Cluster of four satellites will be launched by Russian Dnepr rocket
at the end of 2012, arranged by University of Tokyo
ーMicro-satellite "HODOYOSHI-1" will also be launchedー
Professor Shinichi Nakasuka's laboratory of Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo and Next Generation Space System Technology Association (NESTRA) decided launching Japanese four micro-satellites using Russian Dnepr launch vehicle from Yasny launch base in Russia at the end of 2012. These four satellites are being developed by the following universities with primary objectives of technology demonstration of Earth remote sensing. University of Tokyo's micro-satellite "HODOYOSHI-1," which is 6.8 m ground resolution Earth remote sensing satellite, will also be launched.

Ground resolution 6.8m remote sensing satellite "Hodoyoshi-1"