東京大学大学院 農学生命科学研究科 応用生命化学専攻 生物有機化学研究室




  1. Yasuda S, Kobayashi R, Ito T, Wada Y, Takayama S. Homology-Based Interactions between Small RNAs and Their Targets Control Dominance Hierarchy of Male Determinant Alleles of Self-Incompatibility in Arabidopsis lyrata. Int J Mol Sci. 22(13):6990 (2021)

  2. Windari EA, Ando M, Mizoguchi Y, Shimada H, Ohira K, Kagaya Y, Higashiyama T, Takayama S, Watanabe M, Suwabe K. Two aquaporins, SIP1;1 and PIP1;2, mediate water transport for pollen hydration in the Arabidopsis pistil. Plant Biotechnol 38(1):77-87 (2021)

  3. Fukushima K, Kanomata T, Kon A, Masuko-Suzuki H, Ito K, Ogata S, Takada Y, Komatsubara Y, Nakamura T, Watanabe T, Koizumi S, Sanuki H, Park JI, Niikura S, Suwabe K, Fujii S, Murase K, Takayama S, Suzuki G, Watanabe M*. Spatiogenetic characterization of S receptor kinase (SRK) alleles in naturalized populations of Raphanus sativus L. var. raphanistroides on Yakushima island. Genes Genet Syst. 96:129-139 (2021)

  4. Takada Y, Mihara A, He Y, Xie H, Ozaki Y, Nishida H, Hong S, Lim YP, Takayama S, Suzuki G, Watanabe M*. Genetic Diversity of Genes Controlling Unilateral Incompatibility in Japanese Cultivars of Chinese Cabbage. Plants 10:2467 (2021)

  5. Murase et al.: Mechanism of self/nonself-discrimination in Brassica self-incompatibility, Nature Communications, 11, 4916 (2020)



  1. Fujii S. Plant physiology: ATP at the center of self-recognition. Curr Biol. 32(18):R962-R964 (2022)

  2. Tsuchimatsu T, Fujii S. The selfing syndrome and beyond: diverse evolutionary consequences of mating system transitions in plants.

    Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 377(1855):20200510 (2022)
  3. Fujii, S. & Takayama, S.: Expanding the RNase world., Nature Plants, 6, 53-54, 2020

  4. Fujii, S. & Takayama, S: Multilayered dominance hierarchy in plant self-incompatibility., Plant Reprod, 31, 15-19, 2018

  5. Fujii, S., Kubo, K.-i., Takayama, S. Non-self and self-recognition models in plant self-incompatibility. Nature Plants, 2, 16130, 2016



  1. Iwano, M., Ito, K., Shimosato-Asano, H., Lai, K.-S., and Takayama, S. Self-Incompatibility in the Brassicaceae, In "Sexual Reproduction in Animals and Plants" (Eds. Sawada, H., Inoue, N., and Iwano, M.), Springer pp. 245-254, 2014

  2. Kaothien-Nakayama, P., Isogai, A., and Takayama, S. Self-incompatibility systems in flowering plants, In "Plant Developmental Biology-Biotechnological Perspectives" Vol. 1, Springer, pp. 459-485, 2010

  3. Watanabe, M., Suzuki, G., and Takayama, S. Milestones identifying self-incompatibility genes in Brassica species - From old stories to new findings. In "Self-Incompatibility in Flowering Plants: Evolution, Diversity, and Mechanisms" (Ed. Franklin-Tong, V.E.), Springer, pp. 151-172, 2008

  4. Watanabe, M., Suzuki, G., Shiba, H., and Takayama, S. Molecular mechanisms of self-incompatibility in Brassicaceae, In ''Floriculture, Ornamental and Plant Biotechnology: Advances and Topical Issues (1st Edition)" (Ed. da Silva, J.A.T.), Global Science Books, pp. 552-555, 2006


  1. 藤井壮太 & 高山誠司: 植物が異種の花粉を排除する仕組みを発見, バイオサイエンスとインダストリー, 20, 14-17, 2020

  2. 藤井壮太 & 高山誠司: 被子植物における自他の花粉の識別システムおよびその進化の動態, 領域融合レビュー, 7, e006 (2018)

  3. 高山誠司.「自家不和合性」『植物学の百科事典』丸善出版社, 2016

  4. 久保健一, 円谷徹之, 高山誠司. 「ナス科ペチュニアの自家不和合性の分子機構と分子進化」『植物の生長調節』, 51, 41-47, 2016

  5. 円谷徹之, 久保健一, 高山誠司. 「ナス科植物の自家不和合性 ユビキチン化を介した自他識別」『化学と生物』53, 826-833, 2015
