工学・情報理工学図書館の図書郵送サービス開始 2021/1/20-
The book delivery service to your home 2021/1/20-
- サービス対象者:
- 工学・情報理工学図書館をホームライブラリとする学生・教職員(工学系・情報理工学系所属でない方も含む)
- 工学系・情報理工学系所属者で、他の図書館・室をホームライブラリにしている学生・教職員
- サービス対象資料:工学・情報理工学図書館所蔵資料のうちMyOPACで「取寄」ボタンが表示されるもの。
- 貸出冊数:各図書室ごとに直接貸出分と合計して5冊
- 貸出期間:通常の貸出と同様2週間(郵送期間を含む)。延長は次の予約がなければ4回まで可能。
- 費用負担:発送は図書館負担、返送は利用者負担(もしくは直接返却)
- 発送方法:レターパックプラス等の郵便でご指定の住所宛に送付。発送後のキャンセルはできません。
- 返送方法:レターパックプラス、ゆうパック、宅配便等の追跡可能な方法でお送りください。
- 実施期間:2025年3月末(
- 氏名
- 利用者ID(職員証/学生証/利用証の表、右下にある番号の下10桁)
- 連絡先電話番号、メールアドレス
- 郵送先住所
- 書名、巻号等、登録番号(10桁)、東京大学OPACの検索結果URL
Libraries of Engineering and Information Science & Technology has been started postal lending services since Jan. 20th (Wed.).(only within Japan)
- Available user:
- Members(Students, Staff)of Faculty of Engineering, School of Engineering, and Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
- UTokyo members who use the Libraries of Engineering and Information Science & Technology as the home library
- Available items: Books holding by the Libraries of Engineering and Information Science & Technology and with the "Reserve" icon on the MyOPAC
- Number of books:Up to 5 books in each library. These items are included in your regular loan.
(Example: 2 books lented out by visit and 3 books by mail in the the Eng. 2 Lib. + 5 books in the Eng. 5 Lib. by mail)
- Loan period:2 weeks (Includes the days for mailing). A loan renewal is permitted until 4 times.
The lending date will be the date of sending.
- Fee:The Libraries pay the delivery postage. When returning books by mail, the postage is paid by the borrowers.
- How to send: Sending to the specified address by mail such as Letter Pack Plus, etc.
It can't be canceled after books has been sent.
- How to return: Please send by a traceable method such as Letter Pack Plus ,
Yu-pack, courier, etc.(or please return it directly to the library)
Please pack the book to prevent it from being damaged and getting wet.
Please contact us by e-mail before sending. (Please note that reply may be delayed.)
- Period: Until the end of March 2025 (
August 2021). This service content might been changed depending on the situation.
- Please apply for the following information to your home library by e-mail.
- Your name
- UTokyo Account (in student/staff/faculty ID card, user code is the last 10 digits of the number printed on the card)
- Your phone number, e-mail address
- Your address
- Books titles, volume number, registration number (10 digits), University of Tokyo OPAC search result URL
*Please check the e-mail address in libraries list .
*Please check UTokyo Library OPAC.