Event Report/International Symposium on Innovation of Energy Storage Device by Interdisciplinary Synergy

International Symposium on Innovation of Energy Storage Device by Interdisciplinary Synergy

Event Report

FIRST International Symposium
"Innovation of Energy Storage Device by Interdisciplinary Synergy"

The symposium was concluded with great success.

The FIRST International Symposium on Innovation of Energy Storage Device by Interdisciplinary Synergy was held at Takeda Hall, the University of Tokyo on 17-18 January 2013 as one of the dissemination activities under the FIRST Program on "Innovative Basic Research Toward Creation of High-performance Battery" (Core Researcher: Professor Noritaka Mizuno, Department of Applied Chemistry, School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo).

The leading scientists from abroad and the project members were invited as speakers / panelists including Mr. Masanori Ikeda, President of Nippon Shokubai Co., Ltd., and Prof. M. Stanley Whittingham, State University of New York at Binghamton. The symposium brought together a total of about 420 participants and ended on a high note.

Thank you very much for your participation and cooperation.

Speakers (in order of appearance)

<Opening Remarks>
Noritaka Mizuno
The University of Tokyo
<Plenary Lecture>
Masanori Ikeda
Nippon Shokubai Co., Ltd.
Kisuk Kang
Seoul National University
Claude Delmas
Université Bordeaux 1
Jean-Marie Tarascon
Université de Picardie Jules Verne
Hideki Oki
Toyota Motor Corporation
Itaru Honma
Tohoku University
Atsuo Yamada
The University of Tokyo
Jinghua Guo
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Ying S. Meng
University of California,
San Diego
Robert Kostecki
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Masaharu Oshima
The University of Tokyo
Yuichi Ikuhara
The University of Tokyo
<Keynote Lecture>
M. Stanley Whittingham
State University of New York at Binghamton
Linda Nazar
University of Waterloo
Peter G. Bruce
University of St Andrews
Mitsuhiro Hibino
The University of Tokyo
Haoshen Zhou
Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Amy L. Prieto
Colorado State University
Yet-Ming Chiang
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Takashi Kato
The University of Tokyo
Takuzo Aida
The University of Tokyo
Toshiya Saito
Toyota Motor Corporation

Panel Discussion

Panel Discussion



Thank you very much for your participation and cooperation.

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