Introduction to materials related to the Great Kanto Earthquake held by the Libraries for Engineering and Information Science & Technology, the University of Tokyo.
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This year, 2023, will be the 100th anniversary of the Great Kanto Earthquake that occurred on September 1, 1923 (Taisho 12).
This web page introduces materials related to the Great Kanto Earthquake held by the Libraries for Engineering and Information Science & Technology, the University of Tokyo.
Some materials have images published in the Source materials for Engineering History: The University of Tokyo Digital Archive.
Click here for the special page about the University of Tokyo
(In Japanese)「「関東大震災100年」関連イベント等のご案内」
- Large drawings related to the damage situation of the Great Kanto Earthquake and reconstruction plans (Takayama bunko, Department of Urban Engineering)
- Photographs and Plans of reconstructed bridges after the Great Kanto Earthquake (Department of Civil Engineering)
- Photos of a University of Tokyo building after the Great Kanto Earthquake (graduation album, Department of Naval Architecture)
- Books related to the Great Kanto Earthquake held by the Libraries for Engineering and Information Science & Technology
- Change of library owner stamps due to burning
Department of Urban Engineering, The University of Tokyo has the Takayama bunko, which consists mainly of the collection of the late Professor Eika Takayama (1910-1999), an urban planner.
Many large maps and drawings are also included. Some of them express the damage situation and reconstruction plan of the Great Kanto Earthquake.
(Holding: Engineering Bldg. 14 Library)
- 大正十二年九月一日大震火災ニ於ケル東京市内及近郊火元及焼止
:Labeled with "内務省都市計画課 (Ministry of the Interior Urban Planning Division)". Created by processing a map printed on April 25, 1925 by the Ordnance Survey Department of the Empire of Japan. The cause of the fire and the status of extinguishing were written in color on the map.
- 大正十二年九月一日震災東京附近ニ於ケル鐡筋コンクリート造建築物被害分布図東京地圖
:Stamped with "復興局建築部 (Construction Department, Reconstruction Bureau)". On a blank map of Tokyo, the results of investigations by the Metropolitan Police Department Security Department Construction Division, such as burned areas, completely collapsed, and partially collapsed, were written in color.
- 大震災ニ基因スル燒失區域及残存建築物配置図(横濱)
:Stamped with "内務省都市計画局 (Ministry of the Interior Urban Planning Bureau)". This map was filled in with colors to show the extent of the burnt range, and the area and structure of the buildings that remained there.
:Stamped with "内務大臣官房都市計画課印 (Stamp of the Interior Minister's Secretariat Urban Planning Division)" and signed by Hiroyoshi Yamada (who drafted reconstruction plans for Tokyo and Yokohama at the Imperial City Restoration Department). This map is presumed to represent Tokyo's roadmap for reconstruction.
大正十二年九月一日大震火災ニ於ケル 東京市内及近郊火元及燒止圖 |
大正十二年九月一日震災東京附近ニ於ケル 鐡筋コンクリート造建築物被害分布圖:東京地圖 |
大震災ニ基因スル燒失區域及残存建築物配置図(横濱) |
- (In Japanese) Kousuke ITOH, Masaharu OOSAWA, Takashi ITOH, Execution System of Imperial Capital Reconstruction Project after Great Kanto Earthquake, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. D2 (Historical Studies in Civil Engineering), 2013, Vol. 69, No. 1, p. 16-30. (J-STAGE)
- (In Japanese) Kousuke ITOH, Masaharu OOSAWA, Takashi ITOH, Reconstruction Project after Kanto Earthquake and Hiroyoshi Yamada, Historical studies in civil engineering : proceedings of the annual conference, 2011, 31, p. 255-260.(Link directly to the PDF of Japan Society of Civil Engineers)
- (In Japanese) The Hidden Room, Takayama-Bunko - Urban Design Lab. Magazine, Vol. 267, June 30th 2018.(Link directly to the PDF of The Urban Design Lab, Department of Urban Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo)
Photos and drawings of bridges made for reconstruction.
It is presumed that Dr. Yutaka Tanaka, who was the Bridge Section Chief of the Civil Engineering Department of the Reconstruction Bureau of the Home Ministry and a professor of the Department of Civil Engineering at Tokyo Imperial University, left it behind.
(Holding: Engineering Bldg. 1 Library A)
- (In Japanese) Yu NAKAI, Design Concept of Six Bridges in Sumida-river of the Tokyo Reconstruction Work in Taisho era and Design Process of Eitai Bridge and Kiyosu Bridge, Journal of Historical Studies in Civil Engineering, 2004, Vol. 23, p. 13-21. (J-STAGE)
- (In Japanese) Yu NAKAI, Kindai Nihon no kyoryo dezain shiso : sannin no enjinia no shōgai to shigoto (The modernization of bridge design in Japan : the careers and the works of the three Japanese civil engineers), Tokyo Daigaku Shuppankai (The University of Tokyo Press), 2005, 641p. (UTokyo OPAC | National Diet Library, Japan | OCLC)
Photographs of the damaged school building attached to the 1924 graduation album. (Holding: Engineering Bldg. 3 Library)
Classroom with fallen ceiling |
Damaged school building (the ceiling has fallen, and you can see another building through the window) |
d-1. Modern published books
No. | Bibliographic information(Link to UTokyo OPAC) |
1 | 関東大震災 / 吉村昭著. -- 文芸春秋, 1977.8. -- (文春文庫). |
2 | 内田祥三氏所蔵関東大震災後の帝都復興計画関連資料 ; 1, 2, 3. -- [出版者不明], [1983序]. |
3 | 大正十二年關東大地震震害調査報告 / 土木學會編 ; 第1巻 - 別巻[2]. -- 復刻版. -- 雄松堂出版, 1984.9. |
4 | 関東大震災誌 : 写真と地図と記録で見る ; 東京編, 神奈川編. -- 千秋社, 1987.2-1988.5. |
5 | 写真と地図と記録で見る写真集・関東大震災誌. -- 千秋社, 1987.2. -- (関東大震災誌 : 写真と地図と記録で見る). |
6 | 東京の復興計画 : 都市再開発行政の構造 / 福岡峻治著. -- 日本評論社, 1991.7. |
7 | 東京・関東大震災前後 / 原田勝正, 塩崎文雄編. -- 日本経済評論社, 1997.9. |
8 | 関東大震災と安政江戸地震 / 東京都江戸東京博物館都市歴史研究室編. -- 東京都江戸東京博物館 : 東京都歴史文化財団, 2000.3. -- (東京都江戸東京博物館調査報告書 ; 第10集 . 常設展示に伴う調査報告 3 ). |
9 | 関東大震災 : 大東京圏の揺れを知る / 武村雅之著. -- 鹿島出版会, 2003.5. |
10 | 関東大震災 : 写真集 / 北原糸子編. -- 吉川弘文館, 2010.4. |
11 | 世紀の復興計画 : 後藤新平かく語りき / 後藤新平著. -- 毎日ワンズ, 2011.6. |
12 | 後藤新平 : 大震災と帝都復興 / 越澤明著. -- 筑摩書房, 2011.11. -- (ちくま新書 ; 933). |
13 | 復興建築の東京地図 : 関東大震災後、帝都はどう変貌したか. -- 平凡社, 2011.11. -- (別冊太陽 . 太陽の地図帖 : おとなの「旅」の道案内 ; 010). |
14 | 『帝都復興史』を読む / 松葉一清著. -- 新潮社, 2012.2. -- (新潮選書). |
15 | 連帯経済とコミュニティ再生 / 似田貝香門, 吉原直樹編. -- 東京大学出版会, 2015.8. -- (震災と市民 / 似田貝香門, 吉原直樹編 ; 1). |
16 | 震災復興 : 関東大震災 : 絵葉書で見る江東百景 / 江東区地域振興部文化観光課文化財係編. -- 江東区地域振興部文化観光課文化財係, 2019.3. |
17 | 関東大震災に係る震災遺構における緑地の役割と今後の活用のあり方に関する調査・研究 / 都市防災美化協会, 文化環境設計研究所企画・編集. -- 都市防災美化協会, 2019.7. |
18 | 震災復興はどう引き継がれたか : 関東大震災・昭和三陸津波・東日本大震災 / 北原糸子著. -- 藤原書店, 2023.1. |
d-2. Books published after the earthquake
No. | Bibliographic information(Link to UTokyo OPAC) | National Diet Library Digital Collection |
1 | 大正大震災大火災 : 噫!悲絶凄絶空前の大慘事!! / 大日本雄辯會講談社編纂. -- 大日本雄辯會講談社, 1923.10. | (Available for Digitized Contents Transmission Service) |
2 | 關東地方震災救援誌 / 大阪府編輯. -- 大阪府, 1924.12. | |
3 | 大正震災志附圖 / 内務省社會局[編]. -- 内務省社會局, 1926.2. | |
4 | 大正震災志 / 内務省社會局[編] ; 上, 下, 附圖. -- 内務省社會局, 1926.2. | |
5 | 大正十二年關東大地震震害調査報告 / 土木學會編 ; 第1巻, 第2巻, 第3巻. -- 土木学会, 1926.8-1927. | |
6 | 横濱港震害復舊工事報告 : 附震災救護概況 / 内務省横浜土木出張所[編]. -- 内務省横濱土木出張所, 1929.3. | |
7 | 帝都復興史 : 附横濱復興記念史 / 復興調査協會編 ; 第1巻, 第2巻, 第3巻. -- 復興調査協會, 1930.5-1930.6. | |
In the book "Zoushoin Shusei", 4 items are recorded as the stamps of the Tokyo Imperial University Library, and it is stated that these were destroyed by the Great Kanto Earthquake on September 1, 1923.
Since then, the stamps were remade.
Here are some of the imprints that were left by those stamps on materials held by the Libraries for Engineering and Information Science & Technology.
- Stamp before the earthquake:
- Stamp after the earthquake:
Image source material
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