September 2014
- 1409.3241
: Quasiparticle collapsing, anisotropic t-J ladder
- 1409.3451
: Fermi liquid for single impurity Anderson, Bethe ansatz (Mora, Zarand)
- 1409.3236
: Berry phase and topo. crystalline insulators
- 1409.3286
: Spin-wave emission, domain wall motion
- 1409.3269
: AB effect and entanglement (Casini)
- 1409.3453
: Continuum limit for the Kronig-Penny
- 1409.3416
: Dimer reps. of TL algebra, XXZ, ... (Rasmussen, Ruelle)
- 1409.3465
: AGT, Ding-Iohara, Lepowsky-Wilson, ...
- 1409.3537
: Fusion kernel in Liouvlle theory
- 1409.3344
: SU(\nu) Calogero, Virasoro-Witt 3 algebra
- 1409.3057
: Phase separation, 4-component fermion chain (Solyom)
- 1409.3100
: Strongly interacting quantum walk, tilted Bose-Hubbard (Greiner)
- 1409.3009
: Quantum hyperbolic metamaterials, Bragg polaritons
- 1409.3085
: Kogut-Susskind fermion, lattice gauge, ...
- 1409.3073
: Anyon braiding on a lattice, semi-analytical treatment, CFT (A. Nielsen)
- 1409.3075
: Surprising results of Kohn-Sham DF (Ferreira)
- 1409.3216
: Twisted gauge theory, topo. phases in 3d, Dijkgraaf-Witten
- 1409.3182
: Ground state connectivity, quantum circuits, QCMA-complete
- 1409.3127
: Cohomologies, Yang-Baxter, tetrahedron, n-simplex (Korepanov, Talalaev)
- 1409.3158
: 1d KPP eq., asymptotic solutions
- 1409.2846
: magnetization pumping and dynamics, DM int.
- 1409.2834
: Andreev reflection, Amperian superconductor (Beenakker)
- 1409.2795
: # Mott spin-1/2 transition-metal ions do have single-ion anisotropy (Whangbo)
- 1409.2537
: # Bott periodicity, Z_2 symmetric g.s., ... (Kennedy, Zirnbauer)
: Homotopy Theory of Strong and Weak Topological Insulators
- 1409.2722
: Replica theory and spin glasses, Parisi lecture notes (Parisi)
- 1409.2421
: Dynamic control of spin waves, spin currents
- 1409.2131
: Nonequilibrium optical conductivity with localized states
- 1409.2256
: Fractional Chern insulators, thin torus, Bose-Hubbard
- 1409.2171
: Chern Simons theory of plateaus, kagome XXZ, Jordan-Wigner (Sun, Fradkin)
- 1409.2142
: 2-orbital honeycomb model, QSHE (Hayami, Motome)
- 1409.2033
: ESR studies on kappa-BEDT-TTF
- 1409.2183
: Tilted loop currents, cuprates (V. Yakovenko)
- 1409.2150
: Characterizing topo. order with matrix product operators
- 1409.2122
: Quantum walk, random artificial gauge fields
- 1409.2302
: Melting of Ising quadrant, SSEP, Bethe ansatz
- 1409.1704
: Behavior near \theta=\pi, O(3) NLSM, Monte Carlo
- 1409.1986
: Tetrahedron, quantum R-matrix, modular double ... (Kuniba, Okado, Sergeev)
- 1409.2327
: Relaxation, 1d nonlinear Schrodinger with noise (Froehlich, Lebowitz)
- 1409.2480
: Angular Calogero, Dunkl operators (Hakobyan)
- 1409.1753
: Kitaev chain, Kibble-Zurek mechanism...
- 1409.1757
: Weakly coupled random AFM spin chains
- 1409.1763
: Realization of Nersesyan-Tsvelik model in coupled spin chains (B. Lake)
- 1409.1659
: # Z_3 symmetry-protected topo. phases, SU(3) AKLT (Morimoto, Ueda)
- 1409.1885
: # Sine-Gordon solitons, spin-orbit coupled BEC (Peotta)
- 1409.1875
: Theory of coherent van der Waals matter
- 1409.1658
: Signature of BEC in an optical lattice
- 1409.1618
: Classical Heisenberg and XY on windmill lattice
- 1409.1794
: Strict-weak lattice polymer, KPZ, q-TASEP (Corwin)
- 1006.0927
: Solvable electron-phonon model and GGE (Meden)
- 1409.1603
: Non-unitary holography, super group, ... (C. Vafa)
- 1409.1581
: Truncated conformal space, d-dim CFT, cheap alternative to the lattice
- 1403.7763
: # Instanton approach, Harish-Chandra-Itzykson-Zuber interals (Bouchaud)
- 1409.1504
: Space group symmetry, fractionalization, Z2 topo. order (Hermele)
- 1409.1405
: Quantum fidelity, anisotropic triangular AFM, J1-J2 (Sorensen)
- 1409.1310
: NaCuMoO4(OH) frustrated J1-J2 chain (Hiroi)
- 1409.1234
: # Interaction enabled topological crystalline phases
- 1409.1516
: Current inversion, edges of chiral p-wave SC (Sigrist)
- 1409.1299
: Weak localization and anti localization, topo. ins. (S-Q. Shen)
- 1409.1252
: # Many-body localization implies MPS (Eisert)
- 1409.1231
: (Lecture) Notes on black holes and q-info
- 1409.1212
: # Thermodynamic limit of six-vertex with reflecting end (Ribeiro, Korepin)
- 1409.1494
: Truncated Conformal Space Approach for 2D Landau-Ginzburg (Konik, Mussardo)
- 1409.1374
: Revisiting nonperturbative RG, KT transition
- 1409.1505
: Nonlinear Klein Gordon, zero modes, tunneling, topo. origin ...
- 1409.1538
: Integrable deformation of Green-Schwartz sigma model, RSOS/IRF, ...
- 1409.1457
: Klein-Gordon eq. with q-deformed potential
- 1409.0943
: Topo. edge states, Bi4Br4
- 1409.1008
: Reduced density marix functional theory, correlation and spectroscopy
- 1409.0987
: Berry curvature, Bogoliubov quasi particles, Sr2RuO4
- 1409.0885
: Interactions between evanescent photons and environment
- 1409.1056
: # Lax approach, spin polarized neutrons, Moessbauer
- 1207.3294
: Recovering entanglement by local operations
- 1409.1166
: Painleve VI heat equation
- 1409.1206
: Product of spectral projections
- 1409.0786
: # Andreev bound state, FFLO, \kappa-(BEDT-TTF)... (Kanoda, Mitrovic)
- 1409.0573
: Non-Fermi liquids in Dirac semi metals (Y-B. Kim)
- 1409.0661
: Flux phase in bilayer t-J model (Kuboki)
- 1409.0635
: Excitation spectrum of quantum gases, rigorous approach
- 1409.0843
: Notes on topo. invariants in cond-mat (Fonseca)
- 1409.0725
: Hybrid light-matter solitons
- 1409.0778
: # Berry connection, 2d QED, massive Thirring, Bethe ansatz (Thacker)
- 1409.0670
: Verlinde formula in log CFT (Ridout)
- 1409.0168
: # SPT of interacting fermions and bosons, adiabatic connection (You, Xu)
- 1409.0388
: # Tight-binding study of spin-orbit coupled alpha, beta, gamma graphynes
- 1409.0256
: Skyrmion collapse, stereographic coordinates, ...(Verga)
- 1409.0284
: Feshbach insulators, bosons in optical lattices
- 1409.0282
: # calibration of interaction energy between Bose and Fermi superfluids
- 1409.0312
: Perturbative method, Lindblad eq., ... (Yuge, Sugita)
- 1409.0428
: Google matrix analysis, Perron Frobenius
- 1409.0167
: gl(2|1) spin chains, log CFT c=0 (Gainutdinov, Read, Saleur, Vasseur)
- 1409.0306
: Quantum co-walking, two particles in 1d XXZ, Nepomechie-Wang?
- 1409.0435
: Asymptotic Toeplitz determinant, gap, perturbation
- 1409.0029
: Degenerate kinks in coupled nonlinear KG eq. (de Souza Dutra)
- 1409.0449
: Deformed O(4) sigma model, beyond TBA (Bazhanov, Lukyanov)
- 1408.6837
: Spin and energy currents in integrable & non-integrable spin chains (Brenig)
- 1408.6860
: Pairing in half-filled Landau level (S. Chakravarty)
- 1408.7018
: Strong coupling perturbation theory for Kondo & Anderson lattices
- 1408.7064
: Collective edge mdoes, graphene QSHE (Fertig)
- 1408.7119
: Order by dilution, pyrochlore XY model, thermal, quantum selection
- 1408.7096
: Strong-coupling ansatz, 1d Fermi gas trapped in a harmonic potential
- 1408.6880
: adsorption of self-avoiding walks at a defect(Beaton)
- 1408.6861
: Multicritical behavior, Ising-Heisenberg universality class
- 1408.7030
: Nepomechie-Wang singular solution, BAE, non self-conjugate strings (Deguchi)
- 1408.7002
: Thesis, graph, quantum statistics, discrete Morse theory, ... (Sawicki)
Hosho Katsura's arXiv