- Director: Kazuyoshi OISHI Professor
- Assistant director : Mieko THOMPSON Associate Professor
- Diana KARTIKA Associate Professor
- Felix KUHN Project Assistant Professor
- Yui TOYODA Project Research Associate
- Project Specialist : KOHARA

DirectorKazuyoshi OISHIProfessor
Field of Study:
English Literature, Social History
I am Kazuyoshi Oishi, Director of CAWK. My research field centres around British literature and society in the Romantic and Victorian periods. I am also interested in architecture and urban history in general. The process of writing is not always easy, especially when we try to find words and expressions that perfectly match our thoughts and ideas based on deep investigations and deliberations, whether in Japanese or in English. It is a great joy, however, to map out a design of our thoughts and ideas in our own words on a white paper. Let’s appreciate our own voice and rhythm as well while writing.
As Director, I will do my best to make CAWK a pleasant and meaningful place for everyone. Starting with support for English and Japanese courses in Junior Division, CAWK will provide a variety of information and support to help you enjoy and pursue academic writing. Please feel free to contact me. I am here to listen to your concerns and requests, and am looking forward to seeing you!

Assistant directorMieko THOMPSONAssociate Professor
Field of Study:
Japanese as a second language, specializing in collaborative learning and academic writing
I am Mieko THOMPSON, Assistant Director of CAWK. My discipline is Japanese as a second language, specializing in collaborative learning and academic writing. I also pursue research on advising for language learning.
I have been an enthusiastic writer since my childhood; that might be the reason why I chose to engage in scholarly work! I enjoy finding the exact words which describe how I feel or what I see, although the process can be very incremental. Research is somewhat similar in that we reveal some truths which have been embedded in our lives, and finally express them in an articulate manner. Language indeed shapes our thoughts and in turn also defines the world in which we are living.
CAWK offers an optimal environment that will help you to shape your thoughts in writing. Our trained tutors will assist you through constructive dialogues and providing useful resources. We very much look forward to supporting your writing journey at CAWK!

Diana KARTIKAAssociate Professor
Field of Study:
Sociology of education, Inclusive education
I serve as the English department head at CAWK and my research background is on how educational systems can provide quality education for all students, no matter the backgrounds they come from or the characteristics they have. UTokyo students have a range of past learning experiences, particularly in writing or using English. My experience in teaching English writing at other Japanese universities and writing centres have helped me to see the unique challenges and difficulties that UTokyo students face. First and foremost, my vision is to ensure that there are communication channels to understand students’ evolving needs. Thereafter, to identify effective approaches that support and enable individual students to develop the confidence in expressing their thoughts clearly and accurately in English. Teaching Fellows and Teaching Assistants are at the frontline of CAWK, and together we will work as a team to provide the support that you need.

Felix KUHNProject Assistant Professor
Field of Study:
International Relations, Diplomatic History
I am Felix Kuhn and I am managing the day-to-day operations at CAWK. My research focuses on international relations and diplomatic history in East Asia and Europe. Writing is essential to communicate one’s ideas to the academic community and beyond, but it is also challenging. When I write about my own research, I always try to imagine my readers: Are they able to follow my arguments? Are they able to grasp my main point? Are they not bored reading my article? If others are unable to understand my ideas, or if they soon lose interest in my article, I know that my writing needs improvement. These are common challenges, and at CAWK we offer you a place to tackle them and to improve your writing. Here you find dedicated tutors to support you in your efforts to write coherent and engaging academic papers.

Yui TOYODAProject Research Associate
Field of Study:
Spanish Art History
When we write reports and papers, the most important thing is to write in a way that others can read and understand. No matter how great the conclusion, if the logic is jumpy or the overall structure is broken, the reader will not be able to understand the good points. At CAWK, you can discuss your writing with your tutor, who will review your writing or what you are trying to write from different perspectives. It is challenging to walk into a place you don't know, but tutors and people are friendly and helpful, and you are always welcome to visit when the center opens.

KOHARAProject Specialist
When I was in college, I remember always choosing very niche topics for assignments and being asked by my professors, "Are you sure you can write this?”. The problem is, the more I wrote, the more I got stuck and found it hard to find references. So I had to go to the library and the professor's office many times.
However, I still found writing papers a lot of fun, especially when I was working on the topics that I was really interested in. Since I graduated, I have rarely been able to pursue my intellectual curiosity, so those were rich times for me. I hope you can enjoy learning and writing with the support of CAWK!

CAWK charactor
Komame-chan is the CAWK character created by a former KWS TA from scratch–from the design to the real (stuffed animal) full of love, and is now welcoming everyone at the reception desk and also on CAWK Twitter (X).
Please check Komame-chan out!

TFs & TAs (Tutors)
English Language Support

Field of Study:
Linguistics (phonology)
I know how hard it is to write an academic paper in English for the first time because I experienced ALESA as an undergraduate. If you have the slightest concern about ALESS/ALESA/FLOW, please feel free to consult with us as early as possible! We’ll think it over together with you.

Ahram HAN
Field of Study:
Politics and International Relations (political and economic area), foreign policymaking
We, the TA and TFs, from various backgrounds and majors are waiting for you at CAWK. We not only discuss writing papers in English, we also give you useful tips for writing research papers from the perspective of students.
Please don't hesitate to visit us and let's have some fun writing in English together!

Field of Study:
Latin American Area Studies, Urban Studies, Migration Studies
Hello! Expanding one’s horizon in academia by communicating with people who have diverse interests is a wonderful blessing. As I work on my PhD thesis in English, it is a great honor to engage in a discussion about your research ideas. Looking forward to welcoming and working with you at CAWK!

Field of Study:
English literature
Writing an academic paper in English can be a lonely journey at times. When you feel anxious or have questions, please don’t hesitate to consult with TF or TA at CAWK instead of dealing with it alone. If you need help, feel free to visit CAWK anytime!
Japanese Language Support

Siyu LI
Field of Study:
Foreign Language education
Do you find it hard to start when writing an academic paper in Japanese? Do you have a great idea but are unsure if it is logically expressed or not? Do you feel nervous about submitting your essay as the deadline approaches? Please don't hesitate to come to CAWK and let’s discuss together! :)

Field of Study:
English Literature
The attempt to express your thoughts in words involves the pain of not being able to write as you wish. But I also believe that this is the most fruitful form of pain that only those who try to write are entitled to experience.
Please feel free to come to CAWK whenever you have problems with writing!

Bingying ZHANG
Field of Study:
Conversation analysis, discourse analysis, intercultural communication, intercultural adaptation
For me, the most important thing in writing a dissertation is to choose a suitable and innovative topic and to find a corresponding research method. I am involved in both quantitative and qualitative research, so I am happy to offer helpful advice on how to choose your topic and research method, as well as how to analyze the results or data of your research.

Field of Study:
Modern Japanese Literature
I am happy to offer the best support that I can give to anyone coming to CAWK with sincerity and honesty.
Let's open up your possibilities together through developing writing skills and reconsidering our expressions!