New digital collection: 5 items in "Thesis" / 2 metadata in "Historical photos of the Faculty of Engineering"
Libraries for Engineering and Information Science & Technology provides the
"Source materials for Engineering History: The University of Tokyo Digital Archive".
It is published the results of the historical material curation business that collect and preserve academic assets of engineering.
6 new contents of "Thesis" were added on March 11, 2021.
- 野中季雄氏 (造船学科, 1874-1959)/Nonaka Sueo (Naval Architecture, 1874-1959)
- 渡邊渡氏 (採鉱及冶金学科, 1857-1919)/Watanabe Wataru (Mining and Metallurgy, 1857-1919)
- 野呂景義氏 (採鉱及冶金学科, 1858-1923) 2件/Noro Kageyoshi (Mining and Metallurgy, 1858-1923) 2 items
- 谷一郎氏 (航空工学科, 1907-1990)/Tani Ichiro (Aeronautics, 1907-1990)
- 安田忠雄氏 (航空工学科)/Yasuda Tadao (Aeronautics)
- [帝国大学工学部船舶工学科卒業記念アルバム 1924年]
- [東京帝国大学船舶工学科卒業記念アルバム 昭和初期]
Also, new 2 meta data have added in "Historical photos of the Faculty of Engineering".
The contents are as follows.
- [Graduation Album. Marine Engineering Department, the Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Imperial University 1924]
- [Graduation Album. Marine Engineering Department, the Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Imperial University, early Showa period]