International Symposium on Innovation of Energy Storage Device by Interdisciplinary Synergy

International Symposium on Innovation of Energy Storage Device by Interdisciplinary Synergy

The symposium was concluded with great success. Please click here for more information and photos.


Core Researcher Noritaka MIZUNO Our project involves multidisciplinary research groups focusing on innovative device (Post Lithium-ion Battery) development by employing various approaches. These approaches include the development of methodological new principles on energy storage technology, the design and synthesis of materials at the atomic and molecular level, and an advanced analysis under operating conditions. This symposium includes primarily invited lectures given by leading scientists from abroad and progress reports by members of this project. We will discuss the innovation of energy storage devices which will be created with interdisciplinary synergy, and will also examine their future implications. We will also debate comprehensively about the research techniques of this project. We are looking forward to meeting you.

Core Researcher Noritaka MIZUNO
Professor, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

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