GCOE and Horiba International Symposium

Knots, Contact Geometry and Floer Homology

May 24 - 28, 2010

Lecture Hall
Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences
The University of Tokyo

3-8-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8914, Japan


Topics :
Knot Floer homology, Contact homology, Legendrian and transverse knots,
Seiberg-Witten invariants, Symplectic Floer theory, Symplectic field theory,
Circle-valued Morse theory, Novikov homology and others.

Invited speakers :
Vincent Colin (University of Nantes)
Tobias Ekholm (Uppsala University)
John Etnyre (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Kenji Fukaya (Kyoto University)
Matt Hedden (Michigan State University)
Ko Honda (University of Southern California)
Michael Hutchings (University of California, Berkeley)
Eleny Ionel (Stanford University)
Masaharu Ishikawa (Tohoku University)
Andras Juhasz (University of Cambridge)
Paul Kirk (Indiana University)
Sergiy Maksymenko (Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine)
Lenhard Ng (Duke University)
Kaoru Ono (Hokkaido University)
Takuya Sakasai (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Nikolai Saveliev (The University of Miami)
Andras Stipsicz (Renyi Institute of Mathematics)
Dylan Thurston (Columbia University)
Vera Vertesi (MSRI, Berkeley)

Travel Information Poster


Video Files for Talks Presentation slides

Some Ideas for Excursion Shibuya Restaurants

There will be an informal follow up workshop at
Tambara Institute of Mathematical Sciences
for the period from May 28 to 31.

Tambara workshop

Presentation slides
group photo (Tambara Seminar House)

Organizing Committee :
H. Goda, T. Kalman, T. Kohno, A. Pajitnov

Information : kch2010 [at] faculty.ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Supported by
Global COE program, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, the University of Tokyo,
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 20340010
and the donation of Mr Horiba.

Last updated June 10, 2010