnetic phases in doped AB2 t-J Hubbard (Montenegro-Filho)
- 1504.01784
: G.s. phase diagram of square lattice Hubbard from density matrix embedding
- 1504.01952
: TRIQS: A Toolbox for Research on Interacting Quantum Systems, C++/Python
- 1504.01749
: Fractal butterflies in buckled graphene-like materials
- 1504.01892
: Correlated Exciton Transport in Rydberg-Dressed-Atom Spin Chains, Lindblad
- 1504.01830
: Equivariant Topological QFT and Symmetry Protected Topo. Phases (Kapustin)
- 1504.01849
: Elliptic Genera and Characteristic q-Series of SCFT
- 1504.01374
: Topological Phononic Crystals with One-Way Elastic Edge Waves
- 1504.01711
: Majorana Fermions: Direct Observation in 3He B phase
- 1504.01724
: # Majorana Fermion Surface Code for Universal Quantum Computation (Liang Fu)
- 1504.01521
: Z2-gauge description of the Mott tr. in infinite dimensions, spin-fermion
- 1504.01444
: # (Review) Quantum Computation with Topological Codes (K.Fujii)
- 1504.01474
: # Balents-Fisher-Girvin model with Two-dimensional Ion Crystal (Zoller)
- 1504.01620
: Non-Exponential Quantum Decay of a Many-Particle System, Calogero-Sutherland
- 1504.01531
: Simulating Bosonic Baths with Error Bars, Lieb-Robinson bounds
- 1504.01566
: Topology-driven phase transitions in the classical monomer-dimer-loop
- 1504.01565
: # KT-transitions of the interacting monomer-dimer on checkerboard
- 1504.01477
: Magnetic bags in hyperbolic space, Nahm transform
- 1504.01335
: Spin Pumping in Electrodynamically Coupled Magnon-Photon Systems, YIG
- 1504.01243
: Topological Current in Fractional Chern Insulators (Koma)
- 1504.00996
: Spin chain in magnetic field: limitations of large-N mean-field (Devereaux)
- 1504.01259
: Thermal Fractionalization of Quantum Spins in Kitaev (Nasu, Udagawa, Motome)
- 1504.00949
: Long-lived exciton-polariton states in semiconductor Mie resonators
- 1504.01131
: Estimates of critical quantities from an expansion in mass: Ising model
- 1504.01269
: Note on star-triangle equivalence in conducting networks
- 1504.00967
: Fermi-Bose cubic couplings in light-cone field theories
- 1504.01088
: A remark on gapped domain walls between topological phases (Kawahigashi)
- 1410.4131
: Exact solution of the 2d dimer model: Corner free energy, ...
- 0806.0594
: Solvable model for chimera states of coupled oscillators, Kuramoto (Strogatz)
- 1504.00732
: Chirality Hall Effect in Weyl Semimetals
- 1504.00784
: Ising exchange interaction in lanthanides and actinides (Chibotaru)
- 1504.00762
: Spin-dependent current through a quantum dot, quantum Hall edge channels (Oiwa, Tarucha)
- 1504.00783
: # (Review) Matrix product solutions of boundary driven quantum chains (Prosen)
- 1504.00792
: The Z-invariant massive Laplacian on isoradial graphs
- 1504.00760
: Runge-Lenz vector in Calogero-Coulomb problem (Hakobyan)
- 1504.00873
: Solitons in a continuous classical Haldane-Shastry spin chain (M.Stone)
- 1504.00409
: All-magnetic control of skyrmions in nanowire by spin waves (M.Ezawa)
- 1504.00651
: Thermodynamic Magnon Recoil for Domain Wall Motion
- 1504.00654
: Topo. Spin Liquid in the Spin-1/2 Triangular Heisenberg Model (D.N.Sheng)
- 1504.00367
: Z_k Read-Rezayi and their excitations on the torus geometry (Neupert, Bernevig)
- 1504.00368
: Scaling dim. of monopole ops. in CP^{N_b - 1} in 2+1 d (Sachdev)
- 1504.00369
: Observation of the Chern-Simons gauge anomaly
- 1504.00558
: Embeddings of Racah algebra into Bannai-Ito algebra
- 1504.00270
: Surface Transport in Quantum Hall Ferromagnet, Organic Dirac... (Osada)
- 1504.00073
: Magnetic moments at oxygen sites in AFM Sr2IrO4 and Sr3Ir2O7 (Takagi)
- 1504.00309
: Ferroelectric Skyrmions and a Zoo of Multiferroic Phases in GaV4S8 (Loidl)
- 1504.00336
: Landau-Lifshitz vortex sheets vs Onsager-Feynman vortices (Volovik)
- 1504.00128
: # Quantum Simulator of Correlated Electrons and Dynamical Gauge Fields (Bermudez)
- 1504.00237
: # Quantum quenches in 2d using chain array matrix product states (Konik)
- 1504.00282
: Split and overlapped binary solitons in optical lattices (Salerno)
- 1504.00346
: Superglass phase of Rydberg atoms
- 1504.00042
: Fermionic orbital optimisation in tensor network states (Eisert)
- 1504.00207
: Small polaron with generic OBC, off-diagonal Bethe ansatz (J.Cao)
- 1504.00138
: # Infinite circumference limit of CFT, continuous Virasoro (Ishibashi, Tada)
- 1504.00121
: On skein relations in class S theories (Tachikawa, N.Watanabe)
- 1503.08964
: # (Review) Symmetries, symmetry classes, and symmetric spaces (Zirnbauer)
- 1503.08914
: (Review) Monolayer Topo. Ins.: Silicene, Germanene and Stanene (M.Ezawa)
- 1503.08965
: Twisted Hubbard Tube: Unconventional Superconductivity in K2Cr3As3?
- 1503.08887
: Dielectric response at a spin-orbital quantum critical point (Balents)
- 1503.08896
: Staggered Loop Currents in 3-Orbital Model for CuO2 (Kampf)
- 1503.08902
: # Breathing Pyrochlore Antiferromagnet LiGa{1-x}In{x}Cr4O8 (Hiroi)
- 1504.00164
: Magnetic crystals and helical liquids in alkaline-earth fermionic gases
- 1503.08824
: Chiral Bogoliubons in Nonlinear Bosonic Systems
- 1503.09116
: Entanglement in composite free-fermion systems (Eisler, Chung, Peschel)
- 1503.08998
: 1d extended Hubbard model with spin-triplet pairing ground states (A.Tanaka)
- 1503.08898
: The toggle group, homomesy, and the Razumov-Stroganov correspondence (Striker)
- 1503.09029
: From Jack to double Jack via the supersymmetric bridge (Lapointe, Mathieu)
Hosho Katsura's arXiv