The Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST), University of Tokyo
(Japanese Politics, Oral History, Public Administration)

Oral History

The main topic of the advanced research at Makihara Laboratory is the oral history project. The page of Oral History explains the methodology, past achievements, and current projects.

Political History Joint Projects

Since 2007, Makihara Laboratory has conducted joint research projects on the following themes: the postwar political history through the discovery of historical materials; the postwar political history of privatization and deregulation; the history of governance structural reform. Other joint research projects are being launched as needed.

Advanced Research Seminar on Political and Administrative System

Public administration is a research area that has developed as a field of political science that mainly focuses on bureaucracy. We hold study meetings as a cross-disciplinary research forum, cooperating with other disciplines such as political history, sociology, economics, and etc.

Book Review Seminar

We hold a book review meeting on the thought-provoking books related to politics and history.

Internatinal Research Projects

International ProjectsLinkIcon
