2022年10月 -- 2023年1月
[English]   [過去のプログラム]

17:00 -- 18:00 Zoom でのオンライン開催

Last updated March 28, 2023
河澄 響矢
北山 貴裕
逆井 卓也

10月4日 -- Zoom でのオンライン開催, 17:00 -- 18:00

原子 秀一 (東京大学大学院数理科学研究科)

Orientable rho-Q-manifolds and their modular classes

Abstract: A rho-commutative algebra, or an almost commutative algebra, is a graded algebra whose commutativity is given by a function called a commutation factor. It is one generalization of a commutative algebra or a superalgebra. We obtain a rho-Lie algebra, or an epsilon-Lie algebra, by a similar generalization of a Lie algebra. On the other hand, we have the modular class of an orientable Q-manifold. Here, a Q-manifold is a supermanifold with an odd vector field whose Lie bracket with itself vanishes, and its orientability is described in terms of the Berezinian bundle. In this talk, we introduce the concept of a rho-manifold, which is a graded manifold whose functional algebra is a rho-commutative algebra, then we show that we can define Q-structures, Berezinian bundle, volume forms, and modular classes of a rho-manifold with some examples.

10月11日 -- Zoom でのオンライン開催, 17:00 -- 18:00

浅尾 泰彦 (福岡大学)

Magnitude homology of graphs

Abstract: Magnitude is introduced by Leinster in 00’s as an ``Euler characteristic of metric spaces”. It is defined for the metric structure itself rather than the topology induced from the metric. Magnitude homology is a categorification of magnitude in a sense that ordinary homology categorifies the Euler characteristic. The speaker’s interest is in geometric meaning of this theory. In this talk, after an introduction to basic ideas, I will explain that magnitude truly extends the Euler characteristic. From this perspective, magnitude homology can be seen as one of the categorification of the Euler characteristic, and the path homology (Grigor’yan―Muranov―Lin―S-T. Yau et.al) appears as a part of another one. These structures are aggregated in a spectral sequence obtained from the classifying space of ``filtered set enriched categories” which includes ordinary small categories and metric spaces.

10月25日 -- Zoom でのオンライン開催, 17:00 -- 18:00

小川 竜 (東海大学)

Stabilized convex symplectic manifolds are Weinstein

Abstract: There are two important classes of convexity in symplectic geometry: Liouville and Weinstein structures. Basic objects such as cotangent bundles and Stein manifolds have these structures. In 90s, Eliashberg and Gromov formulated them as symplectic counterparts of Stein manifolds, since then, they have played a significant role in the study of symplectic topology. By definition, a Weinstein structure is a Liouville structure, but the converse is not true in general; McDuff gave the first example which is a Liouville manifold without any Weinstein structures. The purpose of this talk is to present the recent advances on the difference of both structures, up to homotopy. In particular, I will show that the stabilization of the McDuff’s example admits a flexible Weinstein structure. The main part is based on a joint work with Yakov Eliashberg (Stanford University) and Toru Yoshiyasu (Kyoto University of Education). If time permits, I would like to discuss some open questions and progress.

11月1日 -- Zoom でのオンライン開催, 17:00 -- 18:00

キム ミンギュ (東京大学大学院数理科学研究科)

An obstruction problem associated with finite path-integral

Abstract: Finite path-integral introduced by Dijkgraaf and Witten in 1990 is a mathematical methodology to construct an Atiyah-Segal type TQFT from finite gauge theory. In three dimensions, it is generalized to Hopf algebra gauge theory of Meusburger, and the corresponding TQFT is known as Turaev-Viro model. On the one hand, the bicommutative Hopf algebra gauge theory is covered by homological algebra. In this talk, we will explain an obstruction problem associated with a refined finite path-integral construction of TQFT's from homological algebra. This talk is based on our study of a folklore claim in condensed matter physics that gapped lattice quantum system, e.g. toric code, is approximated by topological field theories in low temperature.

11月8日 -- Zoom でのオンライン開催, 17:00 -- 18:00

吉永 正彦 (大阪大学)

Milnor fibers of hyperplane arrangements

Abstract: A (central) hyperplane arrangement is a union of finitely many hyperplanes in a linear space. There are many relationships between the intersection lattice of the arrangement and geometry of related spaces. In this talk, we focus on the Milnor fiber of a hyperplane arrangement. The first Betti number of the Milnor fiber is expected to be determined by the combinatorial structure of the intersection lattice, however, it is still open. We discuss two results on the problem. The first (discouraging) one is concerning the dimension of (-1)-eigenspace of the monodromy action on the first cohomology group. We show that it is related to 2-torsions in the first homology of double covering of the (projectivized) complement (j.w. Ishibashi and Sugawara). The second (encouraging) one is related to the Aomoto complex, which is defined in purely combinatorial way. We show that a q-analogue of Aomoto complex determines all nontrivial monodromy eigenspaces of the Milnor fiber.

11月15日 -- Zoom でのオンライン開催, 17:00 -- 18:00

Arthur Soulié (IBS Center for Geometry and Physics, POSTECH)

Stable cohomology of mapping class groups with some particular twisted contravariant coefficients

Abstract: The twisted cohomology of mapping class groups of compact orientable surfaces (with one boundary) is very difficult to compute generally speaking. In this talk, I will describe the computation of the stable cohomology algebra of these mapping class groups with twisted coefficients given by the first homology of the unit tangent bundle of the surface. This type of computation is out of the scope of the traditional framework for homological stability. Indeed, these twisted coefficients define a contravariant functor over the classical category associated to mapping class groups to study homological stability, rather than a covariant one. I will also present the computation of the stable cohomology algebras with with twisted coefficients given by the exterior powers and tensor powers of the first homology of the unit tangent bundle of the surface. All this represents a joint work with Nariya Kawazumi.

11月22日 -- Zoom でのオンライン開催, 17:00 -- 18:00

北野 晃朗 (創価大学)

Epimorphism between knot groups and isomorphisms on character varieties

Abstract: A partial order on the set of prime knots is given by the existence of an epimorphism between the fundamental groups of the knot complements. In this talk we will survey some basic properties of this order, and discuss some results and questions in connection with the SL(2,C)-character variety. In particular we study to what extend the SL(2,C)-character variety to determine the knot. This talk will be based on joint works with Michel Boileau(Univ. Aix-Marseille), Steven Sivek(Imperial College London), and Raphael Zentner(Univ. Regensburg).

11月29日 -- Zoom でのオンライン開催, 17:00 -- 18:00

黒木 慎太郎 (岡山理科大学)

GKM graph with legs and graph equivariant cohomology

Abstract: A GKM (Goresky-Kottiwicz-MacPherson) graph is a regular graph labeled on edges with some conditions. This notion has been introduced by Guillemin-Zara in 2001 to study the geometry of a nice class of manifolds with torus actions, called a GKM manifold, by a combinatorial way. In particular, we can define a ring on a GKM graph called a graph equivariant cohomology, and it is often isomorphic to the equivariant cohomology of a GKM manifold. In this talk, we introduce the GKM graph with legs (i.e., non-compact edges) related to non-compact manifolds with torus actions that may not satisfy the usual GKM conditions, and study the graph equivariant cohomology which is related to the GKM graph with legs. The talk is mainly based on the joint work with Grigory Solomadin (arXiv:2207.11380) and partially on the joint work with Vikraman Uma (arXiv:2106.11598).

12月6日 -- Zoom でのオンライン開催, 17:00 -- 18:00

Quentin Faes (東京大学大学院数理科学研究科)

Torsion in the abelianization of the Johnson kernel

Abstract: The Johnson kernel is the subgroup of the mapping class group of a closed oriented surface that is generated by Dehn twists along separating simple closed curves, and is also the second term of the so-called Johnson filtration of the mapping class group. The rational abelianization of this group is known, but it was recently proved by Nozaki, Sato and Suzuki, that the abelianization has torsion. They used the LMO homomorphism. In this talk, I will explain a purely two-dimensional proof of this result, which provides a lower bound for the cardinality of the torsion part of the abelianization. These results are also valid for the case of an open surface. This is joint work with Gwénaël Massuyeau.

12月13日 -- Zoom でのオンライン開催, 17:30 -- 18:30

服部 広大 (慶應義塾大学)

Spectral convergence in geometric quantization on K3 surfaces

Abstract: In this talk I will explain the geometric quantization on K3 surfaces from the viewpoint of the spectral convergence. We take a special Lagrangian fibrations on the K3 surfaces and a family of hyper-Kähler structures tending to large complex structure limit and show a spectral convergence of the d-bar-Laplacians on the prequantum line bundle to the spectral structure related to the set of Bohr-Sommerfeld fibers.

1月10日 -- Zoom でのオンライン開催, 17:00 -- 18:00

浅香 猛 (東京大学大学院数理科学研究科)

Some calculations of an earthquake map in the cross ratio coordinates and the earthquake theorem of cluster algebras of finite type

Abstract: Thurston defined an earthquake, which cuts the Poincaré half-plane model and shifts it. Though it is a discontinuous bijective map, it can be extended to a homeomorphism of a circumference. Also, if an earthquake is equivalent relative to a Fuchsian group, the homeomorphism is equivalent, too. Moreover, Thurston proved the earthquake theorem saying that there uniquely exists an earthquake for any orient-preserving homeomorphism of a circumference, and Bonsante-Krasnov-Schlenker extended it to the case of marked surfaces. We calculate some earthquake maps by the cross ratio coordinates. The cross ratio coordinates are deeply related by the cluster algebra (Fock-Goncharov). We prove the earthquake theorem of cluster algebras of finite type. It is a joint work with Tsukasa Ishibashi and Shunsuke Kano.
1月17日 -- Zoom でのオンライン開催, 17:00 -- 18:00

Chenghan Zha (東京大学大学院数理科学研究科)

Integral structures in the local algebra of a singularity

Abstract: We compute the image of the Milnor lattice of an ADE singularity under a period map. We also prove that the Milnor lattice can be identified with an appropriate relative K-group defined through the Berglund-Huebsch dual of the corresponding singularity. Furthermore, we figure out the image of the Milnor lattice of the singularity of an invertible polynomial of chain type using the basis of middle homology constructed by Otani-Takahashi. We calculated the Seifert form of the basis as well.