【学内向け】工学・情報理工学図書館 国立国会図書館の図書館向け「デジタル化資料送信サービス」利用開始
Digitized document transmission service via the National Diet Library is now available at the Libraries for Engineering and Information Science & Technology.
The National Diet Library has digitized holding documents and has started to transmit them for university libraries and public libraries from this year. This service is now available in the Libraries for Engineering and Information Science & Technology. Please feel free to use the service at your convenience.
Approximately 1.49 million titles are currently available. These titles include books, classic stories, magazines, and doctoral thesis papers.
- 図書(57万点)
- 古典籍(2万点)
- 雑誌(79万点)
- 博士論文(12万点)
- 工2図書室のみで利用可能です。(利用時間:平日9:30-17:00)
This service is only available in the library of Engineering Building #2.(Weekdays: 9:30-17:00)
- 工学系研究科・工学部・情報理工学系研究科・理学部情報科学科に所属の方がご利用いただけます。
Students and Staff of Faculty/School of Engineering, Graduate School of Information Science & Technology, Faculty of Science Dept. of Information Science can use this service in the library of Engineering Building #2.
- 利用前に職員によるログインが必要です。
You must be logged in by staff to use the system.
- 図書館内の専用PCでのみ利用できます。
There are only two PCs in the library dedicated to this service.
- デジタルデータの保存はできません。
Saving the digital data is not possible.
- 複写(画像の印刷)を希望する場合には、職員に申し出てください。
If you would like to print a copy, please ask the staff.