February 18, 2023
Speaker at "English Education at the UTokyo: Present and Future Prospects"
On February 18, Director. Kazuyoshi Oishi, Assistant director. Mieko Thompson, Associate Professor. Diana Kartika, Project Assistant Professor. Soichiro Onose, and Project Research Associate Akiko Katayama represented our center at the symposium "English Education at the UTokyo: Present and Future Prospects" held at UTokyo.
We touched not only on the role and significance of the CAWK, but also on the future expansion and development of its services inside and outside the University, as well as the challenges and role of the CAWK in English language learning in the future in light of the expansion of AI, Chat GPT and other means of writing papers on behalf of students, and the advent of excellent translation functions such as DeepL. CAWK will continue to provide support for the CAWK's activities through various events and opportunities.
We will continue to disseminate information through various events and opportunities.
Staff in charge of the symposium / titles :
Diana Kartika : “Behind the Scenes of ALESS, ALESA, and FLOW"
Akiko Katayama: “The Role of Komaba Writers' Studio (KWS)"
Soichiro Onose: “Implementation and Support of the High Flex Class”
Kazuyoshi Oishi: “Perspectives on English Education at the University of Tokyo from the Perspective of Academic Writing”