Materials & Resources
Academic Skills Mini-Lecture Series
レポートを書くとは "What is writing a report?" |
資料の収集と整理 Collecting and organizing resources |
引用とは -自分の意見と他者の意見を区別する- What is a citation |
引用の機能と方法 -レポート例をもとにして- The function and method of citation |
パラグラフ・ライティング -論旨の明快なレポートを書くために- Paragraph Writing |
レポートに必要な情報の取捨選択 Selecting and choosing the information needed for the report |
多様な情報を整理し、「ストーリー」を見つけ出そう Organize diverse information and find the “story”! |
英語学術論文執筆ミニ講座 Part1 Why write academic papers in English? |
英語学術論文執筆ミニ講座 Part2 Content in IMRaD format |
英語学術論文執筆ミニ講座 Part3 Academic Writing Accurate, Brief, and Clear |
Logic & Structure |
Academic Jouranal Articles | |
Using Credible Sources |
Academic Writing for the Social Sciences, ALESA |
CAWK Academic Resources
CAWK TAs have prepared these materials to assist in writing and presenting academic papers, and they are available for viewing and distribution in the CAWK room.
Please feel free to stop by if you are interested or wish to use them. The current list of material titles is as follows. *All written in Japanese.
Please feel free to stop by if you are interested or wish to use them. The current list of material titles is as follows. *All written in Japanese.
- 【Read】Tips for organizing previous research and reading papers
- 【Collect】Find and collect resources and materials
- 【Collect】Purpose and method, tools of organizing resources
- 【Research】Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods for Psychology and Linguistics
- 【Research】What is Quantitative and Qualitative Research in Psychology and Linguistics?
- 【Research】Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods for Psychology and Linguistics, Collection and Analysis of Qualitative Data
- 【Research】What is Quantitative and Qualitative Research in Political Science, Economics, and Sociology?
- 【Research】Fundamentals of corpus usage
- 【Research】Get the whole picture!
- 【Write】Citation
- 【Write】Academic Writing The Basics of Writing Reports and Papers
- 【Write】Introduction to Office 1: How to use Words and useful functions
- 【Write】Introduction to Office 2: How to use PowerPoint and presentation
- 【Write】Methods to write a response to a report assignment's requirements
- 【Write】Methods of Argumentation in Reports
Conducting online research
Find & Collect References
- Tips for Improving Literature Search Skills: Recommended Databases
Tips provided by UTokyo Komaba library. The problems and solutions, mainly library services, are introduced according to the search process for academic writing. - UTokyo OPAC
*The system for searching the online union catalog database of books and journals held in the UTokyo. It can be used to search all journals as well as books acquired by the UTokyo in 1986 and after. - EBSCOhost
*E-databases of UTokyo. A platform where you can search multiple databases. We recommend you to use it when you want to search for books, journal articles, reviews, or various other media. - CiNii
*A database service which can be searched with academic information of articles, books, journals and dissertations. It enables you to search not only information on academic articles but also a lot of information related to research activities such as research data and project information. - JSTOR
*A digital library provides access to more than 12 million journal articles, books, images, and primary sources in 75 disciplines. - J-STAGE
*A platform for scholarly publications in Japan. Titles on J-STAGE cover a wide variety of academic fields, from natural sciences to humanities, social sciences, and interdisciplinary areas. - Google Scholar
*It provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. From here, you can search across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites. - Google Books
*Search the world's most comprehensive index of full-text books. (Full access to E-books are only available to some.) - ResearchGate
*It is convenient for searching and browsing papers and data sets. (Registration is required to use.) It is a social network service (SNS) for researchers, allowing them to register and share their own research papers and datasets. You can also ask questions about other research papers or accept and answer questions about your own research. - Others : Database List (University of Tokyo Library System)
- Oxford English Dictionary
*The definitive record of the English language, featuring 600000 words, 3 million quotations, and over 1000 years of English.
- Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Online
Longman English–Japanese Dictionary
Deciding on a topic or theme

*You can get booklets at CAWK (View Only depending on the number of issues)

*You can get booklets at CAWK (View Only depending on the number of issues)
Choose Your Expression
- The Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA)
- British National Corpus (BNC)
- 中納言(Corpus Search Application)
*A web application for searching Japanese corpus. - 現代日本語書き言葉均衡コーパス(BCCWJ : Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese)
*It contains approximately 100 million words of samples collected to give an overall picture of the contemporary written Japanese language.
Write Citation & References in Japanese
参考文献リストの見かた/How to Read Bibliographies(UTokyo)
PDF参考文献リストの見方/How to Read Bibliographies(Waseda University)
PDFWrite Citation & References in English
参考文献と引用クイックガイド (Quick Guide to References and Citations APA 7th Ver.)
自分の考えと他人の考え:知の営みに参加するために (My Thoughts and Others' : To participate in the work of knowledge)
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), 7th Edition (2020)
*Only for reference at CAWK
The Chicago Manual of Style
MLA Style Manual 9th Edition
APA 6 and 7 Comparison Tables of Changes
ALESS/A Resources and Videos